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A Telling Touch

A Telling Touch

Eli was back with the flock.  He was exhausted, but he wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon.  Not just because his eyes needed to be on the sheep this morning as usual, but because the extremely unusual night he had experienced.

He wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t personally lived it.  Fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he reflected on the events of the previous hours.

Once again at nightfall, despair had been overwhelming him.  In the quiet of the evening when the flock was bedded down, it often hit him hard.  Those were the moments he missed his tender wife and young children.  The shepherds had a rotation of sorts where one of them could occasionally enjoy some family time.  Those were precious, but the reality was that Eli still spent more time with the sheep than his loved ones.  He missed them so much!

And while in the fields, he was exposed to the elements and whatever they might bring.  He was well “weathered” after all these years.  But being able to handle the conditions and enjoying them were two completely different things.  Being drenched by the rain and then spending the night shivering from the chill never became easier or even a little bit enjoyable. 

Then there were the potential predators on the flock, both animal and human.  Shepherding had inherent dangers.  One never knew what the next day would bring.

Couple those challenges with the reality that as a shepherd he wallowed at the very bottom rung of Jewish society like the cursed swine made his situation even harder to endure.  Despite the fact that he was overseeing the sheep and lambs destined for the temple sacrifices, he was still a lowly shepherd –  despised, ridiculed and ignored.  He wasn’t sure which was worse: being pointedly ignored or being openly sneered at by the “higher citizens.”  The tax collectors and dung sweepers had nothing over him; they were all equally ostracized!

Eli was constantly battling discouragement.  It wasn’t the sheep; he loved the sheep and their quirky ways!  Nor was it the other shepherds.  Thankfully, they were devout men who loved to discuss the Scriptures and the promises of God, which certainly made the days more enjoyable.  Rather, it was the ramifications of the occupation. 

Granted, he had it better than the typical shepherds who were banned by Jewish law to the wilderness with their flocks.  All the drawbacks of the job were doubled for them.  Overseeing the temple flock had its perks.  But still, he struggled. 

Last night he had been spiraling downhill mentally and emotionally – sliding inexorably deeper into despair.  He didn’t know how to halt the descent, and he wasn’t even sure he wanted to.  Hope was a dying thing, flitting and fluttering like a moth flying toward the flames.

And then the angels had appeared!  And then they had shared the message that the Messiah was born in Bethlehem!  And then they had told the shepherds where to find him!  “Wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Even though the shepherds never abandoned the flock, there was no hesitation.  They had to find the Baby, the Messiah, the Christ – the Promised One the whole nation had been awaiting so very long.

The search began immediately.  Fortunately, Bethlehem was a little town, so it was only a matter of time until they located the Newborn.  And it was just as the angels said it would be!  The Baby was swaddled and settled into a feeding trough for livestock, resting amidst dried slobber and circled by flies.  What an unlikely cradle for the King!

His exhausted mother was covered with a blanket and resting on the straw; her emotionally spent husband alternating between tending to her and the Child.  Both were startled when the shepherds materialized out of the darkness; stunned when they explained why. 

The little Boy looked like just another newborn, but clearly he was so much more.  Cherubim don’t herald the birth of normal babies. 

The shepherds were enthralled by the Babe, joy overflowing from their hearts.  God had indeed kept his promise!  However, they were conscious that we were intruding on a very private moment.  Finally, Eli was compelled to speak.  “We’re sorry that we burst in on you.”

Joseph smiled and replied, “It seems clear you were meant to come.”  The herdsmen all nodded in agreement.  Joseph continued, “We are supposed to share this occasion.”

Mary spoke quietly, “You will always be remembered for your devotion.  You will always be honored.”  Tears poured from the sheep-keepers’ eyes.  They were the kindest words ever spoken to them by strangers.

Eli wondered if it were true.  And if it was true, would it be enough to pull him from the depths of his despair?

It was then that he noticed one of Jesus’ arms had broken free from the bundled clothes … his tiny fingers seemingly reaching for him.  Without considering the propriety of his request, Eli asked if he could touch the Babe.  “Of course,” replied Mary.

Baby Jesus was staring at him with unblinking eyes.  Eli stretched his calloused hand toward the tiny tender one.  The little fingers gripped his forefinger with surprising strength, and a gentle jolt rolled through his body.  Jesus kept eye contact with him and a youthful voice sounded in his mind, clear as could be.  “I love you.  I will save you and all who trust in me.  Have hope.  This life is temporary.  Heaven is forever.”  The fingers squeezed, and then released.

Eli’s eyes grew wide and he gasped.  Joseph and Mary asked together, “What just happened?”  He couldn’t answer for a moment as tears rolled freely down his cheeks.  He swallowed.  Swallowed again.  Finally, he managed a quiet but emotional reply, “He is a very special Boy.”

The shepherds left shortly afterwards; they didn’t want to intrude too long.  But they went through the town announcing the angels’ message excitedly to anyone they met in those early hours.  Didn’t matter to the shepherds that they were considered outcasts; they had news that must be shared.

Eventually they made it back to the flocks.  Of course, the Lord had watched over the sheep while they embarked on their mission.  As they restocked the fire and ate their breakfasts, the men couldn’t stop chattering about the events of the previous hours.  How blessed they were! 

One by one the others drifted off to sleep.  But not Eli.  Eli wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.

Eli had told everyone he possibly could about the angels’ message.  But he kept the Baby’s message to himself.  If no one believed what the glorious angels had proclaimed, they certainly wouldn’t believe what a lowly shepherd said.  But Eli knew what Jesus had told him was true, and he treasured his words.  O, how he treasured his words. 

He had been given hope by a little Baby.  No, by a great Lord … by his very Savior!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I do not ever desire to present our Savior in a mystical manner.  I certainly had no intention of doing so with this story.  

Do I believe that something like this actually happened?  No.  Probably not.  Do I believe that something like this could happen?  Yes!  After all, he was the Son of God, and I am extremely uncomfortable with limiting Him in any way.

While we know that Jesus willingly restricted himself in regard to the full use of his divine attributes while on earth, (Philippians 2:7), we don’t understand exactly how Jesus approached this.  We aren’t even able to comprehend the concept when he was an adult.  What did he understand as an infant in the manger?  What might he have chosen to do in special circumstances?  The truth is no one is able to truly know.

The point I am trying to make with this story is simply that it was love that brought our Savior to earth, love that drove him throughout his earthly life and ultimately to the cross, and love that still moves him.  Love for you and me.  Love that positively impacts our day-to-day lives.  Love that provides hope when there would seem to be no cause for it.  Love that has provided forgiveness and an incredible and eternal destiny for us.

How blessed were the shepherds.  How blessed are we!

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2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Luke 2:1-20
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register.

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Philippians 2:6-11
Christ Jesus … being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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Keeping Things Under Control

Keeping Things Under Control

“Lord, help me!  Please help me!” Tommy cried out.  “Everything seems crazy and out of control!”

He was sitting on the edge of his bed following another frantic and frenetic day.  Tommy was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted; weary to the bone from the non-stop turmoil in his life. 

Tears flowed down his cheeks as he bared his soul to the Lord.  His heart was heavy; his mind burdened; his body drained.  He didn’t know how much longer he could continue to chase after orderliness in the disorder of his world.

“Everything is chaos, Lord!  Are you unaware, or are you too busy?”  Tommy wasn’t angry or accusing.  Just confused.  More tears dropped to the floor between his feet.  “I know you are supposed to know and control all things, but I’m really struggling here, Lord.  I’m feeling overwhelmed and all alone.”

A sob racked his body.  He clenched his eyelids closed, pushing more water out, and shook his head in sorrow.  He dropped his head to his hands, his elbows resting on his knees, utterly dejected.

Lost in his thoughts, he gradually became aware of a subtle shift in the room.  He sensed movement and felt a slight breeze.  The air seemed to bristle with subdued energy.  Startled, he lifted his head and opened his eyes.

His bedroom was gone, replaced by a sphere that surrounded him … the rounded walls barely discernable in the darkness.  That was strange enough.

But even stranger were the balls whirling through the air and circling around the interior of the sphere.  There was no uniformity to their paths; each ball’s direction of travel and speed unique.  Collisions were common, causing wild ricochets and changes of course.

Each ball was a different color: some red, some green, some blue, and so on, with many a hue represented. 

Tommy gasped.  “What is this?” he wondered, as he stared wide-eyed at this unexpected display.

There was a tiny flash of light, and the face of Jesus materialized on the wall across from him.  Jesus spoke.  “This, Tommy, is a view of all of the varied aspects of your life.  Each colored ball represents a unique feature.  Some colored balls stand for possessions; others for talents; others for activities; others for responsibilities; others for relationships; and still others for other things altogether.  I’ll spare you the specifics, and simply say … this sphere is your life, and the balls inside it are the details.”

