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Category: Thankfulness



When it comes to earthly wealth, I have never been rich.  Not even close.  And it seems highly unlikely that I ever will be rich.

I’m OK with that.  The reason?  Because the Lord has made sure that I always have enough.

Furthermore, I’m quite confident that even though you may not have everything you want … and even though life may have been exceedingly difficult at times for you … still, you have always had enough too.

David wrote about this very thing:

“The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.  I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” (Psalm 37:23-25).

Yet the world teaches us to always want MORE.  Our sinful natures eagerly take up the theme – MORE is better.  MUCH MORE is best of all!

David’s son, Solomon, alludes to humans’ unending longing with these words, “The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing” (Ecclesiastes 1:8).  He also states this is a “meaningless” exercise.  (Ecc. 1:2).

I find the Lord’s manner of providing food for the migrating tribes of Israel fascinating.  (And telling!)  You’ll recall that the Lord had miraculously delivered his people from slavery in Egypt, and as they were enroute to the Promised Land, they had to travel through a huge barren area. 

What you may not realize is that the nation almost certainly numbered between two and three million people!  (Exodus 12:37 tells us 600,000 men left Egypt.  Add in women and children, and the numbers grow exponentially.)

Garnering enough food for all those mouths would be a monumental challenge for humans.  But it wasn’t difficult for God.  He simply provided them with wafers called “manna” 6-days-a-week.  The Bible tells us, “it was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey” (Exodus 16:31).

But where this gets really interesting is when you consider the special instructions the Lord gave to the people in regard to gathering the bread.  Each morning they were to gather what they needed for the day, but no more.  If they tried to keep extra for the next day, the manna would be foul and maggot-filled. 

The exception to the “only-as-much-as-you-need-for-the-day” rule was the morning before the Sabbath Day (Friday).  On Fridays, the people were to gather sufficient manna for two days.  Astonishingly, the manna kept just fine for the extra day over the Sabbath.

Moses provides another incredible insight:

“The Israelites did as they were told; some gathered much, some little. And when they measured it by the omer, the one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little. Everyone had gathered just as much as they needed” (Exodus 16:17-18).

None of this was coincidence!

The Lord was teaching the Israelites an incredibly important truth; he was teaching the people to trust him.  He would supply their needs.  Day-by-day he would bless them with food.  They would have enough.  With the Lord, they would always have enough!

And not just enough food, but enough of everything.  Enough guidance in their journeys.  Enough protection from all their dangers.  Enough provision for all of their needs.  Not necessarily a surplus, but enough.  Always enough. 

The Lord wasn’t only trying to teach the Israelites this truth.  But you and me as well!

He wants us convinced that our God will always provide for us – spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.  As Paul reminds us, “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all — how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).

We don’t need MORE.  We just need what God gives us.  It will be enough.

And when we recognize this truth – when we embrace it – we will come to realize that when God is our supplier, we have more than enough!  In fact, we are actually rich beyond measure. 

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1 Timothy 6:6-8
But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 

Hebrews 13:5
… Be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Philippians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

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Everything, Always! A Story of Thanksgiving

Everything, Always! A Story of Thanksgiving

Evan looked around with pride.  He was reclining in his personally decorated lounge inside his lovely two-story house.  Everything was wonderful – truly wonderful.  And everything had his own “fingerprints” on them; this was what he had accomplished with his own hard work, determination, perseverance, and skillful maneuvering!

 (Alright.  And a bit of good luck here and there.)

“I’ve done pretty well for myself, haven’t I?” he murmured quietly.  “Look at what I have achieved.”

Evan sighed contentedly and picked up the headset for his Virtual Reality (VR) device.  It was the newest and most sophisticated model, allowing for the most immersive experience currently possible. This time he was going to explore the wonders of the Andes Mountains.

But instead of soaring in the heights above the South American mountains with the sound of the wind whistling past him, Evan found himself looking down on a ragamuffin man sitting cross-legged on the ground.  Though his garment seemed to be made of the highest quality material, it was tattered, torn and stained.  The man didn’t look much better; he was filthy, with his hair long, tangled and filled with twigs and grass stems.  A light rain fell, gradually soaking the shabby individual.

The VR swept Evan lower and closer to the ragged man.  As it did, Evan could clearly see the madness in the man’s eyes.  Also noticeable were his long and curling fingernails; clearly they hadn’t been trimmed in some time. 

But the most disturbing part of the experience was now revealed.  In his bloody hands, the man clutched a partially eaten rat.  Blood and entrails dripped from his beard.  The sound of rabid chewing, crunching bones and eager slurping filled Evan’s earphones.  The uttered noises that accompanied the eating made it clear the poor man was thoroughly enjoying his meal.

Evan recoiled in horror.  “What is this?” he exclaimed.

He didn’t expect an answer, and gasped when he received one.  “This is a man even more blessed than you who failed to acknowledge the source of his blessings.  I had to teach him an important lesson.  It’s a lesson that has been passed down for the ages.”

