The One Constant

Most people don’t care for change. At least, not significant change. A fair number of folks will even fight against change, perceiving significant change as significantly negative.
And while some adventurous souls actually enjoy mixing things up a bit now and then, everyone has their limits. Radical change might be defined differently by different people, but everyone has adjustment boundaries they absolutely do not want to cross.
Ironically, despite our penchant for clinging to the familiar … everything is always changing!
In fact, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all systems, if left to themselves, move from a state of order to disorder. This natural decline is called entropy. (Also known as change!) In other words, natural change isn’t just a happenstance; it’s a scientific necessity.
Which is lousy news for all the hangers-on-to-how-it’s-always-been folks! Because, let’s face it, change is everywhere, and it’s never ending.
Just this week we saw the transition of a new president. He is the 46th person to hold that distinguished office in our nation. That’s an ongoing stream of leadership change over our nation’s 245-year history! But the rulers of this land, and the inhabitants of this land, were in flux long before the United States was formed.
Meanwhile the countries and borders on distant continents have been repeatedly altered as migrations and invasions and political upheavals have changed the face of nations. And it’s not just boundaries that were changed, but style of government, laws of the land, local customs and language. Over time even climates were transformed, and everything that climate impacts with them.
As the earth orbits the sun, the view of the night sky shifts and seasons are rotated. The length of daylight and the average temperature changes. The flora and fauna adjust. People adjust too in regard to what they wear and what they do. The seasonal hobbies and the sports seasons also change.
Landscapes are altered. Highways are adjusted. Buildings are torn down and new ones built. Companies begin and others end. Restaurants and stores open while other close. People change occupations and residences, and sometimes even states or countries.
Of course, COVID has brought an unending cascade of changes.
Our bodies are in a state of unending transformation from conception to birth and all through life. And the situations in our lives change too! Even our relationships are being continually refashioned.
Most significant of all, we experienced a drastic spiritual change when the Holy Spirit brought us to faith, which in turn drastically altered our spiritual destination as well!
Since our conversion, our faith in our Savior is always varying too! It is never static but always dynamic. Either our faith is growing, or it is shrinking. (The results are directly linked to our exposure to God’s Word.)
There is no tiny fringe of our existence that is not impacted by change.
Except one. Our God doesn’t change. Our God never changes.
God’s attributes (characteristics) haven’t changed. The Lord is still eternal, almighty, and present everywhere. He is still all-knowing. He is still good and faithful. He is still holy and righteous, but also merciful, gracious, loving and forgiving.
God’s promises haven’t changed either. The unchanging God is still with us, and always will be. The fact that God works everything for the good of his people won’t change either. Nor will Jesus redemption of us, or his resurrection; those are unchanging facts. Furthermore, God still has a special home prepared for us in heaven.
God’s Word hasn’t changed, and God’s loving plans for us haven’t changed either.
The fact that our God doesn’t change … and isn’t changing … and won’t change is incredibly comforting at a time of incredible change and in a world overflowing with change.
The Bible reminds us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created. (James 1:17-18)
How extraordinary to have a God who doesn’t change – who is untouched by the Second Law of Thermodynamics (because he created it!). The way God was … is the way God is … and the way God always will be.
So it turns out there are actually two constants, two changeless truths: change is everywhere … except, that is, in our unchanging God.
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2 thoughts on “The One Constant”
What a wonderful reminder you have given us! Usually the sunbeams wrapping their rays around me serves as all the reminder I need but today your words warmed my soul a little deaper.
Thank you! Praise be to Jesus!
Thanks, Leisa! And yes, praise be to our unchanging and gracious God!
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