Tommy didn’t know where to look.  He alternated between gawking at the circling balls and Jesus’ face, his mouth hanging open.  Jesus smiled warmly at Tommy’s consternation.

“There are so many, Lord!  So many balls!  So many colors!  So many different directions!  So many collisions!”

“Yes, I know,” Jesus replied.

Tommy exclaimed in exasperation, “I knew it!  I’ve felt it!  Everything in my life is clearly spinning out of control!”

“It does appear that way, doesn’t it?” Jesus stated.  He paused, then continued, “Tommy, I’d like you to take a moment to get these many things under control.”  Startled, Tommy looked at the Lord.  He raised his hands, palms upward, questioningly.  “Go ahead, Tommy,” Jesus instructed.

Tommy hesitantly began attempting to snatch some of the balls swirling around him.  He actually managed to catch a few of the slower ones, but when he set a seized ball down, it would roll away, pick up speed and return to orbit.  Exasperated after just a few moments, he exclaimed, “I can’t!  There are too many!  And they won’t stand still!”

Jesus smiled again.  “You’re absolutely right.  There are too many, and you can’t control them.”

“That’s what I said before, Lord.  Everything in my life is chaos!”

“And as I said before,” Jesus stated, “it does appear that way, doesn’t it?”  The Lord looked intently into Tommy’s eyes.  “But here’s what you need to understand.  What you see in this sphere right now – that’s your view of things.  What you see is chaos.  Now I will show you my view of things.”

There was a ripple that swept across the interior of Tommy’s sphere, a single wave of muted silver.  As it reached the swirling balls, they dove into position, forming a seemingly solid panel of balls to the right of Tommy.  The many colors were all aligned, forming lovely concentric borders around a maroon center panel.  And in that panel, white balls spelled this message from the Lord: “I’ve got ALL THIS under control.”

Tommy was overwhelmed with awe.  Joy, peace, and thankfulness flooded through him, filling his entire being.  Tears flowed anew.  This time, not of sorrow, but of profound gratitude.  “Thank you, Jesus, for showing me this.  Thank you for controlling the chaos in my life.”

“You’re welcome, Tommy.  But I have one more thing to show you yet.”

At Jesus’ words, Tommy felt himself expanding; his eyes slowly lifting beyond the boundaries of his life sphere. As they cleared, he took in an astounding view.  All around him were swirling spheres – unenumerable multi-colored spheres, traveling every which way and bouncing wildly off one another. 

“This, Tommy, is a representation of the cosmos … again, every different colored sphere a different aspect.  Some living; some non-living.  And again, this is your view.”

Jesus paused.  “Now let me show you my view.”

In similar fashion the ripple of silver swept over all the spheres, and they dropped into a gigantic, magnificent pattern.  And there, displayed in the center was another message from God – a humongous one!  “I’ve got ALL THIS under control TOO!”

Another ripple of silver swung over Tommy, the view dissipated and he was back in his room, sitting on his bed.  He felt refreshed; invigorated.  He felt hope.  What an incredible insight he had been given by his Savior.  He bowed his head and prayed fervently, “Thank you, Lord, for keeping everything under control.  I will trust in you.”

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Proverbs 20:24
A person’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand their own way?

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Colossians 1:15-17
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Isaiah 45:11-12
“This is what the LORD says— the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands? It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.

Psalm 46:1-3, 7, 10-11
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. … The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. … He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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Advancing into the Unknown

Advancing into the Unknown

Dark, impenetrable fog enveloped Chase like swirling eddies in a muddy river; like thick, black smoke pouring from a roaring fire.  He could see nothing – nothing! – but the shifting and roiling banks of murk all around him.

That was disconcerting enough.  The pounding waves banging the bow of his boat relentlessly was also rather alarming.  But even that wasn’t the most troubling aspect of his situation.  The recognition that he was drifting swiftly and inexorably forward into the hiddenness ahead of him was terrifying!

What dangers awaited him in the unseen waters?  What challenges was he about to face with no advance recognition and no possible preparation?  Sharp and sturdy tree branches to impale him?  Partially submerged roots to puncture his boat?  Protruding boulders to upend him?  Tight twists of the river or fierce rapids to negotiate blindly?  Waterfalls to plunge over?  The potential risks were innumerable!

It hadn’t always been that way.  There had been times when the visibility was clear, destinations were discernable, water conditions were calm with the weather desirable, and Chase could direct his boat fairly efficiently and as he saw fit.

Or at least, so it seemed.  It was interesting how often he intended to arrive at one destination only to land at another!  He thought he was a proficient navigator and boatsman, but his past record indicated otherwise.  It was one of the more bewildering (and troubling!) aspects of his previous journeys.

But on this day at this time, things appeared dire and beyond dangerous.  Chase was completely discombobulated by the all-encompassing fog he was drifting through.  What should he do?  Which way should he go?  Should he actively paddle or actively “brake?”  If only he could see through the murkiness, he could orient himself!

The waves pounding and rocking the boat seemed to be increasing in intensity.  That would seem to indicate an approaching rapids with all its associated risks.  Rough water was disconcerting even when one could see the boulders and the drop offs.  Bouncing through “white-water” blind was madness!

Chase had never felt so helpless.  The cloying clouds left him feeling claustrophobic and vulnerable.  He wanted to beat visibility out of the invisibility, but sweeping his paddle through the air accomplished nothing.  It only accentuated his dilemma.

In desperation, he cried out to God.  “Please, Lord, clear the darkness!  Open my vision!  Show me what I need to see!”

To his amazement, Chase sensed a bright glow forming above him.  He lifted his eyes and watched in astonishment as a ray of brilliant sunshine knifed downward through the gloom, driving through the darkness, drawing ever closer.  It wasn’t the distilled light that one typically experienced in the fog.  Rather, it was clear and bright, and repelled the swirling darkness as the beam stretched toward him.

“The Lord has answered my prayer!” thought Chase.  “I’ll finally be able to see again!”

But his consternation rose as it became clear that the beam wasn’t cutting a path to the unseen before him.  Instead, it was descending to a place behind him.

Lower and lower the beam tore through the fog.  Still it was aimed behind him; it’s trajectory in line with the back of his boat.  Chase wondered what good that would do him, but still he watched in fascination.  He couldn’t take his eyes off the brilliant point of the approaching light.

And then he gasped!  Before reaching the deck of his boat, the beam illuminated something totally unexpected.  Jesus was sitting behind him, manning the rudder!

The Lord smiled.  “Hello, Chase.  And you were concerned?”

Tears rolled down Chase’s cheeks, and he gave a weak grin.  He sighed contentedly.  “No.  Not anymore.”  And for the first time since entering the bewildering fog of uncertainty, he relaxed.  He couldn’t see the waters ahead, but he knew who was steering him from behind.  And that was incredibly comforting.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Psalm 48:14
For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.

Isaiah 42:16
I, [the LORD], will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.

Exodus 15:11, 13
Who among the gods is like you, LORD? Who is like you — majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? … In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

Psalm 139:1-12
You have searched me, LORD, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

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Will God’s People Fight for Him? (A Story with Alternate Endings)

Will God’s People Fight for Him? (A Story with Alternate Endings)

Prelude to Story One and Story Two

The glowing cross dominated the pinnacle of the hill, illuminating the slopes sweeping downwards.  The military tents and soldiers spread across the hillside’s flanks were clearly visible in the light of the cross.  A captain and his lieutenant perched on a ledge above the camp.

Camped in the heights, the unit of soldiers held the high ground, and had the cross above them, but the commander was concerned nonetheless.  The heavy, roiling darkness was distinctly evident in the distance, casting a dismal shadow over the territory below, and on the people moving about in that lower land.  There was power – a great and evil power – spawning that swirling mass; a lurking and ever-present threat.  It was drawing closer.

The lieutenant noticed where the captain’s attention was directed.  “Our Lord is greater than the enemy,” he stated quietly.

“Oh, I know,” replied the captain.  “Much greater.  And the Lord definitely fights for his people.  But he typically chooses to fight through his people.” 

The captain turned to his second.  “And that is the crucial point.  How many of our warriors are ready to battle?”  He paused, then added, “And how many are ready to battle together?”

“I presume all of them,” was the startled reply.

“That’s a dangerous and probably faulty assumption.  Despite our attempts to train them, some might think they can battle better alone.  Others might not be prepared for the realities of conflict.  Still others may not think it is even necessary to fight – that there is no danger.”

“What should we do?”

“Try to warn them.  Try to prepare them.  Try to train them.  Try to mobilize them.”

“That’s what we’ve been doing!”

“Yes, and that’s what we must keep doing.  Either they will respond and engage, or they will not, and this hill will be overrun.”

