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Category: Encouragement

Always Soaring, Always Seeing

Always Soaring, Always Seeing

I saw my first wild bald eagle many years ago when we lived in the north end of Tacoma.  One day I was in our backyard when it glided over me.  The sight was thrilling then, and I still remember it clearly. 

Since then I’ve seen many eagles, sometimes quite close.  A few times I’ve actually witnessed them plucking trout out of a lake with their strong talons.  (Once ironically while I was fishing and catching nothing!)  Now I’m actually privileged to see them fairly regularly over the lake behind our house.

They are majestic birds; so inspiring that they were named the national bird of the United States of America. 

Yet it wasn’t that long ago that bald eagles were at risk of disappearing altogether from the contiguous states.  Just 30 years ago, bald eagles were on the US government’s list of endangered species.  However, with special protection, the birds have made a wonderful recovery.  In 1995, they were transferred from the US endangered species list to the threatened species list.  By 2007 their numbers were strong enough that they graduated even from the “threatened” designation.

The bald eagle derives its name from the white feathered heads of the mature adults.  The bodies of adult birds in the lower states are typically 2 ½ to 3 ½ feet, their wingspans usually from 6 to 7 ½ feet, and their weight from 6 ½ to almost 14 pounds.  Alaskan bald eagles of both genders are even larger!  In an interesting twist in the animal world, the females are typically 25 percent larger than the males. 

Eagles can fly as high as 15,000 feet above the earth, and as fast as 65 miles per hour.  Though their preference is to soar lazily on rising thermals, if diving for food, they can reach the astonishing speed of 200 miles per hour!

Bald eagles’ diet consists primarily of fish, therefore they reside near large bodies of water with abundant food supplies and large, tall trees nearby.  Eagles are the apex predators in the avian world.  As birds of prey, they have strong, muscular legs and powerful talons to snatch their meals, and large, heavy, hooked beaks ideally equipped for ripping the flesh off their meals. 

Normally the birds will swoop down and pluck their prey on the fly.  (A necessary thing since most of their prey resides in water!)  They will occasionally take larger animals down, but then will either feed on it at the location or take pieces back to its nest.  However, they can fly bearing a greater weight than their own.  For example, one bald eagle was documented as flying with a 15 pound mule deer fawn!

Bald eagles are also known for their huge nests, or eyries.  They are usually 5-6 feet wide and 3-4 feet deep, but their homes can be as much as 8 feet wide and 13 feet deep and weigh up to a ton.  It usually takes several months to build an eyrie, and the nests are often reused (or continually used) and built larger over time.

All of which I find fascinating.  Yet the aspect of eagles (and hawks, for that matter) which astounds me the most is their incredible vision.  Perfect vision for humans is 20/20.  An eagle’s vision is 20/4 … or five times sharper than ours.  Translated, that means that what we can see clearly at 20 feet can be seen by an eagle with the same clarity at 100 feet.  (A hawk’s vision is actually 8 times sharper than ours!)  An eagle’s eyesight allows them to spot prey from over a mile away!

Besides that, eagles are also able to see ultraviolet light, which means that even the urine of small mammals can be spotted in the ultraviolet range from extreme distances!  This, of course, is a significant advantage for the birds of prey, and an extreme disadvantage for the prey itself.

There are a number of reasons for the eagle’s exceptional vision.  An eagle’s eyes are packed with visual cells in the rods and cones of its retina.  In fact, an eye of an eagle is quite large, weighing even more than the eagle’s brain.  In addition, the positioning of the eyes on an eagle provides it with a 340-degree field of vision, (as compared to a human’s 180-degree range). 

All of which, of course, points to the wisdom and workings of the Creator.

That same Creator – the Almighty Lord who gifted eagles with incredible vision – possesses a far greater vision than any of his creations.  The Bible states that the Lord “views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens” (Job 28:24).  Furthermore, “his eyes are on the ways of mortals; he sees their every step” (Job 34:21). 

But more significantly, “The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good” (Proverbs 15:3).

This is incredibly important for us to recognize, and incredibly comforting when we do.  Especially as we consider all the applications of this truth.  Here are just a few:

No human can foresee the difficulties and challenges that tomorrow may bring, but the Lord does.  And he also sees the solutions!

No one can be prepared for the many uncertainties of life.  Except the Lord, that is.  There are no uncertainties for him because he sees and knows all, so he is always completely prepared.

Feeling all alone?  God has his eyes on you and is with you constantly.

Emotionally exhausted?  The Lord knows your thoughts and your needs, and will minister to you in the most loving way.

Caught up in hardships and don’t understand why?  God sees your struggles, and also understands why you need to endure them.  (Which is why he allowed them in the first place.)  And, as already pointed out, he also always sees the answers.

God’s people are often moved by love to serve God in various ways, as well as do little acts of kindness to others.  Those never go unnoticed by the Lord, and they bring him joy. Meanwhile the wicked live for themselves.  God sees that too.

