Walking in Son-shine

I love to walk. I will walk at any time of day and in any conditions, if responsibilities allow. (Though I admit to being less fond of strolling through a downpour.)
The other day I had a narrow window between obligations, and the sun was shining. Blue skies and sunshine in Western Washington at this time of year are exceedingly rare. There was no hesitation; I went to a nearby park to amble around Wapato Lake a few times.
Cedars reflected off the still lake surface. White waves of altostratus undulatus clouds flowed in striking fashion across the blue background of the sky. Mallards and coots paddled lazily across the lake surface. An eagle plunged into the water to pluck an unfortunate fish from its leisurely swim, then soared back to the raucous uproar of its eaglets in a nest atop the tallest tree alongside the lake.
People were smiling and amiable. Walk-buddies carried on deep discussions. Children deliberately careened their scooters through standing puddles. Best of all, none of the many leashed dogs tried to bite me or even bark at rival canines. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and uplifting experience.
It struck me midway through my hike that one of the main reasons the hike was so delightful, for me and for others, was directly associated with the sunshine beaming down on us. Walking in the light of sunbeams generally makes for a pleasant disposition!
Now this is no astounding insight. Most understand the benefits of sunshine. Studies show that just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure a day can boost one’s health. Sunshine provides both a mood boost through the release of serotonin, as well as an increase in production of the crucial vitamin D. In addition, absorbing just a bit of sunshine can actually assist in sleep, as it helps regulate our circadian rhythm (our internal clock).
This is understood innately by folks who reside in our neck of the woods where overcast dominates from October to May. Many folks west of the Cascade Mountains wrestle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression. For much of 8 months, there is no sunshine in which to bask. Consequently, when the glowing rays of the sun break through the clouds in western Washington, doors bang open and people flood outside to immerse themselves in sparkling, glorious sunshine! (Trust me, that is not hyperbole!)
I already recognized all these things before setting out on my stroll. But I did have this sudden epiphany. On my saunter in the sunlight, it occurred to me that there are emotional and spiritual parallels to the light of the sun.
If I asked you to visualize the sky based on current events, what does that view look like? Or if you prefer, visualize it based on the words you are hearing or reading. I would argue both are closely related. How does your personal airspace appear?
My guess is that most would describe their skies as gray, overcast, rainy and gloomy. There seems to be precious little sunshine in our world these days!
To which I reply, “It’s time for you and me to walk in the Light!”
Now I’m not suggesting that we’ve been walking in the darkness. But most of us have definitely been hanging out in the dreary dusk. Let the Son-shine in!
The Apostle John begins his gospel with this beaming description of our Savior: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. … The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world” (John 1:1-5, 9).
Just reading through those words is like throwing open the shades to find and feel the sunshine on our faces. Or rather, Son-shine! We need more Son-shine in our lives!
How might we break free from the gloom? Here’s my suggestion: carefully screen what you are seeing on your screens. There is an abundance of negativity fogging viewpoints. The news is full of downers. Social media is rife with conflict. Attitudes abound in society. Even families are in conflict. If that’s what we are looking at and what we are listening to, the low-hanging clouds will continue to hang low around us.
Of course, it’s important that we are at least minimally informed on current events. But being minimally informed demands minimal time!
Much better if we are perambulating in the light of God’s Word and the Son-shine of our Savior. Much more beneficial if we are immersing ourselves in the words that our Lord shares, and the wonders our Savior has done … and is still doing.
The Holy Spirit addresses this very thing when he inspired the psalmist to write, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105). Because just like the benefits that exposure to the rays of the sun bring, so time with the Son boosts our mood, increases our vitamin D-elight, and enables us to sleep more soundly.
So walk in the Son, and soak up the spiritual benefits!
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