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May the Source Be with You

May the Source Be with You

I happen to be one of the few adult citizens of the United States who has never watched a Star Wars movie.  Yes, I realize this is nearly unthinkable to many.  Some would even say inexcusable.  But the storyline never held much appeal to me.  My children, on the other hand, are all huge fans.  Even my wife has seen most or all of the movies.

Star Wars, of course, is the creation of George Lucas.  The first movie was released in 1977, and it became an instant hit and worldwide phenomenon.  Many more films have followed, as well as multiple Star Wars’ offshoots, including even theme park attractions.  Star Wars has generated billions upon billions of dollars.

Part of the premise of the stories revolves around a mystical power referred to as “the Force.”  The Force was described in one of the movies as “an energy field created by all living things [that] binds the galaxy together,” and it can be used for good or evil. Those few individuals who find themselves with strong abilities in the Force are able to do remarkable things.  Some of these folks utilize the Force for good; others for evil.  Both sides vie for the ultimate control, which sets the stage for a number of Force-filled battles.

In the movies, the phrase “may the Force be with you” is invoked as a blessing to protect or guide another.  Consequently, May Fourth (“May the Force” – get it?) has come to be known as Star Wars day.  And in case you didn’t notice earlier this week, there were Star Wars’ references everywhere on that day!

Of course, the theology and the science behind the concept of the Force leaves much to be desired.  So as Star Wars references abounded on “Star Wars Day,” I wondered if there might be a better, more theologically accurate, motto.  And it came to me immediately: “May the Source be with you!”

What do I mean by that?  Simply this: the Source of every good thing is the God of the Bible, and when that Source is with us, we have everything we need – rich blessings and sufficient solutions.

James summarizes this truth beautifully.  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights …” (James 1:17).  In other words, the Source (the Lord!) provides for our every need. 

Consider what “the Source” tells us in his ultimate source of truth, the Bible:

Afraid?  “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).

Anxious?  “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6).

Bereaved?  “Jesus said…, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die’” (John 11:25-26)

Bound in the chains of addiction?  “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Depressed?  “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

Discouraged?  “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:5).

Feeling Unloved?  “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1).

Guilt-ridden?  “In [Jesus Christ] we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace” (Ephesians 1:7).

Lonely?  … God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’” (Hebrews 13:5).

Needing Guidance?  “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you” (Psalm 32:8).

Tempted?  “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Threatened?  “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. … The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm 46:1&11).

Troubled?  “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles …” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Weary?  ‘“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light’” (Matthew 11:28-30).

All of which underscores the accuracy of our motto, “May the Source be with you!”  But an even better, more accurate motto would be, “The Source IS with you!”  In the Lord, the Source of every blessing, our every need for now and forever truly is provided.

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Walking in Son-shine

Walking in Son-shine

I love to walk.  I will walk at any time of day and in any conditions, if responsibilities allow.  (Though I admit to being less fond of strolling through a downpour.)

The other day I had a narrow window between obligations, and the sun was shining.  Blue skies and sunshine in Western Washington at this time of year are exceedingly rare.  There was no hesitation; I went to a nearby park to amble around Wapato Lake a few times. 

Cedars reflected off the still lake surface.  White waves of altostratus undulatus clouds flowed in striking fashion across the blue background of the sky.  Mallards and coots paddled lazily across the lake surface.  An eagle plunged into the water to pluck an unfortunate fish from its leisurely swim, then soared back to the raucous uproar of its eaglets in a nest atop the tallest tree alongside the lake. 

People were smiling and amiable.  Walk-buddies carried on deep discussions.  Children deliberately careened their scooters through standing puddles.  Best of all, none of the many leashed dogs tried to bite me or even bark at rival canines.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable and uplifting experience.

It struck me midway through my hike that one of the main reasons the hike was so delightful, for me and for others, was directly associated with the sunshine beaming down on us.  Walking in the light of sunbeams generally makes for a pleasant disposition!

Now this is no astounding insight.  Most understand the benefits of sunshine.  Studies show that just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure a day can boost one’s health.  Sunshine provides both a mood boost through the release of serotonin, as well as an increase in production of the crucial vitamin D.  In addition, absorbing just a bit of sunshine can actually assist in sleep, as it helps regulate our circadian rhythm (our internal clock).

