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Category: Encouragement



This week my wife and I were able to spend a few days out at the coast.  What a blessing!  And really, there is nothing quite like the ocean.

Here are a few fun facts about the oceans:

Approximately 70 percent of the planet is covered with ocean, and 97 percent of the earth’s water can be found in our oceans.  In fact, the oceans contain 328 million cubic miles of water.

The average depth of the oceans is more than 12,400 feet. (That’s over two miles deep!)

The deepest and longest “valley” in the world is in the western Pacific Ocean.  It is called the Mariana Trench, and stretches over 1,500 miles long with an average width of 43 miles.  The maximum known depth of the Mariana Trench is over 36,000 feet.  (About 7 miles deep!)

In addition, the longest mountain range in the world (the Mid-Oceanic Ridge) is also under water.  This chain of mountains runs through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and into the Indian and Pacific oceans.  It extends more than 35,000 miles and it makes up 23 percent of the Earth’s total surface.  Some of its peaks climb higher than those in the Alps … except that these heights exist below sea level.

Humans have explored less than 5 percent of the Earth’s oceans, which obviously means that 95% of the ocean is unexplored.  In fact, scientists own better maps of Mars than of the ocean floor.

But this post is not about the amazing wonders of the oceans.  Rather, it is about the amazing God who created the amazing wonders in the ocean. 

As mind-boggling as some of those ocean facts may be, what I find amazing about the ocean is a bit simpler.  The ocean waves never ever end. 

If you have been fortunate at some point to stay at a place along the ocean, you know that the roar of the ocean never stops.  You can shut the sliding doors onto the deck and close all the windows.  You can even turn on the fireplace or dial up some soft music.  You can be eating your breakfast in the morning, sitting on the coach in the middle of the day, or wake up in the middle of the night. The roar of the ocean waves is always there; it never ends. 

That’s because the ocean waves never stop rolling onto the beach.  Those 328 million cubic miles of salt water just keep lapping up on the shore.  The stronger the wind, the greater the whitecaps, but even on the stillest of days the thunder of the pounding waves continues.  They never cease.

And so it is with our Lord.  His mercies and blessings never stop rolling into our lives.  God’s goodness and love are as immense and unfathomable as the water of the ocean, and as unending as the waves of the ocean.  In a word, boundless.

The prophet Jeremiah was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write these words:  “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness, [O Lord!]”  (Lamentations 3:22-23).

The Lord and his mercy are like the unending waves of the ocean.  His great love for us keeps him from consuming us.  His compassions never fail, but are new every morning.  Like the waves of the ocean, the Lord’s loving actions toward us are continually rolling into our lives every day all day.  They never end.

The prophet Micah shares a powerful illustration with us.  Speaking to the Lord, he writes, “You will again have compassion on us; you will … hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19).

Instead of keeping a record of our wrongs or mounting our iniquities on permanent display before him, the Lord hurls all of our sins into the depths of the sea.  The Lord throws our mistakes into the middle of the mighty ocean.  All those transgressions plummet down 12,000 feet to the ocean floor. 

No!  Even better than that! The Lord casts our wrongdoings down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench – 36,000 feet down – and buries them there where no one can see them or reach them!

How can this be that our sins are buried in the fathoms?  Because of this nearly unfathomable truth: Jesus, the Son of God, suffered for us.

How awesome is our God!  How gracious and merciful!  How incredibly loving!  How patient and kind and good!  His compassions never fail; they are new every morning.  And so are God’s mercies, faithfulness, forgiveness, and his blessings; they are like the ocean waves.  Boundless!

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50 Lessons Learned

50 Lessons Learned

Since this is my 50th post on this blog, I thought I would do something a bit different this week.  I decided to list 50 life lessons I have accumulated through the years.  These are by no means the only lessons I have learned, nor are any of them probably particularly astute.  But maybe readers might glean an insight here or there?  I pray a few of the observations will encourage someone somewhere.

Here is my disclaimer:  Just because I’ve learned these lessons doesn’t mean I always live them. I’m a work in progress, as we all are.

So here we go!  50 lessons I’ve learned, in no particular order:

1. Many will love you, but none more than the Lord

2. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. We aren’t even guaranteed the next minute.  Every second is a new gift from God.

3. People are so predictable … and so unpredictable.

4. The Lord and his Word are the only truly reliable things in this whole wide world. If we rely upon ourselves or others, we will often be disappointed; if on God, never.

5. Strive to see, think about and focus on the positives.

6. Encouragement is far more effective at behavior adjustment than criticism.

7. Never say, “I’ll never …”

8. Every day is precious; it’s used once and you don’t get it back again. One can’t ever regain lost time, but they can use future moments more wisely.

