Having Everything

Charles Dickens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol,” was an ingenious concept that has touched millions of people through the years. It can’t be improved upon. However, I thought I would provide a bit of a different twist to the concept, and be a bit more direct in the three different “insights” provided. Dickens was a devout Christian and hinted at these truths. I trust he would approve of the content of the messages in this version.
May this story be thought-provoking and ultimately bless all who read it!
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Randy Thomas swung his leather-covered swivel chair slowly around, indulging himself in the sight of his luxuriously appointed office and his above-the-city view. Nice. All very nice. And everything around him was the fruit of his own ingenuity and grit. He had accomplished it all himself.
It had been a grueling ascent, but it was behind him now. He was fabulously wealthy and “on top of the world.” And the best thing about wealth – he could now afford to hire the very best employees to keep his company prospering.
Perhaps this would be a good time to check in with Simpson on that multi-million-dollar contract. He stood, stretched, and sauntered out of his sanctuary.
Drat! Lousy timing! That irritating Johnny Johnson was restocking the snack dispensing machine in the break area of the office. Maybe Johnson wouldn’t notice him?
“Morning, Mr. Thomas!” (Clearly he had noticed.)
“Hello, Jansen.”
“It’s Johnson. But you know that, Mr. Thomas.” Randy grunted, and Johnny smiled.
They didn’t come any more gawky than Johnny Johnson. Long and lean, he seemed all arms and legs; elbows and knees. His ears stuck out perpendicular from his head, and a sharp, thin nose like a shark’s fin dominated his face. He sported a small patch of hair centered on the front of his bald head … barely more follicles than protruded in obvious abundance from his nose and ears.
Randy didn’t even pretend to be kind; the man irritated him to no end. “Why do I seem to run into you every time you are here, Jansen?”
“Just lucky, I guess,” the other man replied, with a grin. (How could he be so frustratingly nice!)
“I can’t believe they haven’t replaced you yet.”
Johnny showed no response to the insult; he simply continued stocking the machine. “Good workers are hard to find these days, Mr. Thomas. You should know that.” (Hard to rattle this guy!)
Johnny closed the vending machine door, locking it tight. He stood and looked directly into Randy’s eyes. “Mr. Thomas, I’d like to give you something.”
Again! He offered the same thing again! Every time they talked, Johnny made the same overture! An exasperated Randy replied, “Why do you keep offering that?
“Because I have something you need.”
“What could you possibly have that I need? What can you give to someone who has everything?”
“But you don’t have everything, Mr. Thomas.”
“Go away, Johnny. Just go away!” Randy wheeled around and stormed back to his office. Only after he sat back down did he remember he had intended to chat with Simpson. That stupid Johnson!
Later that evening, Randy nursed a drink while gazing out over the skyline from his penthouse. Strangely, it wasn’t the business transactions of the day that engaged his mind, but the irritating repeated offer of that goofball Johnson. To his great annoyance, Randy was intrigued. What could Johnny’s gift be? Undoubtedly something meaningless. Certainly something he already owned, and probably three times over! Yet Johnny claimed it was something he needed – something he didn’t have.
The man was beyond exasperating! He was infuriating!
Randy’s thoughts tracked further down the rabbit-hole Johnny had dropped him in. He was one of the wealthiest men in the world. There was nothing he wanted that he lacked. And if he happened to actually find something else he wanted, he wouldn’t lack it for long … no matter the price! Few people in the world could claim that.
He allowed himself a moment of honest reflection: “So why do I feel so empty when I have so much?” There was no easy answer to that.
Randy shrugged and made his way to bed. Unsettled, he tossed and turned for a while before the alcohol pulled him into a deep sleep.
Gradually it registered on his consciousness that he seemed to be falling face-first from his high-rise apartment. While plummeting to the street below … faster and faster … the air rushing past him increased in intensity. His pajamas were pinned to his body; his hair flopped and pulled against his scalp. Randy was terrified!
Suddenly, a man with golden hair, piercing blue eyes and a glowing white robe stood suspended in the air below him … his hand held upwards in a halt gesture. Randy slammed to a stop above him. Slowly his body rotated until his feet were below him and he was suspended beside the startling gleaming man. And just that quickly, they were both standing on the ground in a fog-filled field.
“Greetings, Randy. My name is Soniel.” His voice was rich, deep and strong … like a ship’s horn melodiously forming words. “I have been sent to show you things that most never get to see … at least not before their lives end. You will see … and then you will see or not see.”
Randy swallowed hard. “Who are you?” he sputtered. “I mean, what are you?”
