Miracle Deer

When I was a teenager living in Michigan, I couldn’t wait for the fall. When the leaves started turning and the crops were being harvested, it meant that hunting season had arrived. I could join my brother and father on the boat in the Bay to wait for ducks to approach our decoys, walk the farm fields hoping to flush a rooster pheasant, and sneak into my dad’s woods before first light to hunt squirrels, rabbits, and the ultimate quarry … whitetail deer.
Though I tried hard and came close a number of times, I never harvested a deer in Michigan. And then I was off to Wisconsin for college and the Seminary, and didn’t really have the opportunity to resume my hunting endeavors in the “mitten state.” Though I was still able to get out in the timber in the state “across the pond,” I dearly missed those Michigan fields and woods in the fall. I especially missed my dad’s woods, where I had spent so many enjoyable hours.
Upon graduation from the Seminary, the Lord sent me to Washington state and its bounty of outdoor activities. I loved the fall opportunities dearly there, (pun intended), and filled a few tags … both deer and elk. I was even able to share a number of fall outdoor activities with my sons and be with the three oldest ones as they shot their first deer. Precious moments.
But I never really had much opportunity to hunt my old haunts. Not for over 40 years. And then the Lord brought us back to Michigan – a mere hour-and-a-quarter from my old stomping grounds. This meant I could spend regular time with my Dad and Mom, whom I hadn’t seen much over the past three decades. It also meant that I could use my days off (Mondays) to revisit Dad’s woods.
I got reacquainted with its layout. (A lot changes over 40 years!) I located the deer trails, strapped up a few game cameras, and eventually installed a 16-foot ladder stand. I didn’t have time to hunt the bow season this year, but I counted the days to gun season.
When it arrived, I was in my stand before first light. And I actually lost count of all the deer I saw that morning! Michigan regulations now allow the taking of a doe with a buck license. Plus, I actually had purchased an antlerless tag. I could have filled it multiple times that morning, and the next morning as well.
But I had talked with God extensively. I had seen multiple bucks on my game cameras … some quite impressive … and I had asked the Lord to please let my first Michigan deer be one taken in my father’s woods, and please let it be a buck. I didn’t expect Him to grant my prayers, but I wasn’t going to be surprised if he did. I certainly wanted to give him the opportunity to do so!
However, by the third morning with only one little buck spotted, and him not offering me a shot, I was ready to take a doe. I did see one that morning immediately under my stand, but it was a small yearling. I passed.
Opening days were gone, and I had three unfilled deer tags in my hunting jacket pocket. My lovely wife wondered why I hadn’t taken one of the fine deer the Lord had presented me. I explained my requests to the Lord. My better half was largely unconvinced and fairly unsympathetic.
The next opportunity for me was the following Monday. I bunked at my parents’ house for an early start the next morning. But every indication from my weather apps on my phone was that the wind would be blowing from the worst possible direction to hunt from my raised stand. None of my other natural ground blinds would work either. Which meant I had to transition to plan C.
I had no plan C.
Finally, I decided I needed to enter the woods with the wind in my face and work my way to the thicket where I had seen a lot of activity recently. The problem was I had cut no trails into it, and it would be a noisy and prickly approach, with multiple downed trees to climb over.
So I prayed repeatedly that night and the next morning. This was my redundant prayer: “Lord, please lead me to where I need to be … and please lead the deer to me.”
Not much of a hunting plan, I know, but it was my best shot under the circumstances. (Really, it’s the best shot under any circumstances!) I was absolutely confident the Lord could do it. Whether he did or not was up to him, and I would find out in the morning.
An hour before daylight, I was fighting my way through the tangles. I knew roughly where I wanted to end up, but had no idea if I could even find a suitable spot to take a stand. I continued to pray my prayer. Eventually I stumbled onto an area that was fairly open. I said, “Alright, Lord, I guess this is it. The rest is up to you. And Lord, obviously you are going to have to bring them close.”
I was tempted to try to find a better spot. And although I shifted just ten feet over to a more comfortable spot, I determined I had asked the Lord to lead me, so I would trust that he had led. Now I had to also trust that he would lead the deer to me.
A few hours later, I still sat there. I was chilled, but I was determined to wait. I ate a few mini-Snickers bars for energy and to pass the time. I heard some leaves rustling over my shoulder. “Probably squirrels,” I thought, but still turned slowly to investigate.
I couldn’t see anything, so I turned back. And a doe was walking briskly broadside 30 feet in front of me! She took a hard right behind some brush, walked closer to me, and plopped down 15 feet away beside a large fallen tree! All I could see where her ears above the log, swiveling this way and that to listen.
Well, where there’s one deer, there are often more. I looked where the doe had crossed and sure enough – there was another deer crossing in the same spot. This one also took a hard right and came to a stop over the doe … 20 feet away. The sun was behind it, but when I tilted my head and shifted my view, I spotted antlers. I whispered a “Thank you, Lord!” and filled one of my buck tags.
It was immediately evident to me that the Lord had just brought about a remarkable miracle in answer to my prayers. He allowed me to harvest my first Michigan deer in my dad’s woods, and it was indeed a buck (a 6 point). Even more remarkable, the Lord led me to exactly where I needed to be that morning, and THEN brought two deer directly to me. Any closer, and they would have trampled me!
I know many would dismiss it all as blind chance or astounding luck. What I know is that this deer was a miracle brought about by a God who loves me, blesses me despite myself, and answers prayers in dramatic fashion.
Oh, there’s one more rather amazing event I need to share. When I turned on my truck to retrieve the deer after dragging it out, my all-time favorite Christian praise song filled my ears: “Holy Forever” by Chris Tomlin. It’s a song about worshipping our God and Savior forever. “Your name is the highest. Your name is the greatest. Your name stands above them all!”
The Lord didn’t need to remind me what had just happened. I already knew. But he emphasized it nonetheless. I couldn’t help myself; I began to cry and worship.
Our Lord loves us dearly. He hears our every prayer. He has unending power. He still does miracles, even in our lives. He won’t always, but he always can.
Thank you, Lord. You are amazing!
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Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Isaiah 65:24
Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.
Psalm 77:14
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Jeremiah 32:27
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”
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6 thoughts on “Miracle Deer”
Thanks pastor. Great read, and congratulations on your first Michigan deer!
Thank you, Brandon! And your advice on the meat processer was fantastic.
Great story, Dave! Keep on believing and praying! God is good – always! No matter what!
Great story Dave, so happy you’re back to your roots and God fulfilled your dream. There is no place like home, no matter where you come from…God the father is such a supportive, kind and patient father with us, his children, as we learn and grow… He cannot wait for us to return home, what a beautiful reunion it will be…
Well said, Jody! And thanks for the kind words.
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