Evan was astounded … and confused.  The VR had never verbally responded to him before!  He was at a loss on what to say or do.  Oddly, the thought of removing the headset never occurred to him; he was captivated by what he was experiencing.  Fully immersed, indeed!

Finally, he found his voice.  “Who are you?”

“I am the Lord, your God.”  Evan’s heart hammered and he struggled to breath.  The Lord continued, “You know me and you acknowledge me.  But you don’t acknowledge all that I have done for you.”

“But I do!”  He paused, then reconsidered.  “I mean, I thought I did!  You saved me, Lord.  You sent your Son, Jesus, to suffer and die and rise back to life so I could be forgiven and go to heaven one day.  I know I couldn’t have ever saved myself!”

“This is true, Evan.  And it is good that you recognize this.  It’s the most important truth.  But you don’t understand the immensity of my goodness to you.  It’s a lesson I am going to teach you, but in a gentler fashion than I did with Nebuchadnezzar, since you are my child.”

Evan was dumbfounded.  Finally he managed to reply, “Teach me, Lord!”

“That I will, Evan.”

Nebuchadnezzar receded from view until he was no longer visible, like Google Earth moving back and repositioning to a new location.  The world seemed to spin; the new location was on the other side of the globe from where the VR had initially taken him.  The Americas came into view.  The VR zoomed down on North America, then to Evan’s region of the country, to his state, city, and finally his home.  Evan came to a stop, hovering over his house and yard.

The Lord’s voice returned.  “Let’s look around.  The items that come directly from me will be checked.”

Evan watched in stunned amazement as golden checkmarks began appearing.  First, his house was checked.  That was followed by one on the front yard and another on the back.  Then others on the trees Evan had planted.  Then the storage sheds.  Even the recently delivered package resting on their front doorstep was marked.

Then another check popped up on the garage.  The garage door opened, and checkmarks materialized on the vehicles inside.  In blindingly fast fashion, gold checkmarks blossomed on every single tool, toy, and miscellaneous item stored in the garage – Evan’s eyes ever widening. 

“Let’s look inside, shall we?” the Lord suggested.  Evan was plunged toward the roof, passing through the shingles and boards seamlessly.  The Lord floated him from room to room, every single one bursting with golden checkmarks.  There wasn’t a single item in the entire house that wasn’t marked – the brilliance and bounty of the golden checks blinding to Evan’s eyes.

Finally, the flustered man was guided into the living room.  Again, every single item bore a golden designation.  And again, Evan found himself shielding his eyes.  But then the brilliance faded … except for the marks on his wife and his three children, who were gathered around a board game.  Those checkmarks grew in intensity, even as the others lessened. 

Evan found himself sobbing.  What a fool he had been!

But the Lord wasn’t finished with the lesson.  “There’s more, my child.”

Once again Evan was being drawn further away.  He passed through a light, then the ceiling, then the second floor, then the attic, and finally the roof … seeing the layers of paint, boards, wiring, carpeting, insulation, and shingles on the way out … all similarly checked.

Evan was lifted to an elevation where he had a clear view of the city.  He wondered at the purpose, when more markers began emerging.  His parents’ home, his wife’s parents’ home, their siblings’ places … followed by checks on houses throughout the city where friends and fellow church members lived. 

Golden checkmarks erupted everywhere below him.  The sidewalks he and his wife liked to traverse on their walks.  The park where his children loved to play.  The dear church where they gathered for worship.  The stores, restaurants, and gas stations his family frequented.  Even the barbershop where he went!  Two checks over their bank; Evan assumed one for the institution and the other for their personal finances.  There were golden checkmarks everywhere!

Then Evan noticed something striking.  His place of employment wasn’t marked!  He pointed at it.  “Does that mean that at least I can take some credit for my job?”

The Lord actually chuckled.  “Nope.”  A blazing golden checkmark exploded over the business. 

“Nor can you boast about your body, your health, your personality, or your abilities.  They all come from me too!”  Evan looked down.  His body was plastered with gold.  He continued to stare down at himself in astonishment, squinting against the golden gleam. 

Evan was silent for a moment.  He cleared his throat.  “Lord, what about the problems in my life?  Those are my doing, aren’t they?”

“Yes, your sinfulness … like everyone else’s in this sinful world … bring problems.”  A stream of personal difficulties appeared in Evan’s virtual reality view.  “But I turn even these into blessings.”  Checkmarks became visible on the long list of hardships passing before Evan. 

Once again, Evan was crying.  “Lord, I’m so sorry!  Please forgive me for my foolish pride!”

“Of course, Evan.”  The heartsick man could hear the love in the Lord’s voice.

The tears flowed more profusely.  Through sobs, Evan managed to choke out, “Now I see that everything wonderful always comes from you!”

Suddenly, the distraught man was back in his recliner in his lounge … his cheeks still wet from his tears.  He exhaled deeply and slowly, still rocked from the shock of the past few moments.  Another question came to him.  He wanted to know.  “But what about Nebuchadnezzar?” he called out.