The lieutenant’s eyes grew wide.   He swallowed and shifted uncomfortably.  “Would the Lord actually let that happen?”

“If these soldiers will not unite and fight for him, he will turn his attention … and his blessing … to others who will.”  A chill ran through the young lieutenant.  The commander put his arm around the other’s shoulder.  “It is a hard truth, but a truth nonetheless.  Why don’t we assess the troops?”

The Battle – Story One, Part Two

The commander and his assistant quietly dropped down the slope and into camp.  The soldiers, men and women, young and old, were gathered around fires, facing the flickering flames and one another. They discussed innocuous matters intently; a number of them were even bickering.  Only a few actually wore their armor; most had carelessly strewn their protective gear around the camp.  Fewer still had their swords strapped to their hips.

The captain shook his head and hissed in frustration.  Taking a deep breath, he barked out, “Attention, everyone!”  The soldiers casually stood up and turned their attention to him.  A few in more removed positions actually rolled their eyes.

The commander slowly shifted his gaze across the troops.  “My first question is, why is no one guarding the perimeter, as commanded?  My second question is, why are most of you without your armor and your weapons?”

Most dropped their eyes, but one arrogant man stared straight into the captain’s face and replied, “The answer to both is the same: because we are on the hill and in the light of the cross.  We are completely safe from attack here.  No special measures are needed.”

The captain stared at him, then said, “Do you not see the cloud of evil approaching for attack?  Have you not noticed that the dark shadows and the people living in them are encroaching on our slopes?  Our portion on this hill has shrunken; our purchase here has become more tenuous.”

“Are you saying the Lord is losing his power?”

“Absolutely not!  I am saying the soldiers’ dedication to the Lord is waning!”

The insolent soldier smirked.  “Some leader you are!  This hill and this cross will always be here and will always be ours!”

The commander shook his head sadly.  “Turn your eyes outward, soldiers.  Look over the shadows!  Do you see the other hills out there?  Some are still lit by the cross; a few bear brilliant shining ones.  But most of the hills that used to be lit are now dark.”  The soldiers shifted their views outward; a few actually seemed shaken by what they saw.  The captain continued, “The cross of Jesus will always shine somewhere, but there is no guarantee it will always shine here!”

A few took their leader’s words to heart and began strapping on their gear, but most clearly dismissed his admonition.  The captain rested his hands on his hips.  “So tell me, what are your concerns – besides dismissing the danger?”

A quiet murmuring arose, as soldiers furtively glanced at one another.  Finally a young woman spoke.  “There is no one my age or like me to fight beside, so I’m not really feeling it.”

Another stated, “A fellow soldier upset me, so I don’t really want to fight alongside him.”

The individuals got bolder, and more comments were given voice.  “I’m clearly too old,” said one. 

“I’m too young for serious warfare,” said another.

“I’m disabled; there is nothing I can do,” offered someone.

“I’d be glad to battle for the cross, but I’m just too busy,” said a shrugging soldier. 

“I’m looking for fun, not conflict,” said another. 

“I don’t think this hill and the lighted cross on it are really that relevant anymore,” stated yet another. 

A voice from the back added, “You’re the captain; you will do what needs to be done to keep the cross lit here.  You don’t really need us.”

Tears of sorrow rolled down the captain’s cheeks.  So many potential soldiers; so few determined to fight for the Lord.  He watched as small groups from the ranks broke away and trudged down the hill, their armor disregarded.  As they approached the shadows, arrows erupted from darkness and viciously cut them down. Suddenly a hideous roar arose from the gloom, and a huge mass swelled up the hill in attack.  The darkness advanced and the boundary of the light on that hill diminished significantly.

The Battle – Story Two, Part Two

The commander and his assistant quietly dropped down the slope and into camp.  The soldiers, men and women, young and old, were all fully armored, with their swords by their sides or in their grasp, being sharpened.  Sentries were stationed at key spots around the camp, watching alertly for danger.  Everyone’s attention was focused outward, at the potential danger in the shadows, but also keenly watching for opportunities to recruit to their numbers.  Their conversations focused on the most effective battle techniques.

The captain shook his head and smiled in satisfaction.  Taking a deep breath, he called out, “Attention, everyone!”  The soldiers briskly stood and turned toward him.

The commander slowly rolled his gaze over the troops.  “My first compliment is that you are guarding the perimeter, as commanded.  My second compliment is that you are fully armored up and properly armed.  Well done!  You are prepared for battle, as you should be.”

Most smiled silently, but one confident man looked with large eyes into the captain’s face and replied, “Just because we are on the hill and in the light of the cross does not mean that we are completely safe from attack here.  Special precautions are always needed.”

The captain looked back at him, and nodded, “You see the cloud of evil approaching for attack.  You have noticed that the dark shadows and the people living in them are trying to encroach on the slopes.  Our portion on this hill can certainly shrink; our purchase here can always become more tenuous.”

“The Lord will never lose his power!”

“Definitely not!  But he is pleased to use warriors who are willing to fight for him!”

The sincere soldier smiled.  “You are a fine leader!  With God’s help, your leadership, and our willingness to fight with you, this hill and this cross will always be here and will always be ours!”

“Thank you for your kind words.  But thank you especially for your readiness and eagerness to fight with me for our Lord.  With his blessing, the cross will always shine brightly from this hill!”

The gathered soldiers were nodding solemnly.  The captain rested his hands on his hips.  “So tell me, what are your concerns in the face of the constant danger?”

A quiet murmuring arose, as soldiers furtively glanced at one another.  Finally, a young woman spoke.  “There is no one my age or like me to fight beside, but I am committed to recruiting some others.”

Another stated, “A fellow soldier upset me, but I am determined to let it go for the greater good.  I will fight for him and with him.”

The individuals got bolder, and more comments were given voice.  “I’m clearly too old to do much,” said one, “but I will stand watch and blow the warning trumpet when needed, and I will fill a gap in the ranks as best I can!”

“I’m too young for serious warfare,” said another, “but I will bring food and encouragement to the fighters.”

“I’m disabled, but I will find something I can do,” offered someone.  “And I can still pray for the other warriors!”

“I’d be glad to battle for the cross, but I’m so very busy,” said a third.  “But I will reset my priorities and adjust my schedule so I can fight with the rest.  And I will give generously of my profits to support this crucial war.”

“I’m looking for fun, not conflict,” said another.  “So I am looking forward to celebrating with everyone when the victory is won!” she announced with a grin.

“I have wondered if this hill and the lighted cross on it are really that relevant anymore,” stated yet another.  “But as I see the approaching shadows, I recognize that it is.  I will fight!”

A voice from the back added, “You’re the captain; you will do what needs to be done to keep the cross lit here.  And we will follow you and battle by your side to make sure it does!”

Tears of joy rolled down the captain’s cheeks.  So many potential soldiers, and everyone determined to fight for the Lord in whatever way they could.  He looked on as the guards continued their diligent watch, and as the warriors in camp readied themselves for conflict.  Lower on the hill, a band of warriors drove suddenly into the darkness, swinging their swords.  Suddenly a joyous roar arose from the hillside, and more warriors swarmed down the slope and joined the attack.  The boundary of the light on that hill broadened significantly.

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Obviously, this is an oversimplification of complex dynamics and spiritual warfare.  Yet it’s not altogether inaccurate to the realities.  Where God’s people are prepared to fight for the Lord’s Kingdom, there God bestows profound blessings on their battles for Him.  Where excuses reign, there the darkness advances.

Simple as these stories may be, I pray that they provide the opportunity for serious contemplation.  I have always maintained that simple stories can sometimes carry powerful messages.  God grant that these stories are exactly that!

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1 Peter 5:8-11
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 6:10-18
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

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Before They Call

Before They Call

“Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24)

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The sheer brilliance was blinding.  It radiated from the three thrones; the glory of God emanating everywhere and illuminating everything.  No forms or figures could be discerned at its source; just billions of twirling, multi-colored, needle-sized beams exploding outward while pulsating waves of glory rotated rapidly around the thrones’ inhabitants.

Meanwhile ranks and ranks of angels in tidy rows circled the Lord, barely discernable in the brilliance – sheer shadows of white in the brightness.  They were arrayed in ascending rows, as in a massive amphitheater, though there was no structure beneath them. 

At the Lord’s command, an angel would drop through the “floor” and streak away on the Lord’s task.  Shortly thereafter another would fill its spot, the ranks being continually depleted, resupplied and reshuffled.  Their numbers were beyond count, yet each had a unique name – every angel’s name and current location known by the Lord.

Hundreds of thousands of silent and personal commands were issued simultaneously from the throne, evidenced by the hundreds of thousands of angels simultaneously dispatched.  The entire process presented a dazzling display of heavenly choreography.

While the Lord’s messengers carried out a multitude of different tasks, at least some of them were sent in answer to prayers.  They awaited the King’s commands and carried out his will immediately and perfectly.