9. The most urgent things are rarely the most important ones.

10. Care of your soul, your body and your relationships are wise investments.

11. True wealth is gauged in the spiritual realm; not the physical one.

12. One’s contentment often correlates with the amount of time spent outdoors.

13. Relationships are more precious than treasure.

14. People would benefit greatly if they spent more time in their Bible and less time on their screens.

15. Work will always be there; children and family won’t be. Maximize precious moments together.

16. Worrying is a colossal waste of time and energy.

17. We are what we watch and what we listen to.

18. God often brings the greatest blessings through hardship.

19. Making the effort to stay in touch with family and friends will never be regretted. Not making the effort will be.

20. Let God be God; he’s far more qualified than we are.

21. Hugs are wonderful blessings!

22. Paying others to do tedious, time-consuming tasks is money well spent.

23. Look for God’s guiding hand in your life, see it everywhere, and rejoice in his wonderful care

24. Never let others, even loved ones, push you into poor decisions.

25. Smile more; frown less – outwardly and inwardly.

26. The Lord isn’t only vaguely interested and slightly involved in our lives, but completely invested.

27. The need for God’s truth has never been greater … for you, me and everyone.

28. Stop trying to be perfect and be satisfied with good enough.

29. Be content, no matter the circumstances. You are blessed and being blessed.

30. Spend less time being angry and more time rejoicing, forgiving and being kind. Life is too short to stay angry and hold grudges.

31. Stubbornness is not a character strength.

32. The hope that God gives in the Scriptures cannot be found anywhere else in the whole, wide world.

33. Pride is a secret destroyer.

34. Insisting one is always right is always wrong.

35. Stop crucifying yourself for your mistakes; Jesus was crucified for you!

36. One’s personal actions and attitudes should not be based on the actions and attitudes of others.

37. There is never reason to be bored.

38. The heartache of missing someone means you are blessed with a heart of love for someone.

39. The hardest paths in life are typically the right paths.

40. True beauty is not skin-deep, but actually under the skin.

41. The smartest people realize they’re not the smartest people. And a related truth: the wisest people aren’t always the most educated people.

42. Satan, the great deceiver, is really, really good at what he does.

43. Trying new activities and adventures enriches and enlivens life.

44. The wise discover the healthy medium between head and heart decisions.

45. Don’t let the pressure of the moment destroy the beauty of the moment.

46. The body of a twenty-year-old is typically strong; the mind less so. Thirty years later, those are reversed.  (Don’t be offended, youngsters; when you are my age you will understand.)

47. One should always pet their pet more.

48. Once words leave your mouth (or your keyboard), they can’t be retrieved.

49. Life in this world is often difficult. God allows us to struggle so we remember that heaven is our real home.  The longer we live the more appealing heaven becomes!

50. While living on earth the status of our soul can seem like one of the least important things; the day we die it becomes the most important thing.

These are a few truths I’ve learned.  But maybe you  might suggest some revisions to a few of the 50 points?  If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  I’d also love to read a few life-lessons you have learned.  Please share in the comments section!

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).

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I know it’s strange, but I enjoy mowing the lawn.

Earlier this week I mowed our yard for the first time this year.  Those of you who live in other parts of the country won’t have to worry about that particular task for a while yet, but here in the Pacific Northwest spring arrives early.  The daffodils are starting to bloom, and the grass is beginning to grow in earnest.  Which means lawns need to be mowed. 

Fortunately, I enjoy mowing the lawn.  Well, technically I enjoy viewing the mown lawn afterwards.  I don’t mind mowing the lawn, but what I really appreciate is seeing the finished product.  And especially if I trimmed along all the borders!  When the job is completed, the grass blades are all nicely snipped off at a uniform height.  The lawn looks like a lovely, living green carpet … delightful to the eye! 

If I’m able, I celebrate the completed job from my deck by reclining in a deck chair where I can soak in the view and drink in the smell of the cut grass.  The appearance is extremely satisfying!  There is nothing quite like a manicured lawn to foster contentment in a job well done.  There on the deck I bask in the knowledge that the lawn mowing is finished.

But the lawn mowing isn’t finished.  In just a few days during the height of growing season the fine, finished appearance morphs into a rather untidy view.  Even when the grass transitions to dormancy in the winter months, the spring brings new life again, and the mowing resumes.  (Case and point: me mowing the lawn earlier this week!)  The sad reality is that the lawn mowing is never finished.

And that’s how it is with so many things, isn’t it?  The house repairs and house cleaning, the car maintenance, the work responsibilities, even our relationship adjustments are never, ever finished.  Restocking the pantry, washing and folding the laundry, paying the bills … also never finished.  Gleaning insights, becoming wiser, learning and growing into a better person is a life-long venture and is never completed.  Indeed, the list of unfinished business is a long one.

Which can be a rather depressing thought.  Wouldn’t it be nice if something worthwhile could truly be finished once-and-for-all?

Well, there actually is something wonderful that is finished.  Totally, completely, irrevocably, once-and-for-all finished!

No, it’s not taxes.  Not bills either.  Neither is it work or life-struggles.  Nor shady politicians.  Or aging ungracefully.  I’m sure we could make a lengthy list of issues that we would like to see brought to an end, but which won’t truly end until we die.  (And that’s an altogether different finish!)

Unfortunately, this aforementioned “once-and-for-all” finish isn’t an end to our sinfulness either.  Our faults and flaws will remain with us until, well … our ultimate finish, the moment we die.

So then, what is this thing that is totally, completely, irrevocably, once-and-for-all finished?  It’s not our humanness, our frailties and mistakes, or our utter sinfulness – but the atonement for our sinfulness!

That atonement was procured by God’s holy Sacrifice.  By Jesus, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”  (John 1:29). 

