Consider the Birds

The birds at our place have it pretty cushy. We have multiple bird houses hanging from the eaves on the north side of our house. There are also three different styles of bird feeders – all regularly stocked – in the back yard. (Four if one counts the hummingbird feeder.) A birdbath is another provided amenity. In addition, there is an abundance of trees and bushes for the birds to perch in. Plus, we don’t own a cat, and we do own a large dog who effectively keeps cats away, but who ignores the birds.
Consequently, we have a fair share of birds flitting about our place. We regularly notice Turtle Doves (not Mourning Doves, but Turtle Doves!) and various types of Blue Jays pecking up seed on the ground. Towhees, Northern Flickers and Varied Thrushes are sometimes seen clinging to the feeders. Grosbeaks make appearances now and then, as do Finches and even occasionally Goldfinches. Chickadees and Juncos are regulars. But the most common diners at our seed dinners, by far, are the sparrows. They are also the boarders at our bird hotels, so it’s natural that they would be the most frequently sighted.
But then, that’s what I expected when I started catering to the birds. After all, sparrows are everywhere, right? As a matter of fact, there are at least 35 types of sparrow species in North America, with 15 of the species living in most areas of the nation. There are sparrows everywhere. They are the epitome of commonplace.
Actually the sparrow population is declining somewhat. No one is quite sure why, although there are many theories. Nevertheless, house sparrows are still probably the most abundant bird in the United States, with a population estimated as high as 400 million. (Which averages out to 1.2 sparrows for every person in the nation.) Declining or not, that’s a lot of birds!
Realize that sparrows are found around the world. I couldn’t find an estimate on what that number might be. But if 400 million live in the United States, well … yeah, it must be a HUGE number.
With that in mind, consider Jesus’ words: “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7).
Not one of the 400 million sparrows in our nation are forgotten by God. Nor does one fall to the ground unless the Lord allows it (Matthew 10:29). The same is true for the sparrows around the world, however many billions of birds that might be. Now that’s absolutely astounding!
Jesus adds an interesting side-note as well. God even knows the number of hairs on our heads! (For the average person, that would fall somewhere between 100 – 150 thousand strands!) Now consider that our nation’s population is projected to be 333,546,000 in the 2020 consensus. That’s a whole lot of follicles for the Lord to keep track of, just in the United States alone! But still, God’s got the exact count.
Let’s take this concept even further. A while back two scientists decided to estimate the total number of birds on the planet. The number they came up with was 200 to 400 billion individual birds. Compared to almost 8 billion people on earth, this amounts to about 25 to 50 birds per person. And not one of those birds is forgotten or falls without God’s direction either.
Same goes for all the animals. And all the insects. And all the fish. And all the people!
The point of sharing all these mind-boggling numbers is not to convince you that God’s got too much to handle. Quite the opposite! Rather the point is to demonstrate how magnificent our God is! This keeping track of the sparrows … and everything else … is routine stuff for the Lord.
Jesus makes the same point. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:25-26).
One of my most dearly loved things is the sound of birds chirping in the quiet of the morning. Whether home or away, a person can be confident that if he or she is outside, or can hear the outside, then they will hear the birds greet the morning with song.
The sparrows are constantly chirping. They are always fed and housed by the Lord, and their very existence is sustained by Him. They have nothing to worry about, so they don’t. Instead, the sparrows praise the Lord, their Provider, incessantly.
Consider the birds. There is much we can learn from them!

7 thoughts on “Consider the Birds”
Great thoughts!
Been wanting to follow this for awhile, just was waiting for the right time. Looks like I have some catching up to do.
Thanks, Sheryl and Craig. Glad to have you aboard! I hope something I post sometime will bless you. Actually, I pray that you’ll find many blessings here!
Hey! At least I can save God a little less trouble counting the hairs on my head…..😇
So GlAd YoU aRe! ThAnKs!
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