The Unappealing Path (A Story)

The archangel streaked through heaven’s glory, drawn to the brightest Light in that brilliantly lit place. Or more accurately, to the Beacon whose radiance radiated throughout the entirety of heaven.
The angel drew to sudden but smooth stop before Jesus – effortlessly executing the transition from an upright posture to a prostrate one in one seamless motion, coming to rest before the Lord with his extensive wings draped over his head in deference to the Mightiest One before him.
“Greetings, Michael,” Jesus said. “Well done on the battlefront.”
“Our foes are relentlessly fighting. And they continue to gain spiritual ground among the humans, as you know,” the angel replied.
“Yes, they are. It is the way things were predicted, so it is the way things will go.”
“I want to banish them to the darkness immediately!” Michael retorted.
“I know, Michael. All in due time,” the Lord replied. He sighed, then he continued. “As earthly time marches on, more and more people will reject me altogether. It is prophesied and it is inevitable. That’s tragic enough, and I grieve for every one of their souls.”
Jesus paused. “But what really saddens me are all of the people who DO know me … yet miss out on so many of the blessings I intend for them in their earthly lives.” It was impossible to miss the sorrow in Jesus’ voice.
“Stand, mighty warrior. I will show you the human dilemma you already understand, but in a manner you haven’t seen before.”
With a single, swift and strong flap of his wings, Michael lifted himself up. Jesus nodded at him, then swept his arm before them. Instantly a window opened in the multi-hued glory, revealing a view of an incredible sight.
Before them stretched an expansive corridor, as wide as a seven-lane freeway. It was paved with large, impact-absorbing – yet firm, strong and resilient – panels of material. It was perfectly smooth; even the seams were tight and even.
Wide billboards lined the way and impressive signs hung over the road. Simple but brightly lit messages scrolled across their faces: “You are doing great!” “Relax and enjoy the journey!” “No doubt – the best route!” “The wisest don’t despise it!” “The best way to a new day!” “The easy leads to the pleasey!”
Food stands were readily available; cold refreshments easily accessible.
The highway descended at a gentle grade with no elevation gain visible at any point. Comfortable benches were situated throughout for resting where needed. There were even escalators for the ease of those who preferred not to walk the easy downhill!
Demons, invisible to the people on the path but clear to Michael, were flurrying every which way to provide the support needed to keep the walkway functioning and to promote the comfort of the travelers.
Throngs of people covered the road … across the width and throughout the length.
Impressive gateways stood at the end, beyond which was a swirling, cloudy darkness. Many paused at that point, but the words emblazoned above the arches seemed to put the travelers at ease. To their eyes the words said, “ALL WILL BE WELL!” In reality, they read “WELCOME TO HELL!”
As the people passed through the gates and into the darkness, they toppled helplessly into the pit … while watching demons cackled in evil glee.
“Let us put an end to the demons!” Michael scowled in righteous anger.
“We will. Again, in due time,” Jesus replied. “You, of course, recognize what you are seeing.
“Yes, Most Exalted One,” said Michael. “This is the wide and easy road to the abyss that you spoke of on the mount. I well recognize it.”
“Indeed,” Jesus replied. “And what are your observations regarding it?”
“It has always been heavily trafficked. But lately, even more so.”
“Correct. Absolutely tragic that so many insist on traveling it,” said Jesus, as a tear slide from his eye. “The demons coerce, but the people acquiesce. Travelers on this route think this is the easy way, but it is the opposite. They are actually miserable already now, but the worst is yet to come.”
The Lord diverted Michael’s attention to the mountains rising immediately beside the highway. A small, rocky and uneven path wove its way slowly up the flanks and eventually into the heights above. It appeared to be a challenging route with few amenities available.
Leading to the main but small path were multiple tinier paths which had diverted from the expansive freeway. The exit signs on the wide way which called attention to these scrabbles were simple and nondescript; barely noticeable among the flashing promotions all around them.
Each exit sign to the narrow path said two simple words: “The Way.” Further up the mountain where the tiny trails converged into the larger (but still small) path was a sign stating the same: “The Way.” In comparison to the wide, smooth freeway, only a few people could be seen scrambling up this rough route.
Michael spoke. “Fewer on this path these days.”
