What to Write? Powerful Words!

How did I get here? I don’t mean how did I arrive in this world or how did I end up in Tacoma, Washington. (I know the answers to those questions! The Lord brought me here.)
Rather, how did I get HERE … writing a blog on a website I hackled together? I can only presume the answer is the same; the Lord, through unexpected and unprecedented circumstances, brought me here. It’s certainly nothing I was ever inclined to explore. Yet here I am.
OK, Lord. Now what? (I’m serious, Lord! Now what?!) Like … how do I go about this? And what should I write about in my inaugural post?
Well, I considered writing about how I hope that I don’t make a fool of myself with this hair-brained (but God-guided?) venture. While this is an actual concern, it’s a personal one; it’s a dear topic to me but not a particularly interesting one to anyone else.
I could write about the theme of this blog – heading to heaven, and how I hope this site is a rich resource of encouragement to many and to me until “we get where we are going.” Though I know we’ll address that, both directly and indirectly, in this post and others, that topic didn’t feel right either.
Well, what if I write about words? I’m sure many bloggers have begun their posting careers by focusing on words. Write words about words. That’s logical and practical. Beneficial even. Promote your words by promoting the power of words in general.
We can all attest to the power of words. They are seeds that, once planted, almost always sprout into something … sometimes weeds and sometimes flowers. Hatred. Love. Anger. Peace. Sorrow. Joy. Comfort or upset. Contentment or discontent. Discouragement or encouragement. All can be fostered by words.
Many is the occasion that words have pulled tears from our eyes … sometimes tears of acute pain; other times of sublime joy. Some words have crashed violently through our ears, stormed around our minds, and dove past the lump in our throats to settle into a roiling ball of anxiety in our guts. Others have glided into our hearing, fluttered pleasantly about in our consciousness and brought a lasting smile to our lips.
We’ve all felt the power of words firsthand as we process things we hear or read. We’ve also seen their power as others process the words we have spoken and the seeds we have sown.
The Bible book of James (chapter 3) offers some fascinating illustrations of our tongues and the words they speak and the power they wield. It was the case in James’ day; it’s the case still today. Organizations are being formed and entire ad campaigns are being waged to try to increase awareness on the power of words.
So what’s my point? Read this blog because it’s got lots of great words? Powerful and potentially life-changing words? No, that is NOT my point. (Though I do hope you come back and read and comment often!)
My point is that God imbued words … regular, people-spoken and people-written words … with power. Impressive power even. But our words are nothing compared to God’s Words! Friend, if you want truly power-packed words, look to God’s Word!
The words of God radiate power. Radiate not in the sense that one can see their power, but radiate in that they blossom and expand and surround and envelope and enliven. The power in the Scriptures is unseen but unbridled. Often unsought but always experienced. Seemingly innocuous but ever-effective.
In the book of Hebrews, God himself describes his words in this way:
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Living words! Active words! Words that pierce hearts and revive souls; words that revise perceptions and adjust attitudes. Ultra, super-duper, incomparably powerful, life-changing, destiny-altering words. That’s how God fashioned his Word – to be power-filled. In reality, God’s Word is living, active and powerful because God himself lives in it and moves through it!
As a pastor, I’ve been privileged to regularly see that power on display. God’s Word impacts! I’ve seen sinners grappling with the realization of how far they have drifted from God, hearing God’s plea to return and repenting. Hardened men weeping as they realized that Jesus covered even their sins and they are truly forgiven. Long-time unbelievers transitioning to believers. Believers transitioning to greater service to the Lord. Mourners finding peace in their grief. Bed-bound Christians filled with joy amidst their pain as they recognize they are almost home. Finally, every single conversion … each of us! … is a miracle of the living, active and powerful Word of God.
In short, the very best encouragement I can give you (and me!) for these days “before we get where we’re going” is to tap our weary and weak selves into true, top-tier power. Read God’s Word. Hear God’s Word. Sing God’s Word. Reflect on God’s Word. Do it daily! Be immersed in God’s Word, and revel in the power that is present – both in the Scriptures and in the power the Holy Spirit bring us through the Scriptures.
So not only do we want to “mind” the words we say. We especially want to pay avid attention to the words that God says. That, dear reader, is where the real power lies!
I’m eager to hear how the power of God’s Word has impacted you or your family at various times. Or do you have a Bible passage that is especially meaningful (empowering) to you? Please share!

6 thoughts on “What to Write? Powerful Words!”
Thank you, Pastor Birsching, for this thoughtful gift of His word.
Thank you, Juli. I really liked the thought you included in the email you sent me. You wrote, “Being in the word makes being in the world a bit easier.” I thought that was well said!
And all those words of Scripture can be rolled up – as if a magician was balling up pieces of paper – and then made to be pulled out of the sleeve of Scripture to spell just one word – L-O-V-E.
Well written, Todd!
You go my friend! Great to hear from you and about time you did something like this.
Thanks so much, Steve. I really appreciate you checking in! Maybe I’ll have you write a guest post one of these weeks?
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