Just a Small Slice of Heaven?

Of course, nothing in this world can even begin to replicate the world that awaits us. But that doesn’t keep us from trying to find just a small slice of heaven here on earth.
It seems to me that those heavenly attributes we most desperately seek are rest, relaxation, joy and peace. The reality is that these blessings are primarily delivered to us by the Holy Spirit in spiritual packages … through God’s Gospel wrapped in different and delightful ways. And finally, that resource (the Gospel!) is where we all want to be actively abiding.
Otherwise peace, joy, rest and relaxation are difficult qualities to uncover in this hard-driven, stress-packed, muddled-up, uncertain, unsettled, and demanding society. And especially all of them all at once. Rarely will they be uncovered in one secular activity.
I have many hobbies I enjoy. I enjoy them because they bring me a hint of the blessings I will experience fully in heaven. Hiking and backpacking; hunting and fishing; metal detecting and gold panning; bird and animal watching; gardening and landscaping; cooking and grilling; traveling and exploring; reading and writing; watching a good ballgame or attending a concert … they all bring a measure of satisfaction. But none of them foster complete rest and relaxation, peace and joy.
Obviously no non-spiritual activity in this life can or will. But there is one thing that comes close … at least for me. Camping.
Now I recognize that some of the good readers of this blog will cringe at the thought of residing for days in a tent with no amenities on the edge of a dirt-covered, smoke-filled campsite. To be largely at the mercy of the whims of weather, wild critters and bugs would definitely NOT be restful and relaxing to many. Nor would they find it peace-providing and joy-filling.
But it is to me.
Metal detecting? (Enjoyable!) Cooking a good meal? (Satisfying!) Observing wildlife? (Delightful!) Backpacking? (Thrilling!) Fishing? (Potentially relaxing AND exciting!) Reading a well-crafted book? (Distracting … in a good way!) Camping? (Restful, relaxing, peaceful and joyful!)
I’ve wondered why I enjoy it so much. Perhaps it’s because of the memories of camping with my parents and siblings when I was young, or with my wife and children when I was older. The presence of loved ones is huge. Undoubtedly my joy in camping also revolves around my love of the outdoors. Being free from responsibilities other than “the very basics of life” (food, drink, and shelter) is another factor. Camping allows me to unplug for an extended amount of time, along with the rest of my family who are with me. And then there’s the added bonus of being able to easily participate in so many of my other enjoyable pursuits. After all, we’re temporarily living in the outdoors!
Ah, there’s nothing like a camping trip to bring sweet rest, easy relaxation, deep-seated peace, and exquisite joy. Nothing outside of spiritual elements in this world, anyway. I recognize that it’s not for everyone. But at least for me, camping is a small slice of heaven.
Imagine then what a large slice of heaven will be! The complete, perfect and unending slice! This is how an “elder” in heaven described salvation to John:
“These in white robes … are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, “they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence. ‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them,’ nor any scorching heat. For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; ‘he will lead them to springs of living water.’ ‘And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes’” (Revelation 7:13-17).
In other words, the ultimate rest, relaxation, peace and joy will be found in heaven! I can’t wait to “camp” there forever.
3 thoughts on “Just a Small Slice of Heaven?”
Here is a comment that Lee Hunt emailed to me. I wanted to share it because it’s so true. I’m sure he won’t mind.
“I do know as you grow older with grace you are thankful that you were blessed with a Small Slice of Heaven. In your sr. years you know a Big Slice is waiting. Lee”
You do write very well! I’ve enjoyed much of what you have written. But this one has really caused me to ponder. I feel strong with my own personal walk with Christ. I also try to keep myself open to the differences in other denominations. My walk . . ALL humans are sinners and will be so long as we are on this earth. Christ died to save us. We are not saved by works, but by faith. God had plans for what He wanted us to do on this earth before we were born. My focus is about what God wants from me here, how do I do His Will with each day? I sincerely believe that there is spiritual warfare and all Christians need to stand together with our basic Christian beliefs. This particular blog seems to focus more on what one’s life will be in the after life .I am trying to understand various denominations . . Is where we all go a large part of what Luthernism is about?
Thanks for the compliment, and for reading the posts, Melodie! Thanks also for stating the basic truths of Christianity! You are absolutely correct. We are all sinners but thankfully we have a Savior in Jesus. And we are saved, not by our actions, but by faith in the perfect actions, innocent death and glorious resurrection of Christ on our behalf. It’s so wondrous that it’s almost inconceivable. But thanks be to God, it’s true!
I also agree that there is spiritual warfare being waged in this world, and the Lord has us here and keeps us here to fight for Him in that war. And it is crucial that we all grow in our faith, in our dedication to the Lord, in following God’s will, and in our spiritual battle skills as long as the Lord keeps us here on earth.
That’s actually one of the reasons I began writing this blog. As the theme of the blog states, my goal is to try to encourage fellow believers in their walk with God here on earth until we ultimately reach our heavenly home. Of course, the greatest encouragement finally is that we get to go to heaven one day because of Jesus, so I do write about that now and then.
But if you look back at previous posts, you will note an emphasis on our spiritual welfare here on earth; on staying in God’s Word so the Holy Spirit can continue to fashion us, strengthen us, and equip us for living for the Lord. I expect that providing encouragement (hopefully!) for daily life will continue to be the main focus of the articles.
Thanks be to God, we are saved by his grace! So we live our lives for God … not to BE saved, but because we ARE saved. I pray that past and future posts on this blog will help us all grow in our appreciation of that simple but profound truth.
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