This is understood innately by folks who reside in our neck of the woods where overcast dominates from October to May.  Many folks west of the Cascade Mountains wrestle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression.  For much of 8 months, there is no sunshine in which to bask.  Consequently, when the glowing rays of the sun break through the clouds in western Washington, doors bang open and people flood outside to immerse themselves in sparkling, glorious sunshine!  (Trust me, that is not hyperbole!)

I already recognized all these things before setting out on my stroll.  But I did have this sudden epiphany.  On my saunter in the sunlight, it occurred to me that there are emotional and spiritual parallels to the light of the sun.

If I asked you to visualize the sky based on current events, what does that view look like?  Or if you prefer, visualize it based on the words you are hearing or reading.  I would argue both are closely related.  How does your personal airspace appear?

My guess is that most would describe their skies as gray, overcast, rainy and gloomy.  There seems to be precious little sunshine in our world these days!

To which I reply, “It’s time for you and me to walk in the Light!”

Now I’m not suggesting that we’ve been walking in the darkness.  But most of us have definitely been hanging out in the dreary dusk.  Let the Son-shine in!

The Apostle John begins his gospel with this beaming description of our Savior:  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. … The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world” (John 1:1-5, 9).

Just reading through those words is like throwing open the shades to find and feel the sunshine on our faces.  Or rather, Son-shine!  We need more Son-shine in our lives!

How might we break free from the gloom?  Here’s my suggestion: carefully screen what you are seeing on your screens.  There is an abundance of negativity fogging viewpoints.  The news is full of downers.  Social media is rife with conflict.  Attitudes abound in society.  Even families are in conflict.  If that’s what we are looking at and what we are listening to, the low-hanging clouds will continue to hang low around us.

Of course, it’s important that we are at least minimally informed on current events.  But being minimally informed demands minimal time! 

Much better if we are perambulating in the light of God’s Word and the Son-shine of our Savior.  Much more beneficial if we are immersing ourselves in the words that our Lord shares, and the wonders our Savior has done … and is still doing. 

The Holy Spirit addresses this very thing when he inspired the psalmist to write, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105).  Because just like the benefits that exposure to the rays of the sun bring, so time with the Son boosts our mood, increases our vitamin D-elight, and enables us to sleep more soundly.

So walk in the Son, and soak up the spiritual benefits!

How to Interact on This Blog

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Under Cover

Under Cover

The other day I was walking through the grocery store and I was struck by the fact that everyone was wearing a mask.  The lower half of the faces of the clerks, the stockers and the customers were all covered.  (Even more unsettling was to see a man in a store today with his entire face covered with a black mask.)

Not sure how things are where you live, but out here in Washington wearing a mask is a State mandate, so it’s not surprising that everyone is “masked up.”  In fact, one would expect this to be the case, and it generally is in Tacoma; full compliance is typical here. 

Each person models the mask of their choosing.  There’s plenty of the generic disposable ones on display.  Seahawks masks are pretty popular locally as well.  And, of course, some ladies ensure their mask is color-coordinated with their attire.  There is plenty of variety in the mask styles, but almost everyone wears something.

And that’s what struck me the other day!  Just like we all wear an outward mask to public places, so we all wear an inward mask in public as well.  (And not just in a pandemic.)  In fact, we probably wear multiple inward masks!  Our outward masks hide half our faces, and our inward masks conceal quite a bit as well.

These inner masks are even described in an expression.  No matter what we are thinking or how we are feeling, we generally attempt to “put on a good face.”  We are the ultimate posturers.  Just think of the secret masks we wear to fool others! 

We may have our entire day turned catawampus by unforeseen circumstances, but we try to exude an aura of peace amidst our stress.  We may be frustrated beyond measure due to someone else’s discourtesy or incompetence, but we put on a mask of patience.  Perhaps we regard another person’s point of view or decisions as questionable, unwise or even downright ridiculous, but we wear a mask of acceptance nonetheless.

Keeping others from discerning our actual thoughts aren’t the only reason we wear inner masks.  We make great efforts to hide our real feelings as well.

