Who Gives It?

There’s nothing quite like being nearly completely incapacitated for two weeks to provide the opportunity for some introspection, which in turn delivers some special insights to a person.
For someone who has been able to remain almost completely independent for well over fifty years, to suddenly become almost completely dependent is jarring. I couldn’t go where I wanted to go or do what I wanted to do. I couldn’t cook a meal or even hit the fridge for leftovers. (Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing! But still …) Initially I couldn’t climb into or out of bed without assistance. Couldn’t even put my own socks on. (I couldn’t reach my feet!) Walking without support (like a walker) was out of the question. Stairs were an uncrossable barrier. I was essentially a prisoner in my own bedroom.
When one finds themselves in such a position, it quickly becomes evident just how very dependent upon the goodness, kindness and care of other people one is. And I am so grateful for all who assisted me during that time!
But then there’s the bigger picture. When independence is gone, it becomes crystal clear upon whom we are ultimately dependent, (the Lord!), and how completely dependent upon him we are.
It’s my point of view that most of us will verbally acknowledge that everything we are, have and accomplish are because of God’s blessing. But we don’t really … I mean, really … appreciate that truth until we experience some deprival. When we are incapacitated, when extreme hardship infects our lives, when crucial situations hang in the balance, when the realization sinks in that we actually have no control over anything, then our utter dependence upon God is highlighted in dramatic fashion.
And it shouldn’t be this way. We should fully recognize the principle that we are completely reliant upon the Lord. The Bible emphasizes this fact throughout its pages, from God’s creation in Genesis through Christ’s redemption in the Gospels to our heavenly home in Revelation.
We need God. We don’t just kinda need him. We don’t just need him a little bit, sometimes. We need him for everything all the time. It is only because of our gracious God that we even exist and have anything good at all, much less the abundant blessings we enjoy every single day.
Who gives every good blessing, both the obvious and the oft overlooked? The Lord asks this very question in dramatic fashion throughout Scripture. And he provides the clear-cut answer.
Who gives us life itself, along with our wonderful bodies, our many talents, and our souls (Ps. 139:13-15)? Who gives us our senses (Ex. 4:11), wisdom (Jms. 1:5), power, strength, wealth (Dt. 8:17-18), endurance and encouragement (Rom. 15:5)? What about the rains, plants, seasons and harvests (Zech. 10:1, Jer. 5:24)? Who gives us food to eat? (Ps. 136:25)? Who gives us provision, protection (Ps. 23), prosperity, safety, future and hope (Jer. 29:11)?
Who gives us the Holy Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16)? Who gives us his own Son and salvation through Him (John 3:16, Rom. 8:32)? Who gives us the Holy Spirit (1 Th. 4:8), spiritual life (Rom. 4:17), faith (Eph. 2:8-9), and forgiveness (Eph. 1:7)? Who gives “the peace of God which transcends all understanding” (Php. 4:7)?
Who gives it? Who gives us all these things in bountiful mercy, grace and love? Who is it that blesses us even in great difficulties? Who infuses every single aspect of our lives with loving gifts? Who pours extreme abundance into our already abundant lives, even though we scarcely give those treasures, or the God who provides them, a second thought?
The One who gives it all is our God! “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights …” (James 1:17).
Who gives it all? The answer is obvious, though obviously often overlooked. But may we bear it in mind, take it to heart and hold it fast; our God gives us everything we have. And everything we have is quite a lot! “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (Philippians 4:19-20).
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