The Most Underutilized Spiritual Weapons: Weapon # 2

Last week I shared what I thought to be the most underutilized spiritual weapon of all – God’s Word. This week I’ll share my opinion on the second most underutilized weapon. Admittedly, it could be argued whether weapon two (worship) or weapon three (prayer) is the more crucial or more underutilized.
I’m open to that debate. However, I will contend that both worship and prayer are crucial spiritual weapons, and both are clearly underutilized.
I chose worship as the second most neglected weapon … well, because I think it is! While it’s likely that even the more complacent Christians will still lift up a prayer or two now and then, it is less likely that they will physically bring themselves to a worship service.
To clarify, I understand that worship can happen in many different ways. Reading the Bible is worship; praying is worship; obeying God is worship; sharing the Gospel with others is worship; living our lives for God is worship too. Worship, defined broadly, happens in many different manners. However, for the context of this discussion on spiritual weapons, I am defining worship narrowly, as in gathering together with other believers in God’s house to hear God’s Word.
And based on that definition, perhaps you recognize why worship is such an important spiritual weapon. If God’s Word is the single most important spiritual weapon, then hearing God’s Word in worship naturally becomes a significant spiritual weapon as well. Sprinkle in the Sacraments at worship, and the impact increases even more!
Of course, the Lord emphasizes this in the Ten Commandments when he commands, “Remember the Sabbath Day.” In other words, make time for the worship of the Lord in your busy lives! He also provides us with the well-known passage in Hebrews to underscore the importance of formal worship:
“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:22-25).
In short, God reminds us that in worship around God’s Word, we are drawn closer to God, our faith is assured, our hearts are cleansed, and our hope is upheld. Furthermore, (and this is significant!), we encourage one another. We are an encouragement to others who are present, even as their presence is an encouragement to us. Hearing God’s Word and being together, in turn, fosters love and activity for God and one another.
And why is this so important? Because “the Day” is approaching. Either Jesus will return to earth to put an end to this current world on the Last Day, or Jesus will bring us to our personal last day, calling us out of this world. Whichever scenario we find ourselves in, we want to be ready!
Worship in God’s house with God’s people around God’s Word helps us grow and be prepared for those significant events. Which is why formal worship is such an important spiritual weapon, and why the evil three (the devil, the world and our sinful natures) strive so adamantly to keep us away from church.
All of which underscores the vital importance of our attending worship. My encouragement to each and every one of us is to stop underutilizing this incredibly important spiritual weapon! God’s given it to us to bless us and bring spiritual victories to us. The more we utilize the weapon of worship, the better we will fare in the spiritual realm.
And when it comes to spiritual battles, we definitely want to win, through Christ our Savior!
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