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The Unappealing Path (A Story)

The Unappealing Path (A Story)

The archangel streaked through heaven’s glory, drawn to the brightest Light in that brilliantly lit place.  Or more accurately, to the Beacon whose radiance radiated throughout the entirety of heaven. 

The angel drew to sudden but smooth stop before Jesus – effortlessly executing the transition from an upright posture to a prostrate one in one seamless motion, coming to rest before the Lord with his extensive wings draped over his head in deference to the Mightiest One before him.

“Greetings, Michael,” Jesus said.  “Well done on the battlefront.”

“Our foes are relentlessly fighting.  And they continue to gain spiritual ground among the humans, as you know,” the angel replied. 

“Yes, they are.  It is the way things were predicted, so it is the way things will go.”

“I want to banish them to the darkness immediately!” Michael retorted.

“I know, Michael.  All in due time,” the Lord replied.  He sighed, then he continued.  “As earthly time marches on, more and more people will reject me altogether.  It is prophesied and it is inevitable.  That’s tragic enough, and I grieve for every one of their souls.”

Jesus paused.  “But what really saddens me are all of the people who DO know me … yet miss out on so many of the blessings I intend for them in their earthly lives.”  It was impossible to miss the sorrow in Jesus’ voice.

“Stand, mighty warrior.  I will show you the human dilemma you already understand, but in a manner you haven’t seen before.”

With a single, swift and strong flap of his wings, Michael lifted himself up.  Jesus nodded at him, then swept his arm before them.  Instantly a window opened in the multi-hued glory, revealing a view of an incredible sight. 

Before them stretched an expansive corridor, as wide as a seven-lane freeway.  It was paved with large, impact-absorbing – yet firm, strong and resilient – panels of material.  It was perfectly smooth; even the seams were tight and even. 

Wide billboards lined the way and impressive signs hung over the road.  Simple but brightly lit messages scrolled across their faces: “You are doing great!”  “Relax and enjoy the journey!”  “No doubt – the best route!”  “The wisest don’t despise it!”  “The best way to a new day!”  “The easy leads to the pleasey!”

Food stands were readily available; cold refreshments easily accessible.

The highway descended at a gentle grade with no elevation gain visible at any point.  Comfortable benches were situated throughout for resting where needed.  There were even escalators for the ease of those who preferred not to walk the easy downhill!

Demons, invisible to the people on the path but clear to Michael, were flurrying every which way to provide the support needed to keep the walkway functioning and to promote the comfort of the travelers.

Throngs of people covered the road … across the width and throughout the length.

Impressive gateways stood at the end, beyond which was a swirling, cloudy darkness.  Many paused at that point, but the words emblazoned above the arches seemed to put the travelers at ease.  To their eyes the words said, “ALL WILL BE WELL!”  In reality, they read “WELCOME TO HELL!”

As the people passed through the gates and into the darkness, they toppled helplessly into the pit … while watching demons cackled in evil glee.

“Let us put an end to the demons!” Michael scowled in righteous anger.

“We will.  Again, in due time,” Jesus replied.  “You, of course, recognize what you are seeing.

“Yes, Most Exalted One,” said Michael.  “This is the wide and easy road to the abyss that you spoke of on the mount.  I well recognize it.”

“Indeed,” Jesus replied.  “And what are your observations regarding it?”

“It has always been heavily trafficked.  But lately, even more so.”

“Correct.  Absolutely tragic that so many insist on traveling it,” said Jesus, as a tear slide from his eye.  “The demons coerce, but the people acquiesce.  Travelers on this route think this is the easy way, but it is the opposite.  They are actually miserable already now, but the worst is yet to come.”

The Lord diverted Michael’s attention to the mountains rising immediately beside the highway.  A small, rocky and uneven path wove its way slowly up the flanks and eventually into the heights above.  It appeared to be a challenging route with few amenities available.

Leading to the main but small path were multiple tinier paths which had diverted from the expansive freeway.  The exit signs on the wide way which called attention to these scrabbles were simple and nondescript; barely noticeable among the flashing promotions all around them.

Each exit sign to the narrow path said two simple words: “The Way.”  Further up the mountain where the tiny trails converged into the larger (but still small) path was a sign stating the same: “The Way.”  In comparison to the wide, smooth freeway, only a few people could be seen scrambling up this rough route.

Michael spoke.  “Fewer on this path these days.”

“Thankfully though, some still walk the path of Truth and Life, and pass through the narrow gate into glory,” Jesus replied. 

Then he continued.  “This is the long view … the overview of the two paths to different destinations.  Now let me show you the closer view of the narrow path to heaven.  In some ways, what I’m about to reveal is almost more tragic than the throngs on the highway to hell.  (Though that is the ultimate tragedy!)  Thankfully though, this next tragedy is generally temporary.”

Jesus waved his arm again, and the view changed.  Now they were looking at the narrow, rocky, rising path to heaven.  Angels walked along with the travelers, their wings stretched above and around them in a protective canopy.  “My faithful fighters for you, Most Exalted One,” Michael stated proudly.  Jesus nodded in agreement. 

Demons were also situated along that way, feinting attacks on the people and promoting various side paths.  Naturally, they heavily, alluringly and effectively tried to seduce God’s people down sin paths. 

In addition, the devils sponsored attractive advertisements posted over side paths offering everything the human heart could desire.  Popularity.  Wealth.  Success.  Power.  Fun.  And yes … Ease.  None of which is essentially evil, but all of which can be distracting.

They even tried to pull “The Way” travelers down paths of ongoing poor choices – ones the people knew were unhealthy and unwise.  And down paths of past hurts and heartaches.  Down paths of oppression even!  The devils promoted these routes as “A Familiar Path” or “The Usual and Comfortable.”  And a surprising number of God’s people chose to take them!

In short, the demons promoted any alternate and adjusted route along “The Way” that might attract and appeal, and pull God’s people off the main path.

All these meandering routes still led to heaven, but they increased the difficulty of the trip.  Each side path brought greater struggles – physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually.  Even the paths labeled “Easier” were harder! 

All of these side path led to multiple additional path options … each extra option heavily pushed by the demons … and each leading only to more problems.  If a traveler on “The Way” took too many side paths or followed them too eagerly or too long, they could eventually find themselves back on the wide and easy path to hell.

But after every side excursion … and even after multiple diversions … the small, least appealing path labeled “The Way” was always accessible. 

