The ABCs of Christmas

A number of years ago I compiled this list (below) to build a Christmas service around. Through the years I’ve reused the service now and then. Even if some subscribers remember it, hopefully the list will still be enjoyable to review. I know I always appreciate it when I re-read it.
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A reminds us of … Adam, who brought the first sin into the world, and made it necessary for the “Second Adam” to come to make things right again … and Abraham and all the other Old Testament believers, who eagerly awaited the “Second Adam’s” arrival … and the Angels who brought the announcement to the astonished shepherds … and the Amazement that people felt when they heard the shepherds’ message after they had seen the baby Messiah … and the Alleluias that sinners sing when they realize they are all-the-way Absolved and absolutely saved by this “Second Adam” … and Amen, which means, “This is all most certainly true.”
B reminds us of … the Baby Boy who was Born in a Barn in Bethlehem.
C reminds us of … Caesar Augustus, who issued the Census that caused Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem, where the Christ, the “Promised One,” was to be born … and the ragged Clothes in which this baby Christ was dressed … and the Cattle which surrounded him at his birth … and the Cross on which this Christ would be one day be Crucified … and his Compassion for us which caused him to come to earth in the first place … and Christmas, at which time Christians celebrate all of this.
D reminds us of … the Devil, who would delight in destroying us in hell … and the Determination of our God that the devil would be Defeated … and David, whose Divine Descendent was born from David’s line and in David’s city to destroy the devil’s power.
E reminds us of … Easter, when Jesus rose from the dead, and to which Christmas ultimately leads … and how Easter means that Jesus is the Savior of Everyone … and how Jesus wants everyone to be with him in Eternity, which is now possible because of Christmas and Easter … and the East, from where men traveled to worship him when he was young … and Egypt, to where his family had to flee to avoid Herod’s death sentence after the men from the East returned home.
F reminds us of … Father, both Jesus’ Heavenly Father and Joseph, his earthly one … and the Fields in which the Flocks fed when the angels appeared … and the Forgiveness this Savior won for all who look to him in Faith.
G reminds us of … the angel Gabrial, who told Mary that God in his Goodness and Grace was giving the Greatest Gift of all … God’s own Son to save the world … and the Glory that radiated from the angels who told the shepherds a message of Good News of Great Joy, the Gospel message of a Savior being born, which caused them to praise the Lord with the words, “Glory to God in the highest” … and the Gifts the Wisemen brought of Gold, incense and myrrh.
H reminds us of … how Jesus was born Holy, and remained holy all his life … and the Holy Spirit, who miraculously caused Mary to conceive, and who told us everything we need to know about Jesus in God’s Holy Word … and Heaven, from where the Heavenly Host came, and where we one day will go to live in perfect Happiness … and Hell and its horrors, where we would have certainly ended up if not for Jesus … and Herod, who tried to kill baby Jesus with a horrific crime.
I reminds us of … the prophet Isaiah, who prophesied that Immanuel, “God with us,” would one day come … and Israel, (both Old and New Testament Israel), whom Immanuel came to dwell among and to save … and the Inn which had no room for Joseph and Mary, and the Inn-keeper who offered the stable instead, where the Innocent Baby Jesus was born.
J reminds us of … Jesus … and Joseph, Jesus’ stepfather … and Jerusalem in Judah, where Jesus was crucified, and where he rose back to life on the third day.
K reminds us of … the believing Old Testament Kings who pictured Jesus the King … and how Jesus is the King of kings.
L reminds us of … how Jesus is the Lord of lords … and the Law from Caesar that demanded Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem, as well as the Law of God which demanded punishment for anyone who wasn’t perfect … and the Lamb of God, who in Love paid the penalty the law demanded.
M reminds us of … the prophet Micah, who prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem … and Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who laid the baby Messiah down to rest in a Manger … and the angelic Messengers who brought the amazing Message to the shepherds that the Lord had kept his word; the Messiah was born.
N reminds us of … the Night that Jesus was born, which seemed like just another night, but was actually a night like no other … and how there was No Room in the inn that night for Joseph and Mary and that Jesus grew up in Nazareth and was called a Nazarene … and that Jesus came to establish God’s New Covenant.
O reminds us of … the Oppression that Satan and sin kept us under, and how Jesus was born to Overcome that oppression for everyone … and that Jesus isn’t just the Savior of Others, but also of us. He is Our Savior.
P reminds us of … the Prophets who Prophesied about God’s Present of the Promised One … and the Old Testament Priests who had to continually offer sacrifices for the sins of the people … and that Jesus was also a Prophet and Priest who would bring Peace to God’s People by sacrificing himself on the cross … and the Praise of God that the angels and the shepherds spoke because of the peace that God was providing … and how Mary Pondered all these things in her heart.
Q reminds us of … Quirinius, the governor of Syria when the Roman census took place.
R reminds us of … Rome, who controlled Judah when Jesus was born, and from whom most people thought the Messiah would Rescue them … and how Jesus was really born to Redeem people from sin, death and the devil.
S reminds us of … the Shepherds who were watching the Sheep in the fields when the angels appeared to them and told them that the Savior from Sin and Satan was born … and the Sign that the angels’ message was true was that this Savior could be found in the Straw of a manger in a Stable … and the Special Star that signaled that the Savior was born … and how Jesus was both the Son of God and the Son of Man.
T reminds us of … the Traditions of Christmas, which include a Christmas Tree … and the Tree of the Cross upon which Jesus died … and the Trinity, the Triune God who gave us the Treasure of our Savior … and the Truth of God’s Word which shows us this Treasure, and removes the Terror of being punished for our Transgressions.
U reminds us of … the Unimaginable and almost Unbelievable, yet Undeniable, Unforgettable and Ultimate truth that God was born to live and die for us to save us, and that he rose back to life and is waiting to bring us to heaven one day.
V reminds us of … how Jesus was born of a Virgin, as Isaiah prophesied he would be.
W reminds us of … the Wisemen who, in Wonder, traveled a huge distance to Worship the new-born Savior.
X reminds us of … the Greek letter X (“chi”), which is the first letter in Xristos (“Christ”).
Y reminds us of … the people of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, both Young and Old, and You and Me, for whom Jesus was born and died.
Z reminds us of … Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet, and how Jesus told us that he is our Alpha (1st letter) and our Omega, our everything … and Zion, the place where our God lives, and where he will bring us one day because Jesus was born for us.
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Can you think of any Christian Christmas words that should be included in this list? If so, please share them in the comments feature of this blog!
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John 3:16-17
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
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