Right Here. Right Now.
It’s a fairly common approach: write a letter or a song to one’s younger self.
Now that I’m older, I better understand why it is commonly done – the older we get the wiser we become. There are so many nuggets of wisdom I dearly wish I could share with my younger self. (Not that I would have necessarily listened to my older, wiser self, mind you.)
Here’s one truth that my older self would beg my younger self to understand: enjoy every moment. It won’t come again, and a person often doesn’t realize its preciousness until it’s over.
In fact, this is a truth that I beg my older self to take to heart as well. And every reader too!
Too many times I’ve squandered a priceless, unrepeatable moment by dwelling on the current challenges or worrying about the unpredictable future. Or simply by taking it for granted. By the time I realize my mistake, the moment is gone … never to return.
The list of such situations is lengthy, and would vary with each individual. But here’s a few that come to my mind:
The carefree days of childhood. Laying on the lawn and staring at the white clouds floating above, or the sweep of the stars at night. The first day of summer vacation. Outdoor games with relatives during daylight; hide-and-seek in the dark. Telling stories in the tent at sleepovers. Slushies in the park after the baseball game is over.
Birthday, Baptism, confirmation, graduation, wedding, and anniversary days. Any family gathering … whether for an auspicious event or just because.
Your baby son or daughter falling asleep in your arms. Cuddling your young children or grandchildren on your lap. A toddler’s laughter. Meals with all the youngsters scattered around the table. Holding your child’s hand when they need extra stability. Storytime, evening devotions and bedtime prayers.
Vacation … any vacation (even rained-out camping trips!) … with family members. A back-packing, hunting or fishing trip with your sons. A lunch out with your daughter. A walk in the park with a loved one. A quiet moment with a spouse. A phone chat with a distant child, parent or relative.
Pre-outdoor-activity planning sessions with participants, and the post-adventure conversations that follow. Casting a line into the lake; the thrill of a bite. Opening morning in a deer stand. Naps in a hammock surrounded by God’s great creation. Games at the picnic bench in the campground; Euchre on a makeshift rock “table” after a day of backpacking. Campfires at camp or in the backyard.
Watching your children compete in a sports event, perform in a play or sing in a concert or a worship service. Holiday meals with dear ones. Petting or playing with your dog.
Stepping onto a field or a court to personally participate in a ballgame. Observing the boys you coach execute the skills you’ve taught them. Playing in a formal softball game with your children. Watching a professional game with family members. Catching a batting-practice baseball.
A delightful conversation with a friend. An evening together with pals. Banter between buddies.
A gorgeous view the Lord has brought before your eyes; a moment of clarity and peace in the craziness of life. Witnessing something spectacular, and the profound awe it brings.
The moment you realize that the Lord has intervened … yet again … and the seemingly unsolvable dilemma is solved.
Time in the Word … whether in formal worship or private devotions, and the comfort, understanding and insights the Holy Spirit brings through it. Those moments when the monumental love of God becomes obvious yet again. The view of the cross and the revelation of the empty tomb.
The celebration of a life lived in Jesus and the eternal salvation that person is enjoying now that the Lord has called them Home.
A smile directed toward you from someone you care about.
Every single hug with a loved one.
This is far from a complete list. But it is a list that fostered deep emotions in me nonetheless. And it underscores the point – with God’s help, strive to appreciate every moment right here and right now. There are magnificent blessings from God in each one.
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. … ‘The Lord’s right hand is lifted high; the Lord’s right hand has done mighty things!’ … The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. … The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine on us. … Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” (Psalm 118:selected).
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