Jesus shook his head sadly.  “The tragedy of this view is that all of the people on this path to some degree … and some people to a large degree … get sidetracked from the simplest, most beneficial path onto other detours that rob them of the fullness they can have in me.  And they know better!”

The Savior continued.  “My Way seems less appealing, but it brings so much more!  Even during their lives on earth!  Love!   Forgiveness!  Salvation!  Peace!  Joy!  Self-worth!  Fulfillment!  Purpose!  I bring all these things to people to the degree that they remain on ‘The Way.’  And yet so many choose the detours that bring only more burdens and heartaches.  Any side-trip that turns a person’s focus off me, my saving sacrifice, my love, and my truths essentially robs them of truth, joy and fulfillment.”

The angel responded emphatically, “If only your people recognized this!  The demons!  The distractions!  The disillusions of other paths!”

“Yes, Michael.  If only they did.  My path seems empty, but it is full!  It seems barren, but is alive!  It seems mundane, but is exciting!  It seems more difficult, but is easier!  It seems a dead end, but it leads to life!  It seems unappealing, but is actually most appealing!” 

“But you know all this,” the Lord stated.  He paused, then asked.  “What are your observations from this view?”

“As stated earlier, there are fewer on this path than in the past.  And the travelers seem to be more easily diverted.”

“It has always been a challenging journey.  But now, more than ever,” Jesus replied.

In holy fury, Michael snapped his wings with a load crack.   “Then let us finally do away with these tormenting demons who continue to defy you and deter your people!”

Jesus closed the “window” and looked directly at him.   “I know how you feel, dear archangel.  And this is why I summoned you.  I wanted to share all this to make it clear that we draw closer to the End … to the time when your unending battles will finally end.”

Michael snapped his wings again.  “It cannot come soon enough for me, Most Exalted One!”

The Lord smiled and said, “There are still some who will be brought off the wide and easy road to destruction and onto the narrow path of life.  When the last one steps onto ‘The Way,’ the End will come.”

It was the angel’s turn to smile.  He responded, “I am glad to hear it!  In the meantime, may your people remain on your path, Lord Jesus, and rejoice in all the blessings you bring them there!  It is a narrow path, but the best one!  It is the path to life – both temporally and eternally.”

“That it most definitely is,” the Savior replied.

Then the archangel extended his wings and sped back to the battlefront.

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Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Revelation 22:20-21
[Jesus,] who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” 

Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus!  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

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What If …?

What If …?

The start of a new year has always been a logical time for people to reassess their lives, and recommit to beneficial personal goals.  According to online articles, almost 40% of people make New Year’s resolutions.  The most common ones are health related, followed by finances. 

Unfortunately, most commitments fall to the wayside – often quite quickly.  Almost 25% don’t even make it a week; the majority of the rest fall off in just a month or two.  Less than 10% actually keep their resolutions for the entire year.

Nevertheless, I thought I would toss out some possibilities for spiritual resolutions.  Though most people wouldn’t consider these at all important, as Christians we realize spiritual matters are actually the most significant … even if perhaps we don’t always properly prioritize them.

A few disclaimers, suggestions and significant points ahead of the list:

  1. It’s a long list! Some suggestions are more church related; others more people related.  All, however, are personal.  They relate to each of us as individual believers.

  2. No one can or will be able to fulfill all of these perfectly. Unfortunately, we’re all perfect sinners and therefore imperfect people. (Rom. 3:23).

  3. I certainly don’t have all these down, (not even close!), so I am in no position to claim superiority over anyone.

  4. This is NOT an exercise in guilt! Rather, it’s an opportunity to reflect and consider.

  5. All that being said, please don’t simply disregard the list offhand. Our Lord does want us to grow in our thankful living for him.  (Rom. 12:1).

  6. Perhaps a beneficial way to approach this list is for each of us to note the points where we are lacking and might want to improve. Choose a few (maybe even only one!), and strive to make the necessary changes to grow in these areas.

  7. Finally … thanks be to God! Through his grace, we are adopted into his family and made his children.  We are dearly loved and abundantly blessed by God himself!.  We are fully forgiven, people filled with peace and hope, and heirs of salvation. (Gal. 4:4-7).  This affects where we will live forever, and also how we live already now.  God’s profound love for us is our motivation to live for God.

So on to the list.  What if …

  • Every Christian read a portion of the Bible every day? (Acts 17:11)

  • Every parent faithfully taught their children God’s truths from little on? (Deut. 11:18-19)

  • Every believer was active in their prayer life? (1 Thes. 5:17)

  • Every church member actively prayed for their church and their fellow members? (Jms. 5:16)

  • Every member attended one of their church’s worship services every week? (Heb. 10:23-25)

  • Everyone sang all the hymns and worship songs with all their heart? (Ps. 9:2)

  • Every talent (musical and otherwise) was utilized to enhance worship?

  • Everyone regularly attended at least one Bible study offered at their congregation? (2 Pet. 3:18)

  • Every child regularly attended Sunday School?

  • Each believer’s spiritual light shone brightly all the time so all could clearly see? (Mt. 5:14-16)

  • Every person invited at least one person to church per week? (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

  • Every congregational member brought at least one new person a year into the church family?

  • Everyone made a point to talk with at least one new/different person a week at church?

  • Everyone greeted any new faces at worship, Bible study or church activities? (Php. 4:21)

  • Every adult member was making regular visits of some kind to other members?

  • Every person begged to have their gifts utilized in the Lord’s work? (1 Pet. 4:10)

  • Each of us tithed (gave 10%) of our income to the Lord? (Mal. 3:10)

  • Every member designated a gift to their congregation in their will?

  • Every member did at least five special activities of ministry (service) a year? (Eph. 6:7)

  • Every believer eagerly filled Jesus’ “new command” to love one another? (Jn. 13:34)

  • Each of us “clothed ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” as we deal with one another? (Col. 3:12)

  • We forgive one another as the Lord forgave us? (Col. 3:13)

  • Everyone made it their goal to encourage others in their walk with God? (1 Thes. 5:10-11)

  • Everyone perfectly understood and applied Christian freedom? (Gal. 5:13)

  • Everyone put the best construction on everything others said and did?

  • Every member was willing to lovingly rebuke a believing brother or sister where necessary? (2 Tim. 2:2)

  • Everyone was able to rejoice in and listen to a loving rebuke from another?

