On Vacation

Are there any words that lift the spirit quite like the words “on vacation.” As in, “It will be wonderful when we are on vacation.” Or, “I have our plans made to go on vacation.” Or best of all, “Finally, at long last … we’re on vacation!”
I suppose that’s hyperbole. I’m sure there are other words more uplifting. But, I would argue, not many! And especially perhaps now, after enduring so many restrictions recently and being housebound (for work, school, church, shopping, recreation, and many other things!) for so long, the words “on vacation” sound magnificent!
Perhaps you already have some plans in place for a vacation or two. Or maybe you are just beginning to consider the options for some getaways. If so, good for you!
Undoubtedly most of us reach a point where we recognize we need some vacation time. But did you realize that taking a break can actually keep us from “breaking?” Studies have shown that vacationing generally reduces stress levels and stress related symptoms, as well as heart disease. (The positive results in cardio health are actually quite significant!) Other benefits of time away include a decrease in depression, an increase in productivity, and better rest. And, of course, there are always the memories.
So by all means, if you are able, make a point to go on vacation. But not from everything.
“Wait a minute,” you might respond. “You just showed how beneficial vacation time is!”
Let me explain. Being on vacation from work and other responsibilities is indeed beneficial. It is restful for body and mind. However, being on vacation from God’s Word is not. In fact, taking a break from the Scriptures actually brings unrest for the soul.
There is this fascinating juxtaposition between body and soul. Breaking from working at our occupations benefits our bodies; breaking from working through God’s Word negatively impacts our souls. Undying dedication to time in the Bible benefits our spiritual health; unending dedication to time at our jobs brings physical problems.
Consequently, one should definitely provide the body and mind a prolonged rest now and then. But it is never a wise decision to take a vacation from God’s Word. Not when one is on vacation. Not when buried under responsibilities. Not when relaxing and not when busy. Not in good times or bad. Never!
In fact, just the opposite is true. The more stressed and busy we may be, the more we need the spiritual rest that the Holy Spirit brings us through God’s truths.
The Apostle Paul wrote these words to his fellow pastor, Timothy, about the importance of remaining steadfast in God’s Word: “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of! … The Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:14-17).
Vacation time for the body – definitely good! Vacation time for the soul – definitely not good! So by all means vacation, but do so selectively!
One thought on “On Vacation”
Another reason to thank you for all your exhausting efforts to get the Lord’s Word out these last three months through your blog, skype, Twitter, Face Book, You Tube (forgive me if I forgot something.)
After reading this I realize why I am not more concerned than I am. The video sermons & Bible Studies have kept my spirit alive and well so that our first day back in the Church building was like spiritual shot of Faith in the arm.
I pray that you are able to enjoy your vacation to your & Sheryl’s max!
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