How’s Your Health?

The last few years have been quite the medical adventure for my wife and me. (Mostly me initially, but she’s contributed her fair share lately.) And both of us have ramped up the excitement even more in the last month!
But none of that was what sparked the concept for this post. This idea popped into my head while sitting patiently (alright, impatiently) in the waiting room for my annual physical checkup recently.
Of course, we know what awaits us on our annual doctor visit. We are about to undergo the usual poking and prodding, checking and examining, questioning and updating. Much of it is innocuous; some is annoying; but all I suppose is necessary.
As I fidgeted in my waiting room seat, I wondered what would be examined in a routine spiritual checkup, if there was such a thing. It’s an intriguing question. Here is the list that came to my mind:
SE Level – SE stands for “Scripture Exposure.” How frequently are we hearing or reading God’s Word, and for how long? The SE Level is the most significant indicator of, and contributor to, good spiritual health.
Senses Functions – Our five senses play significant roles in our spiritual well-being. We hear God’s Word spoken, read and sung; we read (see!), speak and sing God’s truths; and we smell, feel and taste the wafer and wine in the Lord’s Supper. The more active our senses are in the spiritual realm, the more impact the Holy Spirit has, and the more spiritual healthy we probably are.
Heart Health – This is easily monitored physically, but not so easily spiritually. But a mental assessment can shed some insight. What fills our heart? What do we love above all? What are we living for? Where is our primary focus and drives us? What excites our heart? The answers to those questions can shed some light on our heart’s spiritual health.
Mental Acuity – This aspect of our spiritual checkup evaluates how much of God’s truths we know. Not necessarily Bible history, (though this is extremely beneficial also), but rather the simple doctrinal teachings of God’s Word. Such as, what is our most significant problem? (Sin!) Is full atonement made? (Yes!) How? (Through Jesus suffering, death and resurrection!) Why would God do this? (Because of his immense love for us and his astounding grace!) How does forgiveness and salvation become ours? (Through faith in our Savior!)
Temperature – Are we spiritually hot, lukewarm or cold? To state it a different way, are we “on fire” for God, fairly ambivalent, or caught in a “could care less” place? The hotter our spiritual temp, the healthier we are.
Blood Pressure – We recognize our many and deep-seated sins, and they weigh heavily upon us. Are we relying upon our own sacrifices to make atonement for them, or on the holy sacrifice of Jesus, and the blood he shed? The weight of guilt is extremely unhealthy, spiritually speaking, but Jesus’ blood alleviates that pressure, (thanks be to God!).
PT – No, no physical therapy, but “Prayer Time.” How much time do we spend each day in conversation with our God? The more PT, the more likely our relationship with the Lord is strong
Activity Level – As in, how much spiritual exercise are we doing? Are we active in worship? Are we active in service in our church? Do we carry out spiritual ministry in our personal lives? Are we messengers of the Lord in our interactions with others? Spiritual activity is often indicative of spiritual health.
TF Reading – Spiritually healthy people exhibit high TF (“Trust Factor”) readings. That is, they trust the Lord and his promises no matter what is happening. Though their physical eyes may see problems with no answers, their spiritual eyes envision the wonderful solutions their God is providing and/or the incredible blessings He is bringing through difficulties. This significantly reduces stress and boosts emotional well-being.
The reality is that not a single person reading this list is as spiritually healthy as they could be or desire to be. Don’t be discouraged! Rather, go to the Great Physician named Jesus, and find help and healing in his care. This is what he says to us:
“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick” (Mark 2:17). “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). “The LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, … to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair” (Isaiah 61:1-3, selected).
So, do you have any suggestions for items that you feel should be included in our spiritual checkup? Please share them in the comments box below!
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