No matter how devious or deceptive individuals or organizations may be in their efforts to bring hardship to God’s people or undermine God’s church, the Lord sees their plans.  Nothing will happen with their schemes unless the Lord allows it for his own good purposes.

Concerned about the many sins on your record?  Your Savior has your every single mistake identified and has paid for every single sin in full.  He hasn’t missed a one.

Like an eagle, our God is always souring over us and always seeing everything that impacts us, and he’s constantly intervening in the most loving fashion.

The psalmist beautifully summarizes God’s all-encompassing vision, and what that means to each of us.  “From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth …  But the eyes of the LORD are [especially!] on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them … [Therefore] we wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.  In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name” (Psalm 33:13-14, 18-21).

With our “vision” being limited in so many ways, it certainly is wonderful to know that our God’s sight is unlimited!

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The Little Things

The Little Things

We are well aware of the big things.  They are frequently on our mind and seared into our consciousness.

We are very cognizant of our significant bills (mortgage, auto payments, etc.).  We know our financial picture … the money coming in and the money going out, and how those two factors relate to the other.  Health issues have a way of upending our day-to-day lives.  Strained familial, educational, occupational, congregational and social relationships impact us.  Technology goes haywire and vehicles or other mechanized conveniences break down and have to be repaired or replaced.  Big things, all.

But the big things that demand our attention aren’t always negative.  There is an abundance of positive things as well.  A visit with dear family members or friends.  A long-awaited vacation.  An unexpected windfall.  Accomplishing an unpleasant task that has hung over our heads indefinitely.  A new job begun or a financial debt resolved.  A new addition to the family.  These are also big things, but good things!

Typically we spend a lot of time focusing on the big things in our lives.  Those are the things we think about and pray about; the issues we devote our energy and personal resources toward.  Those are the matters that we seek or want resolved, and the ones that we are convinced will provide us with the greatest joy when resolved favorably.

And this point of view is normal and good.  It is also probably true.  However, the older I get the more I am learning to focus less on the big things, and reflect more upon the little ones.  I am convinced we would all be happier if we took more time to appreciate the small blessings. (Which really aren’t smaller blessings at all, even though we tend to look at them that way.)

James reminds us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights … (James 1:17).  In other words, both the “big” blessings and the “little” blessings are wonderful blessings from our gracious God!  We would be wise to recognize this.

The list of “little blessings” is a long one!  Here are just a few that come to mind:

Another sunrise.  Blue skies punctuated with fluffy white clouds.  A lovely sunset.  Rain that waters the land and lulls us to sleep at night.  Flowers, shrubs and trees that burst into bloom.

A butterfly fluttering across the yard; a hummingbird hovering over blossoms; sparrows greeting the morning with song; an eagle gliding on wind currents; deer sighted in the distance.

A hug from a loved one.  A smile.  A kind word.  Time spent together with family and friends.

The smell of a baby; the sound of a toddler’s laughter; the sight of children playing; the feel of a young son or daughter’s (or grandson or grand-daughter’s) hand in yours; the taste of ice cream shared with youngsters.

A dog who is always happy to see us, no matter our mood.  A cat who purrs contentedly in our lap. 

A relaxing sit on the deck with an intriguing book.  Or even better, a nap in a hammock.  Naps in the recliner qualify too!

A simple task accomplished; a good meal enjoyed; a fun game played; a favorite show or ball team watched; a hobby pursued; a walk with someone dear.

A friendly card in the mail; an encouraging email; an unexpected but uplifting phone call; a warm greeting.

A memory remembered; a favorite song heard or sung; laughter and light-heartedness; the scent of your wife’s perfume.

The gift of sleep, and the gift of waking up again.  The lack of pain.  The use of our five senses.

Most would probably agree that these are “little things,” or at least things that we tend to take for granted.  But hopefully you also agree that they are big blessings as well … even if we don’t usually recognize them as such.

The Lord floods our lives with “little” blessings, and he gives us this encouragement: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

In other words, recognize and treasure even the little things.  Maybe especially the little things!

I pieced together a partial list of little blessings.  What are some of the little things that bring you joy?  Please share!

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Appearance Versus Reality

Appearance Versus Reality

I am blessed!  Every day I look out at a lake in my new backyard. 

The pictures above are just a few views I have enjoyed.  As you can imagine, the lake’s appearance is constantly varying and therefore always different!

The weather conditions, the makeup of the sky, the time of day, and even the time of year all affect the appearance of the lake.  Sometimes the water looks blue, sometimes green, sometimes gray, sometimes orange, sometimes white (when frozen).  Sometimes it is a mirror.  Other times it is ruffled with thousands of ripples.  Still others, pocked with millions of raindrops during a downpour. 

One day it is clear you are viewing water; another day it seems like you are looking into the sky, with large lustrous clouds buried deep in the depths.