“I am a messenger of God bearing a three-fold message to you. I urge you to watch and listen carefully. Eternity rides in the balance.” The angel stared intently at Randy. Randy wanted to look away, but somehow couldn’t.
The angel continued. “Message one: you believe you have everything. Here is what you really have.”
Soniel swept his arm to the right and pointed. A casket materialized in the mist. It was overflowing with his possessions. Gold and silver bullion, his Rolexes and favorite jewelry from his jewelry chest, fancy clothes from his closets, precious paintings from his homes, titles of his properties and registrations of his vehicles. Even his personalized and personally-fitted golf clubs.
The angel spoke. “Meaningless! Meaningless. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” (Ecc. 1:1)
As he looked on, Randy suddenly realized with horror that there was a body … his body! … in the casket. He could see his pale face peeking out amidst his piles of possessions!
The shock hadn’t even settled in when riches began to cascade off the mounded up treasure and his naked corpse rose upward, levitating above the casket. There was a huge void in his chest; a dark emptiness where his heart should be.
Soniel’s voice resonated yet again. “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Mt. 16:26)
No sooner had the words been spoken when the casket burst into flames – the stockpiled riches incinerating in the conflagration. The heat was all-consuming. In short order, there was nothing left but smoldering ashes where just moments before had been a fortune.
Randy’s dead body remained suspended in the air … seemingly untouched by the heat.
“You brought nothing into the world, and you can take nothing out of it,” (1 Tim. 6:7) the angel said. “Therefore do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world passes away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” (1 Jn. 2:15-18)
The angel turned back toward Randy. “Your everything is absolutely nothing. Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions, (Lk. 12:15) so fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18)
Randy felt himself shuddering. He wrapped his arms around himself to try to stop the shaking. It didn’t help.
“That is message number one. Here is message number two.” Soniel swept his other hand in the opposite direction from before, his top two fingers pointing at the vision manifesting there. “This is where you are headed.”
Randy reluctantly turned his attention where the angel directed. A small, gray shimmering oval appeared, expanded rapidly and then burst open. The fabric of the physical was pierced and a view into another world was suddenly revealed.
Initially all he saw was the deepest blackness. But his nose was immediately filled with the gagging smell of decay and vomit, and his ears were overwhelmed with agonized shrieking. Women screamed shrilly and men bellowed; sobbing and wailing prevailed. Meanwhile, the voices of clearly spiritual entities filled the darkness with cursing and manic demonic cackling. “You’re all doomed! Doomed! Doomed!” More disturbing and unsettling laughter. “You’re all doomed to this place and this pain and this darkness with us! Forever! Forever! For-ev-er!”
Randy shuddered involuntarily. He was profoundly moved.
Gradually his eyes assimilated and he began to discern that the place was filled with black fire – the edges of each flame tinged with the faintest orange. The flames were broken up by the outlines of writhing bodies, trying but failing to escape the licking reach of the fire. And though the flames burned furiously, the bodies never burned up.
Randy was horrified! “Hell is real!” he shouted.
But then something even more horrifying became evident. Above the blackness was a “sky-light” revealing a bright view of Jesus on a throne surrounded by countless people singing and laughing and rejoicing. The light from that place didn’t stream downwards into the blackness below, but everyone below could clearly look through that “window” and see that bright and beautiful world.
“Heaven’s real too! And they can see it!”
“That’s cruel!”
“That’s just. They made their decisions in life, and now they can see life, but have only death.”
Soniel flicked his fingers and the view disappeared. “It is too much to bear for those still in the physical world.” He paused. “It is too much to bear for those in that world as well, but bear it they must and bear it they do.”
Randy didn’t even realize that he had begun sobbing uncontrollably until once again in the silence with Soniel. “No! No! No!” he cried out. “I have nothing! Nothing now, and nothing after!” Tears streamed down his cheeks. “N O T H I N G!” he repeated in the shock of the revelations.
Randy tried to compose himself … to no avail. He asked in a shuddering voice, “Can I bear your final message, Soniel? I am terrified to hear it! Is it that you are taking me to that horrible place now? Please, not that! Please!”
The angel actually smiled. Not unkindly, but lovingly. “You are now ready for my final message. It is quite different from the first two. It is to reveal what God has done.” He spread both arms wide. “Behold!”
The view of Jesus on his throne reappeared. Beside his throne was another one, where a brilliantly gleaming essence resided. Jesus stood and bowed to the other throne. Then a golden whirlwind swirled around Jesus and he disappeared. The glowing stream grew brighter, arced upwards and then swooped downwards. Randy watched it rocket past stars and planets on its way to earth.