“Leonine, Candice’s car broke down in a rough part of town and she has asked me for help.  Go!  Protect and provide for her!”  Leonine uttered a “Yes, Lord!” as she sped away at an unimaginable speed.

“Semptor, Brian has a long drive and a tight timeline to arrive at his destination.  He is praying that all goes well.  Ensure that it does.”  “Gladly!” replied Semptor as he rocketed to the freeway.

“Bronho, Jim is praying for the extra funds to pay for his unexpected vehicle repair.  Make it happen.”  “Of course, Lord!” as he dropped from the “arena.”

“Sosooth, Liz is heartbroken and begging for comfort.  Bring her some.”  “On my way!”

Occasionally the dispatches involved more than lone angels.  Then the discourse sounded more like this: “The entire congregation at Amazing Grace Church is praying earnestly for a revival in their ministry.  Satan is working against them furiously.  Level 4, positions 45 to 245, bring the counter-attack, drive back the demons, and smooth the path for my people there!” “To the battle!” they roared as 200 angels swooped in impressive synchronicity from the arena, their blazing swords already drawn.

But not every situation was quite as straightforward as these.  Sometimes God’s instructions were a bit different.

“Savrath, Tammy is pleading for a certain ‘door’ to ‘be opened.’  Keep it securely closed.  It would be disastrous if she went through it.  We will address her need another way – a better way.”  “Certainly, O King!”

“Aaolor, Sheila continues to beg for an answer to her dilemma.  As you know while awaiting my instruction, she has been praying for weeks now.  She hasn’t yet gained the full insight she needs, and circumstances aren’t quite right yet.  But we are much closer now.  Be prepared to bring her long-awaited answer!” “Absolutely, Lord.”

“Brixon, Ben is about to experience an accident.  When it occurs, he will be praying for help.  You will go when he calls.”  “I’ll be ready, Lord.”

“Tomtor, Greg is really struggling.  He knows he needs help and is exhausting every avenue he can find, but still hasn’t turned to me.  He should know better, and he will eventually realize he needs assistance that only I can provide.  Stand by.”  “Of course, Lord.  When will he finally pray?  “Two weeks from now.  Be prepared.”

“Zuzang, as promised Amy has finally prayed about her broken relationship.  You have been waiting a very long time to bring some resolution there.  I am finally able to answer her prayer.” “How long have I been waiting, Lord?” “We have both been waiting, Zuzang.  And the answer is 65 years.  Still, you have waited patiently and faithfully.  Now go!”  “At last!” the angel shouted as she finally left her place.

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How does the Lord answer believers’ prayers?  Does he sometimes miraculously intervene from heaven independent of the angels?  Undoubtedly!  Are there other times he utilizes the angels?  Again, I say, undoubtedly.  Can we fully understand the process?  Of course not.  The Lord answers our prayers as he sees fit in his timing and in his manner.

Consequently, I recognize that this story is over-simplistic.  For example, I suspect that when the Lord sends angels to bring answers to his people, he gives them much more specific instructions.  But then, perhaps not.  Perhaps the angels don’t need more details; they already understand what the loving Lord wants done.  Or perhaps the Lord guides their ministrations.  But finally it’s not important.  We trust our trustworthy God to care for us.

The primary point of this presentation is this: Our God is always eager to answer our prayers.  He has commanded us to bring our prayers to him and promised he will answer them.  (Sometimes with a “Yes,” sometimes with “No,” and sometimes with “Wait.”)  But God always answers every prayed prayer! 

How unfortunate that God’s people don’t bring their requests to him more regularly (and more quickly!) so that he can faithfully answer them.  Because he will when we do.  In fact, he already has answers waiting for prayers we haven’t even lifted to him yet. 

So pray, God’s people.  Pray!  And rejoice that the Lord responds to every single request in infinite wisdom, boundless power, and unending love.

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(Psalm 17:6)
I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.

(Psalm 34:15)
The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry;

(Psalm 62:8)
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

(Psalm 145:18-19)
The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.

(Jeremiah 29:11-13)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

(Jeremiah 33:2-3)
“This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you …’”

(Matthew 7:7-8)
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

(John 16:23-24)
“Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.  Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”

(Philippians 4:6-7)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)
Pray continually,

(Hebrews 4:16)
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

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I Met the Risen Lord!

I Met the Risen Lord!

My name is Simon, son of John.  However, most of you know me by another name: the Apostle Peter.

And yes, it’s true!  I met the risen Lord Jesus!  Of course, I actually saw him multiple times.  The Gospel writers described many of the accounts, and Paul provided a partial list of Jesus’ appearances in 1 Corinthians 15.  I was blessed to be present at most of those occurrences.

But today I am finally going to share the details of Easter afternoon when Jesus appeared just to me.  Both Luke and Paul mention it, (Lk. 24:34, 1 Cor. 15:5), but never before have the specifics been passed along.  The details weren’t shared because they weren’t necessary to establish that Jesus truly was alive and seen by many.  But primarily they weren’t shared because they were intensely personal to me.

Let me begin by providing some background.

Some have called me impetuous, and I can’t deny it.  I’ve been known to blurt things out without always thinking things through.  Sometimes this leads to good comments on my part; sometimes not so good.

A positive example would be when Jesus asked who we, the disciples, thought he was and I replied, “You are the Messiah, the Son of God” (Matthew 16:16).  Jesus said this was revealed to me by the Heavenly Father.  A negative example was recorded just a few verses later when I tried to tell Jesus that he would never … must never … be killed by his enemies.  Jesus indicated that these words were coming from Satan.  Not one of my better moments.

My comments are scattered throughout the Gospels; more by far than any other disciple.  Some of them I’m proud to claim; others I wish I could take back.  Always though I tended to make things interesting.  Sometimes my words actually led Jesus to share wonderful stories and truths that the Church will always treasure.

My impetuosity also resulted in landing me in some rather interesting predicaments.  Perhaps the most well-known was the time I climbed out of a boat in the middle of the storm-ravaged Galilean Sea and actually walked on top of the waves toward Jesus!  Unfortunately, that also happened to be the time I began to sink just moments later as doubts crept in.  Thankfully, Jesus intervened.

Jesus.  He always said the right thing; always did the right thing; always dealt with me (and with everyone!) in love.  He was so wise.  So strong.  So exceptional.

My love for him was anything but an impetuous emotion.  It was, and is, a deep-seated and abiding devotion.  He was the most remarkable individual I ever met.  But then, he was the Son of God!

Which is why the events leading up to his death troubled me so very much.  Or more specifically, my words and actions.  I bungled everything. 

When the Lord began washing our feet before the Passover Meal, I told him he would never wash my feet.  When he replied, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me,” I overcompensated and asked him to wash my hands and head as well.  Jesus made it clear that wasn’t necessary. (John 13:8-10).

Later, as Jesus was warning us that we, his own disciples, would abandon him that evening, I informed him I never would.  That’s when Jesus told me I would not only abandon him, but I would disown him three times before the rooster crowed twice.  And I insisted emphatically, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you” (Mark 14:29-31).  Yeah, we all know how that unfolded.  All four Gospels recorded my stupendous failure to back up my boast.

It wasn’t long after my rash and foolish words that Jesus asked James, John and myself to watch with him as he poured out his heart to his Heavenly Father in the Garden.  And we failed him – three times!  I failed him three times!

I actually tried to keep my word and fight for Jesus when the mob came to arrest him.  I was fully ready to lay down my life for my Lord, even swinging my sword at an overly aggressive individual and slicing off his ear.  But Jesus scolded me and ordered me to sheath my weapon.  Then he actually healed the wound!  I didn’t understand, and clearly I had disappointed Jesus yet again.

Later that evening in my fear, I denied him … exactly as he predicted I would.  And at that moment Jesus turned and looked at me, (Luke 22:61), and I remembered.  I’ll never forget my Lord’s expression.  It was a look of love, but also of profound sadness.  The shame and self-loathing overwhelmed me, and I ran outside and cried harder than I’ve ever cried in my entire life.

I share all of this to provide insight into my frame of mind at that time.  My grief at the death of Jesus was profound.  My Teacher, my Lord, and my best Friend had been tortured and crucified.  I couldn’t believe it had happened!  And it had happened so suddenly, and it seemed to make no sense!  All of this was a factor in my deep sorrow.  But it was compounded by my personal failures.  How could I have failed my Jesus so significantly?

I couldn’t shake my melancholy the entire weekend.

Then came the day I’ll never forget.  I, the rest of Jesus’ apostles and a number of his closest followers were closeted in a secret place.  We were certain that since Jesus was dead, his enemies would come after us as well. 