In our anger we try to wear calm.  In our worry we strive to wear contentment.  In our uncertainty we mask up with confidence, and when we feel weak with strength.  In our loneliness, sadness or discouragement, we rally with a smile.  Even in jubilant times it’s not uncommon for us to appear dispassionate.  When proud we want to be seen as humble.

In short, we consistently cover over our thoughts and feelings with masks that disguise where we truly “are” mentally and emotionally with ones that look more like where we think we should be.

We even posture in regard to spiritual matters.  We may be struggling spiritually in any number of ways, but we don’t dare let on.  We are determined to look faith-filled and forgiven no matter our secret doubts; righteous no matter our struggles with sin; and devoted no matter our wandering minds and hearts.

Yes, under our outer masks are any number of inner ones.  In fact, these days we are often wearing multiple layers – outer, inner, and under the outmost-inner mask even more inner ones.  We lurk amidst shadows even when in broad daylight! 

As I reflect on this, it seems to me that a few important points bear mentioning:

First of all, each one of us must understand how deceptive we tend to be with our inner mask-wearing.  It is crucial we are honest with ourselves, and strive to be more transparent with others.  And especially if we are struggling in some regard!

Secondly, building a relationship with someone (or several someones) with whom we can confide is exceedingly beneficial.  Natural fits for this would be a spouse or family member, or a trusted Christian friend.

Finally, remember that the Lord sees straight through our masks, no matter how many we may wear.  He not only sees the “real” us, but he loves the “real” us!  And he has all the help, answers and hope that the “real” us needs in his Word.  The more time we invest in God’s Word, the more the Lord will change us.  And the more the Lord refashions us, the more our inner self will exude the attitudes we desire to show on the outside, and the less need we will feel for masking up.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive one another … Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts … And be thankful.  Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly, … sing to God with gratitude in your hearts.  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”  (Colossians 3:12-17 – selected).

Beware the Hook!

Beware the Hook!

Earlier this week, two of my sons and I were able to break away for a day of fishing.  Fishing is generally regarded as one of those pastimes which can provide wondrous relaxation.  But if things are going well, the relaxation will be punctuated frequently by sudden excitement. 

All of which makes fishing so enjoyable … at least for the fishers.  For the fish, however, it’s literally a matter of life and death.  The wrong decision leads to some significant consequences.

Many factors weigh into whether a fishing expedition is successful.  Weather conditions, water temperature, time of day, the phase of the moon, and the particular place one is fishing (both the body of water and where one is fishing that water) can impact whether fish are caught or not.

But the most crucial element of all in a typical fishing excursion is the hook.  If one wants to catch fish in the traditional manner of fishing, they must use at least one hook.  And extra hooks are extra good, if legally allowed! 

It goes without saying, however, that just a bare hook will generally catch nothing besides seaweed.  Even the dumbest fish knows better than to impale itself on a bare hook.  Rather, the fisher-person adorns the hook with something that will (hopefully!) entice a finned fellow to bite.

Those hook adornments can take many different forms.  My personal favorite is meat of some kind: crawlers, minnows, maggots or fish parts.  Powerbait can be extremely effective for trout; smelly baits for catfish.  Gadgets made to look like fish or other critters (with treble hooks attached) can be retrieved or trolled to entice a strike from a predatory fish.  Finally, there are endless variations to the presentation of the catching apparatus called a “hook.”

Consider the names that refer to these fishing standards: attractants, lures, bait, and hooks.  And no wonder!  Their very purpose is to attract a fish, lure it to take the bait and get hooked!  When that happens, it’s great for the fisherman, but not so great for the fish.

As humans, we are familiar with the concept of predation.  Even if we don’t actively hunt or fish, we are aware that we are at the top of the food chain.  In the physical world, we are predators … if not actively, then passively.  However, it is crucial we recognize that in the spiritual realm we are the prey! 

The Apostle Peter paints this illustration for us: “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”  (1 Peter 5:8).  That “someone” is you and me!

And just like the fisher does when pursuing fish, so Satan dangles baited hooks before us.  He will present the hook in different ways for different people and at different times.  (We are all pulled by our own unique temptations, and he will bring out what he knows works best on us.)  But be assured that under that enticing attractant or attached to that seductive lure is a sharp and potentially deadly barbed point.

Sometimes the fish don’t even recognize the hooks under the bait until it’s too late.  But there are other times that they DO know about the hook, but STILL come after the bait. 