It wasn’t pretty.  It didn’t catch the eye and elicit a lingering gaze like a newly mown lawn.  People had to look away in horror and revulsion.  The very Son of God hung naked, beaten and bleeding on a Roman device of torture and death.  He had done nothing wrong; committed no crime.  But he bore all our wrongs and was punished for our countless crimes; crimes that were committed against him.  (Consider that concept a moment.)

Jesus didn’t miss a one.  There wasn’t a single sin we have tallied that he did not cover completely.  Not our secret sins.  Not our horrible sins.  Not our repeated sins.  Not those sins we are most ashamed of now.  All were included in his all-sufficient sacrifice. 

How do we know?  How can we be confident of this beyond a shadow of a doubt?  Because he said so himself!  “It is finished,” proclaimed our Savior from the cross.  (John 19:30)

When he announced, “It is finished,” Jesus wasn’t speaking about his suffering being over or his life being finished by death, though he died shortly after uttering those words.  No, what was finished was the payment for our transgressions.  It was a debt that was fully paid; a spiritual lien that was completely removed from our record. 

It was a job that wasn’t presumably or partially finished, or finished temporarily, but completely and certainly finished.  That is, finished finished.

How incredible!  How wonderful!  There really is something that is completely completed!  We are redeemed and restored through Jesus. 

“Is the payment for our sins really and truly made?” we timidly ask.  To which the Lord Jesus answers assertively, “Yes, it is finished!”

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Look! Look! Look!

Look! Look! Look!

This week’s post is drastically different than my usual offering.  Different format completely.  Different length too; this post is longer than usual.  (But please read it anyway!)  Why the changes?  Because I grieve that so many of God’s people are struggling in one way or another, and I hope to bring some encouragement and direction to hurting hearts.  But in a little different way. 

As long as we live in this broken world, we will all struggle to some degree.  But there are a few things to which we can turn our attention that will help us profoundly through our struggles.  I don’t mean to minimize our challenges in any way or give the impression that we can totally escape our problems.  But God does give us some wonderful remedies!  Unfortunately, all too often we fail to utilize them. 

I put together this allegory to try to illustrate this.  I guess one could view it as a simpler, shorter version of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress.  Yes, I know that’s a classic, and I won’t pretend I can come close to equaling it.  But I do pray that the illustration is beneficial nonetheless.  I hope you won’t find it, (or me), too strange.  I hope also you won’t simply dismiss the story, but will read it and consider the message.  And most of all, I pray it will encourage you and help you on your own life’s journey!

They stood at a rocky outcropping after a particularly difficult climb, the vegetation sparse on the stone slabs.  An elderly man, weak and tottering; a young man, strong and fit.  The young man was heartbroken; he knew his father couldn’t hike much further.  His mother had already been carried away in the loving arms of the Lord earlier in the journey.  Now it was just the two of them.  Soon it would be only one.

Around them rose a forest.  The timber stood tall, the vegetation thick and the forest floor continued to climb precipitously.  Everything ahead of the young man seemed dark and foreboding; the prospect of traveling forward alone seemed unthinkable.  Tears ran unchecked down his cheeks.

The kindly father put his arm over Trav’s shoulder.  “I know the journey seems daunting,” he said.  “And it is.  But you must work your way through it nevertheless.”  Trav couldn’t bear to look at his father and didn’t want to look at the forest, so he kept his eyes downcast.  His father continued.  “It’s true that many never make it out of the wilderness.  There is an abundance of dangers and distractions, and these take many down on their journey.”  Trav shuddered involuntarily, both from grief and fear. 

The man tightened his grip on Trav’s shoulder and pulled him against him.  “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Trav inhaled.  Exhaled.  The father slowly spun Trav to stare directly into his eyes.  “You will make it through anything if you remember to look!  Traveler, you must remember to look!” 

Trav’s eyes widened.  “Look at what?” he asked.

“Look at these three things,” the elderly man replied.  “Look in the Living Word; look up at the Loving Presence; and look ahead to the Looming Destination.”

“What?  What do you mean by that?”

“The Living Word is the Bible tucked into your pack.  The Loving Presence is the loving Lord who is constantly with you, and the Looming Destination is your ultimate goal, your heavenly home.  Each is crucial for your journey.  If you fail to faithfully look at any of them, your travels will be negatively impacted and you will struggle much more than you need to.  Do you understand?”

The young man gulped and nodded.  “Not totally, but kinda.  It’s what you’ve always told me, right?” 

“It is indeed.  You must remember these instructions.  Now repeat them after me. …  Look in the Living Word; look up at the Loving Prescence; and look ahead to the Looming Destination.”  Trav repeated the words. 

“Good.  It’s almost time for you to set out on your own.  Now don’t forget to look.”  The man embraced Trav, tears in his own eyes, then released him.  A glowing smile lit up the old man’s face.  He slowly collapsed backwards while the Lord’s hand reached down to catch and cradle him.   “Look, Trav!” the man whispered.  “Remember to look!  Then we’ll be together again one day.”  And the Lord carried him away.

Racked with debilitating grief, Trav remained in that rocky place for some time.  But eventually he recognized he had to move on.  In many ways, his life journey was just beginning.

