Everything for Good?

I rented the cottage because I was hoping we would catch some fish.
The house was ideally located lakeside with a large dock and a lovely view. The lake had newly stocked rainbow trout, and resident bluegills, perch, bass and catfish. With four of us fishing with two hooks per line for several days, a fish dinner (or two!) seemed a certainty.
Our first hint of misfortune was the weather report. The one day we were on site for the full day was the only day of the week that rain was forecast. Bummer! But sometimes fish bite better in the rain, so we packed rain jackets and were willing to endure the dampness for lots of action.
We didn’t even get a nibble! Not in the sunshine; not in the showers.
We tried everything – tight-line bottom fishing, bobbers on the surface, a slip bobber to test different depths, and even casting spinners. We offered night crawlers and Power Bait. Nothing worked. It was so dreadful my youngest son declared with absolute conviction that there were no fish in the lake.
Major bummer! All that eager expectation and effort, with nothing to show for it in the end.
It occurred to me after being “skunked” on the lake, and as I listened to the raindrops tap-tapping the skylights inside the cottage, that we were being blessed. No, we wouldn’t be enjoying any fresh fish dinners. But our family had quiet time together. We enjoyed the fireplaces. We read at the lakeview windows, lifting our eyes frequently to enjoy a sight we normally didn’t see. We watched the Mariners game. We talked. We napped. We played games. In short, we slipped into exquisite relaxation – something we all desperately needed, and something we wouldn’t have experienced reeling in fish on the dock. (Though that certainly would have been fun!)
Somewhere along the way I realized that it was just another example of the Lord working everything for good. You know the passage; it’s often quoted: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him …” (Romans 8:28).
Maybe you struggle sometimes to embrace that truth. It’s difficult to rejoice when long-awaited vacation plans don’t play out as hoped, or have to be altered or cancelled. (Really when any anticipated plans fall through!) It’s frustrating when one’s hard work to make things better seems to result instead in making things worse. It’s stressful when the car breaks down or the house needs attention. It’s troubling when one’s physical or financial health takes a significant hit. It’s agonizing when a loved one dies.
Whenever our expectations aren’t met or the unexpected occurs, it’s challenging to see how the Lord is working “all things for good.” Yet that’s his promise, and the Lord cannot break his word.
I believe the greatest hurdle to our accepting that the Lord is blessing us through everything is that we don’t see the complete picture. We don’t recognize the nasty turn something would have taken if things went the way we wanted instead of the way God directed. We don’t realize the sometimes horrific results that would have resulted if the Lord hadn’t graciously altered events. We don’t comprehend all the significant and wonderful ramifications of God’s good plans. We rarely fathom the really big issues from which the Lord spares us, and we certainly don’t see the subtle nuances brought about by his loving, guiding hand.
Although sometimes God gives us a glimpse. Like while relaxing in a cabin and watching the rain pelt the lake where the fish aren’t biting.
Yes, the Lord truly does work everything for good. In the little things and the big things. In all things!
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