Have you ever dipped your worm-covered rig in the water right next to a frequently used fishing dock?  If so, then you know that seasoned little fishees will quickly, adeptly and repeatedly strip the crawler off your hook while you watch, and as you futilely attempt to catch them.

That’s how we are too sometimes!  We know that Satan is trying to hook us on an attractively arrayed temptation, but we still bite.  Often eagerly!  Like the little fish, we think we can get away with it.  But sometimes those overconfident biters miscalculate and find themselves hooked.  The same can happen to us.  Bite on a temptation too often, and we could suffer far more than we anticipated.

This is what Paul was writing about to the Corinthian Christians:  “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ”  (2 Corinthians 11:3).

Attractive?  Alluring?  Absolutely!  But beware the hook!

We are so easily persuaded to nibble on “goodies” that aren’t good for us.  Thankfully our God is forever faithful.  Take to heart this sobering reminder and these encouraging insights from the Bible:

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!  No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).

That’s certainly comforting to know.  But even more comforting is the knowledge that the Lord has also provided forgiveness through Jesus for those times when we bit on an alluringly decorated hook!  How good is our God!  How blessed are we!  All the more reason to swim by Satan’s temptingly tantalizing hooks.

How Is Your “Yard” Looking?

How Is Your “Yard” Looking?

In the summertime, my wife and I try to take a daily walk.  Sometimes we drive to a local park for a change of scenery, but usually we simply stroll around our neighborhood.  We vary our paths so the “scenery” varies as well.

Inevitably we spot something interesting.  A decked-out vehicle.  Various projects or intriguing decorations on the homes.  Curious choices for house colors.  Fascinating plants in the yards.  There always seems to be something to see.  For example, just the other day we noticed that the automatic street lights were lit on one block but not the adjacent block.  Not sure why, but it certainly sparked some conversation among us.

As we walk by the many homes, one immediately evident thing is the state of the yards.  The majority of lawns receive a modicum of care; they are mowed somewhat regularly and look fairly presentable.  The yards may or may not have flower beds.  And if there are beds, they may or may not be weeded.  This is the usual.

But there are always some yards that stand out, either because of the great amount of care given to them or because of the complete lack of attention they receive. 

A few of the yards are impeccably groomed.  The lawns are weedless and the grass looks like a golf-course green.  The flower beds are delightfully arranged and immaculate.  Invariably there are some fairly exotic trees, bushes or flowers present.  Clearly someone who lives in those homes loves yard care, (or struggles mightily with perfectionism!).

Then there are other yards that haven’t seen a lick of care in quite some time.  The beds are overrun with weeds, and the grass looks like a prairie, standing tall as a person.  It’s usually impossible to see anything in those yards.  One might hesitate to wander into them for fear of the wild critters that might be encountered, or of getting lost and never finding your way back out again!  Although the other day my wife and I spotted a push mower barely visible in the midst of a jungle of grass.  We speculated that sometime in the distant past either the mower or the owner simply surrendered to the towering turf.  

Of course, there are a multitude of reasons why a yard could be neglected.  Finally, the way a yard looks just isn’t that important.  I know there are some who will disagree with that statement, but that’s the truth of the matter.  There are many matters much more important than the appearance of one’s yard.  

However, it did set my mind to pondering.  It’s very evident how much care a yard receives … or doesn’t.  What if the wellbeing of our souls was as evident as the health of our yards?  What if the amount of care we give to our souls was as obvious as the amount of time spent on our lawns?  How would our soul look?

If our soul was on display, would it be evident that we take good care of it?  Is it well-watered by God’s Word; well-trimmed by God’s Law and well-fertilized by God’s Gospel?  Are the weeds of sin largely removed, or are they sprouting everywhere?  Is the grass mowed and edged, or are worldly blades growing wild and unchecked?  Are the beds clean, or littered with trash and undesirable plants?  Are portions of our souls even dead?

I admit that this concept gives me pause.  I tend to take pretty good care of our yard; our place generally looks fairly-well kept.  But if my soul were visible for all to see, what would it look like?  How would it compare with my yard?

Jesus himself underscores the value of a healthy soul.  “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”  (Matthew 16:26).  In other words, the state of our soul is far more important than the state of our yard … or anything else on earth, for that matter!