Initially Trav made a point to regularly look in the Living Word, to religiously look up and see the Lord’s Loving Presence hovering over him, and to routinely look ahead at the delightful golden glow of the Looming Destination. And while he experienced adversity, those three views enabled him to keep up his spirits, overcome the hardships and advance safely on his journey.

Over time, however, the wilderness he traversed began to garner more and more of his attention. 

Trav daily pushed through the thorns and thickets, stumbled up the rocky hills and tripped down the ravines on the other side.  He slogged through the bitterly cold rivers.  He shivered in the frost; sweated profusely in the heat; bled from the injuries he incurred.  At the end of the day, he huddled exhausted near the flickering flames of his fire.  He didn’t seem to have the energy to look in the Living Word.

Occasionally he would find sweet relief from his travels in a lovely clearing where flowers burst exuberantly from the forest floor.  Birds chirped delightful songs and tree frogs added their choruses.  And Trav would drop his pack, take a seat on a log in the shade, and breath in the sweet aroma of the cedars and the wildflowers.  He cast his eyes around.  The view was simply too lovely to interrupt with a look in the Living Word.

There were other days of extreme difficulty; situations that demanded a great deal of his attention.  He found himself fending off the words and schemes of fellow travelers who intended to take advantage of him.  Wild animals stalked him; swarming insects frequently made him miserable.  Fierce storms lashed at him, drenching him in the rain and terrifying him with lightening.  Fires raged unchecked, floodwaters rose, and fierce winds toppled branches and trees, forcing him to take protective measures.  Freak accidents occurred.  Each season brought unique challenges; every landscape its own difficulties.  Among the day-to-day struggles, Trav was simply too distracted to look up at the Lord’s Loving Presence.

Along the way Trav was joined with a delightful companion named Journ.  She made his travels much more pleasant; the journey was now shared.  But now there were two to protect and provide for; two to care for and attend to.  In his happiness and busyness and preoccupation, Trav neglected to look up at the Loving Presence.  He almost forgot the Lord was there.

Eventually Trav and Journ found themselves in a particularly difficult stretch of their life-walk.  A massive windfall of trees surrounded them, the giant trunks strewn helter-skelter.  The travelers were forced to carefully make their way through this almost impenetrable maze of timber, sometimes crawling under the trees and sometimes scrambling over them – always having to navigate through the clutching branches and always emerging from one log only to find another one barring their progress.   

As they attempted to scale yet another fallen fir, the wood gave way and dumped them painfully to the ground.  Weak and bleeding, with their faces in the pine needles and their exhausted bodies surrounded by stinging nettles, they were overwhelmed with despair.  All they could see was the brutal journey before them: the enormous fallen trees, the clawing branches, the gouging thorns and biting insects, the meals to procure, the elements to endure, the countless obstacles.  They gave no thought to the Looming Destination.

Journ sobbed and Trav pounded the ground in frustration.  “I know this journey is hard, but it’s not supposed to be this hard!” Trav exclaimed.  “My father told me it would be hard.  He told me …”  His breath caught.  “My father told me …” Tears flowed as the memory overtook him.  “He told me to … ‘Look in the Living Word; look up at the Loving Presence; and look ahead to the Looming Destination.’”

Journ gasped.  “My parents told me the same thing!  But we’ve been so busy looking at the forest and the journey, the hardships and the joys, that we haven’t done it.  We haven’t looked in, up or ahead.”  Her eyes widened.  “Oh, Trav.  We’ve been focusing on the wrong things. It’s no wonder we are struggling so much!”

They turned their heads and nodded knowingly at each other.  Then they rolled onto their backs … and there was the Lord, right where he always was, hovering over them and watching.  But now he was smiling with joy.

From that moment on, Trav and Journ held to different priorities in their travels.  They made a point to look in the Living Word every day, to look up at the Loving Presence routinely; and to look ahead to the Looming Destination frequently.  Their journey was still challenging and their obstacles many, but the Living Word gave them healing and strength, the Lord’s Loving Presence gave them sufficient and sustaining help, and the Looming Destination gave them hope of a better future at journey’s end.

Never again did they neglect to look, look and look!  And never again were their journey’s struggles quite as significant, no matter how significant those struggles happened to be.

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(Hebrews 4:12)  For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

(Joshua 1:9)  [The LORD said,] “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

(Matthew 28:20)  [Jesus said,] “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

(John 14:1-3)  [Jesus said,] “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

(Romans 15:4)  For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

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Hope Springs Eternal

Hope Springs Eternal

I am almost giddy with joy. 

Baseball is beginning!  Major league players are reporting to their spring training facilities, and practices are under way.  Games will follow soon.  Along with the amount of daylight increasing daily and the daffodils stretching from the ground, baseball is one of the wonderful harbingers of Spring. 

When “the boys of Summer” report for duty, it’s a sure sign Summer isn’t far away!

And after the last year, who of us isn’t ready for some fun in the sun?  Some enjoyable distractions on the ballfield; the sounds, sights and smells of a ballgame; some social gatherings at the ballpark?  (Well, hopefully anyway!)

On top of just the exaltation that baseball is back – and it seems it’s back for a full season this go-round – there is the added excitement that this is the year my favorite team, the Seattle Mariners, are going to win our American League West division!

