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The Unappealing Path (A Story)

The Unappealing Path (A Story)

The archangel streaked through heaven’s glory, drawn to the brightest Light in that brilliantly lit place.  Or more accurately, to the Beacon whose radiance radiated throughout the entirety of heaven. 

The angel drew to sudden but smooth stop before Jesus – effortlessly executing the transition from an upright posture to a prostrate one in one seamless motion, coming to rest before the Lord with his extensive wings draped over his head in deference to the Mightiest One before him.

“Greetings, Michael,” Jesus said.  “Well done on the battlefront.”

“Our foes are relentlessly fighting.  And they continue to gain spiritual ground among the humans, as you know,” the angel replied. 

“Yes, they are.  It is the way things were predicted, so it is the way things will go.”

“I want to banish them to the darkness immediately!” Michael retorted.

“I know, Michael.  All in due time,” the Lord replied.  He sighed, then he continued.  “As earthly time marches on, more and more people will reject me altogether.  It is prophesied and it is inevitable.  That’s tragic enough, and I grieve for every one of their souls.”

Jesus paused.  “But what really saddens me are all of the people who DO know me … yet miss out on so many of the blessings I intend for them in their earthly lives.”  It was impossible to miss the sorrow in Jesus’ voice.

“Stand, mighty warrior.  I will show you the human dilemma you already understand, but in a manner you haven’t seen before.”

With a single, swift and strong flap of his wings, Michael lifted himself up.  Jesus nodded at him, then swept his arm before them.  Instantly a window opened in the multi-hued glory, revealing a view of an incredible sight. 

Before them stretched an expansive corridor, as wide as a seven-lane freeway.  It was paved with large, impact-absorbing – yet firm, strong and resilient – panels of material.  It was perfectly smooth; even the seams were tight and even. 

Wide billboards lined the way and impressive signs hung over the road.  Simple but brightly lit messages scrolled across their faces: “You are doing great!”  “Relax and enjoy the journey!”  “No doubt – the best route!”  “The wisest don’t despise it!”  “The best way to a new day!”  “The easy leads to the pleasey!”

Food stands were readily available; cold refreshments easily accessible.

The highway descended at a gentle grade with no elevation gain visible at any point.  Comfortable benches were situated throughout for resting where needed.  There were even escalators for the ease of those who preferred not to walk the easy downhill!

Demons, invisible to the people on the path but clear to Michael, were flurrying every which way to provide the support needed to keep the walkway functioning and to promote the comfort of the travelers.

Throngs of people covered the road … across the width and throughout the length.

Impressive gateways stood at the end, beyond which was a swirling, cloudy darkness.  Many paused at that point, but the words emblazoned above the arches seemed to put the travelers at ease.  To their eyes the words said, “ALL WILL BE WELL!”  In reality, they read “WELCOME TO HELL!”

As the people passed through the gates and into the darkness, they toppled helplessly into the pit … while watching demons cackled in evil glee.

“Let us put an end to the demons!” Michael scowled in righteous anger.

“We will.  Again, in due time,” Jesus replied.  “You, of course, recognize what you are seeing.

“Yes, Most Exalted One,” said Michael.  “This is the wide and easy road to the abyss that you spoke of on the mount.  I well recognize it.”

“Indeed,” Jesus replied.  “And what are your observations regarding it?”

“It has always been heavily trafficked.  But lately, even more so.”

“Correct.  Absolutely tragic that so many insist on traveling it,” said Jesus, as a tear slide from his eye.  “The demons coerce, but the people acquiesce.  Travelers on this route think this is the easy way, but it is the opposite.  They are actually miserable already now, but the worst is yet to come.”

The Lord diverted Michael’s attention to the mountains rising immediately beside the highway.  A small, rocky and uneven path wove its way slowly up the flanks and eventually into the heights above.  It appeared to be a challenging route with few amenities available.

Leading to the main but small path were multiple tinier paths which had diverted from the expansive freeway.  The exit signs on the wide way which called attention to these scrabbles were simple and nondescript; barely noticeable among the flashing promotions all around them.

Each exit sign to the narrow path said two simple words: “The Way.”  Further up the mountain where the tiny trails converged into the larger (but still small) path was a sign stating the same: “The Way.”  In comparison to the wide, smooth freeway, only a few people could be seen scrambling up this rough route.

Michael spoke.  “Fewer on this path these days.”

“Thankfully though, some still walk the path of Truth and Life, and pass through the narrow gate into glory,” Jesus replied. 

Then he continued.  “This is the long view … the overview of the two paths to different destinations.  Now let me show you the closer view of the narrow path to heaven.  In some ways, what I’m about to reveal is almost more tragic than the throngs on the highway to hell.  (Though that is the ultimate tragedy!)  Thankfully though, this next tragedy is generally temporary.”

Jesus waved his arm again, and the view changed.  Now they were looking at the narrow, rocky, rising path to heaven.  Angels walked along with the travelers, their wings stretched above and around them in a protective canopy.  “My faithful fighters for you, Most Exalted One,” Michael stated proudly.  Jesus nodded in agreement. 

Demons were also situated along that way, feinting attacks on the people and promoting various side paths.  Naturally, they heavily, alluringly and effectively tried to seduce God’s people down sin paths. 

In addition, the devils sponsored attractive advertisements posted over side paths offering everything the human heart could desire.  Popularity.  Wealth.  Success.  Power.  Fun.  And yes … Ease.  None of which is essentially evil, but all of which can be distracting.

They even tried to pull “The Way” travelers down paths of ongoing poor choices – ones the people knew were unhealthy and unwise.  And down paths of past hurts and heartaches.  Down paths of oppression even!  The devils promoted these routes as “A Familiar Path” or “The Usual and Comfortable.”  And a surprising number of God’s people chose to take them!

In short, the demons promoted any alternate and adjusted route along “The Way” that might attract and appeal, and pull God’s people off the main path.

All these meandering routes still led to heaven, but they increased the difficulty of the trip.  Each side path brought greater struggles – physically, mentally, emotionally, and especially spiritually.  Even the paths labeled “Easier” were harder! 

All of these side path led to multiple additional path options … each extra option heavily pushed by the demons … and each leading only to more problems.  If a traveler on “The Way” took too many side paths or followed them too eagerly or too long, they could eventually find themselves back on the wide and easy path to hell.

But after every side excursion … and even after multiple diversions … the small, least appealing path labeled “The Way” was always accessible. 

Jesus shook his head sadly.  “The tragedy of this view is that all of the people on this path to some degree … and some people to a large degree … get sidetracked from the simplest, most beneficial path onto other detours that rob them of the fullness they can have in me.  And they know better!”

The Savior continued.  “My Way seems less appealing, but it brings so much more!  Even during their lives on earth!  Love!   Forgiveness!  Salvation!  Peace!  Joy!  Self-worth!  Fulfillment!  Purpose!  I bring all these things to people to the degree that they remain on ‘The Way.’  And yet so many choose the detours that bring only more burdens and heartaches.  Any side-trip that turns a person’s focus off me, my saving sacrifice, my love, and my truths essentially robs them of truth, joy and fulfillment.”

The angel responded emphatically, “If only your people recognized this!  The demons!  The distractions!  The disillusions of other paths!”

“Yes, Michael.  If only they did.  My path seems empty, but it is full!  It seems barren, but is alive!  It seems mundane, but is exciting!  It seems more difficult, but is easier!  It seems a dead end, but it leads to life!  It seems unappealing, but is actually most appealing!” 

“But you know all this,” the Lord stated.  He paused, then asked.  “What are your observations from this view?”

“As stated earlier, there are fewer on this path than in the past.  And the travelers seem to be more easily diverted.”

“It has always been a challenging journey.  But now, more than ever,” Jesus replied.

In holy fury, Michael snapped his wings with a load crack.   “Then let us finally do away with these tormenting demons who continue to defy you and deter your people!”

Jesus closed the “window” and looked directly at him.   “I know how you feel, dear archangel.  And this is why I summoned you.  I wanted to share all this to make it clear that we draw closer to the End … to the time when your unending battles will finally end.”

Michael snapped his wings again.  “It cannot come soon enough for me, Most Exalted One!”

The Lord smiled and said, “There are still some who will be brought off the wide and easy road to destruction and onto the narrow path of life.  When the last one steps onto ‘The Way,’ the End will come.”

It was the angel’s turn to smile.  He responded, “I am glad to hear it!  In the meantime, may your people remain on your path, Lord Jesus, and rejoice in all the blessings you bring them there!  It is a narrow path, but the best one!  It is the path to life – both temporally and eternally.”

“That it most definitely is,” the Savior replied.

Then the archangel extended his wings and sped back to the battlefront.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Revelation 22:20-21
[Jesus,] who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” 

Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus!  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.

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Everything, Always! A Story of Thanksgiving

Everything, Always! A Story of Thanksgiving

Evan looked around with pride.  He was reclining in his personally decorated lounge inside his lovely two-story house.  Everything was wonderful – truly wonderful.  And everything had his own “fingerprints” on them; this was what he had accomplished with his own hard work, determination, perseverance, and skillful maneuvering!

