Undefeated Forever

No one stays undefeated forever. A team might manage it for a season (Miami Dolphins – 1972), or for several years (UConn women’s basketball – 111 wins in 2016-18). A reign of dominance might even extend for centuries (Roman empire).
But no one and nothing remains undefeated forever. Except, that is, for God!
Job described the Lord, the ultimate victor, this way: “But he stands alone, and who can oppose him? He does whatever he pleases” (Job 23:13). The Lord himself asks, “Who is like me and who can challenge me?” (Jeremiah 49:19).
There has never been a time that the Lord was overmatched; never a situation where God lost control. In fact, there’s never been a situation where events began to slip even a smidge from the grasp the Almighty. The outcome on anything (and everything!) has never been even the slightest bit questionable for the Heavenly One.
No enemy has ever run roughshod over God; none have ever vanquished Him. Satan and the rebellious angels – spiritual beings of immense wisdom, power and abilities – gave it their best effort, and were cast from the heavenly halls as a result (Revelation 12:7-9). They didn’t defeat the Lord then, and though they’ve been trying ever since, they still haven’t managed it. Nor will they.
And if even the demons can’t overcome God, all the puny efforts of humans certainly won’t. Mortals have been opposing the Immortal since the beginning of time. Not a single one has come close to knocking the King from his throne; none have made the slightest advances against him.
This simple truth has profound ramifications – for the world, for our nation, for the Church, for our family, and for each one of us individually. History – all history – is “His story.” All of it is God fulfilling his glorious plans for the advancement of his Kingdom and for the benefit of his grace-blessed people.
“The Lord Almighty has sworn, ‘Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.’ … For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” (Isaiah 14:24&27).
Even when it seems like God is losing, he’s actually winning! There are a multitude of examples of this in the Scriptures, but the most significant one can be seen by looking to the horrific suffering and death of Jesus. Jesus’ seeming defeat was the most glorious victory in all of history! (His story!)
The God who controls everything has never lost control. Never once. Not even a little. Nor will he!
God does not weaken or waiver. He does not get distracted or neglectful. He is never overwhelmed or overcome. He is never uncertain or uniformed; no one and nothing has ever “ambushed” God. No circumstances surprise the All-knowing and Almighty or are beyond his capability to control or conquer.
The Lord’s dominance is such that Satan has to ask God’s permission to afflict God’s people; nothing can or will be done by the enemies of God unless God allows it (Job 1:9-12, 2:4-6). Any evil that reaches us must go through the Lord’s protective barrier first (Ps. 18:2).
And if we are afflicted, it’s because God has a loving reason for it (Rom. 8:28) which we may or may not come to understand in this life. But we will someday (1 Cor. 13:12), and we’ll praise him for his love and wisdom (Rev. 7:9-17).
Why do bad things sometimes happen to God’s people? We usually don’t understand. But we know that our God knows, AND we know that he loves us beyond our comprehension!
We also know that our God is undefeated, therefore we are comforted that things … that we … will be OK because the Lord our Savior is on our team. That makes us victors too!
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One thought on “Undefeated Forever”
Well said, Pastor.
Thank you!
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