The Special You

Have you ever stared in amazement as you observed someone performing some spectacular feat? Whether on an athletic field or court, on a stage, or in another medium, we’ve all observed with awe the abilities of others. In fact, each of us personally knows some incredibly talented folks; people who possess talents we can’t begin to duplicate. Whether it be knowledge, an acquired ability or an inherent skill, there are many at whom we marvel.
Maybe the one you admire is a coworker who has proven to be exceptional at her work; perhaps a classmate who excels at athletics; possibly an acquaintance with unearthly technological know-how; a family member who is a natural conversationalist; or a church member who sings like an angel. Chances are it’s not just one you admire, but many! The list of talented people is long. As is the list of talents you clearly don’t have.
And the temptation is always there to feel profoundly inadequate, boringly normal, stunningly average and spectacularly un-special.
All of which is profoundly incorrect!
The Lord has actually created you to be completely adequate for whatever special tasks he wants you to do. You happen to be fascinatingly unique; your personality, experiences, interests and abilities all intertwine into a wonderful you. In fact, you are exceedingly special!
At the risk of sounding like a life-coach, let me share a few reasons why you are indeed special.
The first reason you are a very special you is because of the personal talents that you possess. While you may be in awe of the skills that others have, be assured that others are in awe of yours! Those things which come easy to you, that you take for granted, and that others often compliment you about … those are unique gifts God has given you. Perhaps you aren’t even aware of the talents you display, but those close to you certainly see them. Undoubtedly you have other gifts that you haven’t even discovered yet. But rest assured that God has built you with some very special abilities.
Not only does the Lord endow you with unique physical or mental talents, but the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit blesses every single believer with at least one, and often several, spiritual gifts. The Apostle Paul writes, “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. … There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. … He distributes them to each one, just as he determines” (1 Corinthians 12:1, 4, 11). There is great variety in the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit brings, but every Christian has been given at least one. Yes, you are indeed special!
There’s a reason you were given your spiritual gift. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10). In 1 Corinthians 12, the Lord provides a striking illustration of this truth. He shows how every believer is a unique part of the body of Christ, (the Church) and thereby serves a unique and vital role for the Body. None of us is the whole body; however each of us is a significant part. (1 Corinthians 12:27). Without our special contribution (ability!), the body is lacking. With it, the body prospers. This is no small thing!
Then there is that mind-boggling truth that all Christians have Christ living in them. So not only are you connected to the Body of Christ, but Christ is embedded in you. (Galatians 2:20). This alone makes you wonderfully special!
But I’ve saved the best for last. You are special because you are dearly loved by the Lord. Yes, it’s true that he loves everyone. While that’s a key point, it’s not the key point in this discussion. Rather, I want to impress upon you that the Lord loves you! Yes, you! You personally! As a matter of fact, he loves you dearly. If you happened to be the only sinner on earth, the only existing person on the planet, Jesus still would have given his life to redeem you. God doesn’t do something like that for just anyone; he only does it for special people.
Listen and take to heart these words from Scripture: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
All of which makes it clear; you are indeed incredibly special. You are unique and wonderful. David marveled at his (and our) specialness and was moved to praise God because of it. “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13-14).
Don’t let Satan or anyone try to tell you otherwise; there is no one else on earth like the special you!
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4 thoughts on “The Special You”
I have heard you say this before and am still waiting for the Lord to reveal what my “special talent.” I can name a lot of things I can do better than most but bring honest, they aren’t anything to be proud of and nothing I want to demonstrate in front of St. Peter at the perly gates.
I know all things will be revealed in God’s time according to his plan which is perfect. But I will ask… has anyone ever not discovered their talent or purpose? What did they do? Is it ok to just keep trying to serve when you are able even if it isn’t “perfection” as long as it is with the longing to serve & please Jesus? Knowing works will not earn a place in Heaven but having already secured that by Faith. Just wanting to make my Father Smile once & a while when he looks on this earth is my goal until my talent is revealed.
Dearest Leisa, I haven’t known you long, but your loving heart and sweetness are amazing. Your smile brings joy and makes one feel welcome. Your talent lies in your sweetness, love and care for others.
Leisa, I believe you beautifully stated one of your greatest talents, and you don’t even realize it. You have the gift of willing and joyful service to the Lord and to others! Repeatedly you offer to help in so many different ways, and seem truly happy to do so. I believe this is your gift. And it is a wonderful gift indeed. It’s a gift that blesses the Lord’s work and the Lord’s people. Thank you!
When we realize our uniqueness in God, that He made each one of us unique down to our finger prints, our voice, hand writing and so one and so forth. With billions of people on earth, we are privileged to be even more peculiar. Like it was stated we have Jesus in dwelling in side us and not only Him but the Holy Trinity swelling inside us. I hope all who take time to read this blog will truly understand how amazingly peculiar and unique we all are.
Thank you Pastor
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