In a fading voice, the Lord replied, “Read Daniel 4.”  Evan ripped off his headset and dashed to find his Bible.  When he pulled it from his nightstand, he was floored.  There on the cover … was a golden checkmark.

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James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

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Every Christian acknowledges that they are blessed by God – certainly verbally, but also mentally.  Yet I’m convinced that none of us … even and especially me … realize just how very blessed we are by our gracious and giving God.  To say that everything we have comes from God is typical and fine; to truly understand the extensivity of “everything” is quite another.

My prayer is that this story impresses that truth upon all of us.  Our God is so good to us!

One important comment:  The Bible states Nebuchadnezzar ate grass like cattle.  And he surely did!  I am always extremely hesitant to go beyond God’s Word.  However, I took the liberty to suggest he also added meat to his diet whenever he was able.  This would seem a logical assumption, but I acknowledge that the Scriptures do not mention this.  Perhaps grass and vegetation was indeed all he ate.  Still, I wrote this story the way I did to try to demonstrate how very far the king had fallen.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Abounding in Thanksgiving

Abounding in Thanksgiving

My wife and I are getting away for a few days, (something for which I’m very thankful!), so here’s this week’s post … a little early!

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I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I definitely don’t thank God enough for the blessings he has showered into my life.  Perhaps you can relate, and can sidle next to me on my bench of shame?

I am so very, very blessed by God!  And you are too!

It would be completely appropriate for me (and you) to be engrossed in an ongoing prayer of thanksgiving.  But … that hasn’t been my custom.

The problems, the challenges, the obligations and responsibilities I hold, and the hassles, frustrations and busyness of life keep me distracted – and keep the words of thanks silenced in both my mind and mouth.  Satan and my sinful, selfish flesh strive (effectively!) to keep me more focused on the negatives than the positives – which, of course, doesn’t encourage thanksgiving.

But thankfully, there are moments when thankfulness bursts from my heart; occasions when profound gratefulness overwhelms all the other distractions.

Like when I reflect yet again on the Lord’s love for me … a love that moved Jesus to step down to earth, not to be acclaimed by earth’s residents, but to be rejected by them.  To be crucified by them for them – for you, for me! 

 And when I remember that though Jesus died, he didn’t stay dead.  He rose off the cold, hard burial shelf, exited his tomb and ascended back to his heavenly home to prepare a place there for you and me.

Yet, his blessings aren’t only future blessings to be experienced someday when we transition from this world to the next.  His love impacts us every day with his abiding presence, guidance, provision, protection and peace.

These spiritual truths move me to abounding thanksgiving!

As does a difficult, even impossible, situation resolved solely through God’s intervention.  Or a close call where it was clearly God’s strong hand that kept me from being hurt (or worse!).  Likewise, when someone dear to me was miraculously spared. These definitely elicit thanksgiving to a gracious God!

But day-to-day activities can sometimes prompt the same response.  Nature especially has this effect on me.  A hike in God’s creation, a spectacular view spread out before me, a glorious sunset, experiencing the woods waking up on a deer stand, or the lake easing into night on our dock – these elicit thanksgiving too.

Sometimes it’s just “normal” events.  My latest experience of this was when our entire family was together at our new “house on the lake,” as we have come to call it.  As I looked around me, seeing precious family members … as I listened to loved ones’ voices all around me … as we interacted in conversation and activities … I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving over and over and over again.  How good is our God!

There are definitely circumstances that naturally pull thankfulness from our souls.  But I want thankfulness to be a natural part of my everyday existence! 

Even when something goes wrong.  Even when the car breaks down, or the funds are falling low, or the stresses are mounting, or the body is struggling or failing.  Because even then our God is good!  Our God is always good!  And his love and faithfulness to us never ever ends.

As I consider this, it seems to me that focusing on the word “always” might be helpful.  The Lord is always faithful, so we can be always thankful.

In fact, sometimes God’s greatest blessings come through our greatest hardships.  It’s difficult for us to see it that way.  Especially in the midst of those challenging moments.  But it’s true nonetheless.

When we recognize this wonderful truth even in the valleys … when we trust our good and gracious God even in the storms … then we are “not anxious about anything,” but have “the peace of God that transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:6-7). 

It’s a peace centered on our all-sufficient Lord; it’s a peace that fosters abounding thankfulness … no matter the circumstances.

“… Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit.  Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18-20).

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All Good Things (from A – Z) Come from Above

All Good Things (from A – Z) Come from Above

In last week’s post, we discussed counting our blessings.  This week we’ll approach the same concept, only alphabetically.

For our Thanksgiving worship service way back in 200l, I enlisted the help of my three oldest sons, Christian, Craig and Caleb, to compile an alphabetical list of things we enjoy because of our generous God.  (They would have been ages 12, 10 and 8 at the time.)  I then pulled the list together into a prayer.  Here is that prayer:

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For apples, animals, and airplanes;  for the alphabet, athletics and all our abilities;  for America and for angels …. we thank you, Lord.