At which any of you who are even a little informed about the Seattle Mariners are probably rolling your eyes, shaking your heads, and possibly even guffawing out loud.  The Mariners have the distinct dishonor of being the only MLB team that has never even played in the World Series.  The only one!  In addition, they currently own the longest playoff drought of any major professional team.  Not just the longest drought in baseball, but the longest drought of any team in MLB, the NFL, the NBA, or the NHL!

Consequently some (most? all?) will take exception to my prediction of the Mariners winning their division and breaking their playoff absence.  To which I reply with the aged and sage proverb, “Hope springs eternal!” 

And nowhere is that expression more true than in regard to one’s favorite baseball team!  (Especially if one’s favorite team happens to be the Mariners!)

“Hope springs eternal” is actually an abbreviation of a line written by Alexander Pope in “An Essay on Man” in 1732.  The entire phrase was originally “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”

The concept, of course, is that humans long for, search for and even manufacture hope.  We need it, want it, and have to have it.  Our tendency is always to somehow, somewhere, in some way uncover some kind of hope.  We will cling tenaciously to hope against all odds because existence without hope is a shallow existence.

Unfortunately, this sin-shattered world excels at undermining hope.  Perhaps that’s why we are so desperately and constantly seeking a semblance of hope?  We recognize that hope tends to be frail, finicky and fleeting.

Which is why, I’m convinced, the Bible speaks so adamantly and repeatedly about hope.  Not about the uncertain hope this world offers, but rather about the certain, immovable, unchangeable, persevering, everlasting, rock-solid, count-on-it-no-matter-what hope that God gives.

If God says it, God must do it.  If God makes a promise, God must keep it.  If God offers words of hope, he must stand behind them.  Which makes the hopes that God gives us absolutely reliable.

The list of God’s hope-giving promises is long!  His assurances encompass his love for us, his redemption accomplished for us, his daily care of us, and his eternal reward for us.  And so much more!

 “Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope (Romans 15:4).  To which the writer to the Hebrews adds this encouragement, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23).

Wherever the Bible addresses the hope that God gives us, we should add the word “certain” to it.  Not because it sounds more encouraging that way, but because it’s true! 

Let’s try it and see what that sounds like.

“We wait in (certain!) hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.  In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our (certain!) hope in you” (Psalm 33:20-22).

Now that’s a (certain!) hope that truly springs eternal!

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Covered versus Removed

Covered versus Removed

As I write this, a winter storm rages outside.  The snow is piling up at a rapid pace.  For those of you who reside in other parts of the country, you shrug your shoulders and reply, “So what?  Been there; done that … nearly weekly all winter long!”

But for us in Western Washington, significant snowfall is cause for significant attention.  It rarely happens here.  When blizzards occur, or are expected to occur, they dominate the news.

For some, snow is a four-letter word, and one of the very worst words on the list!  Snow is cause for fear and trepidation among many.  Perhaps even panic, if driving is necessary.  The panic is due in part to the lack of snow removal plows available locally and partially because of the inexperienced winter drivers who live here.  But mostly the unease stems from the many hills in the area, some of which are steep and become treacherous with just a skimming of snow.

For others, lowland snow is a delightful novelty, and something to celebrate and experience.  Those many hills in the region that make driving dangerous also provide makeshift toboggan runs … even if one doesn’t own a taboggan.  Trash can lids make handy-dandy sleds; large boxes broken down will work too.  Anything that provides a little “slide” and a place to sit will do!  And usually one doesn’t need to journey far to find a hill to scoot recklessly down.  Meanwhile an army of snowmen is raised to try to hold off the attack from the warm rain that typically invades a day or two later.

Snow in the Pacific Northwest is a novelty both welcomed and dreaded.  And a bit of both for many folks.

When a healthy amount of snow accumulates, there is an obvious result.  It covers everything outside.  The house, the deck, the grill, the garage, the vehicles, the streets, the trees, the shrubs, the lawn … everything is draped in a beautiful blanket of white.

Which means a great many blemishes are covered over.  Aging shingles on roofs.  Rust and dents on vehicles, as well as cracks in the windshields.  Potholes in the streets.  Dead limbs on trees and weeds in the lawn or flowerbeds.  Garbage in the alleys.  Even dog doodoo in the back yard.  Everything looks lovely under a thick layer of snow.

But looking lovely and being lovely are two completely different things. 

When the snow melts, the blemishes remain.  The flaws reappear; the necessary repairs still need to be done; the garbage and doodoo are re-revealed. 

So what about our spiritual flaws?  What about our ugly sinful blemishes?  We certainly want to cover them up with as lovely a coating as possible in an attempt to look good before God and people.  Something similar to snow would seem to be wonderful! 

Of course, God sees all.  And other people see a lot too, regardless of the efforts we make to throw a pretty cloak overtop.  And coverings like snow are temporary anyway.

Thankfully our God has provided a solution!  It doesn’t sound as lovely as a layer of snow, or seem to be as attractive or appealing, but it is far more effective.  God’s solution to our sin-debt?  Covering us in the blood of Jesus, the holy Son of God and our Savior.