I’ve seen the waters perfectly still as in a deep sleep, lightly covered over with a white blanket of mist.  I’ve also witnessed the waters whipped into a frenzy by winds raging across the surface.  One moment it might be murky; yet another, a gorgeous prism of gleaming diamonds cascading across the surface as sunshine reflects off the waves.  At night it usually holds a lustrous silver glow; during early-morning storms the frightening flash of lightning bolts erupt across the dark waters.

Perhaps most remarkable, there are moments when one part of the lake is still while other parts are alive with small waves. 

The waters are dynamic – always changing.  And sometimes within just moments!  Yet the essence of the lake never changes. 

How it appears to be is not how it actually is.  The depth of the lake, the parameters, the volume, its substance, even its name doesn’t alter despite its altered appearance on the surface.

It occurred to me that the lake behind our house is a bit like our Lord. The circumstances in our lives, the “weather” we are experiencing, the “season of life” we are in, and perhaps especially the mistakes we have made, can alter our view of God. 

Sometimes perhaps the Lord seems oblivious, detached or distracted; other times extremely attentive. Sometimes unmoving; other times aggressively active. Sometimes beautiful; other times unattractive.  Sometimes peace-filling; other times upsetting.  Sometimes loving; other times almost ferociously unkind.

Yet the essence of the Lord never changes.

How God may appear to be is not how he necessarily is.  The depth of his love, the parameters of his goodness, the volume of his mercy, the substance of his divinity, even his names and all they reveal about him don’t change despite his seemingly altered appearance in the circumstances.

He makes this perfectly clear in his perfect Word: “I the Lord do not change” (Malachi 3:6). “… The Father … does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17).  Nor does the Son!  “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

To state this very simply: who and how God actually IS … happens to be totally unrelated to how we are feeling about God or what we are perceiving from God.  God is whom God always was and whom God always will be.

Yes, part of God’s essence is his righteousness which demands he punishes justly where necessary.  But for his children who lean entirely on Jesus, his essence displays itself quite differently. 

I love the Lord’s description of himself to Moses. ‘“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin”’ (Exodus 34:6-7).

That’s who our God is.  Always!

The lake is always the lake, no matter how it looks.  The Lord is always the Lord, no matter our perspective. 

Thanks be to God that in regard to him, appearance is not always the reality!  I could handle a changing lake, but a fickle God is another matter altogether.

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The Blessings of Being Settled

The Blessings of Being Settled

If you know me at all, you know that I tend to be quite organized, and I operate better if I have things organized.  (My dear wife is the same way.)  Another way to state this would be to say that I am most comfortable and efficient if the things in my life are settled.

It’s not just a practical matter.  It’s a mental and emotional one.  If some aspect of my life is unsettled, then I tend to feel somewhat unsettled.  Ditto for my wife.  (And probably most people, if we’re honest!)

Imagine then my wife’s and my current state of mind when it seems as if almost nothing in our lives is settled!

Our Tacoma house of 30 years went on the market this week.  We’ve never sold a house before, and we have no idea what to expect in the process or how long it will take to sell.  That’s rather unsettling.

Our Clare house still has moving boxes scattered about (though strategically situated out of crucial paths), no pictures hung, and multiple important tasks to be done.  Not really settled there either.

And, of course, we are paying bills in both places.  Not only unsettling, but undesirable!

Furthermore, my wife and I are now living alone (with each other!) for the first time in over 30 years!  That’s certainly different.  Nice, but still somewhat unsettling as well.

Meanwhile, we’re both beginning new full-time ministries – starting over after lengthy terms of service elsewhere in God’s Kingdom.  That’s certainly unsettling.

It’s a new state (or at least basically new after living away for 33 years), new city, new neighborhood, new congregations and schools, new obligations, new schedules, new places to go for shopping and personal care … and the list goes on and on.  None of which is negative, but all of which is rather unsettling.

On top of this all, almost every one of our children have, or are, or will be shortly, undergoing significant transitions in their lives.  So in addition to our disarray, there is our children’s as well.

In fact, there may not be another time in our lives where my wife and I have felt less settled than right now. 

Perhaps you are also at a season in your life that you find unsettling?  Certainly you have experienced times like this as well.  Perhaps relationship situations, job issues, health challenges, or other significant changes.  And when we are traversing through those storms of life, it is rather … unsettling.  And we don’t tend to function as well in times like that.

I don’t claim to have conquered my discomfort at being discombobulated. But I do know what I am leaning upon through it.  The places where the Lord has settled me!

Namely, his awesome pronouncement; his constant and guiding presence; and his most significant promise.

As unsettled and unstable as key aspects in our lives may be, there are some ways we, God’s children, are absolutely settled.

First, there is God’s awesome pronouncement that as spiritually filthy as we may be, the Lord has made us pure and clean through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. 

‘“Come now, let us settle the matter,”’ says the Lord. ‘“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”’ (Isaiah 1:18).

Furthermore, our God has settled around us and is always with us, holding us and guiding us.

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?  If I go up to the heavens, you are there;  if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast” (Psalm 139:7-10).