 (Alright.  And a bit of good luck here and there.)

“I’ve done pretty well for myself, haven’t I?” he murmured quietly.  “Look at what I have achieved.”

Evan sighed contentedly and picked up the headset for his Virtual Reality (VR) device.  It was the newest and most sophisticated model, allowing for the most immersive experience currently possible. This time he was going to explore the wonders of the Andes Mountains.

But instead of soaring in the heights above the South American mountains with the sound of the wind whistling past him, Evan found himself looking down on a ragamuffin man sitting cross-legged on the ground.  Though his garment seemed to be made of the highest quality material, it was tattered, torn and stained.  The man didn’t look much better; he was filthy, with his hair long, tangled and filled with twigs and grass stems.  A light rain fell, gradually soaking the shabby individual.

The VR swept Evan lower and closer to the ragged man.  As it did, Evan could clearly see the madness in the man’s eyes.  Also noticeable were his long and curling fingernails; clearly they hadn’t been trimmed in some time. 

But the most disturbing part of the experience was now revealed.  In his bloody hands, the man clutched a partially eaten rat.  Blood and entrails dripped from his beard.  The sound of rabid chewing, crunching bones and eager slurping filled Evan’s earphones.  The uttered noises that accompanied the eating made it clear the poor man was thoroughly enjoying his meal.

Evan recoiled in horror.  “What is this?” he exclaimed.

He didn’t expect an answer, and gasped when he received one.  “This is a man even more blessed than you who failed to acknowledge the source of his blessings.  I had to teach him an important lesson.  It’s a lesson that has been passed down for the ages.”

Evan was astounded … and confused.  The VR had never verbally responded to him before!  He was at a loss on what to say or do.  Oddly, the thought of removing the headset never occurred to him; he was captivated by what he was experiencing.  Fully immersed, indeed!

Finally, he found his voice.  “Who are you?”

“I am the Lord, your God.”  Evan’s heart hammered and he struggled to breath.  The Lord continued, “You know me and you acknowledge me.  But you don’t acknowledge all that I have done for you.”

“But I do!”  He paused, then reconsidered.  “I mean, I thought I did!  You saved me, Lord.  You sent your Son, Jesus, to suffer and die and rise back to life so I could be forgiven and go to heaven one day.  I know I couldn’t have ever saved myself!”

“This is true, Evan.  And it is good that you recognize this.  It’s the most important truth.  But you don’t understand the immensity of my goodness to you.  It’s a lesson I am going to teach you, but in a gentler fashion than I did with Nebuchadnezzar, since you are my child.”

Evan was dumbfounded.  Finally he managed to reply, “Teach me, Lord!”

“That I will, Evan.”

Nebuchadnezzar receded from view until he was no longer visible, like Google Earth moving back and repositioning to a new location.  The world seemed to spin; the new location was on the other side of the globe from where the VR had initially taken him.  The Americas came into view.  The VR zoomed down on North America, then to Evan’s region of the country, to his state, city, and finally his home.  Evan came to a stop, hovering over his house and yard.

The Lord’s voice returned.  “Let’s look around.  The items that come directly from me will be checked.”

Evan watched in stunned amazement as golden checkmarks began appearing.  First, his house was checked.  That was followed by one on the front yard and another on the back.  Then others on the trees Evan had planted.  Then the storage sheds.  Even the recently delivered package resting on their front doorstep was marked.

Then another check popped up on the garage.  The garage door opened, and checkmarks materialized on the vehicles inside.  In blindingly fast fashion, gold checkmarks blossomed on every single tool, toy, and miscellaneous item stored in the garage – Evan’s eyes ever widening. 

“Let’s look inside, shall we?” the Lord suggested.  Evan was plunged toward the roof, passing through the shingles and boards seamlessly.  The Lord floated him from room to room, every single one bursting with golden checkmarks.  There wasn’t a single item in the entire house that wasn’t marked – the brilliance and bounty of the golden checks blinding to Evan’s eyes.

Finally, the flustered man was guided into the living room.  Again, every single item bore a golden designation.  And again, Evan found himself shielding his eyes.  But then the brilliance faded … except for the marks on his wife and his three children, who were gathered around a board game.  Those checkmarks grew in intensity, even as the others lessened. 

Evan found himself sobbing.  What a fool he had been!

But the Lord wasn’t finished with the lesson.  “There’s more, my child.”

Once again Evan was being drawn further away.  He passed through a light, then the ceiling, then the second floor, then the attic, and finally the roof … seeing the layers of paint, boards, wiring, carpeting, insulation, and shingles on the way out … all similarly checked.

Evan was lifted to an elevation where he had a clear view of the city.  He wondered at the purpose, when more markers began emerging.  His parents’ home, his wife’s parents’ home, their siblings’ places … followed by checks on houses throughout the city where friends and fellow church members lived. 

Golden checkmarks erupted everywhere below him.  The sidewalks he and his wife liked to traverse on their walks.  The park where his children loved to play.  The dear church where they gathered for worship.  The stores, restaurants, and gas stations his family frequented.  Even the barbershop where he went!  Two checks over their bank; Evan assumed one for the institution and the other for their personal finances.  There were golden checkmarks everywhere!

Then Evan noticed something striking.  His place of employment wasn’t marked!  He pointed at it.  “Does that mean that at least I can take some credit for my job?”

The Lord actually chuckled.  “Nope.”  A blazing golden checkmark exploded over the business. 

“Nor can you boast about your body, your health, your personality, or your abilities.  They all come from me too!”  Evan looked down.  His body was plastered with gold.  He continued to stare down at himself in astonishment, squinting against the golden gleam. 

Evan was silent for a moment.  He cleared his throat.  “Lord, what about the problems in my life?  Those are my doing, aren’t they?”

“Yes, your sinfulness … like everyone else’s in this sinful world … bring problems.”  A stream of personal difficulties appeared in Evan’s virtual reality view.  “But I turn even these into blessings.”  Checkmarks became visible on the long list of hardships passing before Evan. 

Once again, Evan was crying.  “Lord, I’m so sorry!  Please forgive me for my foolish pride!”

“Of course, Evan.”  The heartsick man could hear the love in the Lord’s voice.

The tears flowed more profusely.  Through sobs, Evan managed to choke out, “Now I see that everything wonderful always comes from you!”

Suddenly, the distraught man was back in his recliner in his lounge … his cheeks still wet from his tears.  He exhaled deeply and slowly, still rocked from the shock of the past few moments.  Another question came to him.  He wanted to know.  “But what about Nebuchadnezzar?” he called out.

In a fading voice, the Lord replied, “Read Daniel 4.”  Evan ripped off his headset and dashed to find his Bible.  When he pulled it from his nightstand, he was floored.  There on the cover … was a golden checkmark.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Every Christian acknowledges that they are blessed by God – certainly verbally, but also mentally.  Yet I’m convinced that none of us … even and especially me … realize just how very blessed we are by our gracious and giving God.  To say that everything we have comes from God is typical and fine; to truly understand the extensivity of “everything” is quite another.

My prayer is that this story impresses that truth upon all of us.  Our God is so good to us!

One important comment:  The Bible states Nebuchadnezzar ate grass like cattle.  And he surely did!  I am always extremely hesitant to go beyond God’s Word.  However, I took the liberty to suggest he also added meat to his diet whenever he was able.  This would seem a logical assumption, but I acknowledge that the Scriptures do not mention this.  Perhaps grass and vegetation was indeed all he ate.  Still, I wrote this story the way I did to try to demonstrate how very far the king had fallen.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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An Invisible Reality – A Story

An Invisible Reality – A Story

It was a typical spring day – somewhat hazy with a threat of rain.  Bobby was making a quick run to the grocery store to pick up some dinner supplies.  He was 43 years old and married, with three children he adored … a son and two young daughters.   He was also active in his Christian church, both in attendance and service.

But Bobby’s “luck” that day was bad and his timing “poor.”  At an intersection a half-mile from his destination, a garbage truck’s brakes suddenly failed.  The frantic driver had little opportunity to react; he tried to activate the emergency brake while desperately honking his horn as the 20-ton truck blew through the stop sign and into the intersection.

Bobby saw it coming … but too late.  In that dreadful instant, he knew he was about to be broadsided by a massive amount of steel.  “Why, Lord?!” flashed through his mind before the brilliant explosion of lights that led to darkness.

How long he drifted in that state, he didn’t know.  But eventually his mind’s eyes came into focus upon a being of exquisite splendor. 

Man-like in appearance, he was tall, muscled, and … commanding, would perhaps be the appropriate adjective.  His hair was brown, wavy and hung loosely over his shoulders.  His eyes were a piercing brown and his clean face presented a handsome but rugged cast.  Two beige wings were folded tightly behind him … their tops framing his head.  He was dressed in comfortable, loose-fitting, white linens.  A golden glow emanated from his entire being.

“I am Jonrus,” he stated.  “I’ve been sent by the Exalted One to make visible to you what is usually invisible in the physical world.”  His piercing eyes stared at Bobby.  “Most who ask ‘why’ don’t get an immediate answer.  However, the Lord wants you to understand and to share.”