I recognize this is anything but a pretty picture.  However, don’t shrink from the illustration; embrace it!  Because Jesus’ blood not only covers over believers’ transgressions; it removes them completely!  As the Holy Spirit made clear when he had John write, “The blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

This is a recurring theme throughout Scripture, both in the Old and New Testament.

In Leviticus 17:11, the Lord states, “For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”

Years after Jesus crucifixion and resurrection, Peter writes this: “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Peter 1:18-19).

The snowfall is gorgeous; gorgeous as it falls and gorgeous where it lays.  But it only covers.  Even more beautiful is the blood of Jesus which covers and removes our ugly flaws in the eyes of our Lord. 

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The View from Above

The View from Above

Many of you are aware that last November I had my left kidney removed.  It was shrunken and appeared to have a growth on it which was potentially cancer.  (It didn’t and it wasn’t … thanks be to God.)

Consequently, I will see a kidney specialist to monitor my remaining kidney for the rest of my life.  (A nugget of knowledge for you; the official title of a kidney doctor is a nephrologist – something I never knew until I had to visit one.) 

My nephrologist has a nice office on the seventh floor of a medical building behind Allenmore Hospital in Tacoma.  And if someone happens to have an office on the seventh floor, then it is only proper that the office have large windows to provide a splendid view from above.  It allows the somewhat unsettling experience of looking down on high-flying birds!

I arrived at my appointment a bit early this week.  After getting checked in, I was ushered into one of the waiting rooms.  As I gazed through the windowpane there, I had a splendid view of a golf course a quarter mile away.  A number of golfers were scooting around the fairways on carts; others were practicing their drives at the range or their putts on the green.

But what caught my eye was the huge parking lot for the medical complex immediately below me.  It was packed with vehicles.  Just beyond was a Walmart parking lot, also jam-packed with cars.  I did some quick calculations and estimated that I could cast my eyes on about 400 parked cars.  (There were even more I couldn’t see and additional ones driving by on the adjacent street.)  My doctor laughed when I told him the figure.  I doubt he or any of his nurses or patients ever bothered with such an inane exercise.

But it wasn’t pointless.  It struck me that I only knew the make of one of the vehicles below, and the name of its owner with certainty.   (Dark-green Chevy Silverado; David Birsching).  I even knew most (but admittedly not all) of the contents in that particular vehicle. 

That left approximately 399 other cars and trucks about which I was clueless.  I could even watch a few of the drivers strolling through the parking area and could usually discern their gender.  But beyond that I knew nothing about them. 

Yet it occurred to me that the Lord knew the make and model of every single vehicle below.  He could tell you where it was made and the exact date that vehicle rolled off the assembly line, what repairs had been made, which additional ones would be made, and when the oil was last changed.  The random contents inside were also obvious to the Lord, even down to the coins and stale fries between the seats and the paraphernalia tucked underneath.

He knew every owner, and every driver, if different.  God could even list off every single person who had ever ridden in every single one of those vehicles, and every single person who ever would.  He knew the drivers’ birthdays, their exact ages, and precisely when they would be called out of this world.  Same for all the passengers!  The Lord could also recite their social security numbers, detail their job resumes, summarize their health issues, and provide the full names of their entire families.  Curious about their addresses?  He could provide that too!

The contents of the drivers’ pockets, the bills and cards in their wallets, the miscellaneous necessaries and unnecessaries in their purses, and the jewelry on their body were all known by God.  Tattoos too.  The Lord even had the hairs on their heads numbered (Matthew 10:30).

I didn’t consider all of these details at the moment, but only recognized God’s all-seeing and all-knowing view in a general sort of way.  Still, it was striking.  It wasn’t until I write this that I am able to draw these details out and expand on the concept.  I was in awe that day; my awe deepens the more I work through this.  What an incredible God we have!

Of course, I’m only exploring just one tiny facet of God’s wisdom.  He truly sees all and knows all; it’s a knowledge that encompasses far more than 400 vehicles.  For example, the Lord could easily itemize the lines on the parking lot pavement and the cracks in it, the bushes and weeds and the number of bark chips in the flower beds, the number and kinds of the bugs below the surface, and how many birds flew above.

Furthermore, he sees all and knows all in the all of Tacoma, and all of Washington, and the entire United States and all of the world.  All about the people who are and who were and who will be.  Not to mention all their thoughts, concerns and aspirations.  And all of the hairs on all of their heads as well!

It’s beyond bewildering.  It’s mind numbing!

David wrote about the exquisitely profound knowledge of the Lord: “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. … Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain” (Psalm 139:1-4, 6).

Combine the Lord’s omniscience (ability to know all things) with his omnipotence (almighty power), then stir in his boundless love for us, and we recognize we have a God we can absolutely rely upon.  Nothing is too complicated for the Lord to understand or unravel; nothing is too daunting for him to adjust or overcome.  How incredibly comforting this truth is!

God always knows where our car is, and our car keys too, (and anything else one might need to know!), because he’s got the ultimate view from above. 

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The Special You

The Special You

Have you ever stared in amazement as you observed someone performing some spectacular feat?  Whether on an athletic field or court, on a stage, or in another medium, we’ve all observed with awe the abilities of others.  In fact, each of us personally knows some incredibly talented folks; people who possess talents we can’t begin to duplicate.  Whether it be knowledge, an acquired ability or an inherent skill, there are many at whom we marvel.