And finally the Lord’s most significant promise is stated repeatedly; his children are settled into his heaven after an ongoing, unsettled life on earth.  Perhaps the passage most fitting to this discussion is shared in the faith chapter of the Bible:

“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. [i.e. unsettled!] People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.  If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return.  Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them” (Hebrews 11:13-16).

As unsettled as we may feel or even be, we are absolutely rock-solid in the most significant aspects of our lives.  Oh, the joy of being settled in the Lord by the Lord!

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The Special You

The Special You

Have you ever stared in amazement as you observed someone performing some spectacular feat?  Whether on an athletic field or court, on a stage, or in another medium, we’ve all observed with awe the abilities of others.  In fact, each of us personally knows some incredibly talented folks; people who possess talents we can’t begin to duplicate.  Whether it be knowledge, an acquired ability or an inherent skill, there are many at whom we marvel.

Maybe the one you admire is a coworker who has proven to be exceptional at her work; perhaps a classmate who excels at athletics; possibly an acquaintance with unearthly technological know-how; a family member who is a natural conversationalist; or a church member who sings like an angel.  Chances are it’s not just one you admire, but many!  The list of talented people is long.  As is the list of talents you clearly don’t have.

And the temptation is always there to feel profoundly inadequate, boringly normal, stunningly average and spectacularly un-special.

All of which is profoundly incorrect!

The Lord has actually created you to be completely adequate for whatever special tasks he wants you to do.  You happen to be fascinatingly unique; your personality, experiences, interests and abilities all intertwine into a wonderful you.  In fact, you are exceedingly special!

At the risk of sounding like a life-coach, let me share a few reasons why you are indeed special.

The first reason you are a very special you is because of the personal talents that you possess.  While you may be in awe of the skills that others have, be assured that others are in awe of yours!  Those things which come easy to you, that you take for granted, and that others often compliment you about … those are unique gifts God has given you.  Perhaps you aren’t even aware of the talents you display, but those close to you certainly see them.  Undoubtedly you  have other gifts that you haven’t even discovered yet.  But rest assured that God has built you with some very special abilities.

Not only does the Lord endow you with unique physical or mental talents, but the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit blesses every single believer with at least one, and often several, spiritual gifts.  The Apostle Paul writes, “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. … There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. … He distributes them to each one, just as he determines” (1 Corinthians 12:1, 4, 11).  There is great variety in the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit brings, but every Christian has been given at least one.  Yes, you are indeed special!

There’s a reason you were given your spiritual gift.  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10).  In 1 Corinthians 12, the Lord provides a striking illustration of this truth.  He shows how every believer is a unique part of the body of Christ, (the Church) and thereby serves a unique and vital role for the Body.  None of us is the whole body; however each of us is a significant part.  (1 Corinthians 12:27).  Without our special contribution (ability!), the body is lacking.  With it, the body prospers.  This is no small thing!

Then there is that mind-boggling truth that all Christians have Christ living in them.  So not only are you connected to the Body of Christ, but Christ is embedded in you.  (Galatians 2:20).  This alone makes you wonderfully special!

But I’ve saved the best for last.  You are special because you are dearly loved by the Lord.  Yes, it’s true that he loves everyone.  While that’s a key point, it’s not the key point in this discussion.  Rather, I want to impress upon you that the Lord loves you! Yes, you!  You personally! As a matter of fact, he loves you dearly.  If you happened to be the only sinner on earth, the only existing person on the planet, Jesus still would have given his life to redeem you.  God doesn’t do something like that for just anyone; he only does it for special people.

Listen and take to heart these words from Scripture:  “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

All of which makes it clear; you are indeed incredibly special.  You are unique and wonderful.  David marveled at his (and our) specialness and was moved to praise God because of it.  “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13-14).

Don’t let Satan or anyone try to tell you otherwise; there is no one else on earth like the special you!

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Our Exceedingly Faithful God

Our Exceedingly Faithful God

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks, to say the least. 

My wife and I went through an extensive purging process with our possessions, then packed them up at one house, wrapped up multiple projects on that house, drove 2000 miles in 3 ½ days to meet the moving crew for unloading the truck, unpacked our possessions (at least as many as we could so far!), tried to get settled (though there is much yet to do!), coordinated significant home-improvement projects from thousands of miles away, undertook new projects at our new place, got installed (at least I have; my wife’s will happen shortly), and have begun working in our new positions.  (I’m thoroughly exhausted just from typing that last paragraph; even more so realizing we have lived it!)

And through it ALL, the Lord has been exceedingly faithful!

If we weren’t devout believers, the incredible things God has done for us would seem to be beyond belief.  Repeatedly!  Remarkably!  Resoundingly!  And ultimately, refreshingly!

Over and over again I lifted up prayers of thanks as yet another situation was resolved.  Sometimes miraculously.  Always sufficiently.  And typically abundantly. 