  • Everyone was comfortable enough to talk to others and seek godly advice about their life decisions?

  • We totally trusted the Lord regarding everything? (Prov. 3:5-6)

  • Each of us gave thanks in all circumstances, as God wills? (1 Thes. 5:18)

  • Everyone strived to glorify God in every thought and action they did? (1 Cor. 10:31)

  • We didn’t make excuses; we just did what we know is right?

Are there any items that should be added to this list?  Any that especially spoke to you?  I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts in the comments section. 

Thanks be to God for Jesus our Savior – for the atonement he made for us, the forgiveness he won for us, and the salvation he earned for us!  And thanks be to God that we are able to live for Jesus our Savior!

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2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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Beware the Hook!

Beware the Hook!

I am blessed that I can now walk out our back door, stroll onto our dock and be fishing in a matter of 5 minutes.  And I take advantage of this blessing as often as I can.  (Which isn’t as often as I’d like.) 

Fishing is generally regarded as one of those pastimes which can provide wondrous relaxation.  But if things are going well, the relaxation will be punctuated frequently by sudden excitement. 

All of which makes fishing so enjoyable … at least for the fishers.  For the fish, however, it’s literally a matter of life and death.  The wrong decision leads to some significant consequences.

Many factors weigh into whether a fishing expedition is successful.  Weather conditions, water temperature, time of day, the phase of the moon, and the particular place one is fishing (both the body of water and where one is fishing that water) can impact whether fish are caught or not.

But the most crucial element of all in a typical fishing excursion is the hook.  If one wants to catch fish in the traditional manner of fishing, they must use at least one hook.  And extra hooks are extra good, if legally allowed! 

It goes without saying, however, that just a bare hook will generally catch nothing besides seaweed.  Even the dumbest fish knows better than to impale itself on a bare hook.  Rather, the fisher-person adorns the hook with something that will (hopefully!) entice a finned fellow to bite.

Those hook adornments can take many different forms.  The most common are almost certainly worms of some kind.  However, the most effective bait for panfish on our lake seems to be “wax worms” or “waxies,” which are the larvae of wax moths.  Powerbait can be extremely effective for trout; smelly baits for catfish.  Gadgets made to look like fish or other critters (with treble hooks attached) can be retrieved or trolled to entice a strike from a predatory fish.  Finally, there are endless variations to the presentation of the catching apparatus called a “hook.”

Consider the names that refer to these fishing standards: attractants, lures, bait, and hooks.  And no wonder!  Their very purpose is to attract a fish, lure it to take the bait and get hooked!  When that happens, it’s great for the fisherman, but not so great for the fish.

As humans, we are familiar with the concept of predation.  Even if we don’t actively hunt or fish, we are aware that we are at the top of the food chain.  In the physical world, we are predators … if not actively, then passively.  However, it is crucial we recognize that in the spiritual realm we are the prey! 

The Apostle Peter paints this illustration for us: “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”  (1 Peter 5:8).  That “someone” is you and me!

And just like the fisher does when pursuing fish, so Satan dangles baited hooks before us.  He will present the hook in different ways for different people and at different times.  (We are all pulled by our own unique temptations, and he will bring out what he knows works best on us.)  But be assured that under that enticing attractant or attached to that seductive lure is a sharp and potentially deadly barbed point.

Sometimes the fish don’t even recognize the hooks under the bait until it’s too late.  But there are other times that they DO know about the hook, but STILL come after the bait. 

Have you ever dipped your worm-covered rig in the water right next to a frequently used fishing dock?  If so, then you know that seasoned little fishees will quickly, adeptly and repeatedly strip the crawler off your hook while you watch, and as you futilely attempt to catch them.

That’s how we are too sometimes!  We know that Satan is trying to hook us on an attractively arrayed temptation, but we still bite.  Often eagerly!  Like the little fish, we think we can get away with it.  But sometimes those overconfident biters miscalculate and find themselves hooked.  The same can happen to us.  Bite on a temptation too often, and we could suffer far more than we anticipated.  The spiritual ramifications could be profound.

This is what Paul was writing about to the Corinthian Christians: “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).

Attractive?  Alluring?  Absolutely!  But beware the hook!

We are so easily persuaded to nibble on “goodies” that aren’t good for us.  Thankfully our God is forever faithful.  Take to heart this sobering reminder and these encouraging insights from the Bible:

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).

That’s certainly comforting to know.  But even more comforting is the knowledge that the Lord has also provided forgiveness through Jesus for those times when we bit on an alluringly decorated hook! 

How good is our God!  How blessed are we!  All the more reason to swim on past Satan’s temptingly tantalizing hooks.

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As the Rain Falls

As the Rain Falls

As I type this week’s post, the sky is gray and sputtering light moisture. It’s a welcome sight, as we have been in a bit of a dry spell for a while now. This is unusual for this time of year in central Michigan. Normally, May is our wettest month of the year, with an average of 3 ½ inches of rain falling.

In fact, the warmer months in Michigan provide a bounty of rainfall. It’s not always raining by any means, but it rains frequently enough to keep the grass a brilliant green and the flowers and trees well-watered.

Those of you who are familiar with the state of Washington where we used to live know that the rainy season there is from mid-September until maybe mid-June. Dry days during those months are rare. However, during the summers hardly a drop of precipitation falls. Which means that unless one makes a point to water the lawn, the grass dies. As do the flowers in the beds.

So when the rains return, many western-Washington locals rejoice. The grass will turn green again!

Different places; different climates.

Regardless of where one might live or be, rain is a crucial element … though it’s often a blessing we tend to take for granted. But water is no insignificant thing! Without it, plants and animals die. Most locales are supported primarily by precipitation that falls from heaven, either as rain or snow, which waters the soil and accumulates in rivers, lakes and oceans.

The simplest illustration of this truth can be found by considering the amount of moisture that falls in various places, and how those lands look.

For example, Mawsynram, India and Tutunendo, Colombia are both near the equator and consequently receive some of the highest precipitation totals in the world – over 460 inches a year! (If you would like to see pictures of the foliage there, look the cities up. It is beyond lush!) Meanwhile, Egypt averages only three-hundredths (0.03) of an inch per year, and its landscape is much starker.

These are extreme examples. But the same holds true in our own country, albeit in less dramatic fashion. Yet the differences are dramatic enough. Hawaii is our top-rain receiver with approximately 64 inches annually; Nevada our lowest at only 9 ½ inches. Needless to say, the flora appearances in those two states are significantly different! (For a quick comparison of the amount of annual rain/snow in the states, check out the color-coded map from “” at the bottom of this article.)