“Thankfully though, some still walk the path of Truth and Life, and pass through the narrow gate into glory,” Jesus replied.
Then he continued. “This is the long view … the overview of the two paths to different destinations. Now let me show you the closer view of the narrow path to heaven. In some ways, what I’m about to reveal is almost more tragic than the throngs on the highway to hell. (Though that is the ultimate tragedy!) Thankfully though, this next tragedy is generally temporary.”
Jesus waved his arm again, and the view changed. Now they were looking at the narrow, rocky, rising path to heaven. Angels walked along with the travelers, their wings stretched above and around them in a protective canopy. “My faithful fighters for you, Most Exalted One,” Michael stated proudly. Jesus nodded in agreement.
Demons were also situated along that way, feinting attacks on the people and promoting various side paths. Naturally, they heavily, alluringly and effectively tried to seduce God’s people down sin paths.
In addition, the devils sponsored attractive advertisements posted over side paths offering everything the human heart could desire. Popularity. Wealth. Success. Power. Fun. And yes … Ease. None of which is essentially evil, but all of which can be distracting.
They even tried to pull “The Way” travelers down paths of ongoing poor choices – ones the people knew were unhealthy and unwise. And down paths of past hurts and heartaches. Down paths of oppression even! The devils promoted these routes as “A Familiar Path” or “The Usual and Comfortable.” And a surprising number of God’s people chose to take them!
In short, the demons promoted any alternate and adjusted route along “The Way” that might attract and appeal, and pull God’s people off the main path.
All these meandering routes still led to heaven, but they increased the difficulty of the trip. Each side path brought greater struggles – physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually. Even the paths labeled “Easier” were harder!
All of these side path led to multiple additional path options … each extra option heavily pushed by the demons … and each leading only to more problems. If a traveler on “The Way” took too many side paths or followed them too eagerly or too long, they could eventually find themselves back on the wide and easy path to hell.
But after every side excursion … and even after multiple diversions … the small, least appealing path labeled “The Way” was always accessible.
Jesus shook his head sadly. “The tragedy of this view is that all of the people on this path to some degree … and some people to a large degree … get sidetracked from the simplest, most beneficial path onto other detours that rob them of the fullness they can have in me. And they know better!”
The Savior continued. “My Way seems less appealing, but it brings so much more! Even during their lives on earth! Love! Forgiveness! Salvation! Peace! Joy! Self-worth! Fulfillment! Purpose! I bring all these things to people to the degree that they remain on ‘The Way.’ And yet so many choose the detours that bring only more burdens and heartaches. Any side-trip that turns a person’s focus off me, my saving sacrifice, my love, and my truths essentially robs them of truth, joy and fulfillment.”
The angel responded emphatically, “If only your people recognized this! The demons! The distractions! The disillusions of other paths!”
“Yes, Michael. If only they did. My path seems empty, but it is full! It seems barren, but is alive! It seems mundane, but is exciting! It seems more difficult, but is easier! It seems a dead end, but it leads to life! It seems unappealing, but is actually most appealing!”
“But you know all this,” the Lord stated. He paused, then asked. “What are your observations from this view?”
“As stated earlier, there are fewer on this path than in the past. And the travelers seem to be more easily diverted.”
“It has always been a challenging journey. But now, more than ever,” Jesus replied.
In holy fury, Michael snapped his wings with a load crack. “Then let us finally do away with these tormenting demons who continue to defy you and deter your people!”
Jesus closed the “window” and looked directly at him. “I know how you feel, dear archangel. And this is why I summoned you. I wanted to share all this to make it clear that we draw closer to the End … to the time when your unending battles will finally end.”
Michael snapped his wings again. “It cannot come soon enough for me, Most Exalted One!”
The Lord smiled and said, “There are still some who will be brought off the wide and easy road to destruction and onto the narrow path of life. When the last one steps onto ‘The Way,’ the End will come.”
It was the angel’s turn to smile. He responded, “I am glad to hear it! In the meantime, may your people remain on your path, Lord Jesus, and rejoice in all the blessings you bring them there! It is a narrow path, but the best one! It is the path to life – both temporally and eternally.”
“That it most definitely is,” the Savior replied.
Then the archangel extended his wings and sped back to the battlefront.
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Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Revelation 22:20-21
[Jesus,] who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.”
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
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