Repeatedly I thought, “I need to remember this!”  My intention was to compile a lengthy list – both to reflect upon later personally, and to share with you.  But in the press of moving on to the “next critical thing” and sheer exhaustion, the list was never written and the specifics have faded from memory. 

Though the many examples have disappeared through the caffeinated but confused and compromised colander of my mind, I do remember this, and clearly – the Lord did great things for us!  Exceedingly great things and exceedingly often!  He was … and continues to be … exceedingly faithful.

We often refer to our Lord as “faithful.”  We tend to toss out the concept fairly frivolously.  (At least I have at times.)  But when you experience it in resounding fashion, no frivolity remains.  Only awe and wonder.  And thankfulness and praise.

I’m confident you have experienced God’s faithfulness in resounding fashion as well a time or two in your life.  So you well know the response God’s faithfulness elicits in our hearts and minds.

It’s not surprising that the faithfulness of God receives such emphasis in the Scriptures.  The concept is noted in both the Old and New Testament, and especially in the Psalms.  (Not surprising since they are the hymns of the Jewish believers.)

Perhaps David summarizes it best in several of his hymns when he writes, “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies” (Psalm 36:5).

Typically, as David did, God’s “faithfulness” in the Bible is used in conjunction with God’s “love.”  Which makes perfect sense since God’s faithfulness to us is driven by his love for us.  Since the Lord loves us perfectly, he is perfectly faithful to us.

The Scriptures multi-faceted references to the Lord’s faithfulness are striking.

We are shown that he is abounding in faithfulness, and maintains it (Ex. 34:6-7) through all generations (Ps. 100:5).  He is faithfully perfect and just (Dt. 32:4); faithful with his word (Ps. 33:4) and faithful to his word (Ps. 145:15). 

God is faithfully compassionate (Lam. 3:22-23).  In fact, his faithfulness drove him to make atonement for our wrongs (Prov. 16:6) and still drives him to forgive us in our repentance (1 Jn. 1:8).

Furthermore, he is faithful even in our temptation!  “God … will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Cor. 10:13).

He is faithful in strengthening us and protecting us from Satan’s attacks (2 Th. 3:3), and in keeping us “blameless” until Jesus returns (1 Th. 5:23).

The Lord is faithful even in the face of faithlessness (2 Tim. 2:13).

The Bible is abundantly clear; our God is faithful! 

There is nothing like a cyclone of personal upheavals to demonstrate how exceptional God’s faithfulness is.  To which I say, “I thank you, dear Lord.  I praise your name!”

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Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

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Goodbye Garbage!

Goodbye Garbage!

We’re quickly approaching the all-consuming deadline of “moving company arrival.”  Consequently, our days are spent on projects, purging and packing.  A LOT of purging!  So this previously shared post seemed appropriate.  I pray it is an encouragement to you!

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There are times when the garbage just has to go.  Spoiled casseroles that got buried behind other leftovers in the refrigerator until it was too late.  Fat or grease that festered in the wastebasket over the course of a several hot Summer days.  The smelly remains of our fish dinner from last evening’s meal.  Overflowing baby diapers left to ripen.  Kitty-litter.

We’ve all been there.  Rank odors waft from our disposal containers signaling it’s time to transfer the putrid mess to a more removed location.  So, holding our breath, we whisk the offending material away. 

What a relief it is to drop that bag in the trash barrel in the alley!  Even better when on “trash day” the trash truck arrives, tips up the barrel, flips it over and shakes the smelly contents out, swings the empty barrel back in its place and then rumbles away.  And just like magic our garbage is gone!

Each of us generates trash every day.  The EPA estimates that the average American produces almost 6 pounds of trash per day.  If recycling is factored in, the amount drops to about 4 ½ pounds of pure waste.  Even so, the typical person racks up over a total of 29 pounds per week and 1,600 pounds of garbage in just one year!

The estimate for the annual weight of the garbage that all humans worldwide generate is 2.6 trillion pounds.  (This doesn’t include industrial waste or commercial trash.)  The United States is the top producer of “municipal solid waste” in the entire world, generating about 268 million tons yearly.

Where does this heaping mound of garbage go?  Over half (52%) ends up in landfills.  26% makes its way to recycling centers, and another 13% to waste-to-energy plants.  9% is composted.  While we probably don’t reflect on its destination much, we certainly are delighted when our rotting and reeking refuse is gone.

Hard as it is to fathom, we all produce garbage even more noxious than the bags we transport to the alley at arms-length.  Our lying and cursing tongues; our coveting, lusting and hating minds; our detestable pride or lingering despair; our countless sins of action and inaction; our incessant idolatry; and our neglect of God and the good, raise a sickening stench to the holy Lord.

The logical conclusion was for God to discard our smelly selves far from him. 

But the Lord had a different plan.  Instead of disposing of us in entirety, he determined to simply dispose of our stench, (our sin), and keep the rest of us. 