For buttons, blankets, bathtubs, boats and books;  for our bodies, babies, boys and brothers;  for the Bible, believers and the birth of Jesus …. we thank you, Lord.

For colors, computers, clothes and cars;  for courage and care;  for our cities and country and the clouds that float over them;  for church, Christmas and Christ …. we thank you, Lord.

For doctors and dentists;  for daylight and each new day;  for all Jesus’ disciples and true doctrine …. we thank you, Lord.

For exercise and the earth;  for our eyes, ears and everything you give us;  for Easter morning and the joys of Easter …. we thank you, Lord.

For flowers and forests;  for our flag and our freedom;  for food, friends and family;  for our forefathers, fathers and our Heavenly Father;  and for faith in our Heavenly Father …. we thank you, Lord.

For green grass and ripe grain;  for goodness and gentleness;  for grandparents, grandchildren and girls;  for God and God’s great grace …. we thank you, Lord.

For health and happiness;  for our houses and our homes;  for the Holy Spirit,  his work in our hearts, and our heavenly home …. we thank you, Lord.

For ice cream and islands;  for instruments and intelligence;  for injuries and insults that never occurred …. we thank you, Lord.

For judges and justice;  for joy and for jumping;  for Jesus and the justification he earned for us …. we thank you, Lord.

For kites, kittens and keys;  for kindness and knowledge;  and for the King of Kings …. we thank you, Lord.

For lakes and light;  for life and love;  for lips to praise our Lord …. we thank you, Lord.

For mountains, mouths, months and money;  for music, milk and memories;  for men, marriage and mothers;  for missionaries and for me …. we thank you, Lord.

For numbers and names;  for night and for neighbors …. we thank you, Lord.

For oceans and oxygen;  for obstacles through which you bring blessings;  for the open door into heaven because of our Savior …. we thank you, Lord.

For presents and pets;  for people and pastors;  for peace, praise and proper priorities;  for the Pilgrims who opened up a new land and celebrated the first thanksgiving;  for your fulfilled promises and your promises yet to be fulfilled, and for prayer …. we thank you, Lord.

For quickness, questions, and quiet …. we thank you, Lord.

For radios, responsibility and reflexes;  for rain and the roofs that keep it out;  for the resurrection of Christ and our own resurrections one day …. we thank you, Lord.

For the sun, streams and sky;  for seasons and sisters;  for sight, sound and smell;  for the Sabbath Day, Sunday School, our Savior and our salvation …. we thank you, Lord.

For television, toys, trees and trains;  for turkey on the table;  for tongues to talk and to taste and teeth to chew;  for teachers and truth …. we thank you, Lord.

For umbrellas and universities;  for the United States of America and for Us …. we thank you, Lord.

For voyages and victory;  for our voices and our vision …. we thank you, Lord.

For wheels and wagons, windows and walls;  for water, waterfalls, and women;  for the world and for Washington; [editor’s note: we lived there then!] and for your watchful care …. we thank you, Lord.

For Xrays, eXcitement, and all the eXtra gifts not mentioned in this Prayer …. we thank you, Lord.

For yesterday, youth and years;  for yummy things to eat;  and for You …. we thank you, Lord

For zippers, zebras and zest for the Gospel …. we thank you, Lord.

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James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights …

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Psalm 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

3 Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his[a]; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

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Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

There is ONE source for our countless blessings: our gracious God!  And if we just take a moment to consider how very blessed we are by Him, there can be but one response: heartfelt and profound thanksgiving!  If we actually take the time to reflect, there are simply TWO many gifts from God to not be overwhelmed with wonder.

For example, consider the THREE persons of Trinity, and how incomprehensible, powerful, wise, wonderful and magnificent our God is in every way.  And this all-surpassing God is always present, protecting us and providing for us in every way!  Our response?  Absolute awe!

Then to consider that he loves us so much that he would actually suffer and die FOUR us … for you and me who don’t deserve it but are given it through Jesus our Savior nevertheless … there’s not nearly enough time to praise God sufficiently for his countless blessings.

Our FIVE senses provide abundant reasons alone to praise the Lord; our “SIXth sense” (our souls and the God-given faith in them) which recognize God’s love, mercy, grace and goodness show us even more and better reasons for praise!  We are forgiven and saved – made children of God and heirs of salvation through faith in Jesus!

Then there’s the Biblical number SEVEN, which represents God’s active involvement in our lives, working everything to perfection.  This was the case in the Bible, and it’s still true in our own lives!

EIGHTy years on earth isn’t sufficient time to properly praise God who is the giver of all good gifts … including the incredible NINE-fold fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).  Thankfully, God is bringing us to the perfect joy and fulfillment of heaven, where we can worship him for his countless gifts forever.

Which calls to mind another Biblical number – TEN – which represents totality or completion.  When living forever in the presence of our glorious Lord and scar-marked Savior, we will finally recognize the totality of God’s goodness to us, and that his work for us and in us has been brought to perfect completion.  We are in heaven – forever saved.  Which will be the greatest blessing of all, and the culmination of all of God’s blessings.