Thankfully, we have a gracious, loving, and forgiving God … which prompts our hearts to join with David in words of praise! 

“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.  Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalm 103:1-5).

How is your yard looking?  Finally, it really doesn’t matter!  How is your soul looking?  Now that’s a much more important issue!

When Things Settle Down (WTSD)

When Things Settle Down (WTSD)

I’m not old yet, but I’m older than I used to be.  (Yes, I recognize that we can all make that claim.)  What I’m trying to say is that there’s some wear on the tires.  My body isn’t as spry and sleek as it used to be, but along the many miles I’ve traveled in life my noggin has accumulated a bit of wisdom.  Not a lot, mind you, but a little.

For example, I’ve learned that you absolutely should not leave the large tarp you purchased to cover the camping tents at home because there is no rain in the forecast.  In addition, I strongly advise that you do NOT attempt to slip your fishhook past the tree limb … even if you are an expert caster.  I definitely recommend that you clip your toenails before heading out on a long hike, especially if there are elevation changes.  (You may think this to be strange advice, but the day may come when you realize the profound wisdom in those words!)  And you never say never.  Never ever!  That’s just a small sampling of the hard truths I’ve learned through the years.

I’ve learned something else as well.  I’ve learned there is no such thing as “When things settle down.”  The context for the phrase usually sounds like this: “I’ll work on my marriage issues when things settle down (WTSD).”  Or, “I’ll spend more time with my children WTSD.”  Or, “I’ll get back in shape WTSD.”  Or, “Yes, something is definitely not right; I’ll go to the doctor WTSD.”  Or, “I’ll do something fun and relax WTSD.”

Where this nasty phrase really impacts negatively is when it’s used in a spiritual context.  Such as, “I’ll start reading my Bible WTSD.”  “I’ll get back to church WTSD.”  “I’ll work on my prayer life WTSD.”  “I’ll get more involved in ministry for God and more generous in my giving to God WTSD.”

You get the idea.  Only when we arrive in heaven will things finally (and forever!) settle down.  But here on this world, “when things settle down” is a lousy approach to life.

First of all, if one doesn’t set proper priorities, our sinful natures in conjunction with Satan and influenced by the world, will set them for us.  And we can be certain they won’t be in line with what the Lord encourages.

Secondly, there will never be a time when things settle down in our lives. 

Think about it.  From birth … to toddler … to child … to teen … to adult … to middle-aged … to elderly … to death, we are always changing.  As are the realities of our lives.  From nursing … to eating … to walking … to school … to puberty … to higher education … to moving … to occupations … to marriage … to home-ownership … to children … to health issues … to grandchildren … to retirement.  We all meander different paths and experience varied challenges in our lives, but we all share one common trait: our lives are always unsettled.

Certainly in the midst of this pandemic we are eager to reach a day when things settle down.  With God’s blessing, our lives will eventually regain more normalcy.  But even then, there will still be plenty of unsettled matters.  WTSD is an extinct beast; it died off when sin entered the world.

I spent far too many years and waited way too long for WTSD in my life.  I let improper priorities dominate.  I expected to reach the point “one of these days” when life would finally calm down.  I expected circumstances to stop changing sooner or later.  But, of course, life never really calms down and circumstances are constantly changing.  As a result, I missed wonderful opportunities and forfeited peace and joy because I was dealing with unsettledness.

Obviously I’m not advocating we turn a blind eye to significant issues or abdicate our responsibilities.  There are simply times when we must bear down in life.  But my observation is that these times aren’t as prevalent as we tend to think, and our priorities are frequently skewed.  We are typically slaves to the urgent instead of masters of the important.

“When things settle down” is one of Satan’s most common and most effective lies.  He’s used it to coax plenty of souls to their doom.  And he will utilize all his impressive power to ensure that things stay as unsettled as possible in our lives, because he knows how spiritually distracting this can be for Christians.

Our Savior has a different message. His counsel was this:  “Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things [that have you so unsettled] will be [taken care of for] you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:33-34). 

Yes, that’s a bit of a paraphrase.  But I believe it still fits the context of Jesus’ advice and promise.  So here’s the key: when we settle our hearts and minds on God and the promises of God above all else, then the unsettled won’t unsettle us quite as much.