Maybe the one you admire is a coworker who has proven to be exceptional at her work; perhaps a classmate who excels at athletics; possibly an acquaintance with unearthly technological know-how; a family member who is a natural conversationalist; or a church member who sings like an angel.  Chances are it’s not just one you admire, but many!  The list of talented people is long.  As is the list of talents you clearly don’t have.

And the temptation is always there to feel profoundly inadequate, boringly normal, stunningly average and spectacularly un-special.

All of which is profoundly incorrect!

The Lord has actually created you to be completely adequate for whatever special tasks he wants you to do.  You happen to be fascinatingly unique; your personality, experiences, interests and abilities all intertwine into a wonderful you.  In fact, you are exceedingly special!

At the risk of sounding like a life-coach, let me share a few reasons why you are indeed special.

The first reason you are a very special you is because of the personal talents that you possess.  While you may be in awe of the skills that others have, be assured that others are in awe of yours!  Those things which come easy to you, that you take for granted, and that others often compliment you about … those are unique gifts God has given you.  Perhaps you aren’t even aware of the talents you display, but those close to you certainly see them.  Undoubtedly you  have other gifts that you haven’t even discovered yet.  But rest assured that God has built you with some very special abilities.

Not only does the Lord endow you with unique physical or mental talents, but the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit blesses every single believer with at least one, and often several, spiritual gifts.  The Apostle Paul writes, “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed. … There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. … He distributes them to each one, just as he determines” (1 Corinthians 12:1, 4, 11).  There is great variety in the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit brings, but every Christian has been given at least one.  Yes, you are indeed special!

There’s a reason you were given your spiritual gift.  “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10).  In 1 Corinthians 12, the Lord provides a striking illustration of this truth.  He shows how every believer is a unique part of the body of Christ, (the Church) and thereby serves a unique and vital role for the Body.  None of us is the whole body; however each of us is a significant part.  (1 Corinthians 12:27).  Without our special contribution (ability!), the body is lacking.  With it, the body prospers.  This is no small thing!

Then there is that mind-boggling truth that all Christians have Christ living in them.  So not only are you connected to the Body of Christ, but Christ is embedded in you.  (Galatians 2:20).  This alone makes you wonderfully special!

But I’ve saved the best for last.  You are special because you are dearly loved by the Lord.  Yes, it’s true that he loves everyone.  While that’s a key point, it’s not the key point in this discussion.  Rather, I want to impress upon you that the Lord loves you! Yes, you!  You personally! As a matter of fact, he loves you dearly.  If you happened to be the only sinner on earth, the only existing person on the planet, Jesus still would have given his life to redeem you.  God doesn’t do something like that for just anyone; he only does it for special people.

Listen and take to heart these words from Scripture:  “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).

All of which makes it clear; you are indeed incredibly special.  You are unique and wonderful.  David marveled at his (and our) specialness and was moved to praise God because of it.  “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:13-14).

Don’t let Satan or anyone try to tell you otherwise; there is no one else on earth like the special you!

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The One Constant

The One Constant

Most people don’t care for change.  At least, not significant change.  A fair number of folks will even fight against change, perceiving significant change as significantly negative.

And while some adventurous souls actually enjoy mixing things up a bit now and then, everyone has their limits.  Radical change might be defined differently by different people, but everyone has adjustment boundaries they absolutely do not want to cross.

Ironically, despite our penchant for clinging to the familiar … everything is always changing!

In fact, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all systems, if left to themselves, move from a state of order to disorder.  This natural decline is called entropy.  (Also known as change!)  In other words, natural change isn’t just a happenstance; it’s a scientific necessity. 

Which is lousy news for all the hangers-on-to-how-it’s-always-been folks!  Because, let’s face it, change is everywhere, and it’s never ending.

Just this week we saw the transition of a new president.  He is the 46th person to hold that distinguished office in our nation.  That’s an ongoing stream of leadership change over our nation’s 245-year history!  But the rulers of this land, and the inhabitants of this land, were in flux long before the United States was formed.

Meanwhile the countries and borders on distant continents have been repeatedly altered as migrations and invasions and political upheavals have changed the face of nations.  And it’s not just boundaries that were changed, but style of government, laws of the land, local customs and language.  Over time even climates were transformed, and everything that climate impacts with them.

As the earth orbits the sun, the view of the night sky shifts and seasons are rotated.  The length of daylight and the average temperature changes.  The flora and fauna adjust.  People adjust too in regard to what they wear and what they do.  The seasonal hobbies and the sports seasons also change. 

Landscapes are altered.  Highways are adjusted.  Buildings are torn down and new ones built.  Companies begin and others end.  Restaurants and stores open while other close.  People change occupations and residences, and sometimes even states or countries.

Of course, COVID has brought an unending cascade of changes. 

Our bodies are in a state of unending transformation from conception to birth and all through life.  And the situations in our lives change too!  Even our relationships are being continually refashioned. 

Most significant of all, we experienced a drastic spiritual change when the Holy Spirit brought us to faith, which in turn drastically altered our spiritual destination as well!