ELEVEN trillion-trillion years will pass by there with us “bright shining as the sun,” and “we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’d first begun.”  (John Newton – “Amazing Grace”).

The TWELVE apostles will be there, with Paul the “THIRTEENth,” as well.  Not to mention all the godly men and women of the Bible, and those faith-heroes of history and our lives as well.  How incredible to be joined together in one holy, heavenly place, united in victory through the Savior.  How astounding to share the stories of our struggle along the way, and to marvel at how God has faithfully led us there and used us along the way for his good purposes.

FOUR-TEENs, children, and adults … for young and old; male and female; rich or poor; beautiful, handsome, or “not-so-much” … for all the throng before the throne of Jesus, it will be a sight never before seen … and a sight that never grows old.

FIFTEEN-thousand boundless tiers of the colossal heavenly amphitheater filled with angels encircled around the Lord, worshiping him enthusiastically and unendingly – the countless believers from the centuries joining their song.  And everyone present will be counting their blessings from God, and praising him for them for all of eternity.

But let’s not wait until then.  Now’s a great time to thank God for his innumerable gifts.

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A newer song on Christian radio inspired this post.  It’s called “Counting My Blessings” and is written and sung by Seph Schlueter.  Here is the refrain and some of the words:

One, two, three – 
Up to infinity;
I’d run out of numbers
Before I could thank You for everything!

God, I’m still counting my blessings;
All that You’ve done in my life!
The more that I look in the details,
The more of Your goodness I find!
Father, on this side of Heaven
I know that I’ll run out of time.
But I will keep counting my blessings;
Knowing I can’t count that high.

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Psalm 31:19
How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Psalm 23:1,5b-6
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. … My cup overflows.  Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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The Little Things

The Little Things

We are well aware of the big things.  They are frequently on our mind and seared into our consciousness.

We are very cognizant of our significant bills (mortgage, auto payments, etc.).  We know our financial picture … the money coming in and the money going out, and how those two factors relate to the other.  Health issues have a way of upending our day-to-day lives.  Strained familial, educational, occupational, congregational and social relationships impact us.  Technology goes haywire and vehicles or other mechanized conveniences break down and have to be repaired or replaced.  Big things, all.

But the big things that demand our attention aren’t always negative.  There is an abundance of positive things as well.  A visit with dear family members or friends.  A long-awaited vacation.  An unexpected windfall.  Accomplishing an unpleasant task that has hung over our heads indefinitely.  A new job begun or a financial debt resolved.  A new addition to the family.  These are also big things, but good things!

Typically we spend a lot of time focusing on the big things in our lives.  Those are the things we think about and pray about; the issues we devote our energy and personal resources toward.  Those are the matters that we seek or want resolved, and the ones that we are convinced will provide us with the greatest joy when resolved favorably.

And this point of view is normal and good.  It is also probably true.  However, the older I get the more I am learning to focus less on the big things, and reflect more upon the little ones.  I am convinced we would all be happier if we took more time to appreciate the small blessings. (Which really aren’t smaller blessings at all, even though we tend to look at them that way.)

James reminds us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights … (James 1:17).  In other words, both the “big” blessings and the “little” blessings are wonderful blessings from our gracious God!  We would be wise to recognize this.

The list of “little blessings” is a long one!  Here are just a few that come to mind:

Another sunrise.  Blue skies punctuated with fluffy white clouds.  A lovely sunset.  Rain that waters the land and lulls us to sleep at night.  Flowers, shrubs and trees that burst into bloom.

A butterfly fluttering across the yard; a hummingbird hovering over blossoms; sparrows greeting the morning with song; an eagle gliding on wind currents; deer sighted in the distance.

A hug from a loved one.  A smile.  A kind word.  Time spent together with family and friends.

The smell of a baby; the sound of a toddler’s laughter; the sight of children playing; the feel of a young son or daughter’s (or grandson or grand-daughter’s) hand in yours; the taste of ice cream shared with youngsters.

A dog who is always happy to see us, no matter our mood.  A cat who purrs contentedly in our lap. 

A relaxing sit on the deck with an intriguing book.  Or even better, a nap in a hammock.  Naps in the recliner qualify too!

A simple task accomplished; a good meal enjoyed; a fun game played; a favorite show or ball team watched; a hobby pursued; a walk with someone dear.

A friendly card in the mail; an encouraging email; an unexpected but uplifting phone call; a warm greeting.

A memory remembered; a favorite song heard or sung; laughter and light-heartedness; the scent of your wife’s perfume.

The gift of sleep, and the gift of waking up again.  The lack of pain.  The use of our five senses.

Most would probably agree that these are “little things,” or at least things that we tend to take for granted.  But hopefully you also agree that they are big blessings as well … even if we don’t usually recognize them as such.

The Lord floods our lives with “little” blessings, and he gives us this encouragement: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

In other words, recognize and treasure even the little things.  Maybe especially the little things!