Early Sunday morning we were awoken by banging on the door.  As we staggered to our feet, those of us who had swords or weapons armed ourselves … convinced our hiding place had been found and determined not to be taken as meekly as Jesus had seemed to be.

But it wasn’t soldiers at the door; it was a group of excited women!  Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, Salome and others we knew well.  They were all speaking at the same time, making their message largely incoherent.  We finally asked Mary Magdalene to speak for them all. 

She told us the most preposterous thing.  (At least, it seemed preposterous at the moment!)  She said they had gone to Jesus’ tomb to anoint his body with burial spices.  On the way, they wondered how they would gain access, since the stone covering the opening to the tomb was large.  But when they arrived, the stone was rolled aside.  They were horrified, and wondered what they might find inside. 

Yet when they arrived at the entrance, they received another shock altogether!  Two angels were there, and they informed the women that Jesus was risen to life.  Then the angels instructed the women to tell us that Jesus was alive, just as he had promised.

To be frank, we did not believe the women; their words seemed like nonsense.  (Luke 24:11).  How could it be true?

But we did not doubt that some nasty human shenanigans might be at play.  Jesus had many powerful enemies who detested his teachings, his miracles, and especially his claims.  Or perhaps the women had gone to the wrong tomb?  John and I set off at a run to investigate.  But the women were right; Jesus body was no longer there!  Only the linens that had been wrapped around his body remained.  However, we certainly didn’t encounter any angels. 

John seemed to believe Jesus was really alive.  (John 20:8).  I, on the other hand, walked away from the empty tomb wondering what in the world had happened.  We reported what we had discovered to the rest of the disciples.  Everyone was perplexed.

We exhausted ourselves discussing the possibilities, and the ramifications of those possibilities.  The emotions in that confined space were raw.  Finally, I had to escape the tension.  I needed to be by myself; needed to reflect – needed to think … even if it meant taking the risk of being recognized.

The brothers understood and sent me off with a prayer and blessing.  I cautiously made my way to a special place.  A sacred place.  The Garden of Gethsemane.  It was here, in this peaceful park at the foot of the Mount of Olives, that Jesus often taught us and often prayed.

How awful that this was the place the traitor, Judas, brought the mob to arrest Jesus.  The wonderful memories of quiet times here with Jesus were trampled under by the sinister events of the Passover evening.  The previous joyful interactions were hacked to sorrowful and painful pieces by evil men; the former happiness forever hijacked by wickedness!

I meandered through the olive trees, memories flooding over me.  Eventually I found myself sitting at the very place where Jesus had poured out his heart to his Heavenly Father.  The place where he begged me to watch with him, and instead I watched the back of my eyelids while I slept.  I had failed Jesus … drastically, repeatedly, inexcusably.  The shame of it overwhelmed me; my freely flowing tears transitioned to racking sobs of grief – my downturned head held in my trembling hands.

Suddenly a body settled next to me and an arm was draped over my shuddering shoulders.  I hadn’t heard anyone approaching, yet here they were.

“Leave me alone!” I groaned.  “Can’t you see I need to be alone?”

“How very like you, Peter, to say the wrong thing,” the voice said.  Then, “No, you don’t need to be alone.  You need to be with me.”  The arm over my shoulder drew me closer.

I gasped.  I recognized that voice! That timbre! That gentleness and love! 

But it couldn’t be!  It was impossible!  I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.  Couldn’t bear the possibility of being wrong.  That’s when he placed his other hand on my knee.  His nail-pierced hand.

It was him!  It was Jesus!  It was truly Jesus, and he was really alive!  I swung my head toward him, still scarcely able to believe it was him.  That’s when he laughed.  The Lord laughed at me!  Not in meanness, but in joyful love. 

I threw my arms around him, the tears still streaming down my face.  But now they were tears of sublime joy.  Jesus warmly hugged me back.  Then he gently pushed me away so he could make eye contact.

“Why didn’t you believe the women, Peter?”

“Because it was impossible!”

Jesus smiled at me, his eyes twinkling.  “Oh really?  Here I am, Peter.  It seems the impossible is possible after all.  Did I not tell you that with God all things are possible?”

What could I say?

“Why didn’t you believe me?  I told you numerous times what would happen … what had to happen.  I explained that I would have to die, but that I would rise again.  You even tried to talk me out of it.  Remember?”  I looked away and nodded.  “Why didn’t you believe me?”

I was silent, but Jesus waited.  Finally, I replied in exasperation, “Because I didn’t want it to happen!  Because I wanted it to be nonsense!”  Did I really just say that to Jesus?  (Have I mentioned that I’m sometimes impetuous?)  I looked back to Jesus in alarm.

But Jesus just smiled again.  “Have I ever spoken nonsense, Peter?”

“No, but clearly I sometimes have an issue with that.”

Jesus chuckled affectionately, then grew serious again.  “I have another question for you, Simon.  Why were you crying?

I didn’t really want to answer this question either, but I had to.  Finally I replied quietly,  “Because I failed you, Lord.  I fell asleep on you.  I abandoned you.  I denied you.  Because my spirit was willing, but my flesh was weak.”  My voice broke with sorrow.  “Because what you warned me about was true, and what I boasted about was not.”

“It was all part of the Father’s plan, Peter.  People learn, not just from the good examples, but also from poor ones.  Sometimes they learn better from the poor ones.  Many of my followers will learn from your good examples … and from your not so good ones.  So take heart.  It was all for a reason.”

“I’d prefer if people didn’t hear about my poor examples.”

“I know.  But they must, and they will.”  Jesus smiled again.

“One more thing.  It’s an important one.  Take it to heart, and pass it along.  A person is not defined by what they have done, but by what I have done for them and in them.

Then Jesus pulled me into another embrace.  As I leaned into him, he said, “I am alive, Peter.  All I came to accomplish is accomplished.  Tell the world.”

“I will, Lord.  I will!”  More tears.

“I know you will, Peter.  And you will do it well.  But first, be sure to apologize to the women for not believing them.”  How like the Lord – never failing to needle me!

Then he was gone.  But he wasn’t gone.  He would never ever be gone again, for he was alive!

So there they are, the unknown details of Jesus’ appearance to me.  I’m glad I shared them, even though it was yet another situation where I responded in a less than stellar manner. 

But this is not about me.  It’s about Jesus, my Lord and yours.  My Savior and yours.  And it shows his incredible love for me and for you.  As he forgave me, so he forgives you.  As he treated me, so he deals with you. Always!

In conclusion, I will state the obvious: Jesus is alive!  And as I wrote in my first book, so I write  again:

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade.  This inheritance is kept in heaven for you! (1 Peter 1:3-4).

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Your Life Plan – A Story

Your Life Plan – A Story

Ethan was struggling mightily.  There was no other way to describe the situation; things seemed bleak at best.  His mind was emotionally distraught; his heart spiritually tumultuous.  His days were spent in a mental fog; his nights in unrest.

Over and over he cried out to the Lord, decrying the circumstances; demanding answers; begging God for help.  He poured over the Scriptures, searching for solutions.  Yet his struggle continued.  He was immersed in one of life’s dark valleys, at a loss on how to ascend to the sunshine of the heights yet pleading for God to lift him there.

Tossing and turning one night in another fitful and largely futile attempt to reach the state of slumber, his sheer exhaustion finally dragged him into a deep sleep.  That’s when the Lord Jesus made his appearance.

It was more than the wild randomness and fluffy illogicity of a dream.  Even in his state of deep slumber, Ethan realized that somehow it was real – all real.  Jesus was real, and everything that transpired with Jesus was real.

They stood over an ornate table, he and Jesus, looking down at what appeared to be a sort of topographical map with the geographic details laid out in contoured formations.  (Kind of like one might see in some national parks, the features and elevations of the park graphically displayed.)  Ethan intuitively recognized already at a glance that this was no normal map.  The landscape elicited the comfort of familiarity and, simultaneously, the discomfort of a different view of the familiar.

Ethan’s mind struggled to grasp what he was seeing.  Then he saw the gold script inset into the top of the topographic table: Your Life Plan.  He gasped as it all became clear.  He was gazing down at a map of his life!

With wide eyes and gaping mouth, he raised his view to Jesus.  The Lord was watching him intently, his hands clasped behind his back, his eyes twinkling and a small smile settled on his bearded face.  “Look closer, Ethan,” Jesus suggested quietly.

So Ethan did.

There below him was blazed a golden line that wiggled its way across the table.  Sometimes the line continued straight and true; but usually it zig-zagged either to the right or to the left of the general direction of the path.

Ethan traced the path back to its beginning.  He noticed the line originated at an X and initially was gray.  He looked up to Jesus questioningly.  “That was when you were conceived” Jesus told him.  Tracing the line further, he noticed another X, this time in gold.  “That was when God’s grace brought you to faith and when I began journeying with you.”  Ethan was stunned.

