Wonderfully Made; Incredibly Special!

Here’s a post I previously shared. It seemed a blessing to some then; God grant it’s a blessing to some now!
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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you alter?
I’m sorry, but removing your sinful nature isn’t an option. (Much as we would dearly love to shed that ugly part of ourselves!) Rest assured, the Lord will definitely handle that – and completely! – when he calls us home to him.
Our sinfulness is a trait we all share, and one that we bear in common throughout our existence in this world, so it doesn’t qualify for this whimsy. There are plenty of other qualities we possess that are somewhat unique to ourselves. Which of those personal characteristics would you switch out if you were able?
I’m fairly confident that each one of us could think of at least one thing we would change about ourselves, if provided the opportunity. And probably many of us could enumerate multiple items.
What would our chosen change be?
A little taller? A little shorter? A little slimmer? A little curvier or more muscular?
Younger with more energy? Older with more wisdom?
More handsome or beautiful? More educated? More athletic, artistic, or adventurous? More musical? More practical?
Handier? Hipper? Healthier?
Wiser? Wittier? Less of a worrier? More confident?
More hair? Less hair? Different hair? A different color of hair?
A modification of our nose, ears, lips, or eye shade?
An improvement in one or several of our senses?
More tech or social media savvy? More tool knowledge? More craftiness? (As in, gifted at crafts, not deceitful!) A general boost in some desirable skillset?
Less impatient, less prone to anger, or less judgmental? Greater tact? Greater empathy or love for others … even those drastically different than us?
Then there are some incredibly personal, private and perhaps even painful possibilities that come to mind.
The options are countless! So what would you change in your fundamental self if given the chance?
The fact that we are able to list off some options betrays us. It demonstrates that our self-esteem is damaged, at least to some degree. (Yet another unfortunate aspect of our sinful nature.) We all struggle with contentment at who and what we are; we all recognize we could be different, better, grander.
To which I say what God says: “We are God’s handiwork!” (Ephesians 2:10a). Not only spiritually, but physically! In the book of Job, Elihu states it this way: “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life” (Job 33:4).
In his typical eloquent way, David gushes his praise to God his (and our) Creator: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13-14).
What would you change? What should you change? Nothing! You are just the way God wants you to be. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by the Lord himself!
Of course, I’m not referring to our sinfulness. God didn’t make sin! Nor did he place sin in us; we inherit that from our sinful parents. Consequently, we absolutely long (and strive!) to abandon those sin-habits that plague us. Our entire life is an ongoing battle against our undesirable tendencies that flow from our flesh.
Nor am I suggesting that we not try to learn new skills, temper negative tendencies, or foster general attitude improvements. We always desire to become better people.
Rather, I’m referring to our fundamental selves. There are a host of issues that we cannot alter, much as we may wish we could.
And that’s okay. In fact, that’s pretty neat. Exciting. Awesome even! Something to celebrate instead of mourn. We are “wonderfully made” by a loving, all-knowing God who recognizes exactly what we need to be and why we need to be that way. He has plans for our inadequacies; blessings and insights to bring us and others through them.
That actually makes us incredibly special … just the way we are!
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