The Most Underutilized Spiritual Weapons: Weapon # 1

When serving as a pastor for over thirty years and working daily with spiritual matters, one can’t help but notice some things. One of the most obvious observations when dealing with the spiritual realm is that there IS a spiritual realm! Now most would reply to this statement, “Well, obviously!” But most, I contend, (even perhaps most Christians), live for the physical realm and give little thought or notice to the spiritual one.
One of these weeks I’ll dedicate a whole post to spiritual warfare in general. But for this week and the next two after, I thought I would concentrate on some specifics. Namely, the three most underutilized spiritual weapons by believers, at least from my perspective.
I suspect that if polled, this first neglected weapon would probably be recognized by the majority of Christians. And they would almost certainly acknowledge that it is the most significant spiritual weapon of all. Yet, many of them would probably have to admit that they are guilty of the neglect themselves!
What is this most important, and most underutilized spiritual weapon of all? It is the sword of God’s Word.
The Lord tells us in the Bible book of Hebrews, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
The reason God’s Word is “alive and active,” and “penetrates … soul and spirit” is because it is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). In other words, the Scriptures are given directly by God. Consequently, they are the very words of God (1 Thes. 2:13), and they are absolute and complete truth (John 17:17). In addition, God’s words are also powerful, creating and strengthening faith (Romans 10:17), and bringing salvation (Romans 1:16) because they show us our Savior (John 20:31).
Which is why the Lord urges us to faithfully spend time in his Word, as individuals and as families! (Deut. 11:18-19)
With all these powerful factors wrapped up in the Word of God, and the incredible importance of it, as well as God’s insistence we read and hear it, why is God’s Word so easily and often neglected by people who know better?
The answer takes us back into the spiritual realm. It is because the enemies of the Lord in the spiritual realm recognize the spiritual impact of the sword of the Word and work furiously to ensure that it is underutilized!
Who are those enemies? The devil and demons, this world with its trappings, and our own sinful natures. None of them have any inclination toward God’s living truth; all of them actively oppose it.
Our flesh is always with us and stands opposed to anything of God. The world is always around us and impacting us with its anti-God perspectives, priorities and attitudes. The devil and demons are unseen and largely disregarded, (which is a huge advantage to them), and are aggressively though often subtly – yet frequently effectively – fighting against the saving Gospel.
The result? The most crucial spiritual weapon of God often becomes the most underutilized one.
My encouragement to you (and to me!) is … recognize these truths about the Truth, and ensure that the number one most important weapon of God is weaponized in our lives and the lives of those around you. Because when God’s Word is properly utilized, incredible spiritual blessings are unleashed!
That’s why God gave us the powerful weapon of his Word, to enable us to win battles in the spiritual realm. Those battles are constantly raging, whether we recognize them or not. Therefore we need all of God’s spiritual weapons! And especially the most effective one!
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One thought on “The Most Underutilized Spiritual Weapons: Weapon # 1”
Wonderful insights to the spiritual realm, I am listening to the Screwtape letters by C.W. Lewis.
The battle is real and more people need to recognize that. Thank you again for all you do for Gods kingdom and His glory.
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