Then he noticed that the gold line became brighter and more pronounced further along the way.  “As I grew older, smarter and stronger?” he asked.

“No, Ethan.  As you grew stronger in your faith through time in my Word,” Jesus answered.  “Physical strength, mental capacity and earthly accomplishments are unimportant on this map.”  Ethan nodded, the extreme importance of feeding one’s faith starkly revealed.  Jesus continued.  “Sadly, for some their line becomes gold at one point but eventually returns to gray.  For others, their line remains gray their entire lives.”

Jesus moved beside Ethan and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. “But that is not what I brought you here to see.  Look closer still.”

Ethan traced his lifeline with his finger.  The path not only zig-zagged back and forth, but it undulated up and down, climbing up rises and descending back down again – sometimes journeying at length in the heights; sometimes tarrying in the valleys.  “What do you make of the many variations, Ethan?”

Ethan hesitated uncomfortably.  Finally, he whispered in shame, “It seems I’ve often wandered off your path.”

“Yes, well, you do have a sinful nature,” the Lord replied.  “But look even closer at some of those side trips.  Especially some of the longer ones.  What do you see?”

Ethan leaned closer to the golden trail, focusing especially on some of the more extreme horizontal wanderings.  “My gold line was growing dimmer.”  He gasped and drew himself nearer still.  “But there’s golden barricades at the end of those lines!”  He looked back to the Lord.  “Does that mean what I think it does?”

Jesus smiled warmly.  “Yes, Ethan.  Your faith was growing weaker as you wandered your own way, but I blocked you from wandering farther from my path.”  The Lord gestured over the table.  “Now project your path if you had continued down some of those long detours.”

Ethan found some of the longer ones and traced their ultimate destination.  He shuddered.  “They end in destruction!  Spiritual starvation!  Steep cliffs to fall over!  Deep waters to drown in!  Spiritual death!  O, Lord, you preserved me!”

“Yes, Ethan.  Sometimes I pushed you; sometimes I pulled you.  Sometimes I knocked you over.  Sometimes I whispered in your ear through various methods.  Whatever it took to redirect you spiritually.  I love you and want you to be with me forever.”

Jesus eyes shimmered, the tears threatening to escape.  “Sadly, some refuse to listen even to me.  They insist on climbing over my barricades.  It never ends well for them.  But again, that is not my reason for bringing you here.”

The Lord looked intently at Ethan.  “I know you are extremely discouraged right now, so I will give you a special insight.  Put your finger again at the beginning of your life path and trace it slowly.”

Ethan tentatively lowered his index finger to the first X and slid it forward.  The realizations began bombarding him – blessings upon blessings upon blessings all along the path, in both the “good times” and the bad, in the pain and the pleasure.  Some he had recognized at the time; most had been unnoticed and unnoted.  New lessons learned and new insights gained. Experiences that had made him “richer” in a multitude of ways.  And astoundingly, some of the greatest blessings of all had come through the most difficult times in his life!

The magnitude of God’s unending faithfulness and goodness overwhelmed Ethan.  He was speechless.

Once again Jesus pointed to the map.  “Find the last X, Ethan”

He did.  It was easy enough to locate near the end of the line.  “Is this my death, Lord?

“No, Ethan, that is not displayed on this map for you to see.  Look closely at that final X.”

The X was in a deep, dark valley.  And the realization struck Ethan; this was where he was right now in his life!  It was one of the deepest depressions on the entire map.  He couldn’t speak.  Once again he looked back at Jesus.

Again the words came.  “Look closer, Ethan.”

Ethan dropped his eyes to the final X.  He noticed two things: his gold faith-line was brighter here than anywhere else on the map, and he noticed that beyond the X the path began to climb again.

It happened so suddenly he couldn’t have hoped to quell it; Ethan began to sob uncontrollably.  Jesus moved even closer and wrapped both his arms around him, embracing him tightly.  “Yes, Ethan, you are stronger spiritually now than you have ever been.  Which is why I have led you to this place.  You needed to rely on me and my promises more.  This valley has helped you do that.”  Jesus paused, then continued.  “And yes, Ethan, I will lead you back out of it in due time.”

Jesus words came quietly and lovingly.  “I have guided you your entire life, Ethan, and I will guide you home to me one day.  Trust me, Ethan.  Trust me.  I’m handling your life plan.”  And Jesus kissed his forehead.

Ethan’s eyes jolted open.  He was back in his bed.  (Still in his bed?)  His pillow was drenched, but his heart was light.  Loving Jesus was guiding him all the way!  There was no reason to despair.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

God Is Our Guide

Psalm 23:1-4
1  The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3  he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. 4  Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 37:23-25
23  The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; 24  though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. 25  I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken …

Psalm 48:14
For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.

Isaiah 30:20-21
20  Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction … 21  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

God Blesses Us Through Adversity

Psalm 119:71
It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10
9  But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10  That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.

We Don’t Understand Now; One Day We Will

Isaiah 55:8-9
8  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.  9  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

We Can Trust Our Loving God Who Has Wonderful Plans for Us

Proverbs 3:5-6
5  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Romans 8:35, 37-39
35  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? … 37  No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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A Mighty Fortress

A Mighty Fortress

Sometimes a story can impart information and convey truths better than a “dissertation.”  So I offer another allegory in this week’s post.  Of course, there are always weaknesses in stories; sometimes the finer details are missed.  However, it is my prayer that the main truths I am trying to convey are conveyed.  

Please note that the point is not just that the Lord is our ultimate fortress after we die, but also our fortress throughout our lives.  Nothing else besides Him and his promises provide security in this world.  As always, I pray that these words encourage you in your walk toward your heavenly home.

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The ragged bunch arrived at the coastline at dusk, the tang of the salt water strong in the air.  The thick, dark clouds were stacked high upon each other like gray-black amorphous blocks; the wind was picking up in intensity, the ocean waves rising taller and more ferocious.  A light rain dampened their cloaks and spirits; the cool drops sluicing into the gaps of their protective wear and sending chills through them as it contacted their skin. 

The storm was imminent.  Conditions would only worsen; decisions needed to be made.

A few potential solutions presented themselves from their valley view.  Situated on a nearby rock cliff perched an old fortress.  On the opposite side of the path on the overhanging bluff sat a sizable city.  Beside the trail and below the city stood stables with healthy horses feeding in the fenced pastures.  Immediately in front of them were docked a number of sturdy ships, ready to cast off, the sailors scrambling over the decks in preparation.

The travelers paused, casting their eyes around and taking in their surroundings.  Lightning flashed from the dark clouds and a thunderous boom quickly announced the charge.  Time was running out. 

A young man scurried toward them on the trail, his arms crossed, his hands tucked under the opposite arms as he clutched his cloak tightly to himself.  He seemed inclined to skirt past the group, but one of their number, a man named Hapless, hailed him.  “Good man, could you spare just a few moments to give us some guidance.  The storm is near and we need shelter.”

The youth shuffled to a stop.  He glanced around nervously at the group gathered around him.  “Make it quick, stranger.  I’ve got to get to shelter myself.”  He dipped his head and shook it a few times to clear the beaded water from the brim of his cloak.

“Much obliged, friend,” Hap replied.  “We won’t keep you long.  We’ve just arrived and would like to better understand our options.  Where might we go for refuge from this storm?”

“Lots of options,” said the young man.  He pointed to their right.  “You can hike to that old castle over yonder.”  He pointed to their left.  “You can stay in that there more modern city on the bluff.”  Lowering his hand a bit, he swept it toward the stables.  “You can get yourself some horses and head back into the forest you came from to find cover.”  Finally, he turned and gestured to the ships.  “Or you can book passage on one of those fine boats and outrace the storm.”

Hap nodded his head.  “There truly are a number of options.  Anything else you can add to help us?”

“Well, entrance into the stone fortress is free.  All the others cost coin.”

“Really?”  Hap was surprised.  At least surprised that entrance into the castle was free.  “Why is the fortress free?”

“Probably because it’s old, cold, drafty and decrepit, and nobody wants to stay there.  You get what you pay for, right?”

Hap had heard rumors of the fortress, and how the son who lived there had given his life for the benefit of the people.  He asked their young advisor if that was true.  “Supposedly,” was his answer.  “But what good did it do.  The prince is dead, the king is left behind, and we still have problems.”  He raised his eyes to the sky.  “Like this nasty storm.”

Another thunderous explosion shook the air, causing everyone to cringe.  “So which option will you be using?” Hap inquired.

“Horses or ships are good options, I think.  But I’ll be staying in the city.  Costs the most, but I like the conveniences, so it’s worth it to me.”  The young man looked again at the darkening horizon.  “Hey, I gotta go.”  He began to walk away.  “Get yourselves to somewhere safe!” he called over his shoulder.  “It’s gonna be a bad one!”

