Will God’s People Fight for Him? (A Story with Alternate Endings)

Prelude to Story One and Story Two
The glowing cross dominated the pinnacle of the hill, illuminating the slopes sweeping downwards. The military tents and soldiers spread across the hillside’s flanks were clearly visible in the light of the cross. A captain and his lieutenant perched on a ledge above the camp.
Camped in the heights, the unit of soldiers held the high ground, and had the cross above them, but the commander was concerned nonetheless. The heavy, roiling darkness was distinctly evident in the distance, casting a dismal shadow over the territory below, and on the people moving about in that lower land. There was power – a great and evil power – spawning that swirling mass; a lurking and ever-present threat. It was drawing closer.
The lieutenant noticed where the captain’s attention was directed. “Our Lord is greater than the enemy,” he stated quietly.
“Oh, I know,” replied the captain. “Much greater. And the Lord definitely fights for his people. But he typically chooses to fight through his people.”
The captain turned to his second. “And that is the crucial point. How many of our warriors are ready to battle?” He paused, then added, “And how many are ready to battle together?”
“I presume all of them,” was the startled reply.
“That’s a dangerous and probably faulty assumption. Despite our attempts to train them, some might think they can battle better alone. Others might not be prepared for the realities of conflict. Still others may not think it is even necessary to fight – that there is no danger.”
“What should we do?”
“Try to warn them. Try to prepare them. Try to train them. Try to mobilize them.”
“That’s what we’ve been doing!”
“Yes, and that’s what we must keep doing. Either they will respond and engage, or they will not, and this hill will be overrun.”
The lieutenant’s eyes grew wide. He swallowed and shifted uncomfortably. “Would the Lord actually let that happen?”
“If these soldiers will not unite and fight for him, he will turn his attention … and his blessing … to others who will.” A chill ran through the young lieutenant. The commander put his arm around the other’s shoulder. “It is a hard truth, but a truth nonetheless. Why don’t we assess the troops?”
The Battle – Story One, Part Two
The commander and his assistant quietly dropped down the slope and into camp. The soldiers, men and women, young and old, were gathered around fires, facing the flickering flames and one another. They discussed innocuous matters intently; a number of them were even bickering. Only a few actually wore their armor; most had carelessly strewn their protective gear around the camp. Fewer still had their swords strapped to their hips.
The captain shook his head and hissed in frustration. Taking a deep breath, he barked out, “Attention, everyone!” The soldiers casually stood up and turned their attention to him. A few in more removed positions actually rolled their eyes.
The commander slowly shifted his gaze across the troops. “My first question is, why is no one guarding the perimeter, as commanded? My second question is, why are most of you without your armor and your weapons?”
Most dropped their eyes, but one arrogant man stared straight into the captain’s face and replied, “The answer to both is the same: because we are on the hill and in the light of the cross. We are completely safe from attack here. No special measures are needed.”
The captain stared at him, then said, “Do you not see the cloud of evil approaching for attack? Have you not noticed that the dark shadows and the people living in them are encroaching on our slopes? Our portion on this hill has shrunken; our purchase here has become more tenuous.”
“Are you saying the Lord is losing his power?”
“Absolutely not! I am saying the soldiers’ dedication to the Lord is waning!”
The insolent soldier smirked. “Some leader you are! This hill and this cross will always be here and will always be ours!”
The commander shook his head sadly. “Turn your eyes outward, soldiers. Look over the shadows! Do you see the other hills out there? Some are still lit by the cross; a few bear brilliant shining ones. But most of the hills that used to be lit are now dark.” The soldiers shifted their views outward; a few actually seemed shaken by what they saw. The captain continued, “The cross of Jesus will always shine somewhere, but there is no guarantee it will always shine here!”
A few took their leader’s words to heart and began strapping on their gear, but most clearly dismissed his admonition. The captain rested his hands on his hips. “So tell me, what are your concerns – besides dismissing the danger?”
A quiet murmuring arose, as soldiers furtively glanced at one another. Finally a young woman spoke. “There is no one my age or like me to fight beside, so I’m not really feeling it.”
Another stated, “A fellow soldier upset me, so I don’t really want to fight alongside him.”
The individuals got bolder, and more comments were given voice. “I’m clearly too old,” said one.
“I’m too young for serious warfare,” said another.
“I’m disabled; there is nothing I can do,” offered someone.
“I’d be glad to battle for the cross, but I’m just too busy,” said a shrugging soldier.
“I’m looking for fun, not conflict,” said another.
“I don’t think this hill and the lighted cross on it are really that relevant anymore,” stated yet another.
A voice from the back added, “You’re the captain; you will do what needs to be done to keep the cross lit here. You don’t really need us.”