I pieced together a partial list of little blessings.  What are some of the little things that bring you joy?  Please share!

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But for the Grace of God Go I

But for the Grace of God Go I

Due to the location of our church near down-town Tacoma, the congregation finds itself dealing with homeless folks and the issues they bring fairly regularly.  And there are definitely issues – many of which aren’t positive.  But not all of them are negative either.

It is not my intention with this post to mount my high horse and take a stand one way or the other on homelessness, or push a personal opinion or agenda on the matter.  Rather, I simply wish to make a few (hopefully helpful!) points to perhaps foster some healthy introspection.

I’ve had multiple conversations with folks living on the streets – usually after they have slipped into the church during a worship service or other activity.  This is one of the blessings of being in an area where the homeless inhabit.  Different congregational members and I have had many opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with folks struggling on the street, and to reflect Jesus’ love to them … many of whom don’t experience much wholesome love in their day-to-day situations.

Here’s my first observation: one cannot lump every homeless person into a generic category.  They are not all drug addicts or alcoholics.  They are not all mentally unstable.  They are not all choosing that lifestyle.  They are not all uneducated.  They are not all inconsiderate litterers.  They are not all criminals.  They are not all unbelievers.   

And they are certainly not all worthless.  (The Lord Jesus loves each one of them and died for them!  There is no higher value possible than that!)

Each individual is an individual with their own individual story. 

While transporting a soaking-wet woman to a safe place … a woman who walked in the church doors after the Christmas Day service, I asked her how she got in this situation.  She replied, “It’s a long story with many reasons, but it started with the death of my daughter.”  She also made the comment, “I wish more people asked that question instead of assuming the worst.”  Then she returned to singing along with the Christian Christmas songs playing on the radio.  She said, “I wish I would have gotten to church in time for worship this morning; I love the message of Christmas.”

The man who stepped into the Sanctuary this past Wednesday after worship had a different story.  After buying him a hot Pho meal (his choice!), he confided that he had to leave his home because of his abusive uncle.  When I asked if it was worse than living on the street, and could he go back there, he responded that if he did, his uncle would probably throw his mother out on the street.  He couldn’t live with himself if that happened.

While most who pop in end up asking for help of some kind (usually money), it is not at all uncommon for some to simply stay for worship.  The logical assumption might be that they are there because it’s a warm, dry place.  And that’s true for some, but others clearly relish the opportunity to hear God’s Word.  A gentleman who joined us recently actively participated in the service, and then afterwards asked me some theological questions that showed a clear mind and keen grasp of the Scriptures.  He never asked me for anything else.  He only wanted the Word.

While there is no doubt that many living in tent-cities are there because of significant personal issues, and a good share of them really do choose to live that way, there is also no doubt that there are some who do not.  They simply fell into it somehow, and desperately desire to crawl back out of it. 

The unfortunate reality, however, is that once one “gets down on their luck,” their “luck” is exceedingly slow to change.  Once dirty, disheveled and smelly, it’s pretty difficult to catch breaks … no matter how hard one may try.  The homeless shelters try to help, (God bless them!), but they have shortcomings as well. 

Between bites and gulps of his Vietnamese soup the other night, the homeless man in my truck confided that he had totally taken for granted the simple luxuries of life.  A hot meal.  A bed to sleep in.  A roof over his head.  A shower.  Comfort.  Safety.  He said he desperately wanted those things back, and if God gave them to him, he would never take them for granted again.

It is always sobering to have a heart-to-heart with someone on the street.  When it happens, I always find myself wishing I could do more for them, and I’m always astounded at the gratitude most have for the little I do.  It’s also impossible to fail to recognize how blessed I am … no matter my personal trials.  Furthermore, it’s impressed upon me that if a few things had gone differently in my life, I could be out on the street myself.  The same is true for you.

Which puts a whole different perspective on the matter.

But for the grace of God go I.  But for the grace of God go you. 

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Lamentations 3:21-25
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;

James 1:17-18
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

Psalm 146:1-2, 5-6
Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, my soul. I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. … Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them — he remains faithful forever.

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On the last Thursday of November, our nation celebrates Thanksgiving.  People travel to be with loved ones.  Hugs are given; memories are shared; laughter is heard.  Families and friends gather around huge meals. 

Afterwards, some will settle in for a comfy nap on the coach or to watch football games, or both.  Others will go for a stroll, weather-permitting, to “walk off the extra calories.”  Groups will gather for cards or boardgames, or simply for pleasant conversation.  Some will check the store fliers to plan their Black Friday expeditions.  Still others will do something altogether different.  Every family and every person has their own Thanksgiving traditions, which is wonderful.

After all, it’s Thanksgiving!  It’s a national holiday … a day to relax and refresh.

But consider for a moment the name of the holiday.  The day isn’t called “Thanks-thinking.”  It was never intended to be a day where folks take the time for some self-ruminating on how good they have it.