What Is Worship?

What Is Worship?

After a hiatus of 3 months, our congregation will finally gather together to worship again inside our church this Sunday.   3 months!  3 LONG MONTHS!  89 days to be exact, but who’s counting?

Yes, the Bible clearly shows us that the church is people and not a building  (Ephesians 5:25-27).  But there is something undeniably special about God’s people gathering together inside a building designated for the worship of God to worship God.

Consequently, it seems appropriate this week that we focus on worship.  So what is worship?  How does one define worship simply and succinctly? 

A stuffy secular dictionary definition describes worship as “formal or ceremonious rendering of honor and homage to God.”   A somewhat stuffy Christian definition states that worship is “an expression of praise from the depths of our hearts toward a God who is understood through His Word.”  A less stuffy definition summarizes worship as “a focus on love – God’s love for us and others, and our love for God and others.”  Yet another describes worship as “God speaking and his people responding.” 

The people who penned those definitions are undoubtedly wiser than me.  But how would I define worship?

As the folks in our congregation know, I recently took a poll of our people asking them to choose the 5 aspects of worship they were most eagerly anticipating after worshiping at home for so long.  I provided a long list of options from which to choose, but 6 choices quickly rose to the top of the list.

And every selection has one common denominator.  It’s not deep or complicated.  In fact, it’s a very simple trait.  The shared aspect of the most frequently selected items could actually be summarized with the word … “sharing.”  In short, worship of our God is a sharing.  Or more accurately, Christian worship is multiple sharings!

In public worship, God shares with us, we share with God, and we share with one another.  And all that sharing is what makes Christian worship so very special.

So what were the 6 aspects of worship that the St. Paul people indicated they were most eagerly anticipating when we returned to formal, united worship?  The choices were God’s Word, the Sacraments, the songs, being together (fellowship), the Sanctuary (worship area), and “the whole experience.”

Probably not overly surprising choices.  And not difficult to see the multilayered sharing aspects in most of the choices. 

God, of course, does the most and best sharing.  He shares truth, love, faith, forgiveness, salvation, perspective, power, direction and motivation with us in his Word and Sacraments.  Best of all, he shares his Holy Spirit – the Spirit silently and secretly sweeping throughout the Sanctuary, flowing into hearts and firing up faith.  This is profound sharing that descends from heaven.

But we the worshipers share with the One we worship as well.  We share our sorrow over our sins, and our grateful praise for God’s forgiveness.  We share our inmost concerns in prayer.   We share our love with he who showed and taught us love, and our devotion and dedication with a devoted and dedicated God.  We share honor and praise in word and song with the God who is the most honorable and praiseworthy.  We share our all with the One who is All.  This is a sharing that ascends to heaven.

And worshipers share with other worshipers as well.  This is a “horizontal” sharing, and it is no less special than descending or ascending sharing.  Being together is a very underrated aspect of worship.  Rejoicing in the same God and the same truths of God with a congregation creates a unique atmosphere and forges a powerful bond.  Speaking, singing, praising, praying, and communing together – being shared with and sharing – uplifts in ways like nothing else on earth. 

Even the Sanctuary is part of the sharing process!  It lends the altar and the cross on the altar, the baptismal font, the stained glass illustrations of Jesus, and so much more as visuals of God’s love and faithfulness.  It offers the pulpit and the screens where God’s Word is shared, the pipe organ and keyboard which accompanies our music and the vaulted ceiling which amplifies our singing.  The church Sanctuary sets the mood and adds so much to the sharing experience.

“The whole experience” of gathered worship is the ultimate in sharing.  God sharing with us and others; we sharing with God and one another.

Luke’s description of the early Christian Church is striking.  In Acts 2:42 he wrote that the early believers … “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship (translated literally, to “sharing!”), to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  (Yet more sharing!)

It’s not surprising that David wrote, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD’”  (Psalm 122:1).  Nor is it surprising that God’s people would be eagerly anticipating the same thing!

Seeing the Light

Seeing the Light

Seeing the light generally sounds like a good thing.  Of course, there’s the proverbial light at the end of a tunnel.  Most are delighted to see the light of day after a dark night.  And finally “seeing the light” after stumbling about in confusion or a lack of understanding is also considered a positive.

