God’s Got This!

“We got this” seems to be a rallying cry during this pandemic. It’s a good-enough slogan, I guess. It’s pithy, personal, and persuasive.
I certainly don’t want to downplay any of the wonderful things that the motto might be bringing about; the teamwork, sacrifice and service to others that it may be encouraging. People need something to rally around in a pandemic.
However, it must be said: “We got this” is patently false. The truth of the matter is that we humans got no control over nothin’! At least nothing significant. If ever there was a time that our utter helplessness over circumstances was abundantly clear, it is now.
Yet that is always the fallback plan for most people. The hope against all hopes. The blind confidence. (The desperate conviction?) Science … or medicine … or government … or companies … or SOMEBODY! … will inevitably figure out the solutions and we’ll be fine.
And as for God … well, for many he is a non-factor. Either God’s existence isn’t acknowledged, or if it is, he is marginalized. People conclude, especially when difficulties arise, that if there even is a god, he’s either lost control or lost interest.
This concept that God’s impact is negligible and we humans control our own fate leaves one rather empty. Frankly, it’s depressing and terrifying. Or at least it should be for anyone with even a lick of sense! However, if someone insists that God won’t or can’t help us, then there is only one other alternative for hope; we humans must trust in ourselves to figure things out. And we better get it right!
But can we? Will we? What if we mess up and make things worse? There’s a trainload of pressure packed into a godless worldview – especially when the world is in the middle of a pandemic!
In 1952, Ray Bradbury wrote a short story titled “A Sound of Thunder,” set in the year 2055. In the story a company took folks back in time. However, they had stringent rules on how the trips were conducted. Clients must not deviate from those rules to ensure that the future would remain unaffected. But on one trip a client forgot the rules, and he crushed a butterfly while in the distant past. When they returned to 2055, things were different. And all because one butterfly in the past perished, thereby altering the future.
This concept reappears repeatedly in literature and movies. Humans messed with the past, (or the present), which messed up the future! Of course, there’s no consideration of God in these scenarios; everything is dependent upon people.
It’s a common premise, but a faulty one. We humans do not control our destiny. And rescuing the world is way more than any person or number of people (or even nation!) could presume to do. As is providing for the world and guiding the events in the world. People can’t even control the events in their own lives for one day! Taking it to a larger spectrum is inconceivable.
Providence (providing and protecting) is God’s job! And thankfully he’s really good at it! As David wrote, “You, LORD, preserve both people and animals. How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!” (Psalm 36:6-7)
Our Lord is always watching … not only the entire world, but even us! Every day – all day! And all night too! (Psalm 121). God always has a loving plan (Jeremiah 29:11). He controls all things, bringing both good times and hard (Isaiah 45:6-7), but always for the blessing of his people (Romans 8:28). We humans can never hope to fully understand God’s decisions (Isaiah 55:8-9), but we know he is always acting in love (Zephaniah 3:17). After all, he gave us Jesus, our Savior; he will also provide for all our other needs (Romans 8:32). Yes, even in a pandemic!
The Lord summarizes our situation beautifully in Isaiah: “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you (46:4). So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (41:10).
Wow! That’s some awesome stuff! Comforting, encouraging and uplifting! Our God who gave us life will guide us lovingly through life.
So back to the slogan. “We got this?” Not so much.
God’s got this? Much better! Yes, he does. Totally, completely and undoubtedly. Hear it. Hold it. Know it. Treasure it. God most definitely has got this, so we’re in very good hands.
4 thoughts on “God’s Got This!”
God’s got this! I trust my heart but I will not lean on it because it is fallible. However I trust God and through and through. Leaning on God has been, is, and will continue to be the only thing that is guaranteed to not fail us. I hear you…..Loud and clear when you say God’s got this. P.S. Leaning on God is the only thing that got my family through history till today.
Well said, Cory! How awesome to know that God loves us and faithfully helps us. So we continue to lean on him and his Word!
Keep on bloggin’!
Thanks for the encouragement, Jon. I really appreciate it!
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