The state of Washington where we used to live clearly demonstrates the impact of precipitation. With the Pacific Ocean on the west border, several mountain ranges bisecting the state, and serious elevation differences around the region, the amount of annual precip varies greatly, as does the vegetation in the various zones. On the coast below the Olympic Mountains resides a temperate rainforest which accumulates about 120 inches of rain per year. On the rolling plains east of the Cascade Mountains, the trees and plants are quite different because typically less than 10 inches falls.

It’s interesting to compare our former city and our current one. Tacoma gleans about 40 inches per year (mostly in the fall, winter and spring) and the plant life there appropriately reflects it. Everything is green there three-quarters of the year, but not over summer. Clare receives almost the same amount (in snow and rain), but mostly in the warmer months, making summer gloriously green.

It’s quite a simple concept actually. The more rain that waters the land, the more the land flourishes.

The Lord grabs this concept and turns it into a telling illustration through the prophet Isaiah. “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11).

It’s the same simple concept! The more the soil of our souls are watered by God’s Word, the more our souls flourish spiritually.

Through the Gospel, the Holy Spirit creates faith in our Savior (Titus 3:5-6), nourishes that faith (Ephesians 3:16), and fosters fruits of faith (Galatians 5:22-23). The more our hearts are watered by the Word, the more we blossom spiritually. Our hearts, minds and bodies are impacted. Our attitudes are altered; our thoughts are adjusted; our actions are improved; our lives are blessed with spiritual abundance.

That’s why God shares his Word. That’s what God desires to accomplish. That’s the purpose for which God sends it out. To water souls so they produce a rich harvest of faith and fruit! So soak up as much spiritual moisture as you can!

What a blessing when rain falls and waters the land. But the greater blessing is when God’s truth nourishes hearts, and lovely faith flowers burst forth!

As Moses exclaimed jubilantly shortly before he died: “Listen, you heavens, and I will speak; hear, you earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants. I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he” (Deuteronomy 32:1-4).

Praise God for the rain! For the physical, but especially for the spiritual!

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Not Asking for Much

Not Asking for Much

“Lord, give me answers, and give them to me NOW!”

I know that’s not the way the expression goes.  But it seems to me that “answers” could definitely be substituted for “patience.”  We may actually be more insistent on getting answers than gaining patience.  In fact, we are typically extremely impatient when we don’t have the answers we seek.

I’m not referring to doctrinal or theological answers.  My observation is that most Christians active in their churches are comfortable with most of the tenets of their congregation and/or church body.  The Bible is quite straightforward and clear.  If one knows the Book, they also know the true God and the truths He shares. 

It’s generally not God’s essence and divine characteristics that trip up believers. Nor is it matters such as morality, conversion, redemption, forgiveness, providence and salvation that causes God’s devout people issues.  Even those areas where God’s Word doesn’t provide more specifics don’t usually cause us problems. Nor do we typically obsess about the distant future.

Rather, it’s the uncertainty of tomorrow! 

It’s all the immediate unanswered questions that plague our lives.  What will happen in this situation?  What will he or she or they do?  What should I do?  What should I say?  How will this huge unresolved unknown play out?  And when?  Where will things stand in a week?

“Lord, I’m not asking for much.  Just give me the answers.  And give them to me NOW!  Then I can finally find peace.”

No, friend!  The path to true peace is not found in answers to the immediate dilemmas.  It’s found in the faithfulness of our good and loving God!

This is precisely what Jesus told his disciples and what he tells us: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives [which cannot provide true peace!]. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

Keep in mind that when Jesus spoke these words, it was the very day he would be taken away by the mob.  It was a highly emotional time when the disciples had multiple and significant unanswered questions.  The Lord had been preparing them for his suffering, death and departure, and the eleven had no idea how this could be or what this meant for them. 

So Jesus showed them the source of peace; my peace I give you.”

Not that the apostles understood this truth at that moment or were able to apply it properly.  Nevertheless, Jesus gave them the key.  The Answer to the unanswered questions is … Jesus!  That is, trusting Jesus to take care of the uncertainties in their lives and their future. 

And Jesus is the Answer to our unanswered questions too!

Most Christians will verbally acknowledge this as truth.  However, saying something doesn’t automatically mean believing something.  There is often a disconnect between words and actions.  Especially in regard to trusting the Lord.  And especially when there is so much uncertainty in our lives!

Our approach to the unknown is typically similar to Thomas (whom we typically castigate for doubting that the Lord was risen!) … “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

But that’s not believing at all!  That’s merely documenting the visible and physical facts.  The Bible defines faith (trust!) in this way: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do NOT see” (Hebrews 11:1).

Having confidence and assurance that the Lord will work out the details of our tomorrows is extremely challenging for us who want tomorrow’s details today.  (Which we maintain would give us peace, but it wouldn’t because there will always be more uncertainties on the horizon!)

Again, peace will only be experienced regarding our life questions when we trust Jesus, the Answer, to provide them.  The more we trust Him, the more peace we have!  Regardless of the number or immensity of our unanswered questions.

It’s no accident that the Holy Spirit gives us this encouragement through Peter: “Cast all your anxiety on [the Lord] because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).  The illustration is striking!  The act of casting something causes it to leave our person.  And the heavy and burdensome item God urges us to cast upon him … the almighty, all-knowing and loving Lord … is our anxiety!  Because when we do, the burden is lost and peace is found.

Is this easy?  No.  Is it necessary?  Yes.  Is it beneficial to our frame of mind and our view of the future?  Absolutely!

The degree of difficulty in doing this, and the blessings in doing so, are attested to by the incredible volume of passages in the Scriptures which urge us to trust in the Lord.  So give your unanswered questions to God … and don’t take them back again!  He can (and will!) handle the uncertainties much better than us, because there are no uncertainties for him, and there is nothing beyond his capabilities to handle.

As the father of the demon-possessed boy said to Jesus when asking him to free his son, so say we: “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).  Because the more we trust our Savior, the more we will find ourselves freed as well.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).  “May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.  The Lord be with all of you” (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

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Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart  and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,  and he will make your paths straight.