But whether seeing the light is actually a good thing or not depends entirely upon the light that one is seeing.  What if the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train?  What if the light breaking through the darkness is the light of a prowler?  What if the light seen in confusion or ignorance happens to be poor advice or faulty “wisdom?”  The source of the light matters.

The light seen also matters to moths.  Moths and many other winged insects happen to be positively phototactic.  (Phototaxis being the scientific term.)  These type of insects are drawn toward light sources.

Phototaxis happens to be a two-way street.  It’s great when the light seen by the insect is the moon or stars as they apparently aid the moth in maintaining its bearing and sustaining safe travel.  But it’s rather unfortunate if the light seen is a campfire, a hot light bulb, or a glaring headlight on a speeding semi.

It could be said that humans are also positively phototactic.  We are drawn to “light.”  But … what is the source of the light we are frantically circling around?

Make no mistake about it, there are an abundance of “lights” in this world that draw people’s attention.  Charismatic leaders.  The brilliance of science.  The practicality of education.  The possibilities in occupation.  The promises in politics.  The benefits of health, wealth and general success.  Personal pleasure.  Public causes.  And so many more. 

While there’s nothing necessary bad about any of these “lights” in and of themselves, they are ultimately empty, and they leave the seekers of such light empty and dark inside.  Unfortunately, these false lights seem to blaze brilliantly, pulling phototactic people alluringly in.  But there is no authentic light to them.

If these are the primary lights a person is drawn to in life, this becomes a double tragedy.  Not only can these brilliantly bright (but ultimately empty) lights inevitably prove spiritually fatal, but they completely discombobulate lives even before the untimely death.  Like a moth flapping frantically around a porch light and bashing itself repeatedly into the blazing bulb.

How does a discombobulated human circling about a worldly porch light approach life?  Well, deep down they recognize the emptiness and darkness in their soul, and this fosters frustration, fear, distrust, anxiety, anger, grief, hopelessness, hostility and despair.  Consequently they flutter in never-ending spirals of live-for-the-moment activities and driven-by-emotion responses.  Their words and actions don’t need to make sense to anyone else, or even necessarily to themselves, since so much seems senseless anyway. 

In short, the light seekers see and are focused intently on a light, but it’s the wrong light.  And sadly, their light is providing nothing but blindness, headaches, loss of direction and a seemingly meaningless existence.

A horrible thing was done by a Minneapolis policeman to an African-American man.  Suddenly the fear, distrust, anxiety, anger, grief, hopelessness, hostility and despair that false lights foster boiled over in many.  Coupled with the frustrations of on-going racism and pandemic restrictions, pandemonium broke out in cities around the United States.

Most of us simply can’t understand how one wrong, horrible as it was, (or even repeated wrongs!), can make multiple other wrongs right in some people’s minds.  We struggle to relate to the rationale of rioters looting stores and lighting cars ablaze.  How does intentionally attempting to injure innocent people ever make sense?  Is screaming vulgarities ever justified?  Will violence and vandalism quell violence?  Will it remove racism?  It seems to make no sense. 

Why does a moth repeatedly beat its head into a light?  Positive phototaxis.  It sees the light and is inexorably drawn to it, even if it’s the wrong light. 

The reason we don’t understand the rationale of rioters is because we see the real, true and ultimate Light.  Thanks be to God, we have been drawn to “the Light of the world.”  This is no small thing!  Jesus stated that, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).  Translation: in our Savior we have true and abiding light … spiritual light and life … both here on earth and forever in eternity.

In striking contrast to false lights, the Light of the World brings contentment, courage, trust, peace, calm, joy, hope, kindness and confidence.  By the grace of God, we see the Light and our flight through life – and to life – is true.

So as we consider the vandalous and violent mobs in Seattle and other cities, it’s crucial that we not view those involved simply as thugs.  Better that we recognize them as hurting and empty souls chasing after false lights.  They desperately need to see the light … the real Light.

Which underscores the incredible urgency that we, who see the Light and are filled with Light, show and share the Light.  As Jesus himself tells us:  “You are the light of the world.  Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”  (Matthew 5:14,16).

After all, people, just like moths, are positively phototactic.  So shine, Christian, shine!