The angel continued to stare.  Bobby gulped.  What could he say?  And dare he even speak at all?  Finally, he stammered, “I’ll be honored to see whatever you reveal to me.”

“I will show you the simple view.  When you include all the other Christians, this becomes extremely complex and would be too difficult for you to glean anything from it.  So we’ll limit your observation to one person.  Her name is Sally.  She’s a real person in the real world.”

The angel stepped to Bobby’s side and swung around to face the same direction.  There before them was a middle-aged woman walking briskly.  Her surroundings were undefined, though they altered as she moved along.  Sally always remained in focus, but what was around her appeared blurry. 

Bobby was intrigued to see silver, cross-shaped lights gleaming from her chest and her head.

“This is the first view,” the angel said.  “You are about to witness a series of spiritual attacks on this godly woman.  They’ll be pictured as animals to better enable you to grasp their size and seriousness.”

Suddenly, a circle of light appeared near Sally.  There, illuminated for Bobby to clearly see, was a large gray rat.  It was skittering its way to the poor woman; the two were clearly on a collision course.  The views converged and Sally screamed in her shock at the sight of the rodent.  Shifty and quick, the rat dashed around her several times, and then dodged back and forth in front of her.  Sally recoiled in horror.  And suddenly the rat was gone.

The woman took a moment to recuperate, breathed deeply, and resumed her journey.  Little did she know that her path was about to intersect with a skunk.  It waddled into her view where it settled on its haunches before her and eyed her suspiciously for the longest time.  She didn’t move, other than to cover her mouth and nose with her hands.  The noxious creature stood on all fours, and haughtily spun around.  “No!” the woman cried out.  And suddenly the skunk disappeared.

No sooner was the skunk gone when a coyote skulked into her presence … his fur bristling and snarls pouring out of his toothy mouth.  As Sally backed away, the coyote took threatening steps toward her.  This dance continued for some time, the besieged woman backing away and the nasty creature boldly advancing, drawing closer and closer to her.  Then the inevitable happened; the coyote lunged forward … and he was gone.

Poor Sally was shaking.  Eventually she gathered herself and began walking (somewhat unsteadily) again.  Bobby gasped; he saw the hyena coming.  “Jonrus, no!”

“Watch,” the angel replied.

The hyena trotted toward Sally in the strange gait produced by its longer front legs.  Clearly, it had bad intentions for the Christian woman before him.  When the ugly brute burst into her bubble, Sally shrieked.  “Oh, Lord!  Please not this!”  Aggressively, the animal lunged at her again and again.  Sally was terrified … her eyes wide and her mouth screaming at every new approach.  Even so, she was astounded that she wasn’t feeling the hyena’s teeth.  And then the hyena was no more. 

Sally collapsed to the ground, sobbing.  “Lord, no more!  Please!  I don’t think I can take any more!” 

That’s when the grizzly stepped into view.  Huge and ferocious, it towered over the cowering woman.  Not content with that, the massive bear stood up on its back legs, rolling its head back and forth as it roared its defiance and challenge.  Sally curled into a fetal ball, anticipating the devastation about to ruin her life.  “Help me, dear Jesus!  Please help me!”  The bear dropped to all fours and brazenly approached the huddled woman.  This would be easy pickings.  He nudged her roughly with his snout, then opened his mouth to tear into her, saliva dribbling down.  And he vanished.

Bobby was crying along with Sally.  “That poor woman!” 

Jonrus answered, “She is just experiencing the spiritual attacks that every believer endures sooner or later.  Including you.”

He paused.  “Now I will show you the second view.  Look.”

The initial view of the walking Sally reappeared.  However, this time the view was expanded to include a wider area and to reveal what had previously been unseen.  Angels surrounded Sally!  And not just immediately around her, but ranks upon ranks as far as Bobby could see!

In astonishment, Bobby watched as the spiritual attacks approached Sally.  The lines of angels separated seamlessly around the animals … opening before them and closing immediately behind them!  The aggressors were constantly surrounded by countless sword and spear-bearing warriors.  Not only did the angels keep them in place, but they effectively pushed the attackers toward Sally. 

“Why?” Bobby demanded. 

“The why question again?  You should close your mouth and open your eyes and you will see and understand,” Jonrus stated, not unkindly.  “All will be made clear soon.”

As the attackers entered Sally’s presence, the angels continued to maintain their close presence to both the aggressors and the woman.  The attack continued unabated until the angels’ weapons flashed a brilliant gold.  Immediately the warriors acted.

The rat was dispatched with a lightening quick foot stomp.  The skunk was flipped into the air by a sword and swatted away by other swords down the line with amazing coordination until it was finally skewered.  The coyote was clubbed simultaneously by every spear handle within reach.  The hyena was pinned to the ground by multiple spear points. 

Bobby observed it all in awestruck wonder. 

Finally, it was time for the bear attack.  He watched as the grizzly was herded toward Sally.  It tried repeatedly to break away from the angels, lashing out repeatedly.  The angels deftly deflected his blows and remain unmoved from their positions.  The bear advanced until it was face-to-face with the distraught woman. 

Suddenly, with a brilliant explosion of light, Jesus appeared at Sally’s side.  Bobby gasped.  “He’s always present for the fiercest attacks,” Jonrus stated, with clear adulation in his voice. 

Jesus stood over Sally, smiling lovingly.  As the bear opened his mouth over the huddled woman, Jesus’ unsheathed a gleaming sword and decapitated it in a blindingly fast manner.  Jesus knelt down and kissed Sally gently on the forehead.  With another flash, he was gone.

The immensity of what he had seen settled over Bobby.  Both he and Jonrus were quiet for a moment.  Finally, Bobby said, “I’m sorry.  I know I’m not supposed to ask …“

“But why?” Jonrus finished for him.


“It is time for the third view.” Again, everything was repeated.  Sally, the angels, the attackers … it was all visible.  But now Bobby noticed something that hadn’t been revealed before.

During each attack, varied-colored spheres drifted down from heaven … the size comparable to the size of the attacker.  Bobby recognized intuitively that these were God’s blessings.  Some settled in Sally’s head; some in her heart; some rested on her shoulders for future blessing.

And each one produced a greater, brighter cross-light wherever it landed.  

Jonrus spoke.  “These attacks rise from the very pit of hell.  Sometimes the Lord allows them to reach his children.  But only the ones that the Lord knows that person needs … and only because the Lord in his love is bringing spiritual blessings through them.  Sometimes believers come to recognize the blessings on earth; sometimes they don’t recognize them until they arrive at their heavenly home.”

The angel turned to face Bobby.  “This is why spiritual attacks occur – so the Lord can bring blessings that wouldn’t be realized otherwise.  And the Lord does not allow his people to ever face these attacks alone.”

Bobby was speechless; tears of wonder and joy poured down his cheeks. 

“One more thing,” the angel stated.  “You will be spared from great harm because of your accident.  Just some of the blessings the Lord is bringing through it is that the doctor who worked on you is astounded you weren’t more seriously injured, and is reconsidering his view of God.”

“Also, precautionary tests taken following the crash revealed a medical issue you need to know about.  It’s not serious now, but it would be later if not discovered.  And it wouldn’t have been discovered if not for the accident.”

“There are many other blessings being brought to you through this attack as well … not the least of which is that you were given a view of the invisible reality.  Treasure it.  Share it.  Celebrate it!”

Jonrus was gone, as was Bobby’s view of the unseen spiritual world.  His eyes opened to once again see the seen, but his view of it was never the same.

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2 Kings 6:10-17
So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places. This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”

“None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”

“Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

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Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)

Chris Tomlin

You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light
Whom shall I fear

You crush the enemy
Underneath my feet
You are my sword and shield
Though troubles linger still
Whom shall I fear

I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save
You will deliver me
Yours is the victory

Whom shall I fear (whom shall I fear)
Whom shall I fear

I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

And nothing formed against me shall stand
You hold the whole world in Your hands
I’m holding on to Your promises
You are faithful, You are faithful

I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side

Songwriters: Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Scott Mctyeire Cash.

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The Punishment Doesn’t Fit the Crime

The Punishment Doesn’t Fit the Crime

In a certain city lived a life-long criminal.  He was the true definition of the scum of the earth – a person who never did a proper thing if he could gain what he wanted improperly.  His perspective was a totally self-absorbed one, with no care or compassion for anyone else.  Consequently, he had no qualms about hurting anyone if it got him what he wanted.

This thug was a liar … a thief … an abuser … a rapist … and a murderer.  And since he lived out on the streets, he was filthy, smelly, and unkempt in every way – disgusting even to look at, much less to be around.

Outside of the city was a lovely palace where a wonderful king and his dearly-loved son resided.  They cared deeply about the people of the city and were constantly striving to serve them and help them to the best of their ability. 

When the King heard about the increasing crime in the city, he sent his son into the heart of it to look into the problem and to try to make a difference.  Since they were looking for unfiltered information, the prince set out without his usual guards.

The prince was a good man; wise yet humble, kind, loving and gracious.  He entered the city with pure intent – eager to associate with the people there, assess the situation, and to help those in need.