Psalm 37 – selected
Trust in the Lord …. Take delight in the Lord,  and he will give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord;  trust in him and he will do this … Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

 Romans 8:28 & 32
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him … He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

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Prioritizing Priorities

Prioritizing Priorities

We’re just back from a wonderful post-Easter trip to Washington.  So this week I’m resharing a post from several years ago.  I pray it is thought-provoking and beneficial to you.  It’s certainly a great reminder to me!

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We all recognize that priorities are important, but few of us actually prioritize our lives.  At least, that’s the way it seems to me.  (And I count myself among the guilty!)

If asked what is truly important in our life, we could provide excellent answers: God, family, health, home, security, freedom, etc.  Yet often our day-to-day decisions don’t line up with the top items on our self-proclaimed priority list.

Why is this so?  We’re logical, practical people; why are those key items we deem critical so commonly neglected and even downright disregarded – overshadowed by so many lesser things?

There are many factors, of course.  But ultimately the root causes are brought on by the unholy trio of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature (flesh).  Satan enthralls our sinful natures with the wonders, pleasures, and responsibilities of the world, leading us effectively and easily away from pursuing the truly significant things.  Satan is the ultimate deceiver and distractor, and sadly we are easily dissuaded.

Consequently, we are constantly chasing after the “urgent” in our lives instead of devoting ourselves to the “important.”  Typically the “urgents” overwhelm us, receiving tremendous attention, while the “importants” quietly recede into the background.

Or to say it another way, we focus a tremendous amount of time and energy on “nick-nacks” rather than on true “treasures.”  And this leaves us frustrated and somewhat discombobulated.  We realize innately that our focus is misplaced and our emphasis off.

Thankfully, our Lord never mixes up his priorities.  And we are one of his top treasures!  The One who created the cosmos and orchestrates the world’s events – both great and small – made our salvation a top priority.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).  “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Furthermore, our loving Lord is with us every second of our lives.  He provides for us, protects us, guides us, and blesses us (Jer. 17.7).  How fortunate we are to be at the top of God’s priority list!

So how do we recognize the highest priorities in our lives?  And a more challenging question: how we do we live properly prioritized lives?

Here’s an exercise to evaluate our top priorities, and the order of those priorities.  It’s a variation of a process someone shared with me once.

Think of your priorities as personal treasures.  Now imagine yourself ruled by a king.  The king is powerful, and he is greedy.  He demands all your treasures … except for 10 items. 

What 10 treasures would you keep?  Take your time and think this out.  You must be specific, and you can only retain 10.  Recognize that treasures can also be spiritual or non-tangible.  Write your choices down.

Now imagine that this greedy king decides he wants more, so you have to give up another treasure.  Now you’ll be down to 9.  What will you give up?  Record your decision.

Repeat the process until you whittle your treasures down to one item.  (This process becomes increasingly agonizing as you go along!)  But after making your final decision, you are left with the top priority in your life!  The rest of the order of your treasures/priorities has also been established in descending order by the choices you made along the way. 

I trust that the Lord, his Word, and your faith rank highly on your list in some manner!  As Jesus himself reminded us, “Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).

If you don’t care for my suggested approach, do an online search for setting priorities.  You’ll find many other alternatives.  The key is that you identify what your top priorities are.

Well done!  Your priorities are established.  But now the real challenge begins.  How do you live your life properly reflecting your top priorities?  How do the treasures you identified receive the daily recognition they deserve?

Here are a few suggestions to maintain course:

1. Print your list of priorities and display it in prominent places where you will see it and be reminded of what is truly important to you.

2. Commit to necessary changes. Simply noting your priorities won’t automatically translate into keeping those priorities; deliberate adjustments are needed.

3. Organization and self-established structure will help safeguard your priorities. Ranked sub-categories under your main points will help clarify your focus even more.

4. Set a schedule and routine that incorporates and supports your top priorities. Set times for specific key tasks, and hold to them.

5. Routinely address the most important things (your “treasures”) first. If less important things don’t get done, they don’t get done.  But you will still have given due attention to what’s most important to you.

6. Share your priorities with others who will encourage you and will hold you accountable.

7. Recognize that priorities can change over time, so reevaluate occasionally.

Establishing priorities … and living according to them … really should be a priority for all of us.  Because our “treasures” need to be properly treasured!

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Here are some wise Biblical words from an exceptionally wise man named Solomon.  The point of sharing these words is not to demonstrate that everything in this world is meaningless, but that many of the things to which we devote our time and energy are actually not so important.

Ecclesiastes 1:12-14
I, the Teacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem. I applied my mind to study and to explore by wisdom all that is done under the heavens. What a heavy burden God has laid on mankind! I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Ecclesiastes 2:10-11
I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 2:22-26
What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment? To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness …

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Necessary Clean-Up

Necessary Clean-Up

As you may know, my wife and I now live in Michigan.  As you undoubtedly know, it snows in Michigan.  Sometimes a lot!

One of the remarkable things I have noticed since moving here is that the folks in central Michigan do not mess around with accumulated (or accumulating) snow. 

After the worst of the snow has fallen … and sometimes even while it is still piling up … armies of snow soldiers suddenly appear on the battlefields in front of their houses.  This isn’t just a few people in front of a few houses, but a massive force of troops.

Some (like me) are limited to basic weapons like shovels.  Many others have more advanced technology and go on the attack with snow-blowers. 

Then there are the calvary divisions.  They are the ones driving 4-wheel-drive pick-up trucks with mounted steel blades … most with a single blade.  (However, the really impressive ones carry v-blades that can be positioned in a number of different ways to clear the snow.)  These heavily armed vehicles come to the rescue of those who hired them, and in a few well-articulated passes clear an entire driveway in just moments.  They are also the ones paid to shove the snow into huge piles in the local parking lots.

And we dare not forget the heavy artillery!  The huge city and county trucks that grade the snow off the streets … typically pouring out ice-melting materials as they go.  (Unfortunately, they also tend to refill the bottom of driveways already cleared out!  And if the accumulation is significant, this occurs a number of times!)

Our city even has effective little special units which clean the white stuff off the city sidewalks!  I’d never seen that before, but I’ve been out of the Midwest for many years.

These many winter warriors are really an inspirational sight to behold, and they fight a battle that is repeated over-and-over-again every time the snow and ice make a local “attack.”

The last time I observed the conflict, (as I slowly fought a path out of my drive with my shovel), I remember once again being duly impressed by my fellow soldiers visible in the front yards down our street.  And I thought, “If only we were all so dedicated to spiritual warfare as we are to battling snow.”