The frantic discussions began immediately among his companions.  “I vote for taking horses back the way we came.  Get on those strong animals and get back into the shelter of the forest.” 

Some agreed, but others argued, “The ships are the answer!  Board onto one of the best constructions craftsmen can make, guided by a seasoned captain, and maybe we can escape the storm altogether.”

Still others said, “I think the city is the best option.  Lots of shelter, and lots of smart and stout people.  Safety in numbers!”

Hap listened as they debated.  He was stunned that the castle wasn’t even mentioned.  Finally he spoke up.  “Why not go into the fortress?  It looks like the safest and strongest option by far, and it doesn’t cost anything.”

The others scoffed.  “That worthless old place?  Imagine how uncomfortable and cold it would be to stay inside rock walls on top of rock.  Brrr!  And it’s probably really dark and dreary too!  Doubt there are many other folks there.  And how could that be a safe place when there’s no entry fee?  Sounds like a miserable destination.  No thanks!”

A gust of wind rattled their clothes and flipped some hoods backward.  Time was running out.  Urgency set in; security was needed.  People began making choices. 

A small group took the path to the stables; they trusted the strong steeds to take them back to safety.  Another bunch set out hurriedly to catch passage on a ship before it embarked.  Their confidence was in men’s creations and cunning to deliver them to a brighter future.  The largest segment, however, headed into the city.  They were convinced that the wisest decision was to stay there, residing with the majority in comfort among all the latest conveniences.

Hap found himself alone at the intersection, tears trickling down his cheeks.  His companions were going their separate ways as the storm encroached.  Which option was best?  Hap didn’t know, but he was drawn to the sturdy fortress where the Prince who had died for the people used to reside.  Perhaps their young advisor was right; free was frivolous and foolish.  Nevertheless, he desperately longed for security, and the fortress certainly seemed most likely to offer that.

He stepped onto the path leading toward the bulwark.  It was narrow, winding and difficult, lined with rocks and roots – clearly a trail seldom used.  Resolutely he trudged upward.  Eventually the soil path gave way entirely to rock, the ridges and ruts punishing his aching feet; the surface slick with the moisture falling from the sky.  The wind velocity increased as he climbed; lightning flashes strobed more frequently, the ensuing thunder so intense it physically rattled his body.  It was imperative that Hap get out of these elements.

He hurried his pace, keeping his eyes downward, determined to follow the faint path worn into the stone.  Whenever he briefly lifted his head, the fortress appeared taller and closer.  It almost appeared to be carved from the very rock upon which it sat.

Hap wearily crested a rock hummock to find himself standing before a small door.  It was simple and unembellished, except for the words, “Come, weary and burdened.  Find rest!”  To his astonishment, the door swung open.  A handsome man with black hair, a black beard and brown eyes stepped out, wrapped his arms around him, and embraced him firmly.  “Welcome, Hap!  You were looking for shelter, and you have found it.”

Hap’s head was spinning.  Who could have anticipated such a warm welcome?  And how was it that this man knew his name?  “Who are you?” he stuttered. 

“I’m the Prince,” was the answer.

“But I heard you died!”

“I did indeed.  But do I look dead now?”  No, he definitely didn’t.  In fact, he appeared very much alive.  Vibrant even!  The Prince gently pulled him toward the open door.  “A storm rages.  Come inside!  It is safe here.”

As Hap entered the enclosure, he was bathed with light, causing his eyes to blink in adjustment.  A pleasant warmth engulfed him.  This wasn’t dreary and drafty at all!  The sumptuous smells of an abundance of food swept through his nostrils.  The Prince’s eyes twinkled, and the edges of his mouth rolled into a smile.  “Yes, Hap, there is a feast waiting for you.”

It was a thoroughly comfortable evening – a most delicious dinner at the King’s table set before a roaring fireplace, with delightful conversation, followed by a deep sleep in a comfortable bed.  Throughout the night, the storm’s intensity grew.  Hap could hear the wind howling and the horrific thunderclaps.  Though muted, the mayhem outside was still evident.  Yet the stone fortress never moved.  Hap had never felt so secure.

The next morning Hap’s curiosity compelled him to boldness.  He blurted out his question to the Prince.  “Why aren’t there more here in this wonderful, safe place, my Lord?”

Sorrow covered the Prince’s face.  “Because they think there are better options.”

“That’s ridiculous!” Hap retorted immediately.  Then he paused and reflected.  “But everyone else in my group did chose other options to try to find security from the storm.”  His thoughts turned to his former companions.  “I wonder how they fared.”

The Prince locked eyes with him.  “Not very well, I’m sorry to say.”

Hap stared at him.  “Those who chose the horses?”

“They died from exposure.”

“What about the ships?”

“Overturned.  The people drowned.”

Hap was floored.  “Those in the city are alright though, aren’t they?”

The King’s Son slowly shook his head.  “The bluff they were on was washed away by the roaring waves.  They are gone too.”

“This was the only safe place,” Hap whispered.  “Here in this fortress built on the rock.”

“Yes, Hap.  That’s right.  This is the only truly safe place.”

The Prince shared a sorrowful smile with him, then placed a soothing arm over his shoulder.  “And by the way, I am giving you a new name.  You are no longer Hapless, but Hopeful.  Because here with me you have an unwavering hope and unending security in an immovable fortress.  Now and forever.”

Hope lowered his head and wept.  But the tears were born of joy, not grief.  He was finally and fully safe.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Psalm 18:1-2
I love you, LORD, my strength.  The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.  Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Matthew 11:28
(The words of Jesus)  “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 7:24-27
(The words of Jesus)  “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

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The Terrifying Door to Peace

The Terrifying Door to Peace

It was a small room that mirrored a cavern of hell itself.  The walls dark and bleak; the lighting a muted gray; the air heavy with a tint of sulfur – cloying in the nostrils and congesting the lungs.

The only visible light spilled in from the doorway on the far wall.  It was a doorway to … clouds, and seemingly a long and terrifying fall.  The room was situated at an extreme height, and the door was the only entrance and egress.  Edging closer to the opening provided a stunning view of slowly shifting clouds, below and above.  The sense of the depth outside the doorway was palpable.

Hope avoided moving too close to the door.  The distance down was dizzying.  Approaching it caused her breath to catch and her stomach to churn.

But staying away from the opening wasn’t necessarily easy either.  Inside that horrid room lived some of the most vile creatures.  Niggling worries crawled out of the cracks in the floor and onto Hope incessantly, like tiny spiders.  Doubts skittered around the room on four legs, whipping their long, leathery tails, squeaking their disdain and biting when able.  Concerns slithered about, and took every opportunity to wrap themselves around Hope in a cold-blooded embrace, squeezing all pleasure from her.  Anxieties flapped around the room on bare black wings, swooping close repeatedly.

Relaxation didn’t exist; rest was never experienced.  Peace was impossible and having hope unimaginable in that anxious room.

Except for the door.  The terrifying, but bright and inviting door.

The fascinating door.  The door of intrigue.

The door bordered on all four sides with messages.  In softly glowing letters over the door were the words, “Let go and let God.” 

On the left could be seen, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, and he will make your paths straight. (God, your Father)” 

On the right, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Learn from me, and you will find rest for your souls. (Jesus, your Brother)” 

And on the wall immediately below the door (the opening was raised off the floor) was written, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (God, your Holy Spirit)”

Hope was mesmerized by the messages.  They were everything Hope so desperately desired; everything she so desperately needed!  And they were everything that was non-existent in that room of gloom, that place full of fear. 

Hope contemplated the words repeatedly.  They filled her thoughts as she fought off the niggling worries, the skittering doubts, the slithering concerns, and the flapping anxieties so abundant in that dark place.  Clearly the messages were tied to the door – the glorious door that provided the light, and the terrifying door that emptied into the heights.

She could arrive at no other conclusion then that the promises offered in the words around the door could only be obtained by walking through the door.  But to do so was not only illogical, it seemed to be madness and self-destruction!

But then why were those words there?  And who had put them there?  Were they written by the horrible creatures in that room of anxiousness?  But that didn’t make sense either.  If she went through the door and plunged to her death, they couldn’t reach her anymore.  It seemed clear that they wanted continued access to her to torment her to the fullest.

Hope’s suffering in that room of anxiousness continued unrelentingly.  So it would be accurate to say that her despair caused her to consider crossing through the opening more and more seriously. 

But the greater factor was the assurance that the messages offered.  The words gave her hope, there was no other way to state it.  They lifted her heart and brightened her eyes whenever she thought of them.  Hope already flickered within her, fostered by the encouraging words, but she wanted to experience it to a much greater degree.

Finally the day came when a large concern managed to wrap itself around Hope’s neck and began contracting its grip, making it difficult for her to breath.  As Hope writhed on the floor, doubts attacked her, biting her incessantly and worries crawled all over her body.  This was the worst attack yet.