While walking down a street he happened to unknowingly approach the life-long criminal who was hovering in the shadows of an alley, waiting and watching for his next opportunity.  The evil man spotted the prince’s fine clothes and jewelry, and he coveted them.  They would bring him an abundance of coin from the backstreet dealers.

So the hidden predator pounced without warning … pulling his prey into darkness of the alley. The prince was brutally beaten.  But no, it wasn’t enough for the thug to incapacitate his victim; he didn’t stop until he had killed him.

A couple of town constables on their rounds happened to be nearby and heard the prince cry out.  They shone their lanterns into the alley to investigate and caught the murderer (literally) red-handed, as the brut was stripping the body.  The wicked man was so intent on gathering his new-found payday that he was slow to react.  The constables were not; they swooped in and tackled the murderer. 

The constables were horrified that someone’s life had been snuffed out so casually and cruelly.  And even more so when they realized whose body it was!  The prince had been killed!  The king would be devastated.  Oh, what a terrible day for the kingdom! 

They quickly gathered help to transport the son’s body to the palace while they escorted … none-too-nicely … the terrified and trembling criminal there to face the monarch.  They were immediately brought before the king, where they threw their prisoner on the floor.  Then with halting tongues and downcast eyes, they reluctantly revealed what had happened.

The King was heartbroken and sobbed that his son was dead.  “My dear son!  My only son!  The focus of my heart and my hope for the future!”  The entire court cried with him.  Not for show but with sincere grief; the prince was dearly loved by all. 

Every person present wanted and expected the harshest judgement to be levied, and not a single one among them would have questioned it when spoken – no matter how severe.   In their profound grief, they were almost eager to see the horrific punishment the King would pronounce upon his son’s lowlife murderer.  They wanted proper vengeance!

Finally the king steadied himself.  Then he spoke … tears still streaming down his cheeks.

“You have been a brutal criminal all your life.  You have lied, stolen, beaten, abused, raped, and killed.  And to top it all off, you even murdered my son.  So this shall be your punishment:

“Since you have my son’s blood on you, I will clean you up.  I will dress you in the finest of clothes and feed you the finest of foods.  You will eat at my table, live in my palace and remain in my presence, enjoying the very best blessings I can give you.  Your future will hold great joy; my son gave his life for yours!”

The criminal collapsed in disbelief, and the king’s court gasped in shock.  Had the king lost his mind in his grief?  It was beyond comprehension for anyone in this world to give such a sentence after such a crime by a lifelong criminal!  Yet, the king remained resolute, and his son’s murderer was pardoned and pampered from that day on … something no one could ever understand.

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And it is beyond comprehension for such a sentence to be spoken in those circumstances, isn’t it?  I can’t imagine anyone doing what that king did in this world. 

However, there is a king in the heavenly kingdom who has done just that.  If you haven’t put it together yet, we (you and I) are the life-long criminal in that story.  And perhaps your reaction is, “Woah!  I’m not that bad!  I’ve got some faults, but I’m not as evil as that guy!”

But if you remember that the Lord, the Heavenly King, said, “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).  And when you realize that we have broken every single commandment in one way or another, (if not with our body then with our mind), suddenly we recognize that we are every bit the life-long criminal that the man in our story was.

We tend to compare ourselves to other people, who are also sinful, so we come to the conclusion that we aren’t so bad.  But the reality is that we should be comparing ourselves to God, who is perfect in every way.  And when we do that, the conclusion is quite different: we are very, very bad.  We are every bit as evil in God’s eyes as the criminal.

In fact, one could properly say that we killed God’s Son.  It was our crimes that brought Jesus to earth.  It was our sinfulness that caused Jesus to die.  It was our wickedness that demanded proper payment.  It was in love for us that Jesus died on that cross.

If we properly recognize this, we …. like the criminal … stand before God’s judgement seat trembling and terrified.  We can’t expect anything but the worst.  Yet what does the King say?

“Since you have my son’s blood on you, I will clean you up.  I will dress you in the finest of clothes and feed you the finest of foods.  You will eat at my table, and live in my palace and remain in my presence, enjoying the very best blessings I can give you.  Your future will hold great joy; my Son gave his life for yours!”

How do we respond to that?

When we recognize the extent of our lostness, hopelessness, and our deserved punishment, but that instead of punishment we are given love … and grace … and forgiveness … and salvation … and peace … and joy through our Savior, we are overwhelmed!

How do we respond to that totally unexpected … and completely undeserved … blessing from our Heavenly King? 

Maybe we fall to our knees.  Maybe we cry.  Maybe we raise our arms above us and shout in victorious joy.  Maybe we do all of the above.  Almost certainly we immediately send up heart-felt and extremely emotional words of thanks to the Lord.

We cannot be unaffected by this amazing mercy from our God.  We must praise him!  And it’s not just an immediate and one-time praise, but praise that is on-going through our entire life.

The punishment Jesus suffered in our place was proper and necessary for full atonement for our sin to be made.  But the “punishment” we experience definitely doesn’t fit our crimes!

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I fully recognize that there are some profound differences between the Father and Jesus, and the king and the prince in the story above.  First of all, Jesus knew that he was sent by the Father specifically to be killed.  Secondly, both the Father and the Son recognized that Jesus would not stay dead.  Finally, God’s spiritual blessings become ours through faith.  Where faith does not exist, the Lord justly judges and punishes.  He is a merciful God, but also a righteous God.

These are significant differences.

However, my intent with this story was to underscore how radical God’s mercy to you and me really was and is.  Even with the differences mentioned in the paragraph above, God’s mercy to us who know and love our Savior is truly profound, truly underserved, and absolutely unprecedented.  If the story accentuated these truths, then God be praised.

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Ephesians 2:1-5
As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved.

Psalm 103:8-10
The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; 10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

Lamentations 3:22
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

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The All-Encompassing Cure

The All-Encompassing Cure

The huge hall was packed with missionaries, evangelists, and pastors from around the world.  They were gathering for the keynote address of the week-long ecumenical Christian conference. 

As the conference was wrapping up, the attendees were reflecting on the insights they had gained on more effectively and economically growing their ministries.  Some were chatting quietly with new acquaintances, comparing notes and sharing ideas.  Others were reviewing their travel plans and checking their flight status on their phones.

The conference folders were strangely lacking on information for this final presentation.  The time and place were provided, of course, but little else.  The topic was listed as “The All-Encompassing Cure,” and the captivating summary was simply this: “The most important presentation of the conference.” 

The presenter was to be E. Manuel.  No other information was given; no credentials, no biography, no place of service.

No one – not even the conference organizers, if the truth be told – quite understood who the presenter was or how he got the coveted gig of addressing the gathered hundreds.  To say there was a bit of unease in the group, and especially among the coordinators, would be accurate.  But there was also a fair amount of curiosity … even fascination.  What were they about to hear?

The hall lights flickered the message that the presentation was about to start.  The assembled church workers turned their attention to the stage.  The lighting was dim, causing many to suspect there were some technical difficulties. 

A man of medium-height and darker complexion strode to the center of the stage.  He wore a beige dress shirt with a striking picture of a wooden cross offset on the upper right side.  His slacks were brown khakis; his shoes simple loafers.  A neatly trimmed beard adorned his chin; his hair was gathered into a “man-bun.” 

He slowly scanned the audience, his gaze sweeping to one side of the auditorium, then sweeping gradually back to the other side.  The speaker said not a word for the longest time.  A stunned silence gripped the hall, and people began to shift uncomfortably in their seats.

When words finally came, they were brimming with power … not just with volume, but with authority. 

“My message will be brief, but it is critical.  I will not cast any judgements today; I will only speak the truth.  Each of you can make your own assessments of yourselves and your approach to ministry from what I share.  Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!”1  A involuntary shudder rolled through the crowd.  Their eyes were riveted on the man before them.

The speaker continued: “You have spent hours-upon-hours this week learning sophisticated ministry strategies.   You are excited about utilizing new technologies.  You can’t wait to implement new programs in your churches.  Most of it has a place in ministry.  Most can indeed be useful.”

“But these are not the ultimate goal.  Rather, they are only a means to the true goal.” The speaker raised his right hand, his pointer finger extended.  “And they are not the key components of ministry.  They are only tools to the true key component.”

The eyes of many listeners widened. 

“The single most important tool in your ministries is … God’s Word!”  The speaker paused and once again scanned the audience.  Those there felt as if he were looking deep inside them. 

Finally he continued.  “Let me repeat: the single most important tool in your ministries is God’s Word!  ALL of God’s Word.  NOT a Bible gutted of truth by picking and choosing what one wants to believe.  And NOT a Bible polluted by adding things God did not say.  But the Bible God has given you.”

“The Bible God has given you is truth … absolute truth.2  It is God’s own Word, and God doesn’t lie or change his mind.3  It is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens!”4 

Furthermore, the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates soul and spirit!5  The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes!”6

God’s Word is the key to a truly successful ministry … that is, a spiritually successful ministry.  Utilize the many ministry approaches you explored this week to do true ministry – which is sharing God’s full Word with as many people as possible.  And let God’s Holy Spirit work through the living, powerful, life-changing truths God has given!”