But most of us don’t tend to attack our personal deficiencies nearly as actively.  Most don’t strive to clean up our spiritual messes nearly as aggressively.

Maybe they’re not as obvious as a pile of snow … at least to us.  Maybe they don’t cause us as many inconveniences or even shut us down like a half-foot of white can.  Cleaning up our spiritual issues definitely doesn’t seem quite as pressing as clearing out our driveway so we can get to work or the grocery store.  Certainly there’s not the peer pressure present as on a half-mile long street lined with houses.

And yet clearing our hearts of negative spiritual accumulation is far more important!  Which is why the Lord repeatedly urges us to clean up our hearts and lives! 

It’s a recuring theme in both the Old and New Testament.  Why?  Because, as the Holy Spirit inspires Paul to write, “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).

God in his mercy and grace has made us his own, and Jesus’ blood has washed us clean.  But we are infected with a sinful nature, we are constantly under Satan’s attacks, and we live in wicked world.  Which means that as long as we live in this world, we are at spiritual risk.

So regular spiritual clean-up is a necessary thing!  The Scriptures provide beautiful descriptions of this purifying process, worked by God through God’s Word: 

Ezekiel described it this way: “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities …  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you … I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. (Ezekiel 36:25-27)

Paul wrote, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:1-2).

In the Midwest, snow removal is a necessary and frequent task.  But for Christians anywhere, a frequent cleaning of the heart and mind is far more crucial, even if it may seem less pressing.  Thanks be to God, He does fantastic work in us whenever we hearing or reading God’s Word! 

Of course, the spiritual cleaning process has more involved in it than just being in the Word actively.  But that’s where it starts!

So it’s important we go on the spiritual offensive and immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, and let the Lord lovingly attack our spiritual messes!  It’s the best and most necessary clean-up of all.

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The Greatest “Sports” Spectacle of All!

The Greatest “Sports” Spectacle of All!

The world recently had the opportunity to watch one of the greatest sports events of the year – the Super Bowl.  65,000 fortunate folks saw it live in Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas.  For those purchasing seats for the game, they averaged approximately $8,600 a-piece.  Resale tickets bounced up to about $12,000.   But those prices are a steal of a deal when one considers that renting a suite cost an astounding 2.5 million!

Another 115 million viewers watched the game on screens.  That’s a new high, but it will undoubtedly be eclipsed in 2025, as viewership seems to rise each year.

As popular as the NFL’s biggest game may be, it doesn’t come close to being the most watched sporting event in the world.  That distinction is held by the Tour de France, which attracts massive audiences each year.  (3.5 billion people!)  The FIFA World Cup is right behind with 3.3 billion viewers, the Olympics with over 3 billion, and the Cricket World Cup with 2.6 billion. 

Those are staggering numbers! 

Why do sporting events draw such attention?  Why are they so emotionally compelling to so many people?  I believe Tom Guarriello explains it well in his article, “My Favorite Things: What Makes Sports So Popular?” 

I think the question of the emotional appeal of sports can be looked at from several points of view.  The first, and most common, is that team sports are tribal contests/rituals.  We identify with a team, whether it represents a country, a city, or a school, and invest a part of our identity…our self…our hopes of success and fears of failure, in the performance and achievements of these teams.

But the spotlight that sports shines on individual performances in structured, competitive situations…games…is another part of what makes sports so appealing for so many people.  One individual, in one moment, can make the difference between (maybe, a lifetime of?) triumphal exhilaration or inconsolable despair!

And, this is one of the most compelling aspects of competitive sports: what’s happening is real; what’s happening is now; and what’s happening will never happen like this again. Those who watch are witnessing history made live.

This uniqueness raises the possibility that every sporting event could be a captivating, memorable emotional experience.  Sports fans will always have a chance to see something happen (an impossible play!, a monumental blunder!) that elicits genuine emotions and feelings, sometimes joy and exhilaration, other times anger and despair.  Intense emotional experiences are always possible in sports.

This contrasts sharply with the mundanity of normal everyday life.

Which helps explains the allure of sporting events, and why so many watch.  Nor is this anything new!  Sporting contests and their popularity go way back in history.

So it should be no surprise that the Holy Spirit uses the illustration of an athletic event in the Scriptures to picture a spiritual truth.  Multiple times, actually.  And this is the most important … the most critical … contest ever.  At least for each of us as individuals. 

The event?  A believer’s spiritual race.

The challenge?  To avoid any obstacles that might keep him or her from finishing.

The goal?  To win the prize.

The prize?  The crown of eternal salvation.

Here’s how the Apostle Paul describes that race: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?  Run in such a way as to get the prize.  Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training.  They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” (1 Corinthians 9:24-25).

This race of faith is challenging and ongoing.  It’s not a 100-yard dash but a life-long marathon fraught with distractions and difficulties.  We must persevere to win the prize.  Thankfully we have some significant supporters.

The writer to the Hebrews adds another dimension to this spiritual race that perhaps we don’t often consider.  He reminds us of the spectators – the men and women of faith who have gone before us.  Not that they are necessarily watching us literally or specifically, but they are our “cheering section” nevertheless. 

They are the ones who have run the race before us and have persevered; they are reminders and encouragements to us that with God’s help, the race can be run and won.  These men and women of the faith are “in the stands,” eager for us to finish strong and gain the “championship.”

And these supporters are described as so numerous they form a great cloud that surrounds us.  (What a picture!) 

The writer runs through a lengthy and impressive list of those “looking on.”  It’s much more impressive than any of the athletes or celebrities attending a Super Bowl.  These are the warriors – the spiritual competitors – from the past. 

Abel, Enoch and Noah are there.  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph as well.  Moses too, and a number of the “judges.”  David and Samuel also, and many, many others (Heb. 11)… including some whose race was extreme.  

“There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection.  Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment.  They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated — the world was not worthy of them.  They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground.  These were all commended for their faith …” (Hebrews 11:35-39a).

What an encouragement when we think of these previous victors!  What motivation to persevere through the hardships, frustrations and temptations in our spiritual run!

And what a joyous shout must rise from this mighty mass of onlookers every time another runner crosses the finish line into heaven.  What a victorious roar reverberates through the halls of heaven each time Jesus places the victor’s crown on another soul!