So the Lord Jesus came to dwell among us, to love us and in love to let us crucify him.  He took our place, wearing our sin-stench and bearing our sin-punishment. When he exited his tomb on Easter morning, he cast death behind him and our sins far from him (and us!).

How far has our unholy reek been removed?  The Bible provides some impressive pictures to illustrate the distance.

“Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives transgression?  You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.  You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea”  (Micah 7:18-19).

Just for reference, the deepest depression in the earth is in the Pacific Ocean.  It’s known as Challenger Deep, a portion of the Mariana Trench.  It dives to a depth of more than 36,000 feet.  That’s almost 7 miles deep; a significant burial indeed for our sin! 

Or how about this concept?  The Holy Spirit inspired David to write these lovely words:

“The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.  For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us”  (Psalm 103:8-12).

Saying goodbye to our sin garbage is the best goodbye of all, which makes our gracious God the best Trashman of all!  Thank you, Lord!

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Another Doorway

Another Doorway

June 11th marks my final day as the pastor at the congregation I have been serving for over 30 years.  The day will essentially be a passage through a doorway from one “place” into an entirely different one.  It’s a significant transition … and by no means an easy one.  But it is also a necessary and good one.

This story is dedicated to my family, to the wonderful people at St. Paul’s I’ve had the privilege of serving for over three decades, and to the wonderful people I will be serving at St. John’s and Faith … all of whom are currently transitioning through large doorways.

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Jordan paused and slid his hands in his front pockets.  He’d been focusing on the massive doorway before him for some time now.  Now it was close … too close for comfort.  Yet his pathway led to that door, and he knew he had to walk through it.  But that didn’t necessarily mean he was comfortable with the idea.

He stood at a distance, contemplating the significance of it.  On this side of the door was the life he knew and had grown comfortable with; on the other side waited an entirely different scenario.  New surroundings.  New people.  New situations.  New blessings certainly, but also new challenges. 

How could one not experience a bit of trepidation at so great a transition?  Who doesn’t hesitate when facing such a significant adjustment to their life?  Jordan stood and stared at the yawning portal of change.  An involuntary shudder passed through him.

“Yes, it’s a bit daunting, isn’t it?” said an unexpected voice from the shadows to his side.  Jordan started, and spun toward the sound.  There, seated on a bench beneath the mighty bows of a cedar tree, sat an elderly man. 

His legs were crossed and his hands rested comfortably on the top leg.  He was dressed in casual slacks and a buttoned flannel shirt … the muted colors of his clothes blending into the shadows cast by the tree.  His gray hair hung down to his shoulders; a shaggy beard obscured the lower part of his face.  Still, Jordan could see his warm smile.

“I’m sorry.  You startled me,” Jordan stated.  

“Yes, I generally do,” the old man replied.  “Most don’t notice me.  They are focusing on the large doorway before them.”  He smiled again.  “Just like you.”

“Who are you?” Jordan asked.

“Think of me as just an old man who has traveled through his share of doors over time.  You can call me Vance.  I’m here to help folks like you facing huge doorways like that one in front of you.”

Jordan raised his eyebrows and tilted his head.  “Really?  Did someone place you here or do you do this willingly?”

“Both,” the old man replied enigmatically.  He raised his hands and beckoned Jordan toward him.  “Why don’t you join me for just a little bit?”

Jordan hesitated, but Vance’s smile seemed warm and genuine, so he stepped over and took a seat beside the old man.  The scent of cedar surrounded them.

Vance let Jordan settle and relax.  The old man continued to face forward, looking across the path and humming a quiet tune.  Finally, Jordan spoke.  “How exactly do you help people here?  It seems to me that people simply have to forge forward through these different doorways … as substantial and as unsettling as that may be.”

“You’re right, of course.  Finally, that is what has to happen.”  Vance turned toward Jordan.  His warm smile returned, then he continued.  “I’m simply here to provide some perspective and to reassure.”

“I could see how that might be helpful,” Jordan responded softly.  “And I could probably use both.”

Vance nodded.  He waited a beat and then asked gently, “So tell me what you understand about the doorways of life.”

Jordan collected his thoughts before replying.  “Well, there are many, many doorways, and they are all different sizes.  Most are smaller and somewhat insignificant.  But some are larger.  Even very large, like the one before me now.  They are the life-altering ones.”

“Well said,” the bearded man responded.  His eyes narrowed as he continued.  “Why are the large doors so difficult?”

“Because you are moving from what you know to what you don’t really know.”

“Yes, that’s very true; that’s a significant factor.  We’ll come back to this in a moment.”  The grizzled gentleman lifted his arm and gently squeezed Jordan’s shoulder.  “But there’s another reason though, isn’t there?  A harder reason.  A reason so painful it’s difficult to state.”

The unanticipated words pulled a sudden wave of emotion to the shore of Jordan’s awareness, and he tried to swallow the sob that flowed from his heart.  Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.  Vance’s hand squeezed his shoulder yet again.  Jordan forced himself to say it, his voice breaking.  “It’s the people on this side of the door.  I care about them so much.”