“I must have peace!” she thought desperately.  She took her hands off the snake encircling her throat, pushed herself to her feet and dashed toward the light.  Hope covered the distance in seconds and dove through the terrifying door, trusting the messages around it.

She cartwheeled through the air, her legs swinging over her head … and instead of plummeting downward, she floated!  She had landed on her back in the clouds, her perch firm yet comfortable.  It made no sense, yet the results were undeniable!  The tormenting anxiousness of the dark room were gone!  Joy and peace surrounded her!

God the Holy Spirit was upholding Hope with his righteous right hand.  Jesus, God the Son, was supplying rest to her soul and her mind.  And God the Father was giving her understanding and settling her on a better, much more pleasant path … a path in the clouds, no less!

No worries crawled over her.  No doubts skittered around her.  No concerns slithered about.  No anxieties flapped nearby. 

Hope had found hope!  In faith, she had cast her cares into the care of God.  She had learned to trust in the Lord, and trust in the Lord had provided her with peace. 

How wonderful it is to float on the promises and provision of God!


This allegory is oversimplified, of course.  However, I found it … and am still finding it … extremely beneficial to me.  (As worries have beset me in recent days, I have been picturing myself diving through the terrifying door.  This has actually proved to be quite comforting!)  I pray that you might also benefit from the picture.

Regarding the messages around the door, the “Let go and let God” is not a quote from the Bible, though the concept is certainly found throughout the Scriptures.  The other words are indeed Bible passages (Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 11:28-29, and Isaiah 41:10).

Another fitting passage for this topic would be 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on [the Lord] because he cares for you.”

Sadly, some never cross through the terrifying door; they choose instead to suffer in the dark and anxious room.  May God make us wiser and move us in trust to dive through the door into his loving care!

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Take Care of Your Soul

Take Care of Your Soul

This post is dedicated to the St. Paul student confirmands of 2021.  For that matter, to all those who have publicly confessed their faith at our congregation through the years, whether students or adults. 

But no, that’s not sufficient either.  This post is dedicated to all Christians everywhere.  May it encourage each one of us to take wonderful care of our souls.

It all happened so suddenly.  One moment Mike and Tom were discussing the fish they expected to catch that day at the lake; the next an SUV was slamming into their truck at an extremely high rate of speed. 

An explosion of white!  Instantaneous and intense pain!  Darkness!  Then the hurt disappeared as their spirits floated out of their bodies.  They hovered for a brief moment and gazed down at the destroyed vehicle they had just exited, before they were pulled inexorably heavenward, increasing in velocity until they were rocketing at an unimaginable speed.

At first it appeared to be a distant star.  But the gleaming grew rapidly brighter and bigger until a massive city came into view, beaming and breathtakingly beautiful.  Their transit slowed as they approached the glorious kingdom, where they swooped gracefully through a massive gate of pearl and glided high along a wide street of gold. 

The buildings of the city appeared to be formed from various gems, each structure a different stone of a different color, so that the view consisted of a thousand different hues.  Arrayed in precision were numerous golden streets, all converging on the magnificent mountain in the center of the city from where a beaming brilliance emanated, even brighter than the city.  Perched on the peak of the mountain stood a triple throne too stunning to describe.  And perched on the interconnected thrones sat the three persons of the Triune God, ablaze in glory, rays of iridescent color rippling around them like a billion brilliant laser lights.  Surrounding them were ranks upon ranks of angels in splendorous armor.

Mike and Tom’s spirits slid to a halt on the golden landing below the thrones.  They dared not look up.  They wished to clench their eyes shut, but spirits are ever-seeing.  If they were still in their bodies, they would have been trembling violently.

A thunderous voice shook the entire mountain.  “Greetings, Mike and Tom.  This is your allotted time.  Your life on earth is over; your life in eternity is just beginning.”

Of course, the men had recognized this already.  But to hear it stated in such a way was beyond disconcerting.

Shocking as it may seem, neither had any thought of what they had left behind.  There was no concerns over their plans and projects on earth; no lingering on what they had still hoped to do; no deep regrets over leaving spouses and children behind.  Not because they didn’t dearly love their families, but because eternity hung in the balance, and that was all-encompassing. 

The Lord’s voice thundered again.  “So how will we find your souls?  Are they living … or not?”

The magnitude of the moment registered on them.  This was it.  Nothing else … nothing else … mattered but this. There was no going back.  No second chances.  No more opportunities to reprioritize.  No different decisions to be made.  No changing of circumstances.  No altering their final destinations. 

What would the Lord find in their souls?

Mike and Tom watched in stunned amazement as two ornate silver boxes took shape on the platform – one resting before each of them.  Inscribed on the side facing them were golden crosses.  A multitude of holes covered the rounded covers.  The lovely boxes seemed both delicate and sturdy at the same time, and they glowed.  They were like nothing the men had ever seen.  What were these?

The all-knowing Lord answered.  “Those are your souls.  You don’t see them or feel them on earth, but you always carry them with you.”  The men’s attention was now riveted on the containers.  “We are about to open them,” stated the Lord.  “What will we find there?”

The ramifications of this revelation shook the men.  Fearful uncertainty engulfed them.  What would the Lord find there?

Mike and Tom had been best friends all their life.  They had both been born into Christian families and had been raised in the same Christian church.  They had sat through the same Sunday School lessons, Catechism classes, and worship services.  They were confirmed in their faith on the same day in front of the entire congregation.  Their parents and pastor had been so proud and thankful.

But then came high school and college, and then jobs and homes and families and responsibilities.  So much to do; so many distractions.  While Mike and Tom continued to stay close, they fell into very different spiritual life-styles. 

Tom continued to treasure God and God’s Word.  He relished his time in worship; he eagerly attended Bible studies; he faithfully read the Scriptures and shared devotions with his family; he discussed God’s truths with Christian friends; he delighted in listening to Christian music.  The Gospel of his Savior held a preeminent place in his life.  In short, Tom poured copious amounts of “Living Water” on his soul, and provided generous amounts of Son-shine to his soul.

Mike, on the other hand, wrapped himself up in the world.  He immersed himself in work and play, in hobbies and highlights.  Gradually he drifted away from the church, eventually even opting to skip services on the Christmas and Easter holidays.  Though he owned a number of Bibles, he never opened them.  God rarely crossed his mind anymore.  In light of living life, God’s Word seemed wholly unimportant to him.   Of course, Tom tried to encourage Mike spiritually.  Mike always replied that he would get back into it someday when he had more time.

Now Tom and Mike’s spirits were prostrate before the Lord.  Now their souls would be opened, and what was encased inside displayed before the Triune God.

“It is time to see,” rumbled the voice, the vibrations rolling through the mountain and reverberating through the city.  Suddenly the nail-pierced feet of Jesus stood before them.  They were still for a moment, then they stepped to the box before Mike.  The Lord leaned over and placed his hand lightly on the box.  The lid popped open.

Mike’s view was riveted on the scene.  Jesus was staring into the box.  Then Mike realized there were tears falling from the Lord’s face, dropping silently into his soul.  Jesus lifted his gaze to Mike, and said sorrowfully, “There used to be life here, but there is none now.  I’m sorry, but this soul cannot stay here.”  Mike’s spirit convulsed in horror. 

Jesus wiped the tears from his face, and then moved in front of Tom’s box.  He stooped down and touched it.  As the cover swung open, a blooming bouquet of flowers of every hue and shape burst forth, and a delightful aroma wafted free.

A great smile filled Jesus’ face.  He beamed at Tom.  “There is abundant life here.  It is thriving!  This soul belongs in this place.”  Jesus stepped forward, lifted Tom’s spirit from the platform and embraced him warmly.

Overwhelming exuberance swept through Tom.  He was in Jesus’ arms!  He was welcome here in heaven!  His time in the Lord’s presence was just beginning, but it would last forever.

An agonizing cry arose.  “No-oo-oo-oo!  Please, no!” … but it faded quickly as Mike’s spirit was swept away.  At the same time, a heartfelt “Yes!” was heard as the Savior hugged Tom and wiped his tears of joy away.

One important aside: The Bible makes it clear that a believer can actually turn away from God and lose their faith.  (See 2 Peter 2:17-22, Hebrews 6:4-6, and Hebrews 10:26-27).  This should be a sobering realization to every Christian, and a situation that no believer ever wants to experience.

As for the story above, I hesitantly took some liberties with describing the initial appearance before the Lord following death.  I do not think that this is how it actually transpires.  However, I pictured the scenario in this manner for dramatic effect … to make a point in a way that is hopefully effective.  I pray it encourages all of us to pay careful heed to our souls our entire lives.

As Jesus himself pointed out, “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”  (Matthew 16:26)

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