The One Year Anniversary of This Blog: Let’s Have Some Fun!

A year ago almost everything was shut down, at least here in Washington State. Of course, our ministry at the congregation I serve continued … but in a drastically different manner than ever before. Though I continued to make many personal visits and even more phone calls, essentially ministry became an online one. Sharing God’s Word and carrying out the business of God’s Church were largely handled on the worldwide web.
It was at that time – a year ago in a society which was homebound – that I began this blog. I never anticipated ever doing anything like it, and the entire concept was incredibly intimidating to me. But with traditional ministry so limited, it seemed worth a shot. So with abundant prayer and significant unease, I ventured forth. And here we are, a year and 57 posts (counting this one) later!
My initial goals were simple. First of all, it was my prayer that God might use what I wrote to encourage people in a time of great discouragement. Secondly, it was my hope that my posts would encourage some online Christian banter with the comments feature. I felt that this might provide some beneficial attraction to the Lord and his Word, as well as some distraction from the current challenges of “life.”
Based the feedback I received, I think the first goal was achieved to some degree at least. But I was clearly naïve in regard to the second goal; a few comments would be shared, but never enough to foster a meaningful dialogue. (Great thanks to everyone who did take the time to comment! Your insights were certainly encouraging to me and, I’m sure, to others as well.)
Well, one out of two isn’t bad. And the first goal is undoubtedly the more important one anyway.
So a year later, with society still impacted by COVID, I thought I would acknowledge the first anniversary of Heading to Heaven with a bit of a celebration. And I invite you to participate! (Maybe I’m still being naïve regarding responses, but let’s give it a try and hopefully have some fun!)
I will actually hold a drawing for all who participate in this anniversary blog. The winner will receive a special gift. If enough people participate, I’ll provide several gifts.
Here’s how it will work:
Everyone who participates in one way or another will have their name added to the drawing. Different types of participation will generate different numbers of opportunities for the gift/s. (Note that there are multiple ways to tally opportunities, and a person can accumulate a number of entries, depending on the amount of their participation.) Here’s the breakdown:
Leaving a comment = 1 entry
Being the first to leave a comment = 2 entries
First comment from someone who HAS commented before = 2 entries
First comment from someone who has NOT commented before = 2 entries
First comment from a new subscriber = 3 entries
Most entertaining comment = 3 entries
Most beneficial comment = 4 entries
Most encouraging comment = 4 entries
Beginning to follow the blog* = 5 entries
Recruiting someone to follow the blog** = 5 entries
Wondering what to comment on? To facilitate replies, here are a few possibilities:
Based on responses, these are the top five posts from this past year. (To read them, just click on the link.) Which is your favorite?
Even Me? (April 30, 2020)
The View from the Top (May 20, 2020)
Consider the Birds (June 2, 2020)
The Special You (January 30, 2021)
Look! Look! Look! (February 27, 2021)
Other possibilities for comments might be:
If your favorite post wasn’t on the above list, which one was it? (You can access all the posts through the archive feature on this page.)
Do you have a suggestion on the focus for a future blog post?
Why do you appreciate this blog?
Do you have any suggestions on how this blog could be better?
I will be fascinated to see what kind of response this post generates. A large response would be very encouraging to me. (I wonder sometimes if this is what the Lord wants me to do.)
In conclusion, I’ll repeat that I never imagined I would be writing a blog. It’s difficult to fathom that the Lord let me get it off the ground in the first place, and astounding to me that God has allowed me to post at least one article every week since. Even more astounding is that anyone would be willing to read what I write! But truly I am doing it for the Lord and his people. If any blessings are produced by it, all glory goes to God.
(Psalm 67) May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us — so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.
* Following the blog is easy. Information on how to do so is at the bottom of this post. Once following, every new post will be automatically sent to your email inbox.
** If you recruit someone to subscribe to the blog, you will have to email me their name ([email protected]). When I confirm they have subscribed, you will gain the entries for the drawing.
How to Interact on This Blog
To Comment – Please share your thoughts! (Commenting is the fun part!) To do so, click on the “Comments” tag under the title. I, and many others, would love to benefit from your insights!
To Subscribe – Go to the “Follow This Blog Via Email” column. If you don’t immediately see that box, click on the “Comments” tag under the title, and scroll to the very bottom. You should find it there.
7 thoughts on “The One Year Anniversary of This Blog: Let’s Have Some Fun!”
Your blogs inspire and help me focus on spiritual matters, Pastor. While I rarely comment, I do benefit from them.
Please put me in the drawing!
Thank you for your encouraging messages.
Congrats on your one year blog anniversary! I almost always read them when they pop into my inbox and occasionally share them with my family if it’s relevant to something going on with us. We all appreciate your perspective 💛
Congratulations on your one-year blog anniversary! May God continue to bless the words you write and the readers who read them!
Dear Pastor B! You are a very thoughtful theologian and writer. Thank you for your continuing spiritual support during the pandemic. May our Lord Jesus continued to bless your work!
I really appreciate what you write. Don’t be discouraged. Perhaps its similar to how people are hesitant to sit in the front row, we’re hesitant to comment too. You’re blogs have been encouraging and a great comfort. Thanks Pastor!
I am too confused by the rules to comment. 🙂
Congrats, though, Bro-in-law, on the one year anniversary of the blog.
Rules…… What rules?? No one told me there were rules…
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