Take Care of Your Soul

This post is dedicated to the St. Paul student confirmands of 2021. For that matter, to all those who have publicly confessed their faith at our congregation through the years, whether students or adults.
But no, that’s not sufficient either. This post is dedicated to all Christians everywhere. May it encourage each one of us to take wonderful care of our souls.
It all happened so suddenly. One moment Mike and Tom were discussing the fish they expected to catch that day at the lake; the next an SUV was slamming into their truck at an extremely high rate of speed.
An explosion of white! Instantaneous and intense pain! Darkness! Then the hurt disappeared as their spirits floated out of their bodies. They hovered for a brief moment and gazed down at the destroyed vehicle they had just exited, before they were pulled inexorably heavenward, increasing in velocity until they were rocketing at an unimaginable speed.
At first it appeared to be a distant star. But the gleaming grew rapidly brighter and bigger until a massive city came into view, beaming and breathtakingly beautiful. Their transit slowed as they approached the glorious kingdom, where they swooped gracefully through a massive gate of pearl and glided high along a wide street of gold.
The buildings of the city appeared to be formed from various gems, each structure a different stone of a different color, so that the view consisted of a thousand different hues. Arrayed in precision were numerous golden streets, all converging on the magnificent mountain in the center of the city from where a beaming brilliance emanated, even brighter than the city. Perched on the peak of the mountain stood a triple throne too stunning to describe. And perched on the interconnected thrones sat the three persons of the Triune God, ablaze in glory, rays of iridescent color rippling around them like a billion brilliant laser lights. Surrounding them were ranks upon ranks of angels in splendorous armor.
Mike and Tom’s spirits slid to a halt on the golden landing below the thrones. They dared not look up. They wished to clench their eyes shut, but spirits are ever-seeing. If they were still in their bodies, they would have been trembling violently.
A thunderous voice shook the entire mountain. “Greetings, Mike and Tom. This is your allotted time. Your life on earth is over; your life in eternity is just beginning.”
Of course, the men had recognized this already. But to hear it stated in such a way was beyond disconcerting.
Shocking as it may seem, neither had any thought of what they had left behind. There was no concerns over their plans and projects on earth; no lingering on what they had still hoped to do; no deep regrets over leaving spouses and children behind. Not because they didn’t dearly love their families, but because eternity hung in the balance, and that was all-encompassing.
The Lord’s voice thundered again. “So how will we find your souls? Are they living … or not?”
The magnitude of the moment registered on them. This was it. Nothing else … nothing else … mattered but this. There was no going back. No second chances. No more opportunities to reprioritize. No different decisions to be made. No changing of circumstances. No altering their final destinations.
What would the Lord find in their souls?
Mike and Tom watched in stunned amazement as two ornate silver boxes took shape on the platform – one resting before each of them. Inscribed on the side facing them were golden crosses. A multitude of holes covered the rounded covers. The lovely boxes seemed both delicate and sturdy at the same time, and they glowed. They were like nothing the men had ever seen. What were these?
The all-knowing Lord answered. “Those are your souls. You don’t see them or feel them on earth, but you always carry them with you.” The men’s attention was now riveted on the containers. “We are about to open them,” stated the Lord. “What will we find there?”
The ramifications of this revelation shook the men. Fearful uncertainty engulfed them. What would the Lord find there?
Mike and Tom had been best friends all their life. They had both been born into Christian families and had been raised in the same Christian church. They had sat through the same Sunday School lessons, Catechism classes, and worship services. They were confirmed in their faith on the same day in front of the entire congregation. Their parents and pastor had been so proud and thankful.
But then came high school and college, and then jobs and homes and families and responsibilities. So much to do; so many distractions. While Mike and Tom continued to stay close, they fell into very different spiritual life-styles.
Tom continued to treasure God and God’s Word. He relished his time in worship; he eagerly attended Bible studies; he faithfully read the Scriptures and shared devotions with his family; he discussed God’s truths with Christian friends; he delighted in listening to Christian music. The Gospel of his Savior held a preeminent place in his life. In short, Tom poured copious amounts of “Living Water” on his soul, and provided generous amounts of Son-shine to his soul.
Mike, on the other hand, wrapped himself up in the world. He immersed himself in work and play, in hobbies and highlights. Gradually he drifted away from the church, eventually even opting to skip services on the Christmas and Easter holidays. Though he owned a number of Bibles, he never opened them. God rarely crossed his mind anymore. In light of living life, God’s Word seemed wholly unimportant to him. Of course, Tom tried to encourage Mike spiritually. Mike always replied that he would get back into it someday when he had more time.
Now Tom and Mike’s spirits were prostrate before the Lord. Now their souls would be opened, and what was encased inside displayed before the Triune God.
“It is time to see,” rumbled the voice, the vibrations rolling through the mountain and reverberating through the city. Suddenly the nail-pierced feet of Jesus stood before them. They were still for a moment, then they stepped to the box before Mike. The Lord leaned over and placed his hand lightly on the box. The lid popped open.
Mike’s view was riveted on the scene. Jesus was staring into the box. Then Mike realized there were tears falling from the Lord’s face, dropping silently into his soul. Jesus lifted his gaze to Mike, and said sorrowfully, “There used to be life here, but there is none now. I’m sorry, but this soul cannot stay here.” Mike’s spirit convulsed in horror.
Jesus wiped the tears from his face, and then moved in front of Tom’s box. He stooped down and touched it. As the cover swung open, a blooming bouquet of flowers of every hue and shape burst forth, and a delightful aroma wafted free.
A great smile filled Jesus’ face. He beamed at Tom. “There is abundant life here. It is thriving! This soul belongs in this place.” Jesus stepped forward, lifted Tom’s spirit from the platform and embraced him warmly.
Overwhelming exuberance swept through Tom. He was in Jesus’ arms! He was welcome here in heaven! His time in the Lord’s presence was just beginning, but it would last forever.
An agonizing cry arose. “No-oo-oo-oo! Please, no!” … but it faded quickly as Mike’s spirit was swept away. At the same time, a heartfelt “Yes!” was heard as the Savior hugged Tom and wiped his tears of joy away.
One important aside: The Bible makes it clear that a believer can actually turn away from God and lose their faith. (See 2 Peter 2:17-22, Hebrews 6:4-6, and Hebrews 10:26-27). This should be a sobering realization to every Christian, and a situation that no believer ever wants to experience.
As for the story above, I hesitantly took some liberties with describing the initial appearance before the Lord following death. I do not think that this is how it actually transpires. However, I pictured the scenario in this manner for dramatic effect … to make a point in a way that is hopefully effective. I pray it encourages all of us to pay careful heed to our souls our entire lives.
As Jesus himself pointed out, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Matthew 16:26)
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