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” … (and here’s the key to a victorious run!) … “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

The race to heaven is arduous.  Satan hates us and actively and viciously opposes us.  The world dismisses and discourages us.  Our sinful nature undermines us.  We need to focus on and cling to Jesus our Savior’s victory for us.  And we need the Holy Spirit to help us do so.

“Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees,” (Heb. 12:12) … your hearts and minds … regularly with God’s powerful gospel.  This is a very real contest … as is the trophy.  The race is temporary, but the crown lasts forever. 

It doesn’t get more intense or more critical than that. 

All of which is precisely why our spiritual race is the greatest “sports” spectacle of all! 

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How Is Your Health?

How Is Your Health?

One of the many things one must do when moving to a new city in a new state in a different part of the country is to find local doctors.  My wife and I have finally gotten around to that, and we both have appointments set with our new docs to get acquainted.  Which sparked the concept for this post. 

Of course, we know what awaits us on our annual doctors’ visits.  We are about to undergo the usual poking and prodding, checking and examining, questioning and updating.  Much of it is innocuous; some is annoying.  But all I suppose is necessary.

As I “look forward” to my physical checkup, I began to consider what would be examined in a routine spiritual checkup … if there was such a thing.  It’s an intriguing question.  Here is the list that came to my mind:

SE Level – SE stands for “Scripture Exposure.”  How frequently are we hearing or reading God’s Word, and for how long?  The SE Level is the most significant indicator of, and contributor to, good spiritual health.

Senses Functions – Our five senses play significant roles in our spiritual well-being.  We hear God’s Word shared in Scripture, sermon and song; we see God’s truths as we read and sing them, as well as seeing the cleansing waters of Baptism of others (and perhaps feeling them if we are the one baptized); we smell, feel and taste the wafer and wine in the Lord’s Supper.  The more active our senses are in the spiritual realm, the more impact the Holy Spirit has, and the more spiritually healthy we probably are.

Heart Health – This is easily monitored physically, but not so easily spiritually.  But a mental assessment can shed some insight.  What fills our heart?  What do we love above all?  What are we living for?  Where is our primary focus and what drives us?  What excites our heart?  The answers to those questions can shed some light on our heart’s spiritual health.

Mental Acuity – This aspect of our spiritual checkup evaluates how much of God’s truths we know.  Not necessarily Bible history, (though this is extremely beneficial also), but rather the simple doctrinal teachings of God’s Word.  Such as, what is our most significant problem? (Sin!)  Is full atonement made?  (Yes!)  How?  (Through Jesus suffering, death and resurrection!)  Why would God do this?  (Because of his immense love for us and his astounding grace!)  How does forgiveness and salvation become ours?  (Through faith in our Savior!)

Temperature – Are we spiritually hot, lukewarm or cold?  To state it a different way, are we “on fire” for God, fairly ambivalent, or caught in a cold “could-care-less” place?  The hotter our spiritual temp, the healthier we are.

Blood Pressure – We recognize our many and deep-seated sins, and they weigh heavily upon us.  Are we relying upon our own sacrifices to make atonement for them, or on the holy sacrifice of Jesus, and the blood he shed?  The weight of guilt is extremely unhealthy, spiritually speaking, but Jesus’ blood alleviates that pressure, (thanks be to God!).

PT – No, no physical therapy, but “Prayer Time.”  How much time do we spend each day in conversation with our God?  Just as communication is a key factor in our earthly relationships, so it is with our most important spiritual one as well.  The more PT in our lives, the more likely our relationship with the Lord is strong

Activity Level – As in, how much spiritual exercise are we doing?  Are we active in worship?  Are we active in service in our church?  Do we carry out spiritual ministry in our personal lives?  Are we ambassadors of the Lord (2 Cor. 5:20) in our interactions with others?  Spiritual activity is often indicative of spiritual health.

TF Reading – Spiritually healthy people exhibit high TF (“Trust Factor”) readings.  That is, they trust the Lord and his promises no matter what is happening.  Though their physical eyes may see problems with no answers, their spiritual eyes envision the wonderful solutions their God is providing and/or the incredible blessings He is bringing through difficulties.  This significantly reduces stress and boosts emotional well-being.

The reality is that not a single person reading this list is as spiritually healthy as they could be or desire to be.  Don’t be discouraged!  Rather, go to the Great Physician named Jesus, and find help and healing in his care.  This is what he says to us:

“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Mark 2:17).  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).  “The LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, … to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” (Isaiah 61:1-3, selected).

So, do you have any suggestions for items that you feel should be included in our spiritual checkup?  Please share them in the comments box below!

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The All-Encompassing Cure

The All-Encompassing Cure

The huge hall was packed with missionaries, evangelists, and pastors from around the world.  They were gathering for the keynote address of the week-long ecumenical Christian conference. 

As the conference was wrapping up, the attendees were reflecting on the insights they had gained on more effectively and economically growing their ministries.  Some were chatting quietly with new acquaintances, comparing notes and sharing ideas.  Others were reviewing their travel plans and checking their flight status on their phones.

The conference folders were strangely lacking on information for this final presentation.  The time and place were provided, of course, but little else.  The topic was listed as “The All-Encompassing Cure,” and the captivating summary was simply this: “The most important presentation of the conference.” 

The presenter was to be E. Manuel.  No other information was given; no credentials, no biography, no place of service.

No one – not even the conference organizers, if the truth be told – quite understood who the presenter was or how he got the coveted gig of addressing the gathered hundreds.  To say there was a bit of unease in the group, and especially among the coordinators, would be accurate.  But there was also a fair amount of curiosity … even fascination.  What were they about to hear?

The hall lights flickered the message that the presentation was about to start.  The assembled church workers turned their attention to the stage.  The lighting was dim, causing many to suspect there were some technical difficulties. 

A man of medium-height and darker complexion strode to the center of the stage.  He wore a beige dress shirt with a striking picture of a wooden cross offset on the upper right side.  His slacks were brown khakis; his shoes simple loafers.  A neatly trimmed beard adorned his chin; his hair was gathered into a “man-bun.” 

He slowly scanned the audience, his gaze sweeping to one side of the auditorium, then sweeping gradually back to the other side.  The speaker said not a word for the longest time.  A stunned silence gripped the hall, and people began to shift uncomfortably in their seats.

When words finally came, they were brimming with power … not just with volume, but with authority. 