Nor is it named “Thanks-gathering.”  That is, a day to get together with family and friends as a polite and pleasant acknowledgement of great blessings and a general nod toward gratefulness.

Rather, the day is named “Thanks-giving.”  That’s more than just reflecting about and rejoicing in one’s blessings, isn’t it?  The very name implies giving thanks to Someone, doesn’t it?  And there’s only One who has supplied us with all of our blessings.  It’s the Lord, of course. 

I wonder how many folks actually remember to thank the Lord on Thanksgiving Day.  It is the Lord who gave us life … and family … and a home … and food to eat … and clothes to wear … and vehicles to drive … and a place to live … and every single other blessing we enjoy.  And he’s even given us a Savior—the very best gift of all! 

The Bible informs us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. … He [even!] chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created” (James 1:17-18)

But in order to thank the One who gave all, a person has to know who that God is.  And they have to recognize how incredibly that God has blessed them.  Thankfully, you and I recognize both!

Which can only lead to one thing: giving thanks to our gracious God!

Happy Thanks-Giving, everyone!

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An Understood, but Often Unapplied, Truth

An Understood, but Often Unapplied, Truth

A year ago on June 6, on the morning of what was supposed to be Student Confirmation Sunday at the congregation where I serve as pastor, I tumbled down the bottom steps of the stairway from the balcony to the main floor of our church.  When I tried to pick myself back up, I couldn’t. 

Consequently, I experienced my first (and hopefully last!) ride in the back of an ambulance.  I was about to learn that I had a Grade 3 (severe) quadriceps strain in both of my legs.  In laymen’s terms, I had torn the muscle fibers of my upper thighs.

Through the years, I have been drilled by line drives on the baseball field, had my forehead split open in a car accident, and been achingly sore from long days of grueling physical labor in fields and factories.  I have broken bones and even had my left kidney removed via five incisions in my stomach.  But I have never experienced such excruciating … and lingering … pain in my entire eventful life!

I literally lost the ability to move my legs without extreme pain.  (Actually, they even ached when they weren’t moving!)  I was unable to take steps or even stand without the assistance of a walker.  I wasn’t only a “prisoner” in my house, but in my bedroom for well over a week before I trepidatiously, (and with strong support from my sons), attempted to navigate down and back up the stairs to our bedroom.

A year later I am still experiencing the lingering effects of the fall.  Though much better in every regard, I’m still not fully recovered.  My legs are still weak, which is rather frustrating for someone who enjoys being active in the outdoors. 

Three weeks ago, on the day before I was to lead worship and Bible study at two different congregations, I discovered I had COVID.  Once again, I was unable to carry out my pastoral responsibilities due to physical complications.

The most significant result of the virus, besides being fairly miserable for three days and being largely shut down in regard to ministry?  I lost my sense of taste for some wonderful foods (like, for example, ham and bacon)!  Thankfully I seem to be regaining this wonderful Sense.

The point of sharing these things is not to complain.  Nor is it to solicit sympathy from anyone. Rather it is to remind you and me that we take so many things – far, far too many things! – for granted. 

Before careening down the stairs, I never once bothered to thank God for the ability to stand or walk.  Before the virus, I never considered the simple gift of taste.  I used to take these abilities completely for granted; never even thought about them.  Now I count them as profound blessings!  In fact, there hasn’t been a day since my fall that I haven’t been filled with gratitude for the capacity to take steps.

The expression, “you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone” is absolutely true.

I am certain that we all recognize this concept on an intellectual level.  But do we approach our lives embracing the realities of this principle?  I would suggest that fully appreciating our profound blessings is an understood, but usually unapplied, truth.

Frankly, I believe it is beyond our ken.  As humans impacted continuously by our sinful natures, it is not only difficult for us to do, but virtually impossible.  Until a loved one, or an ability, or an opportunity, or a possession, or whatever it may be is no longer available to us.  Then we recognize with regret what we used to have, and that we failed to properly value it.

I stated that continually rejoicing in our countless blessings is virtually impossible for sinful humans.  We tend to simply assume they will always be ours.  But that is not to say that we should abandon the fight.  Rather, a goal of building and maintaining an attitude of gratitude for everyday blessings is a goal worth pursuing! 

Certainly the Lord encouraged this approach to life.  Speaking to the Israelites as they were preparing to inhabit Canaan, the Lord urged them to remember their great gifts and the source of those gifts.

“When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God … Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God …  You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth …”  (Deuteronomy 8:10-14, 17-18).

In short, God’s message was, “You will be tempted to forget the Source of your salvation and the Source of your bounty, and to take it all for granted.  But don’t!  Because you wouldn’t have it without me.”

This is a critical message, not just for the people of Israel, but for you and me as well!  We wouldn’t have any of the boons we enjoy … even the simplest and most unappreciated ones … if God had not given them to us.  Wise ones recognize this fact and act and think toward God and about life accordingly.

Which is why the psalmist writes these encouragements:

“Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” (Psalm 100:2-5).

