The Enforcer

You’ve been there. You’re traveling on an interstate when the road construction signs come into view. We all know what that means. Slowdowns. Lane revisions. And probably merging traffic.
Then, sure enough, the merge signs begin appearing.
Most drivers are pretty decent about it. When the merge notices pop up, they begin making their way into the appropriate lane.
But there are always a few who fly by everyone else to get to the front of the line and then cut over! I don’t know how you feel about that approach, but I find it rude, unfair, and extremely irritating. Not only that, but their selfishness actually slows the entire merge process down with the backup they cause at the bottleneck.
This past weekend, my wife and I were driving over to Wisconsin for a family wedding, and we had any number of slowdowns, lane revisions, and yes … lane mergers. And, as always, some folks were determined to storm to the front of the merge line.
But multiple times they couldn’t! The reason? The “Enforcers.”
The Enforcers (my name for them) were the semitruck drivers who would have none of it. Once the merge messages were posted, those semi jockeys shimmied their 18-wheelers over to take up both lanes. No cheaters got by them. The would be “pass-everyone-else-on-their-way-to-the-front-of-the-line-drivers” behind those big-rigs were forced to merge with everyone else who was being obedient and courteous.
I have seen this done before, and I witnessed it several times this past weekend. Those Enforcer dudes are my heroes! I applaud them every time I see them take that approach, and I still grin and salute them as I think of it.
And who doubts that those huge trucks could impose their will on all the smaller vehicles around them. They are the unmitigated kings of the road.
You and I have the unmitigated King of the Cosmos in our corner as we drive through life. How incredibly comforting to know that the Lord has our back! Nothing gets past him that he doesn’t allow. And if he allows it, he has a loving reason for it. (Romans 8:28).
Our God has absolute power, complete knowledge, and unending love. He is always with us, and is unaffected by circumstances or the boundaries of scientific principles. Nothing escapes his notice; no threats sneak past his view. Meanwhile, he funnels tremendous blessings our way.
Undoubtedly we can all reflect upon times where our gracious God clearly intervened in our lives. His involvement was so obvious even the most obtuse believer could recognize it.
I suspect, however, that we would be astounded if we really, truly knew how many times … and how drastically … the Lord has acted to provide for us or protect us in our day-by-day history. In fact, he does it to some degree … every single day of our lives.
In his final encouragements to the Israelites, as he was about to die and the people were about to invade Canaan, Moses assured them, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8).
It’s a similar concept to what Moses stated to their parents 40 years early as the newly freed Israelites spotted Pharaoh’s army chasing after them. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).
And who or what can stand against the Lord?
These truths are truths for you and me to take to heart as well. Our God goes before us, is with us and always will be, and he fights for us!
I have always cherished the words David wrote upon his deliverance from Saul and his enemies. They speak of devotion to the One upon whom the believer can totally rely. “I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:1-2).
The ultimate Enforcer? That would be the Lord. He’s bigger, badder, and better than any semi, and he’s on our side!
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