Another pause.  More shifting in the listeners.  Some were profoundly uncomfortable and desired to leave, but somehow none could.  None dared.

“This is the first part of the all-encompassing cure.  The Lord has given you everything you need in his words to address any earthly situation you or your people may run into in your ministries.”

“Which leads us to the second part of the cure.  Please turn your attention to the screens.”

Two large screens, one at each end of the platform, lit up.  “Let me show you some real people and their very real struggles.”

A sobbing woman appeared on the screens.  There were no captions; no comments made from the presenter.  Yet intuitively every person looking on recognized that she was a lonely wife longing to feel loved and treasured by her distracted husband. 

She remained in view just long enough for everyone to intensely feel her pain, and then another person … a meth addict … came into view.  Again, everyone somehow understood the situation and the man’s feeling of bondage and hopelessness.  And so it was for each example that followed.

A wealthy businessman chasing even more wealth and power.

A twenty-something male confused on what to believe and searching for meaning in life.

A homeless beggar longing to get out of the cold and to eat a hot meal.

A man in a foreign country unfairly imprisoned by an oppressive government.

An attention-seeking socialite consumed with her appearance and popularity.

A young child wondering why her parents were always fighting.

A man struggling to get out of the gloom of severe depression.

A teenaged boy crying himself to sleep and dreading to face the bullies at school again tomorrow.

A middle-aged couple at a significant juncture of their lives agonizing over the difficult decisions they had to make and the direction to go.

A hungry family in a third world country gathered around a fire, dirt-covered and dressed in rags.

A cancer victim in hospice with only limited time left.

A guilt-wracked sinner with his head in his hands, weeping over his sin.

A weary and despairing person, wondering if there is anything better than this world.

The screens went black.  The presenter stood before them with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed.  Tears were streaming down his cheeks.  And he was not alone.  In fact, there wasn’t a dry eye in the entire auditorium.  How could there be after what they had just witnessed?  So much hurt!

Eventually, the speaker gathered himself.  In a quieter voice, he asked, “What do all these people have in common?”  Only muffled crying was heard in response. 

Finally, a meek voice in front row said, “They need help.”

“Yes, they do.  But their hurts and needs are so different.  How will you help all of them?”

“Love them,” someone else ventured.

“Well, that’s a nice gesture.  But it won’t fundamentally bring them the cure they need.”

“Refer them to agencies that might assist them,” another voiced.

“There may be some help there.  But the fundamental issues remain.”

“Pray for them?”

“A wonderful idea!  But you will undoubtedly be praying that they find the help they need.  Where will that come from?”

“The Word!  Read them appropriate passages from God’s Word, as you talked about earlier.”

“Excellent!  Now we’re getting somewhere!”  The speaker raised both hands questioningly.  “And what does all of God’s Word revolve around?”  Another pause.  “All of God’s Word revolves around God’s love demonstrated to sinners in Jesus-Made-Man.”

“In short, show them Jesus!  All these people need Jesus!  Everyone needs Jesus!  Not some watered-down, rationalized, sterilized Jesus, but the living, loving, caring Jesus of the Bible!”

“The Jesus who loves them so much he died for them.  The Jesus who rose back to life and walked out of the tomb.  The Jesus who ascended to heaven to resume his rightful throne and to prepare a place there for all who believe in him.”7

“The Jesus who is both in heaven and still always with them.  The Jesus who answers their prayers, who provides for them and protects them; the Jesus who guides them and accompanies them through all their difficulties.  The Jesus who loves them with all his heart!”

“Jesus is the All-Encompassing Cure.  No, he doesn’t always take all the hardships away, but he always carries his people through them.  He always eases the hurt and he always brings help and blessing.  Show Jesus to your people.”

The speaker’s head tilted upward, and his arms raised heavenward.  “The Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve.  To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”7

He lowered his gaze back to the people before him.  “Everyone needs Jesus.”  He pulled back his sleeves and held up his nail-marked wrists.  “Everyone needs these, and the one who loves them enough to suffer these.”  

With that, E. Manuel – “God With Us”10 – turned and walked briskly into the shadows. 

  1. Mark 4:9
  2. John 17:17
  3. Numbers 23:19
  4. Psalm 119:89
  5. Hebrews 4:12
  6. Romans 1:16
  7. John 14:3
  8. Matthew 28:20
  9. Isaiah 61:1-3
  10. Matthew 1:23

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I don’t really presume to know what Jesus would say to such a group; I can only guess.  However, in light of how the Bible is being attacked, undermined and disregarded, and recognizing how Jesus, the Savior, is being pushed into almost irrelevance … even sometimes in the church … the Lord might very well say something like this. 

As always, I pray that these words are thought-provoking, and ultimately a blessing to you.  Cherish God’s Word, and God’s Son which God’s Word shows us.  They really are the cure for all that ails us.

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To Subscribe – Go to the “Follow This Blog Via Email” column.  If you don’t immediately see that box, click on the “Comments” tag under the title, and scroll to the very bottom.  You should find it there.  OR simply comment you want to follow and I can add you!

Having Everything

Having Everything

Charles Dickens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol,” was an ingenious concept that has touched millions of people through the years.  It can’t be improved upon.  However, I thought I would provide a bit of a different twist to the concept, and be a bit more direct in the three different “insights” provided.  Dickens was a devout Christian and hinted at these truths.  I trust he would approve of the content of the messages in this version. 

May this story be thought-provoking and ultimately bless all who read it!

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Randy Thomas swung his leather-covered swivel chair slowly around, indulging himself in the sight of his luxuriously appointed office and his above-the-city view.  Nice.  All very nice.  And everything around him was the fruit of his own ingenuity and grit.  He had accomplished it all himself. 

It had been a grueling ascent, but it was behind him now.  He was fabulously wealthy and “on top of the world.”  And the best thing about wealth – he could now afford to hire the very best employees to keep his company prospering. 

Perhaps this would be a good time to check in with Simpson on that multi-million-dollar contract.  He stood, stretched, and sauntered out of his sanctuary. 

Drat!  Lousy timing!  That irritating Johnny Johnson was restocking the snack dispensing machine in the break area of the office.  Maybe Johnson wouldn’t notice him?

“Morning, Mr. Thomas!”  (Clearly he had noticed.)

“Hello, Jansen.”

“It’s Johnson.  But you know that, Mr. Thomas.”  Randy grunted, and Johnny smiled. 

They didn’t come any more gawky than Johnny Johnson.  Long and lean, he seemed all arms and legs; elbows and knees.  His ears stuck out perpendicular from his head, and a sharp, thin nose like a shark’s fin dominated his face.  He sported a small patch of hair centered on the front of his bald head … barely more follicles than protruded in obvious abundance from his nose and ears.

Randy didn’t even pretend to be kind; the man irritated him to no end.  “Why do I seem to run into you every time you are here, Jansen?”

“Just lucky, I guess,” the other man replied, with a grin.  (How could he be so frustratingly nice!)

“I can’t believe they haven’t replaced you yet.”

Johnny showed no response to the insult; he simply continued stocking the machine.  “Good workers are hard to find these days, Mr. Thomas.  You should know that.”  (Hard to rattle this guy!)

Johnny closed the vending machine door, locking it tight.  He stood and looked directly into Randy’s eyes.  “Mr. Thomas, I’d like to give you something.”

Again!  He offered the same thing again!  Every time they talked, Johnny made the same overture!  An exasperated Randy replied, “Why do you keep offering that?

“Because I have something you need.”

“What could you possibly have that I need?  What can you give to someone who has everything?”

“But you don’t have everything, Mr. Thomas.”

“Go away, Johnny.  Just go away!”  Randy wheeled around and stormed back to his office.  Only after he sat back down did he remember he had intended to chat with Simpson.  That stupid Johnson!

Later that evening, Randy nursed a drink while gazing out over the skyline from his penthouse.  Strangely, it wasn’t the business transactions of the day that engaged his mind, but the irritating repeated offer of that goofball Johnson.  To his great annoyance, Randy was intrigued.  What could Johnny’s gift be?  Undoubtedly something meaningless.  Certainly something he already owned, and probably three times over!  Yet Johnny claimed it was something he needed – something he didn’t have.

The man was beyond exasperating!  He was infuriating!

Randy’s thoughts tracked further down the rabbit-hole Johnny had dropped him in.  He was one of the wealthiest men in the world.  There was nothing he wanted that he lacked.  And if he happened to actually find something else he wanted, he wouldn’t lack it for long … no matter the price!  Few people in the world could claim that. 

He allowed himself a moment of honest reflection: “So why do I feel so empty when I have so much?”  There was no easy answer to that.

Randy shrugged and made his way to bed.  Unsettled, he tossed and turned for a while before the alcohol pulled him into a deep sleep.

Gradually it registered on his consciousness that he seemed to be falling face-first from his high-rise apartment.  While plummeting to the street below … faster and faster … the air rushing past him increased in intensity.  His pajamas were pinned to his body; his hair flopped and pulled against his scalp.  Randy was terrified! 