“Yes, I know.”  Vance paused, his own brown eyes glistening.  “And the sad truth is that you won’t physically see some of those dear people on the other side of that door.  But they are in your heart.  They will always be in your heart, and your heart goes with you through that door.  So they go with you too.”

“The good news is that you will see many of those good people again on the other side of that door.  With the Lord’s blessing and just a little bit of effort, it will happen.  Furthermore, there are scores of other wonderful people eager to meet you on the path ahead.”

Vance grinned and even chuckled.  “And here’s the best news of all.  At the end of your pathway of multiple doors lies the last and greatest doorway of all.  It’s the one that leads you into the Lord’s Land … the heavenly home that you live for and long for.  And every Christian you know will arrive there one day, no matter how many doorways back you knew them on your life path.”

Jordan’s tears flowed freely now.  But they sprang from hope and not sadness.  Finally he managed to utter, “Thank you.”

Eventually, Jordan managed to collect himself.  Vance pushed off the bench with his hands and slowly raised himself to his feet.  “Come.  It’s time to pass through this door.  I’ll keep you company until you get there.”

Jordan stood and made his way back to the path.  The old man shuffled along beside him, softly humming a light-hearted song.  Their steps drew them inexorably to the looming gateway.  Jordan stopped and turned to the man.  “Thank you for encouraging me.  You really were very helpful.”  The aged man nodded solemnly. 

Jordan faced the opening, steeled himself, and began to take the first step that would usher him to the other side when he stopped and rotated back to Vance.  “Wait!  You said we’d come back to the part about entering a place that is largely unknown, but we never did.”

The bearded man broke into a grin.  “I was sure you’d bring it back up.”  He wrapped his arm around Jordan and gently turned him around.  There, immediately behind him, stood Jesus … barely visible, but clearly seen.  Jesus’ hands were clasped behind his back and he gazed at Jordan with boundless love.

Jordan gasped, and new tears streamed down.  “He has always been there with you,” Vance informed him.  “More importantly at this point,” the old-timer stated, firmly rotating Jordan so he looked through the opening to the other side, “look ahead of you.”  There stood Jesus yet again, with the same loving expression. “Just as he has been with you, so he always will be with you.” 

“Though you are transitioning to a new place in your life, God goes with you!”  Vance clapped him softly on the back.  “And that’s what makes the journey not only bearable, but blessed.  Go with God, Jordan.  All will be well.”

It was only after he had passed through the opening that Jordan realized with a jolt that he had never told the old man his name.

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Deuteronomy 31:6-8 (selected)  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified …, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. … Be strong and courageous, for you must go … into the land that the Lord … [gives you] …. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

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How Is Your “Yard” Looking?

How Is Your “Yard” Looking?

With my daughter’s wedding and my youngest son’s graduation both occurring this week, I’m sharing another blog “rerun.”  As always, I pray this post encourages you in some little way.

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In the summertime, my wife and I try to take a daily walk.  Sometimes we drive to a local park for a change of scenery, but usually we simply stroll around our neighborhood.  We vary our paths so the “scenery” varies as well.

Inevitably we spot something interesting.  A decked-out vehicle.  Various projects or intriguing decorations on the homes.  Curious choices for house colors.  Fascinating plants in the yards.  There always seems to be something to see.  For example, once we noticed that the automatic street lights were lit on one block but not the adjacent block.  Not sure why, but it certainly sparked some conversation among us.

As we walk by the many homes, one immediately evident thing is the state of the yards.  The majority of lawns receive a modicum of care; they are mowed somewhat regularly and look fairly presentable.  The yards may or may not have flower beds.  And if there are beds, they may or may not be weeded.  This is the usual.

But there are always some yards that stand out, either because of the great amount of care given to them or because of the complete lack of attention they receive. 

A few of the yards are impeccably groomed.  The lawns are weedless and the grass looks like a golf-course green.  The flower beds are delightfully arranged and immaculate.  Invariably there are some fairly exotic trees, bushes or flowers present.  Clearly someone who lives in those homes loves yard care, (or struggles mightily with perfectionism!).

Then there are other yards that haven’t seen a lick of care in quite some time.  The beds are overrun with weeds, and the grass looks like a prairie, standing tall as a person.  It’s usually impossible to see anything in those yards.  One might hesitate to wander into them for fear of the wild critters that might be encountered, or of getting lost and never finding your way back out again!  I remember the time my wife and I spotted a push mower barely visible in the midst of a jungle of grass.  We speculated that sometime in the distant past either the mower or the owner simply surrendered to the towering turf.  

Of course, there are a multitude of reasons why a yard could be neglected.  Finally, the way a yard looks just isn’t that important.  I know there are some who will disagree with that statement, but that’s the truth of the matter.  There are many matters much more important than the appearance of one’s yard.  

