Fear Not?

It doesn’t take a pandemic to create fear, but it most certainly fuels it.
There seems to be an abundance of fear these days. One might conclude that it is even more contagious than Covid-19.
Nosophobia is rampant, and thanatophobia is common as well (fear of getting sick and fear of death). Both of those phobias contribute mightily to agoraphobia and anthropophobia (fear of leaving the house and fear of people), and definitely to enochlophobia (fear of crowds).
Ergophobia is also raising its ugly head (fear of losing a job), and even peniaphobia is making an appearance (fear of poverty) … both of which feed chronophobia (fear of the future.) This abundance of fear leads to the ultimate fear of all – fear of uncertainty. (Simply called “anxiety.”)
Fearmongering seems to be the trend … the media feeding out phobias and the people eating them up. Even some Christians are nibbling on that entrée.
The astute reader will recognize that there is a technical difference between fear and phobia. Fear is a reaction to an actual danger, while a phobia is an excessive and irrational reaction when no real danger is present.
I am not suggesting that people are reacting irrationally in this pandemic. (Well, maybe just a little?) There are certainly very real concerns out there. Being prudent and careful is the correct approach. Still, there is no reason for phobias or fear … rational or irrational … in God’s people.
A person could be radically exposed to the virus; someone could be surrounded by the sick and breathe in the bug repeatedly … and they will only become ill if God allows it! That’s a fact.
The doctors will tell you that the disease is highly contagious … and I don’t doubt it. But the Lord isn’t locked into doctors’ dictates. God our Father will do what he knows is best for his children. He always does.
Now I am not advocating a fatalistic or cavalier approach to the current situation. Nor am I promoting carelessness or recklessness. The Bible makes is clear that we are not to test the Lord. Rather, I am simply stating that the Lord is bigger than any virus, or layoff, or shortage, or financial challenge. Or any other difficulty, for that matter!
We are God’s people, and our God is our Protector and Provider. He is our Fortress and Shield. His power encircles us; nothing reaches us unless he allows it. And if he does allow it, then it’s to bless us in some wonderful way. That’s his promise! (Romans 8:28). Consequently, we have no reason to fear.
The words the Lord spoke to Joshua as he took over for Moses and prepared to lead the Israelites in their conquest of Canaan apply to each of us as well in the midst of the challenges we currently face. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
Really, when the Lord our God is with us wherever we go, what in the world (literally!) do we have to fear? To state it more strongly, when the Lord is always with us, we have absolutely no cause to be afflicted by phobias or beset by fear. Rather, courage is the way we face our days.
So it seems that Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous words are very apropos to Spring, 2020. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” (That’s phobophobia, by the way: fear of fear.)
Fine words from F.D.R. But I prefer the words of Jesus. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).
Fear not? Yes, that’s right. Fear not! The Lord is carrying us.
2 thoughts on “Fear Not?”
Reminds me of Charlie Brown Christmas special where Lucy goes through all the phobias with good ol’ Chuck and finally states the correct one. This is when Charlie Brown yells, “THAT’S IT!!!!” and knocks Lucy off her chair.
I had forgotten about that until you reminded me! I can’t remember which one “THAT’S IT!!!” was though for ol’ Chuck. Unfortunately, these days it seems like there are many “THAT’S ITs” circulating around, and for many people. There is so much peace to be found in the Lord, no matter our circumstances!
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