Lent – A Time for … Reflection

For the majority of the weeks during the church season of Lent, I will share a few thoughts on some of the various approaches Christians might take at this time of the year when we reflect upon the suffering Jesus endured in order to redeem us. There are many appropriate actions and reactions for a believer as he or she contemplates Jesus’ crucifixion … and thankfully also his resurrection.
These posts during Lent will form the basis of our Wednesday evening worship discussions. I pray they provide wonderful food for thought, and blessed encouragement to all of us!
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Reflection. It’s defined as “serious thought or consideration.” If I could suggest my own definition, I would describe it as “solemn remembrance.”
Reflection is something everyone does to some degree. Yet this formula seems to hold true: the older a person becomes, the more he or she reflects on the past. A related formula would be: the more one’s life is changing, the more reflection that occurs. (I’m finding that both formulas hold true for me!)
Everyone spends some time reflecting, regardless of their age or the amount of transition currently intruding into their lives. Retrospection is part and parcel of the human psyche. We pause now and then and remember.
Perhaps the solemn remembering is brought on by a date or event; maybe by a sight, sound or smell. Regardless, something triggers the mind to reflect, so it does … leading us through the mists of memories. Some are happy; some less so.
Typically those moments of reflection revolve around the physical. A loved one who is no longer with us. A car we used to drive, a home we once lived in, or a place before it was altered. An activity that was flagrantly fun, or a verbal exchange that was riotously funny. An event that was significant or especially meaningful.
The physical tends to dominate our reflections, which makes sense since we are physical creatures driven by our senses. Yet those physical remembrances are highly charged emotionally. We recall … often vividly … how those events made us feel at the moment. And they still spark emotions – sometimes the same ones originally experienced; sometimes altogether different ones – as we think about those past happenings in the present.
All of this is natural and ordinary for us humans. We routinely remember past physical situations and then relive the emotions tied to them, perhaps even unwrapping some new ones.
Yet here is my question: how much do we reflect upon spiritual matters?
I submit that this is not so natural and not nearly as commonplace.
The Scriptures repeatedly emphasize the concept of remembering the great things God has done. Moses farewell speech to the Israelites (the book of Deuteronomy) is filled with encouragements that the people never forget how God had blessed them. “Remember well what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt” (Deuteronomy 7:18). Yes, this is a reminder of a physical deliverance, but with the emphasis placed on the Spiritual One (the LORD!) who brought it about.
The psalms are a treasure trove of spiritual reflections. The Old Testament prophets repeated the refrain. The New Testament writers did the same. Jesus himself urged reflection for those receiving the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:23-26). The angels in the empty tomb reminded the women to remember what Jesus had said, that he would be crucified but rise back to life on the third day (Luke 24:5-8). These are but a few examples; the Scriptures are overflowing with the concept.
Therefore, it would be wise on our part to spend more moments in spiritual reflection. That is, reflecting upon the incomprehensible love of God’s Son who endured so very much for you and me. Consider who Jesus is, and what Jesus did. His many sacrifices encompassing his ultimate sacrifice bear remembering. This is the only reason we are forgiven, the only reason we are children of God, and the only reason we are heirs of salvation. Hence, we solemnly remember.
As the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write, “Remember that … you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:12-13).
All of which is cause for spiritual reflection. Not only during the Lenten season, but every single day of our lives.
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2 Timothy 2:7-8
Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this. Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel,
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One thought on “Lent – A Time for … Reflection”
Thank you, pastor!
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