Our “Item Description”

Were you aware that the term “item description” is a thing? Not a general, generic thing, but an actual, important, frequently-used thing? As a matter of fact, there is plenty of online attention devoted specifically to compiling effective item or product descriptions.
What is an “item description?” It’s the marketing summary that explains what a product is and why it’s worth purchasing. The product description’s goal is to supply readers with information on the features and benefits of something so the customer is compelled to buy it (i.e. a sales pitch!).
Marsha Collier describes it this way, “After you hook potential bidders with your title, reel’em in with a fabulous description for your items. … Think infomercial (the classier the better).” She then proceeds to provide a list of suggestions for writing a magnificent item description. Here are some of her key points:
- Write a factual description.
- Accentuate the positive.
- Include the negative.
- Include short, friendly banter.
- Be concise and to the point – don’t ramble!
As I considered the concept of item descriptions, I was intrigued by the thought of compiling our own descriptions. How would we describe ourselves within the above parameters to “sell” others on how to view us?
Here’s my attempt at my own item (person) description:
Do you like hanging around with older, shorter guys? Then this is your type of guy! David is 5 feet 6 inches short (and getting shorter with age!) with gray hair (and getting grayer!). But as they say, great things come in small, white-crowned packages! And all the better if they have a few years of wear and tear. Stocky but generally durable; usually quiet but able to carry on an animated discussion; fairly well-read and even knowledgeable of Scripture; a man of faith with an avid love of the outdoors, David would be an excellent companion, whether you have some chores that need doing, a craving to chat, a spiritual question, or a hankering for an outdoor adventure. Your life will be better with David around!
I’m not sure if that is a solid item description of me or not. What I can tell you is that the description was far more difficult to write than I anticipated it would be. If you doubt this, try writing an item description of yourself yourself. (Yes, there is supposed to be two “yourselfs” in that last sentence.) I suspect you might struggle with the words as well.
That difficulty is compounded a hundred-fold were we to attempt to describe ourselves to God. How do we “sell” ourselves to the holy, all-knowing Lord? Thinking about it, here is what I came up with:
I have nothing to offer you, Lord. Even my good qualities and various talents flow entirely from your creating hand. I have disobeyed your every command in every aspect of my life. I am a despicable sinner who deserves nothing but the worst from you. But I cling in faith to Jesus, who lived and died in my place, atoning for my every atrocity, and then rose back to life. That’s all I have, but in Jesus I trust I have it all.
That’s a drastically different person description than the first one, isn’t it? But what else can I say about myself to the Lord almighty – to the perfect and perfectly righteous God?
And what might be the Lord’s description of me (and all who rely upon Jesus’ atonement)? I’m only speculating, of course. But in light of Scripture, I suspect He might describe me/us something like this:
Loved! Forgiven! Saved! Blessed!
Or perhaps the Lord would revert to the words he inserted in the Bible? This is more elaborate but top-notch item description:
“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (1 Peter 2:9-10)
Now that’s a description I will gladly accept!
2 thoughts on “Our “Item Description””
In many ways people write ‘ads’ about themselves all the time. They write bio pages on social media sites as well as resumes & cover letters.
I really never thought of writing one for God though. I’m so sure I would be last on his list of “acceptable ” applicants were it not for Jesus. I bet class participation would increase if God granted access to Heaven based on grammer, punctuation, penmanship & content!
The works, O, Lord, not mine!
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