Suddenly, a man with golden hair, piercing blue eyes and a glowing white robe stood suspended in the air below him … his hand held upwards in a halt gesture.  Randy slammed to a stop above him.  Slowly his body rotated until his feet were below him and he was suspended beside the startling gleaming man.  And just that quickly, they were both standing on the ground in a fog-filled field.

“Greetings, Randy.  My name is Soniel.”  His voice was rich, deep and strong … like a ship’s horn melodiously forming words.  “I have been sent to show you things that most never get to see … at least not before their lives end.  You will see … and then you will see or not see.”

Randy swallowed hard.  “Who are you?” he sputtered.  “I mean, what are you?”

“I am a messenger of God bearing a three-fold message to you.  I urge you to watch and listen carefully.  Eternity rides in the balance.”  The angel stared intently at Randy.  Randy wanted to look away, but somehow couldn’t. 

The angel continued.  “Message one: you believe you have everything.  Here is what you really have.”

Soniel swept his arm to the right and pointed.  A casket materialized in the mist.  It was overflowing with his possessions.  Gold and silver bullion, his Rolexes and favorite jewelry from his jewelry chest, fancy clothes from his closets, precious paintings from his homes, titles of his properties and registrations of his vehicles.  Even his personalized and personally-fitted golf clubs. 

The angel spoke.  “Meaningless!  Meaningless.  Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.” (Ecc. 1:1)

As he looked on, Randy suddenly realized with horror that there was a body … his body! … in the casket.  He could see his pale face peeking out amidst his piles of possessions!

The shock hadn’t even settled in when riches began to cascade off the mounded up treasure and his naked corpse rose upward, levitating above the casket.  There was a huge void in his chest; a dark emptiness where his heart should be. 

Soniel’s voice resonated yet again.  “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Mt. 16:26)

No sooner had the words been spoken when the casket burst into flames – the stockpiled riches incinerating in the conflagration.  The heat was all-consuming.  In short order, there was nothing left but smoldering ashes where just moments before had been a fortune. 

Randy’s dead body remained suspended in the air … seemingly untouched by the heat. 

“You brought nothing into the world, and you can take nothing out of it,” (1 Tim. 6:7) the angel said.  “Therefore do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.  For everything in the world passes away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” (1 Jn. 2:15-18)

The angel turned back toward Randy.  “Your everything is absolutely nothing.  Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions, (Lk. 12:15) so fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18)

Randy felt himself shuddering.  He wrapped his arms around himself to try to stop the shaking.  It didn’t help.

“That is message number one.  Here is message number two.”  Soniel swept his other hand in the opposite direction from before, his top two fingers pointing at the vision manifesting there.  “This is where you are headed.”

Randy reluctantly turned his attention where the angel directed.  A small, gray shimmering oval appeared, expanded rapidly and then burst open.  The fabric of the physical was pierced and a view into another world was suddenly revealed.

Initially all he saw was the deepest blackness.  But his nose was immediately filled with the gagging smell of decay and vomit, and his ears were overwhelmed with agonized shrieking.  Women screamed shrilly and men bellowed; sobbing and wailing prevailed.  Meanwhile, the voices of clearly spiritual entities filled the darkness with cursing and manic demonic cackling.  “You’re all doomed!  Doomed! Doomed!” More disturbing and unsettling laughter.  “You’re all doomed to this place and this pain and this darkness with us!  Forever!  Forever!  For-ev-er!

Randy shuddered involuntarily.  He was profoundly moved.

Gradually his eyes assimilated and he began to discern that the place was filled with black fire – the edges of each flame tinged with the faintest orange.  The flames were broken up by the outlines of writhing bodies, trying but failing to escape the licking reach of the fire.  And though the flames burned furiously, the bodies never burned up.

Randy was horrified!  “Hell is real!” he shouted.


But then something even more horrifying became evident.  Above the blackness was a “sky-light” revealing a bright view of Jesus on a throne surrounded by countless people singing and laughing and rejoicing.  The light from that place didn’t stream downwards into the blackness below, but everyone below could clearly look through that “window” and see that bright and beautiful world.

“Heaven’s real too!  And they can see it!”


“That’s cruel!”

“That’s just.  They made their decisions in life, and now they can see life, but have only death.”

Soniel flicked his fingers and the view disappeared.  “It is too much to bear for those still in the physical world.”  He paused.  “It is too much to bear for those in that world as well, but bear it they must and bear it they do.”

Randy didn’t even realize that he had begun sobbing uncontrollably until once again in the silence with Soniel.  “No!  No!  No!” he cried out.  “I have nothing!  Nothing now, and nothing after!”  Tears streamed down his cheeks.  “N O T H I N G!” he repeated in the shock of the revelations.

Randy tried to compose himself … to no avail.  He asked in a shuddering voice, “Can I bear your final message, Soniel?  I am terrified to hear it!  Is it that you are taking me to that horrible place now?  Please, not that!  Please!”

The angel actually smiled.  Not unkindly, but lovingly.  “You are now ready for my final message.  It is quite different from the first two.  It is to reveal what God has done.”  He spread both arms wide.  “Behold!”

The view of Jesus on his throne reappeared.  Beside his throne was another one, where a brilliantly gleaming essence resided.  Jesus stood and bowed to the other throne.  Then a golden whirlwind swirled around Jesus and he disappeared.  The glowing stream grew brighter, arced upwards and then swooped downwards.  Randy watched it rocket past stars and planets on its way to earth. 

Soniel began speaking again – but more quietly now.  Randy could actually hear the wonder in his voice.  “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  He paused, then continued.  “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned …”  (Jn. 3:16-18a)

A young dark-haired woman came into Randy’s view.  Her pregnant belly glowed with golden light.  Randy somehow realized that the aura wasn’t evident to anyone but him. 

The previous view faded and was replaced with the same woman resting on a blanket on a bed of straw.  Beside her a newborn baby boy, glowing golden, wiggled in a feeding trough, while a concerned man knelt between Baby and mother. 

Soniel again.  “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that they might receive adoption to sonship.” (Gal. 4:4-5)

Another scene took shape.  It was a bloodied and battered man hanging from a cross … again faintly glowing golden.  He lifted his head and in a hoarse voice cried out, “It is finished!”

Soniel explained.  “God shows his love for humans in this: while they were still sinners, Christ died for them (Rom. 5:8) … the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” (1 Peter 3:18).

Yet another view was revealed.  Angels like Soniel effortlessly rolled a huge stone away from a tomb.  The living Jesus stood just inside the cavity, waiting and smiling.  Then he stepped into the early morning light. 

The angel before Randy laughed joyfully.  “Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given believers new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you …” (1 Peter 1:3-4)

Then it was only the two of them again.  Randy was sobbing again, but no longer in terror.  He choked out, “I loved the last message!”

“Without the first two messages, it would have meant nothing to you.  I will leave you now.  Do not dismiss my messages.  Do not forget them.  They are truth.”

“Never!  I never will!”  The angel nodded.  “One more thing, if I could,” Randy asked timidly.  Again the angel nodded.  “Why did you come to me?”

“This is certainly not the usual approach, but someone has been praying for you relentlessly, so the Lord sent me.”

“Who has been praying for me?”

“Let’s just say it’s someone who has wanted to give you a gift.”  Randy was stunned. 

The angel disappeared.  And there again was Randy’s body.  But the gaping cavity in his chest was filled with a glowing Baby in a manger.  He began crying again.  He finally truly had Everything, and everything else he had would be used for Him.

Wait until he saw Johnson again!

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A few important comments:

I fully recognize that the concept of an angel sharing these in-depth messages with an unbeliever is NOT how the Lord typically works.  (At least there are no examples of anything similar in the Scriptures.)  God has entrusted the crucial task of sharing Him and His truths to you and me.  (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).  However, I approached it this way simply to attempt to share crucial messages and provide insights in a hopefully impactful way.  That is the benefit of stories.

Hell is often described in the Bible as fiery, but often as darkness as well.  How does one reconcile the two?  I did my best to include both aspects.

Jesus’ account of the rich man in hell (Luke 16:19-31) is absolutely fascinating (and heart-breaking!).  Was Jesus simply sharing a powerful story to pass along powerful truths, or was he giving a glimpse of how things really are?  Or some of both?  I don’t pretend to know.  However, it is a story unlike any others he told.  Therefore I borrowed concepts from it, feeling that if Jesus used these pictures, then I can safely do so as well. 

One of the striking lessons Jesus was teaching in his story was summarized by Abraham to the rich man when he begged that Lazarus be sent back to warn his brothers.  Abraham stated, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets [i.e. God’s Word!], they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”  Taking this to heart, it is clear that even an angel and the remarkable things he could reveal wouldn’t be sufficient to turn a heart either.  Consequently, I had God’s angel share God’s living, heart-altering words with the rich man.  Finally, it is the Holy Spirit working through Scripture that brings faith and changes perspectives.

Despite the licenses I took, I pray that this story glorifies God and brings blessing to God’s people.  Perhaps especially to some who are losing sight of the most important things – their Savior and their soul.

Merry Christmas, everyone!  We have Everything in Jesus!

