When Red Makes White

As I type this, the snow is gently falling outside. The light carpet of white over the green grass in the late hours of the day means that technically we experienced a rare white Christmas in Tacoma this year.
While “gently falling” sounds innocuous enough, the expectation is that it will continue to “gently fall” through the night and into the morning. Which means that everything will be thoroughly white in the morning … including the streets!
Certainly beautiful! But around the rolling topography of western Washington, also treacherous. Especially since the temperatures are forecast to remain below freezing.
Which means that our worship service in the morning will almost certainly be cancelled. So I share this special post in place of the message I planned to share personally in church.
Contemplating the lovely white that is gradually accumulating overnight, I recalled the striking words of Isaiah 1:18: “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”
If one pauses to consider the Lord’s words, they seem to offer a strange contrast. Red sins becoming white? Why those choice of colors?
The comments in the preceding verses offer some clarification. Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord is sharing some harsh but crucial criticisms to his people. He informs his supposed followers that their many sacrifices to him hold “no pleasure” for him (1:11). Their offerings to him are “meaningless,” their incense “detestable to me,” their assemblies “worthless” (1:13), and their religious festivals “I hate with all my being” (1:14).
If that wasn’t severe enough, the Lord goes on to state, “When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood!” (1:15).
Now the contrast between red and white becomes clearer. God’s own were following God’s instructions on how to worship him, but “their hearts were far from him” (Isaiah 29:13). Consequently, their hands were red with the blood of pointless sacrifices, and their hearts and lives full of iniquity … including the blood of fellow humans who suffered through their loveless actions.
To which the Lord in love offers an incredible offer: “Turn to me and I’ll settle this matter – I’ll make your scarlet sins as white as snow!”
Of course, many (most even) disregarded the Lord’s merciful proposal and continued to simply go through meaningless motions in their worship and their lives. But some took God’s words to heart and rejoiced in his loving and graceful promise.
Yet the faithful couldn’t begin to understand how the Lord would bring it about. They didn’t realize that all those countless lamb sacrifices God commanded pointed ahead to God’s own ultimate Sacrifice of his Son – Jesus, the Lamb of God. Jesus would offer his holy life as the all-atoning Substitute for the sins of sinners on the altar of the cross.
Jesus bloody birth in a barn was his first step to the bloody cross. His life on earth began in blood and ended in holy blood … so that he could remove the unholy blood from all of our hands and our lives.
Thanks be to God for the red blood of the Savior which turns our hands and hearts and lives clean and white!
Yes, the snow is lovely. But not nearly as lovely as pure souls.
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