However, it did set my mind to pondering.  It’s very evident how much care a yard receives … or doesn’t.  What if the wellbeing of our souls was as evident as the health of our yards?  What if the amount of care we give to our souls was as obvious as the amount of time spent on our lawns?  How would our soul look?

If our soul was on display, would it be evident that we take good care of it?  Is it well-watered by God’s Word; well-trimmed by God’s Law and well-fertilized by God’s Gospel?  Are the weeds of sin largely removed, or are they sprouting everywhere?  Is the grass mowed and edged, or are worldly blades growing wild and unchecked?  Are the beds clean, or littered with trash and undesirable plants?  Are portions of our souls even dead?

I admit that this concept gives me pause.  I tend to take pretty good care of our yard; our place generally looks fairly-well kept.  But if my soul were visible for all to see, what would it look like?  How would it compare with my yard?

Jesus himself underscores the value of a healthy soul.  “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”  (Matthew 16:26).  In other words, the state of our soul is far more important than the state of our yard … or anything else on earth, for that matter!

Thankfully, we have a gracious, loving, and forgiving God … which prompts our hearts to join with David in words of praise! 

“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.  Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalm 103:1-5).

How is your yard looking?  Finally, it really doesn’t matter!  How is your soul looking?  Now that’s a much more important issue!

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Searching for Treasure

Searching for Treasure

Unfortunately, my days are currently very, very full, leaving no time for writing.  Fortunately, I have years of previous blog posts to pull from!  Here’s a re-share.  I pray it is a blessing!

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I am a treasure hunter.  I search for treasure.  I even find some!

From the time I was young, I always loved to embark on treasure expeditions.  No, I didn’t travel to exotic locations in my quests, but I did set out on a fair amount of searches nevertheless. 

I explored the old brewery in the town where I grew up looking for old Sebewaing Beer artifacts.  (Found some too.  Still have them!)  I wandered carefully (so as not to fall through the floors!) inside a few abandoned houses as well, seeing what might have been left behind.  (Rather slim pickings.  Other treasure seekers had been there before me.)   Native Americans used to inhabit the area where I lived as a boy, so the farm fields all around us held ancient artifacts.  (Found some of those also!) 

But there were treasure hunts and discoveries even closer than that!  Before the days of dumps, my ancestors were in the habit of burying their trash on the property.  Much of what was trash to them, old bottles and such, are now treasures.  When my father dug up the yard to begin building a new house in my teen years, the dirt piles he created were literally littered with his grandparents’ discards.  It was a veritable treasure trove for a treasure seeker like me!

I’ve always kept my eyes peeled for dropped money.  I’m regularly finding coins, and even occasionally a bill.  Even more occasionally a larger bill!  And I never pass a Coinstar without inspecting the coin return.  People regularly forget to grab the coins that didn’t get processed, some of which are silver coins – rejected because they are heavier than the usual “clad” coins.

I’ve even panned for gold and sluiced out a bit of “color” from the gravel.  Washington State isn’t as prime for gold as some other states, but there is some to be found in the right spots.

These days my preferred approach in my treasure hunting exploits is with a metal detector.  What amazing machines they are!  Not only do they easily detect metal objects underground or under water, but the better-quality ones can give the handler a very good idea of what might be below the coil by virtue of a number readout.

Through the years I’ve found all kinds of treasure with my handy-dandy metal detector.  Lots of coins (some silver and some quite old), rings of all kinds (even toe rings!), military buttons and Boy Scout badges, old toys and antique tools, and plenty of unique items have found their way into my treasure pouch.  I never know what I will find, but I always know I’ll find something interesting!  In fact, there has never been a time when I didn’t uncover something worthwhile on my metal detecting hunts.

There’s another form of treasure hunt I regularly embark on as well.  It’s a treasure hunt in the extravagantly rich pages of the Bible.  I never know exactly what the Holy Spirit will reveal to me on each journey inside the cover, but I always know I’ll find something awesome!  Sometimes the discovery is a precious gold or silver truth; sometimes a gleaming new spiritual insight; sometimes a practical discovery; sometimes a lovely reminder of earlier times; sometimes a treasure to share.  In fact, there has never been a time when I didn’t uncover something worthwhile on my treasure hunts in God’s Word.

I’ve never gotten rich from my regular treasure hunting efforts, and I probably never will.  But I have become a wealthy man indeed from my treasure searches in the Scriptures.

Regular treasure hunts?  I discourage them.  (That leaves more for me to find!)  But treasure hunts in the Scriptures?  These are treasure hunts that all should embark upon, and frequently, because there is an unlimited amount of priceless riches to be found there.  And all who seek will find!

“But where can wisdom be found?  Where does understanding dwell?  No mortal comprehends its worth. … It cannot be bought with the finest gold, nor can its price be weighed out in silver.  It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir, with precious onyx or lapis lazuli.  Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can it be had for jewels of gold.  Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.  The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it; it cannot be bought with pure gold.  Where then does wisdom come from?  Where does understanding dwell? … God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells” (Job 28:selected

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