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Our Transcendent God

Our Transcendent God

Rochelle waved her farewells to some of the other folks from church as she unlocked her car door and climbed in.  It was a good sermon today; very timely.  A message about God’s infinite love, power, wisdom and faithfulness, and how his children can and should trust him completely. 

But anxiety still roiled her stomach and tormented her mind.  “I want to trust you, Lord, but the uncertainties in my life are so many and my problems so large,” she whispered.

Her health had unexpectedly declined in the past few months, and her illness threatened her job, her finances, and her family’s well-being – not to mention potentially her very life.  To say that her circumstances dominated her thoughts would be an understatement.  They were an ever-present shadow in her days and nights.

At her insistence, her husband had taken the kids camping that weekend for one more hurrah before school began.  She didn’t have the energy to go along.  The truth was she actually craved a bit of peace and quiet before the next medical appointment and whatever news that would bring.

Rochelle said it again … tears brimming in her eyes.  “I want to trust you, Lord.  Help me!  Help me trust!  Give me peace!  Reassure my troubled heart!”

She sat there a moment in earnest prayer.  Finally, she sighed deeply and prepared to leave.  Realizing that she’d be heading into the blinding morning sun, she lifted her hand and flipped down her visor.  Something toppled onto her lap.  She retrieved it and was shocked to find it was a gold-colored flash drive.  Even more shocking was the silver label on the drive that read, “Your Transcendent God.”

What was this?  Her first thought was that someone from church had left it for her.  But no, the car had been locked.  She looked around anyway; no one was paying her any attention. 

Her second thought was that it had been left there by her husband.  But that couldn’t be either.  She had lowered that visor just yesterday … after the family had departed for the campground.  There had been nothing there.

“Who put this here?” she wondered.  And immediately, the initial question presented itself again: “What is this?”  She rolled it over in her fingers, trying to make sense of it.  No obvious answers came, so she tucked the drive in a pocket of her purse and drove home.

Even as she changed into more leisurely clothes, her mind never strayed from the flash drive.  So many questions!  The most significant one being … should she open it?  Was it safe?  What would she find there if she did?

After much internal debate and a number of fervent prayers, she sat down at her computer and turned it on.  Despite her concerns, her curiosity compelled her.  With another prayer, she popped the drive into the proper port and held her breath.  “USB Drive (Divine:)” showed up on her screen.  Rochelle inhaled in shock; she had never seen a USB designation like that before.

Slowly … so slowly … she moved the cursor over the name, paused, and then clicked.  There was only one file listed.  It was named, “A Special Message for Rochelle.”  She sucked in another astonished breath and dropped back against her chair-back, staring.

It took a moment before she could move.  But when she did, it was numbly and seemingly without thought; her hand reached for the mouse and she opened the file.

Her screen was filled with a lovely ladybug.  Rochelle initially thought it was a picture, but as she watched, the ladybug extended its wings.  They fluttered and then returned to their place.  Not a picture then, but a video!

The ladybug faded from view and the black sky with thousands of stars took its place.  Golden letters appeared one-by-one from left to right to spell, “Your Transcendent God.”

The words faded from view and the stars took on a crisper focus.  Then gradually what appeared like multi-colored lasers began to crisscross the screen, bursting every which way.  Rochelle intuitively understood that this was energy being dispersed, every particle having its own light display.  The beams continued to increase in number until the entire screen was a writhing spiderweb of color. 

The view was beautiful but bewildering.  Rochelle found herself dizzy and nauseous.  She was about to look away when the beams disappeared, and a new message took form.  “The cosmos: too much for you, but not for God.”

Next, the world took shape as it was viewed from space.  The features became defined; continents and oceans.  Then the flashing beams began to appear again, flying every which way and gradually increasing in number – each an indicator of energy and a display of activity.  When it reached the point of unbearability, it disappeared and these words emerged: “The world: too much for you, but not for God.”

This same scenario was repeated with the nation, her state, and her city.  Each time, the statement “Too much for you, but not for God” marked the end of one view and the beginning of another. 

Rochelle was mesmerized at what she had witnessed.  However, she was truly overwhelmed when an aerial view of her house showed up, the same process occurred, and she was informed yet again, “Too much for you, but not for God.”

The overhead view of her house and yard was presented once more.  This time though it zoomed slowly in on the decorative wooden cross they displayed in their front yard.  The energy shots gradually resumed, but different this time in that Rochelle could see the sources of the beams.  Winged maple spinners dropping from the nearby tree and bouncing off the crossbeam.  Various insects climbing up and down the center post.  Sparrows landing and then taking flight again.  She was amazed at how much activity took place just on the cross alone. 

That’s when the rain began – each droplet a blue laser which erupted into multiple lights when striking the wood.  The rain increased in intensity, and soon the cross was ablaze in blue.  This time the message read, “The cross: too much for you, but not for God.”

The video continued with the cross visible again.  The focus drew closer until it centered on the point where the arms extended from the beam.  There was the ladybug again!  The rain pelted all around it, but it seemed to be untouched.  As was the wood upon which it was resting!

A new proclamation: “Keeping a ladybug dry in a downpour: too much for you, but not for God.”

Then a new and longer message scrolled unto the screen, each line displayed below the previous. 

“I know all.”

“I control all.”

“I love you.”

“I will take care of you.”

“I will take care of everything.”

“I always do!”

“Your Transcendent God.”

The video froze there.  A thunder-burst pulled her attention from the screen.  It was actually raining!

Rochelle couldn’t help herself; she ran to the closet and grabbed her raincoat.  Bursting out the front door and dashing toward the cross, she realized that the rain was letting up.  She slowed as she approached the cross, reluctant at what she might find.  Or not find.

She eased closer.  The back of the cross was completely soaked.  She stepped around to the front and drew closer.  There in the center of the cross sat the ladybug!  Rochelle gasped, then took another step nearer.  Though the front of the cross was also drenched, immediately around the ladybug was a small dry spot, and the dry area was shaped like a heart!  The lovely ladybug extended its wings.  They fluttered and then returned to their place.

Rochelle began to sob uncontrollably.  Her God who died for her knew her and what she was going through, and he loved her and promised to take care of everything.  He truly was a Transcendent God!  He was a God worthy of her trust.

When Rochelle returned to her computer, the flash drive was gone.  But not her hope and joy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Our Transcendent God


“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind.  Is anything too hard for me?”  (Jeremiah 32:27)

Jesus said, “… With God all things are possible.”  (Matthew 19:26)


Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him …(Hebrews 4:13)

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.  (Psalm 139:1-4)

Full of Love for Us

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”  (Jeremiah 31:3)

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!  (1 John 3:1)


Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you.  (Psalm 89:8)

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)

Worthy of Trust

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  (Psalm 18:2)

Cast all your anxiety on [God] because he cares for you.  (1 Peter 5:7)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 4:6-7)

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Another Doorway

Another Doorway

June 11th marks my final day as the pastor at the congregation I have been serving for over 30 years.  The day will essentially be a passage through a doorway from one “place” into an entirely different one.  It’s a significant transition … and by no means an easy one.  But it is also a necessary and good one.

This story is dedicated to my family, to the wonderful people at St. Paul’s I’ve had the privilege of serving for over three decades, and to the wonderful people I will be serving at St. John’s and Faith … all of whom are currently transitioning through large doorways.

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Jordan paused and slid his hands in his front pockets.  He’d been focusing on the massive doorway before him for some time now.  Now it was close … too close for comfort.  Yet his pathway led to that door, and he knew he had to walk through it.  But that didn’t necessarily mean he was comfortable with the idea.

He stood at a distance, contemplating the significance of it.  On this side of the door was the life he knew and had grown comfortable with; on the other side waited an entirely different scenario.  New surroundings.  New people.  New situations.  New blessings certainly, but also new challenges. 

How could one not experience a bit of trepidation at so great a transition?  Who doesn’t hesitate when facing such a significant adjustment to their life?  Jordan stood and stared at the yawning portal of change.  An involuntary shudder passed through him.

“Yes, it’s a bit daunting, isn’t it?” said an unexpected voice from the shadows to his side.  Jordan started, and spun toward the sound.  There, seated on a bench beneath the mighty bows of a cedar tree, sat an elderly man. 

His legs were crossed and his hands rested comfortably on the top leg.  He was dressed in casual slacks and a buttoned flannel shirt … the muted colors of his clothes blending into the shadows cast by the tree.  His gray hair hung down to his shoulders; a shaggy beard obscured the lower part of his face.  Still, Jordan could see his warm smile.

“I’m sorry.  You startled me,” Jordan stated.  

“Yes, I generally do,” the old man replied.  “Most don’t notice me.  They are focusing on the large doorway before them.”  He smiled again.  “Just like you.”

“Who are you?” Jordan asked.

“Think of me as just an old man who has traveled through his share of doors over time.  You can call me Vance.  I’m here to help folks like you facing huge doorways like that one in front of you.”

Jordan raised his eyebrows and tilted his head.  “Really?  Did someone place you here or do you do this willingly?”

“Both,” the old man replied enigmatically.  He raised his hands and beckoned Jordan toward him.  “Why don’t you join me for just a little bit?”

