Our Unchanging, All-Sufficient, Always-Providing God

It’s a bit disconcerting, actually. But it doesn’t matter how we feel about it, or how the simple truth can amp up our anxiety. None of that alters a thing.
This one principle always remains and never changes: everything is always changing. And it’s typically not changing for the better.
There’s even a scientific law that describes this process! According to the second law of thermodynamics, “systems” naturally change from order to disorder. The fancy, shmancy term for this is “entropy.”
There’s no shortage of examples of the second law of thermodynamics. Leave a building or a yard untended over time and observe what happens. A brand-new vehicle doesn’t improve in performance or appreciate in value through the years. Even our bodies and minds fade over time. As many will confirm, make it past middle-age and “it’s all downhill from there.”
I’m not trying to be negative or provide anyone with a “downer” today. I’m simply stating the reality that everything in this world is always changing. Everything in our lives is always changing!
Usually the changes are minimal or even unnoticeable, yet change is still occurring. Sometimes though the changes may be sweeping.
Now it’s certainly true that not all change is bad. Some changes can bring profound blessings. And we know that our God is always working “all things for the good” of his children (Rom. 8:28). However, often enough entropy rears its nasty head and the changes occurring aren’t so good. And even the positive changes are typically still stressful.
Like everyone else, I have certainly gone through many changes in my life through the years … some of them significant. Confirmation. Starting at new schools away from home, and ultimately graduating from them (3 times!). The death of loved ones. Marriage. The birth of our children. Health issues. Changes galore!
But as I write this, I stand (well, sit actually) between two of the most significant life-altering events in my life-story. These changes precipitated other changes, all rolling together into some of the most epic and stressful periods of my entire life.
On August 5, 1990, I was ordained and installed as pastor in a congregation in Tacoma, Washington. This necessitated a move across the continent. It also meant that I was no longer anticipating being a minister one day; I now WAS one for real!
Then, almost exactly 33 years later, on July 9, 2023, I was installed as the new pastor for two congregations in central Michigan. Which necessitated a move back across the continent! (But with a LOT more stuff this time around!) Not to mention selling a house and buying a house wrapped into the mix.
There are a multitude of lists suggesting the most stressful things in life, and there is a fair amount of variety on those lists. Nevertheless, selling and buying a house, financial uncertainty, moving, and starting a new job make most of the “most-stressful” lists, and usually rank quite highly on them. My wife and I checked them all off in two majestic life changes!
At those flashpoints of our lives, almost everything in our lives changed. Almost everything! And almost completely! Looking back on how our lives were altered in both of those situations leads me to stunned amazement.
However, reflecting on how the Lord worked everything out along the way leads me to absolute awe.
I can’t fathom how he managed it – other than that he is a great God, of course! – but both times the Lord provided for us wonderfully and completely. Our heads were spinning, (still are to some degree), but God had (and has) everything under complete control. There are still a few pieces that need to fall into place currently, but there is no doubt that our God will fit those pieces in at right time. He always has; he will again.
And that’s the most wonderful truth for you and me! Even when everything in our little world seems to be changing, and even changing dramatically … our Lord never does!
He is always … constantly and unchangingly … almighty, all-knowing, ever-present, eternal, and good. He is forever faithful. He is continually loving, merciful and compassionate. He is all-sufficient to us in every situation; always providing for our every need. And thankfully, this will never, ever change!
“The Father … who does not change like shifting shadows” (Jms. 1:17), and “Jesus Christ [who] is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8), personally assure us that the Triune God is unaffected by entropy! “I the Lord do not change” (Malachi 3:6).
There is immense joy and profound peace that comes from recognizing that our God is unchanging … AND all-sufficient … AND always-providing. Because in this ever-changing world, it is wonderful to have an Eternal Rock and Mighty Fortress who never does.
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