Since our conversion, our faith in our Savior is always varying too!  It is never static but always dynamic.  Either our faith is growing, or it is shrinking.  (The results are directly linked to our exposure to God’s Word.)

There is no tiny fringe of our existence that is not impacted by change. 

Except one.  Our God doesn’t change.  Our God never changes.

God’s attributes (characteristics) haven’t changed.  The Lord is still eternal, almighty, and present everywhere.  He is still all-knowing.  He is still good and faithful.  He is still holy and righteous, but also merciful, gracious, loving and forgiving.

God’s promises haven’t changed either.  The unchanging God is still with us, and always will be.  The fact that God works everything for the good of his people won’t change either.  Nor will Jesus redemption of us, or his resurrection; those are unchanging facts.  Furthermore, God still has a special home prepared for us in heaven.  

God’s Word hasn’t changed, and God’s loving plans for us haven’t changed either.

The fact that our God doesn’t change … and isn’t changing … and won’t change is incredibly comforting at a time of incredible change and in a world overflowing with change.

The Bible reminds us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.  (James 1:17-18)

How extraordinary to have a God who doesn’t change – who is untouched by the Second Law of Thermodynamics (because he created it!).   The way God was … is the way God is … and the way God always will be.

So it turns out there are actually two constants, two changeless truths: change is everywhere … except, that is, in our unchanging God.

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Walking in Son-shine

Walking in Son-shine

I love to walk.  I will walk at any time of day and in any conditions, if responsibilities allow.  (Though I admit to being less fond of strolling through a downpour.)

The other day I had a narrow window between obligations, and the sun was shining.  Blue skies and sunshine in Western Washington at this time of year are exceedingly rare.  There was no hesitation; I went to a nearby park to amble around Wapato Lake a few times. 

Cedars reflected off the still lake surface.  White waves of altostratus undulatus clouds flowed in striking fashion across the blue background of the sky.  Mallards and coots paddled lazily across the lake surface.  An eagle plunged into the water to pluck an unfortunate fish from its leisurely swim, then soared back to the raucous uproar of its eaglets in a nest atop the tallest tree alongside the lake. 

People were smiling and amiable.  Walk-buddies carried on deep discussions.  Children deliberately careened their scooters through standing puddles.  Best of all, none of the many leashed dogs tried to bite me or even bark at rival canines.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable and uplifting experience.

It struck me midway through my hike that one of the main reasons the hike was so delightful, for me and for others, was directly associated with the sunshine beaming down on us.  Walking in the light of sunbeams generally makes for a pleasant disposition!

Now this is no astounding insight.  Most understand the benefits of sunshine.  Studies show that just 10-15 minutes of sun exposure a day can boost one’s health.  Sunshine provides both a mood boost through the release of serotonin, as well as an increase in production of the crucial vitamin D.  In addition, absorbing just a bit of sunshine can actually assist in sleep, as it helps regulate our circadian rhythm (our internal clock).

This is understood innately by folks who reside in our neck of the woods where overcast dominates from October to May.  Many folks west of the Cascade Mountains wrestle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression.  For much of 8 months, there is no sunshine in which to bask.  Consequently, when the glowing rays of the sun break through the clouds in western Washington, doors bang open and people flood outside to immerse themselves in sparkling, glorious sunshine!  (Trust me, that is not hyperbole!)

I already recognized all these things before setting out on my stroll.  But I did have this sudden epiphany.  On my saunter in the sunlight, it occurred to me that there are emotional and spiritual parallels to the light of the sun.

If I asked you to visualize the sky based on current events, what does that view look like?  Or if you prefer, visualize it based on the words you are hearing or reading.  I would argue both are closely related.  How does your personal airspace appear?

My guess is that most would describe their skies as gray, overcast, rainy and gloomy.  There seems to be precious little sunshine in our world these days!

To which I reply, “It’s time for you and me to walk in the Light!”

Now I’m not suggesting that we’ve been walking in the darkness.  But most of us have definitely been hanging out in the dreary dusk.  Let the Son-shine in!

The Apostle John begins his gospel with this beaming description of our Savior:  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. … The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world” (John 1:1-5, 9).

Just reading through those words is like throwing open the shades to find and feel the sunshine on our faces.  Or rather, Son-shine!  We need more Son-shine in our lives!

How might we break free from the gloom?  Here’s my suggestion: carefully screen what you are seeing on your screens.  There is an abundance of negativity fogging viewpoints.  The news is full of downers.  Social media is rife with conflict.  Attitudes abound in society.  Even families are in conflict.  If that’s what we are looking at and what we are listening to, the low-hanging clouds will continue to hang low around us.

Of course, it’s important that we are at least minimally informed on current events.  But being minimally informed demands minimal time! 

Much better if we are perambulating in the light of God’s Word and the Son-shine of our Savior.  Much more beneficial if we are immersing ourselves in the words that our Lord shares, and the wonders our Savior has done … and is still doing. 

The Holy Spirit addresses this very thing when he inspired the psalmist to write, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105).  Because just like the benefits that exposure to the rays of the sun bring, so time with the Son boosts our mood, increases our vitamin D-elight, and enables us to sleep more soundly.

So walk in the Son, and soak up the spiritual benefits!

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