In other words, realize what you have while you have it … and Who provided these blessings to you … and give thanks to your gracious God and praise him for his goodness.  Then God’s provision becomes not only understood, but our gratefulness is properly applied!

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A few weeks after my fall, I shared this list on my blog.  It seemed appropriate to include it in this post as well. 

Things for which I’ll always be thankful and will never take for granted again.  (Or at least I shouldn’t!)

The guiding, blessing hands of our loving God.

The powerful protection of God’s guardian angels.

The professionalism of medical responders.

The kindness and caring of God’s people.

The blessing of gracious, giving friends.

The unselfish love of family.

The applicability of God’s Word to all situations at all times.

The significance of a little bit of human encouragement in difficult situations.


The blessing of everyday freedom of decisions.  This list is long and includes such things as roaming the house at will, stepping onto the deck to grill, ambling around the yard to look at the flowers, running out on a whim of an errand or attending my son’s ballgame.

The importance of leg muscles in almost everything one does, and the necessity of a strong base.

Legs that don’t constantly ache.

Walking!  Walking upright.  Walking without pain.  Walking around.  Taking a walk.  Just walking.

The ability to take stairs.  (I say this in reference to mobility, not falling down them!)

Taking a shower.

Working from my desk.  (As opposed to working from a card table.)

The capability of standing up unassisted after falling down.

The ability to get into and out of bed without help.

Sitting down, and rising back up again, without pain. 

Stooping down to put on socks or pick items up off the floor.

WIFI, television and a restroom in our remote bedroom in the house.

Godly leaders and workers who don’t hesitate to step up and into the gap for God.

Leading worship on Sunday, and the privilege of preaching God’s Word to God’s people.

The preciousness of time, and how quickly it can potentially be taken from you.

“Wake up calls” from God, teaching us lessons we should have already known.

All of which seems to be summarized beautifully by the Apostle Paul.  Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

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Picking Up Pennies

Picking Up Pennies

I always pick up any pennies I see.

Technically they are not pennies, but cents.  (If you dispute this, look at the back of the coin.  There you will see clearly printed, “ONE CENT.”)  Indeed, numismatists (coin experts) will insist on the proper term, but most people still call them pennies.

Just as most people don’t care what the coins are called, most also don’t care to have them.  If the change after a purchase happens to be pennies, it’s not uncommon for customers to toss the coins in the spare change containers on the store counters, or to tell the clerks to keep them.  If a penny is dropped, many leave it where it falls.  If a penny is sighted on the ground, few will take the effort to bend over and retrieve it. 

At least, that’s my observation from years of picking up pennies in parking lots and retrieving them from the ground with my metal detector.

Why does it make sense to me to retrieve cents?  In short, picking up pennies is always a joyful reminder to me of my faithful God, and of a number of comforting spiritual truths he shares with me in his Word.

The most obvious reminder is actually cast into the coins themselves: “IN GOD WE TRUST.”  Despite an atheist petition to the Supreme Court in 2019 to have the phrase removed from our currency, as well as the current American malaise toward God, the phrase remains stamped into our cents.  (As well as our other currency.)

Yet to someone like me who does trust in God, every penny I pick up is a reminder that I have a loving Lord who takes wonderful care of me.  In fact, almost without fail as I pluck a penny off the pavement, those words flow through my mind … “IN GOD I TRUST.”

Which is a blessing to me, as the Bible attests, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him” (Jeremiah 17:7).

There are actually multiple aspects to this slogan and this concept.  I don’t reflect upon them all every time I retrieve a cent, but I am certainly aware of them.

For example, there are Jesus’ thought-provoking and comforting words, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:29-31).

There is also the poignant example of the poor widow and her offering.  Mark records the event. 

“Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury.  Many rich people threw in large amounts.  But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.  They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on’” (Mark 12:41-44).

Did the widow trust the Lord?  Implicitly!  Did she give to God gladly and generously despite her poverty?  Absolutely!  Can we be confident the Lord provided for her?  Undoubtedly!

Will he also provide for all his people?  He already has, and he always will!  The Apostle Paul states the obvious: “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:31).

Furthermore, I have often recognized this simple truth: little blessings add up to great blessings.  5 pennies equal a nickel and 10 a dime.  And between scanning parking lots and retrieving buried coins while metal detecting, I’ve picked up literally thousands of pennies.  Those add up!

And some of those pennies … even many of those pennies … were worth more than 1 cent.  A few much more.  Seemingly insignificant, often disregarded “trinkets” by many sometimes might be treasures.  Some rare cents found in circulation can be worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars.  So I check my change and I pick up dropped coins.  Even pennies.

Every time I spot another cent on the sidewalk, I consider it just another blessing from God.  An unexpected reminder that God loves me and provides for me.  A beneficial reminder that “my God will meet all [our] needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (Philippians 4:19-20).  

So I pick up pennies.  Always have; always will.  They remind me that IN GOD I TRUST!  And that’s always a smile starter and a morale booster.

“Praise the LORD.  Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever” (Psalm 106:1).

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