Soniel began speaking again – but more quietly now. Randy could actually hear the wonder in his voice. “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” He paused, then continued. “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned …” (Jn. 3:16-18a)
A young dark-haired woman came into Randy’s view. Her pregnant belly glowed with golden light. Randy somehow realized that the aura wasn’t evident to anyone but him.
The previous view faded and was replaced with the same woman resting on a blanket on a bed of straw. Beside her a newborn baby boy, glowing golden, wiggled in a feeding trough, while a concerned man knelt between Baby and mother.
Soniel again. “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that they might receive adoption to sonship.” (Gal. 4:4-5)
Another scene took shape. It was a bloodied and battered man hanging from a cross … again faintly glowing golden. He lifted his head and in a hoarse voice cried out, “It is finished!”
Soniel explained. “God shows his love for humans in this: while they were still sinners, Christ died for them (Rom. 5:8) … the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” (1 Peter 3:18).
Yet another view was revealed. Angels like Soniel effortlessly rolled a huge stone away from a tomb. The living Jesus stood just inside the cavity, waiting and smiling. Then he stepped into the early morning light.
The angel before Randy laughed joyfully. “Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given believers new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you …” (1 Peter 1:3-4)
Then it was only the two of them again. Randy was sobbing again, but no longer in terror. He choked out, “I loved the last message!”
“Without the first two messages, it would have meant nothing to you. I will leave you now. Do not dismiss my messages. Do not forget them. They are truth.”
“Never! I never will!” The angel nodded. “One more thing, if I could,” Randy asked timidly. Again the angel nodded. “Why did you come to me?”
“This is certainly not the usual approach, but someone has been praying for you relentlessly, so the Lord sent me.”
“Who has been praying for me?”
“Let’s just say it’s someone who has wanted to give you a gift.” Randy was stunned.
The angel disappeared. And there again was Randy’s body. But the gaping cavity in his chest was filled with a glowing Baby in a manger. He began crying again. He finally truly had Everything, and everything else he had would be used for Him.
Wait until he saw Johnson again!
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A few important comments:
I fully recognize that the concept of an angel sharing these in-depth messages with an unbeliever is NOT how the Lord typically works. (At least there are no examples of anything similar in the Scriptures.) God has entrusted the crucial task of sharing Him and His truths to you and me. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). However, I approached it this way simply to attempt to share crucial messages and provide insights in a hopefully impactful way. That is the benefit of stories.
Hell is often described in the Bible as fiery, but often as darkness as well. How does one reconcile the two? I did my best to include both aspects.
Jesus’ account of the rich man in hell (Luke 16:19-31) is absolutely fascinating (and heart-breaking!). Was Jesus simply sharing a powerful story to pass along powerful truths, or was he giving a glimpse of how things really are? Or some of both? I don’t pretend to know. However, it is a story unlike any others he told. Therefore I borrowed concepts from it, feeling that if Jesus used these pictures, then I can safely do so as well.
One of the striking lessons Jesus was teaching in his story was summarized by Abraham to the rich man when he begged that Lazarus be sent back to warn his brothers. Abraham stated, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets [i.e. God’s Word!], they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.” Taking this to heart, it is clear that even an angel and the remarkable things he could reveal wouldn’t be sufficient to turn a heart either. Consequently, I had God’s angel share God’s living, heart-altering words with the rich man. Finally, it is the Holy Spirit working through Scripture that brings faith and changes perspectives.
Despite the licenses I took, I pray that this story glorifies God and brings blessing to God’s people. Perhaps especially to some who are losing sight of the most important things – their Savior and their soul.
Merry Christmas, everyone! We have Everything in Jesus!
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3 thoughts on “Having Everything”
Thank you, Pastor!
Thanks, Pastor Dave, for another presenting engaging and enlightening reflection! As you depicted the initial vision of hell I was thinking how anyone us can be tempted to believe because of how weak and fickle we are in our faith that we are ‘doomed’ without hope of redemption. In other words, if I keep looking at myself with my sinfulness(instead of turning to Jesus for his mercy)I give into the ‘bad spirit’ that would lead me to despair. “ What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:24)
I especially then loved the image of our hearts renewed with God’s mercy as represented by the newborn Babe as the antidote to our desolation.
Blessings to you and Sheryl in this Advent and Christmas season, Dave.
I hope you’re having a white Christmas! Let us know when you’ll be back in the PNW 🙂
Nicely written, Dave! I enjoyed the view(point).
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