“My message will be brief, but it is critical.  I will not cast any judgements today; I will only speak the truth.  Each of you can make your own assessments of yourselves and your approach to ministry from what I share.  Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!”1  A involuntary shudder rolled through the crowd.  Their eyes were riveted on the man before them.

The speaker continued: “You have spent hours-upon-hours this week learning sophisticated ministry strategies.   You are excited about utilizing new technologies.  You can’t wait to implement new programs in your churches.  Most of it has a place in ministry.  Most can indeed be useful.”

“But these are not the ultimate goal.  Rather, they are only a means to the true goal.” The speaker raised his right hand, his pointer finger extended.  “And they are not the key components of ministry.  They are only tools to the true key component.”

The eyes of many listeners widened. 

“The single most important tool in your ministries is … God’s Word!”  The speaker paused and once again scanned the audience.  Those there felt as if he were looking deep inside them. 

Finally he continued.  “Let me repeat: the single most important tool in your ministries is God’s Word!  ALL of God’s Word.  NOT a Bible gutted of truth by picking and choosing what one wants to believe.  And NOT a Bible polluted by adding things God did not say.  But the Bible God has given you.”

“The Bible God has given you is truth … absolute truth.2  It is God’s own Word, and God doesn’t lie or change his mind.3  It is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens!”4 

Furthermore, the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates soul and spirit!5  The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes!”6

God’s Word is the key to a truly successful ministry … that is, a spiritually successful ministry.  Utilize the many ministry approaches you explored this week to do true ministry – which is sharing God’s full Word with as many people as possible.  And let God’s Holy Spirit work through the living, powerful, life-changing truths God has given!”

Another pause.  More shifting in the listeners.  Some were profoundly uncomfortable and desired to leave, but somehow none could.  None dared.

“This is the first part of the all-encompassing cure.  The Lord has given you everything you need in his words to address any earthly situation you or your people may run into in your ministries.”

“Which leads us to the second part of the cure.  Please turn your attention to the screens.”

Two large screens, one at each end of the platform, lit up.  “Let me show you some real people and their very real struggles.”

A sobbing woman appeared on the screens.  There were no captions; no comments made from the presenter.  Yet intuitively every person looking on recognized that she was a lonely wife longing to feel loved and treasured by her distracted husband. 

She remained in view just long enough for everyone to intensely feel her pain, and then another person … a meth addict … came into view.  Again, everyone somehow understood the situation and the man’s feeling of bondage and hopelessness.  And so it was for each example that followed.

A wealthy businessman chasing even more wealth and power.

A twenty-something male confused on what to believe and searching for meaning in life.

A homeless beggar longing to get out of the cold and to eat a hot meal.

A man in a foreign country unfairly imprisoned by an oppressive government.

An attention-seeking socialite consumed with her appearance and popularity.

A young child wondering why her parents were always fighting.

A man struggling to get out of the gloom of severe depression.

A teenaged boy crying himself to sleep and dreading to face the bullies at school again tomorrow.

A middle-aged couple at a significant juncture of their lives agonizing over the difficult decisions they had to make and the direction to go.

A hungry family in a third world country gathered around a fire, dirt-covered and dressed in rags.

A cancer victim in hospice with only limited time left.

A guilt-wracked sinner with his head in his hands, weeping over his sin.

A weary and despairing person, wondering if there is anything better than this world.

The screens went black.  The presenter stood before them with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed.  Tears were streaming down his cheeks.  And he was not alone.  In fact, there wasn’t a dry eye in the entire auditorium.  How could there be after what they had just witnessed?  So much hurt!

Eventually, the speaker gathered himself.  In a quieter voice, he asked, “What do all these people have in common?”  Only muffled crying was heard in response. 

Finally, a meek voice in front row said, “They need help.”

“Yes, they do.  But their hurts and needs are so different.  How will you help all of them?”

“Love them,” someone else ventured.

“Well, that’s a nice gesture.  But it won’t fundamentally bring them the cure they need.”

“Refer them to agencies that might assist them,” another voiced.

“There may be some help there.  But the fundamental issues remain.”

“Pray for them?”

“A wonderful idea!  But you will undoubtedly be praying that they find the help they need.  Where will that come from?”

“The Word!  Read them appropriate passages from God’s Word, as you talked about earlier.”

“Excellent!  Now we’re getting somewhere!”  The speaker raised both hands questioningly.  “And what does all of God’s Word revolve around?”  Another pause.  “All of God’s Word revolves around God’s love demonstrated to sinners in Jesus-Made-Man.”

“In short, show them Jesus!  All these people need Jesus!  Everyone needs Jesus!  Not some watered-down, rationalized, sterilized Jesus, but the living, loving, caring Jesus of the Bible!”

“The Jesus who loves them so much he died for them.  The Jesus who rose back to life and walked out of the tomb.  The Jesus who ascended to heaven to resume his rightful throne and to prepare a place there for all who believe in him.”7

“The Jesus who is both in heaven and still always with them.  The Jesus who answers their prayers, who provides for them and protects them; the Jesus who guides them and accompanies them through all their difficulties.  The Jesus who loves them with all his heart!”

“Jesus is the All-Encompassing Cure.  No, he doesn’t always take all the hardships away, but he always carries his people through them.  He always eases the hurt and he always brings help and blessing.  Show Jesus to your people.”

The speaker’s head tilted upward, and his arms raised heavenward.  “The Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve.  To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”7

He lowered his gaze back to the people before him.  “Everyone needs Jesus.”  He pulled back his sleeves and held up his nail-marked wrists.  “Everyone needs these, and the one who loves them enough to suffer these.”  

With that, E. Manuel – “God With Us”10 – turned and walked briskly into the shadows. 

  1. Mark 4:9
  2. John 17:17
  3. Numbers 23:19
  4. Psalm 119:89
  5. Hebrews 4:12
  6. Romans 1:16
  7. John 14:3
  8. Matthew 28:20
  9. Isaiah 61:1-3
  10. Matthew 1:23

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I don’t really presume to know what Jesus would say to such a group; I can only guess.  However, in light of how the Bible is being attacked, undermined and disregarded, and recognizing how Jesus, the Savior, is being pushed into almost irrelevance … even sometimes in the church … the Lord might very well say something like this. 

As always, I pray that these words are thought-provoking, and ultimately a blessing to you.  Cherish God’s Word, and God’s Son which God’s Word shows us.  They really are the cure for all that ails us.

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