Tears of sorrow rolled down the captain’s cheeks. So many potential soldiers; so few determined to fight for the Lord. He watched as small groups from the ranks broke away and trudged down the hill, their armor disregarded. As they approached the shadows, arrows erupted from darkness and viciously cut them down. Suddenly a hideous roar arose from the gloom, and a huge mass swelled up the hill in attack. The darkness advanced and the boundary of the light on that hill diminished significantly.
The Battle – Story Two, Part Two
The commander and his assistant quietly dropped down the slope and into camp. The soldiers, men and women, young and old, were all fully armored, with their swords by their sides or in their grasp, being sharpened. Sentries were stationed at key spots around the camp, watching alertly for danger. Everyone’s attention was focused outward, at the potential danger in the shadows, but also keenly watching for opportunities to recruit to their numbers. Their conversations focused on the most effective battle techniques.
The captain shook his head and smiled in satisfaction. Taking a deep breath, he called out, “Attention, everyone!” The soldiers briskly stood and turned toward him.
The commander slowly rolled his gaze over the troops. “My first compliment is that you are guarding the perimeter, as commanded. My second compliment is that you are fully armored up and properly armed. Well done! You are prepared for battle, as you should be.”
Most smiled silently, but one confident man looked with large eyes into the captain’s face and replied, “Just because we are on the hill and in the light of the cross does not mean that we are completely safe from attack here. Special precautions are always needed.”
The captain looked back at him, and nodded, “You see the cloud of evil approaching for attack. You have noticed that the dark shadows and the people living in them are trying to encroach on the slopes. Our portion on this hill can certainly shrink; our purchase here can always become more tenuous.”
“The Lord will never lose his power!”
“Definitely not! But he is pleased to use warriors who are willing to fight for him!”
The sincere soldier smiled. “You are a fine leader! With God’s help, your leadership, and our willingness to fight with you, this hill and this cross will always be here and will always be ours!”
“Thank you for your kind words. But thank you especially for your readiness and eagerness to fight with me for our Lord. With his blessing, the cross will always shine brightly from this hill!”
The gathered soldiers were nodding solemnly. The captain rested his hands on his hips. “So tell me, what are your concerns in the face of the constant danger?”
A quiet murmuring arose, as soldiers furtively glanced at one another. Finally, a young woman spoke. “There is no one my age or like me to fight beside, but I am committed to recruiting some others.”
Another stated, “A fellow soldier upset me, but I am determined to let it go for the greater good. I will fight for him and with him.”
The individuals got bolder, and more comments were given voice. “I’m clearly too old to do much,” said one, “but I will stand watch and blow the warning trumpet when needed, and I will fill a gap in the ranks as best I can!”
“I’m too young for serious warfare,” said another, “but I will bring food and encouragement to the fighters.”
“I’m disabled, but I will find something I can do,” offered someone. “And I can still pray for the other warriors!”
“I’d be glad to battle for the cross, but I’m so very busy,” said a third. “But I will reset my priorities and adjust my schedule so I can fight with the rest. And I will give generously of my profits to support this crucial war.”
“I’m looking for fun, not conflict,” said another. “So I am looking forward to celebrating with everyone when the victory is won!” she announced with a grin.
“I have wondered if this hill and the lighted cross on it are really that relevant anymore,” stated yet another. “But as I see the approaching shadows, I recognize that it is. I will fight!”
A voice from the back added, “You’re the captain; you will do what needs to be done to keep the cross lit here. And we will follow you and battle by your side to make sure it does!”
Tears of joy rolled down the captain’s cheeks. So many potential soldiers, and everyone determined to fight for the Lord in whatever way they could. He looked on as the guards continued their diligent watch, and as the warriors in camp readied themselves for conflict. Lower on the hill, a band of warriors drove suddenly into the darkness, swinging their swords. Suddenly a joyous roar arose from the hillside, and more warriors swarmed down the slope and joined the attack. The boundary of the light on that hill broadened significantly.
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Obviously, this is an oversimplification of complex dynamics and spiritual warfare. Yet it’s not altogether inaccurate to the realities. Where God’s people are prepared to fight for the Lord’s Kingdom, there God bestows profound blessings on their battles for Him. Where excuses reign, there the darkness advances.
Simple as these stories may be, I pray that they provide the opportunity for serious contemplation. I have always maintained that simple stories can sometimes carry powerful messages. God grant that these stories are exactly that!
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1 Peter 5:8-11
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 6:10-18
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
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2 thoughts on “Will God’s People Fight for Him? (A Story with Alternate Endings)”
Thought provoking and a cause for retrospection
Really cleverly done, Pastor Dave! Thanks for sharing this!
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