Jordan hesitated, but Vance’s smile seemed warm and genuine, so he stepped over and took a seat beside the old man.  The scent of cedar surrounded them.

Vance let Jordan settle and relax.  The old man continued to face forward, looking across the path and humming a quiet tune.  Finally, Jordan spoke.  “How exactly do you help people here?  It seems to me that people simply have to forge forward through these different doorways … as substantial and as unsettling as that may be.”

“You’re right, of course.  Finally, that is what has to happen.”  Vance turned toward Jordan.  His warm smile returned, then he continued.  “I’m simply here to provide some perspective and to reassure.”

“I could see how that might be helpful,” Jordan responded softly.  “And I could probably use both.”

Vance nodded.  He waited a beat and then asked gently, “So tell me what you understand about the doorways of life.”

Jordan collected his thoughts before replying.  “Well, there are many, many doorways, and they are all different sizes.  Most are smaller and somewhat insignificant.  But some are larger.  Even very large, like the one before me now.  They are the life-altering ones.”

“Well said,” the bearded man responded.  His eyes narrowed as he continued.  “Why are the large doors so difficult?”

“Because you are moving from what you know to what you don’t really know.”

“Yes, that’s very true; that’s a significant factor.  We’ll come back to this in a moment.”  The grizzled gentleman lifted his arm and gently squeezed Jordan’s shoulder.  “But there’s another reason though, isn’t there?  A harder reason.  A reason so painful it’s difficult to state.”

The unanticipated words pulled a sudden wave of emotion to the shore of Jordan’s awareness, and he tried to swallow the sob that flowed from his heart.  Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.  Vance’s hand squeezed his shoulder yet again.  Jordan forced himself to say it, his voice breaking.  “It’s the people on this side of the door.  I care about them so much.”

“Yes, I know.”  Vance paused, his own brown eyes glistening.  “And the sad truth is that you won’t physically see some of those dear people on the other side of that door.  But they are in your heart.  They will always be in your heart, and your heart goes with you through that door.  So they go with you too.”

“The good news is that you will see many of those good people again on the other side of that door.  With the Lord’s blessing and just a little bit of effort, it will happen.  Furthermore, there are scores of other wonderful people eager to meet you on the path ahead.”

Vance grinned and even chuckled.  “And here’s the best news of all.  At the end of your pathway of multiple doors lies the last and greatest doorway of all.  It’s the one that leads you into the Lord’s Land … the heavenly home that you live for and long for.  And every Christian you know will arrive there one day, no matter how many doorways back you knew them on your life path.”

Jordan’s tears flowed freely now.  But they sprang from hope and not sadness.  Finally he managed to utter, “Thank you.”

Eventually, Jordan managed to collect himself.  Vance pushed off the bench with his hands and slowly raised himself to his feet.  “Come.  It’s time to pass through this door.  I’ll keep you company until you get there.”

Jordan stood and made his way back to the path.  The old man shuffled along beside him, softly humming a light-hearted song.  Their steps drew them inexorably to the looming gateway.  Jordan stopped and turned to the man.  “Thank you for encouraging me.  You really were very helpful.”  The aged man nodded solemnly. 

Jordan faced the opening, steeled himself, and began to take the first step that would usher him to the other side when he stopped and rotated back to Vance.  “Wait!  You said we’d come back to the part about entering a place that is largely unknown, but we never did.”

The bearded man broke into a grin.  “I was sure you’d bring it back up.”  He wrapped his arm around Jordan and gently turned him around.  There, immediately behind him, stood Jesus … barely visible, but clearly seen.  Jesus’ hands were clasped behind his back and he gazed at Jordan with boundless love.

Jordan gasped, and new tears streamed down.  “He has always been there with you,” Vance informed him.  “More importantly at this point,” the old-timer stated, firmly rotating Jordan so he looked through the opening to the other side, “look ahead of you.”  There stood Jesus yet again, with the same loving expression. “Just as he has been with you, so he always will be with you.” 

“Though you are transitioning to a new place in your life, God goes with you!”  Vance clapped him softly on the back.  “And that’s what makes the journey not only bearable, but blessed.  Go with God, Jordan.  All will be well.”

It was only after he had passed through the opening that Jordan realized with a jolt that he had never told the old man his name.

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Deuteronomy 31:6-8 (selected)  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified …, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. … Be strong and courageous, for you must go … into the land that the Lord … [gives you] …. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

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I Killed Him.  But Not for Long!

I Killed Him.  But Not for Long!

I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t believe me.  In fact, anyone who does believe me will undoubtedly be regarded as a fool.  Nevertheless, what I’m about to share is absolutely true, and greater the fool who does not believe it … as unbelievable as my words may sound.

My name is Justus.  I’m a Roman centurion assigned to Governor Pilate’s detachment in Judea.  I happened to have the unfortunate fate of overseeing the killing of the Son of God.

I didn’t do it in battle or out of any animosity toward him.  I was just following orders.  (And, it seems, God’s plan.)

When Jesus was first brought to the governor, he was already badly beaten.  Clearly the temple guard had abused him before bringing him to Pilate.  I had a close-up view because it happened to be my day to personally guard Pilate, along with another centurion named Valerius.  (There are always two experienced soldiers flanking the governor, with extra legionnaires lounging out of sight nearby ready to respond should any threat show itself.)

My first impression of Jesus was striking.

I’ve seen many criminals and accused criminals in my day, and they are all the same.  They always protest their innocence.  Either arrogantly or fearfully – but always aggressively!  Jesus. however, didn’t say a word! 

The chief priests and Jewish leaders were vehemently accusing Jesus of subverting the people, and any number of other crimes.  They wanted Jesus dead.  (It’s hard for me to imagine spiritual leaders so set on taking someone’s life; it doesn’t seem godly to me.  Nevertheless, I heard it with my own ears.)

Meanwhile, Jesus calmly and regally stood before the man who could condemn him to death, silent and unflinching.  Which seemed to infuriate his enemies even more and foster the flinging of more charges. 

Governor Pilate was clearly astonished that Jesus would make no defense for himself – even when asked or demanded.  I was astonished too!  Clearly, this was no ordinary man.

When in Jerusalem, Pilate resided in Herod the Great’s palace on the western end of the upper city.  Of course, the governor was in town during the Passover Festival should any unexpected excitement arise. We initially met the crowd bringing Jesus on the pavement outside the palace.  (The people didn’t want to enter the palace and be “defiled” for the festival.) 

After hearing the Jewish leaders’ accusations, Pontius Pilate motioned for Valerius and myself to escort Jesus away from the throng.  Pilate wanted to withdrew from the clamor and speak with Jesus privately, so we climbed the steps into the Praetorium.

While attending the governor, we are trained to focus on the surroundings and protect from potential threats.  And we do that well.  But when in such close proximity to the man, it is impossible not to hear things.  Important things.  Life-changing things.

That momentous morning I overheard a number of remarkable things.

First, the governor’s wife sent an urgent message to him … actually interrupting the proceedings, which is unprecedented.  Her message was stunning.  “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.”  At hearing this, Pilate’s eyes grew wide.  He was momentarily taken aback and hesitated to proceed.

But when he did, I heard another remarkable statement.  The governor asked Jesus if he was a king as the people claimed.  Jesus actually answered this question!  He acknowledged he was indeed a king, but said “My kingdom is not of this world.”  Again, Pilate’s world was rocked.  This was a ridiculous claim, but Jesus was absolutely sincere.  And he was clearly not unhinged.

“You are a king, then!” exclaimed Pilate.

Jesus answered, “The reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”

To which the frustrated and cynical governor replied, “What is truth?”

Jesus turned his gaze to me and said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”  Something stirred in me, and I knew in my soul it was true.

As for Pilate, remember that it was commonly believed by the Romans that the gods visited the earth in human form.  The governor wasn’t an overly religious man, but he was superstitious enough to not want to press his luck.  Once Jesus stated that his kingdom wasn’t in this world, the governor was determined to release him.

When he suggested this to the Jews, they demanded crucifixion.  In an attempt to appease their bloodlust, he reluctantly had Jesus flogged.

I was thankful that I was guarding the governor that morning and had to remain by his side.  I wanted no part of hurting Jesus, who was clearly guilty of nothing more than inflaming the jealousy of the Jewish spiritual leaders.  My comrades, however, took particular delight in torturing Jesus even beyond the flaying of his back and legs with the scourge.  Even from a distance, we could hear their boisterous revelry at Jesus’ expense. 

Pilate was clearly shaken.

When they finally brought the bleeding prisoner back to the hall, it was obvious they had been more brutal with him than most.  Jesus was a mess.  He was wearing a crown of thorns and a purple robe … the material thoroughly saturated with the blood from his wounds.  I’m a hardened soldier who has seen a lot, but my heart went out to him. 

Pilate led the blood-covered and stumbling Jesus out to the crowd, hoping now for the opportunity to release him.  But the people refused, screaming, “Crucify him!  Crucify him!”

Pilate replied that he found no basis for such a sentence.  That’s when the chief priests informed the governor that the reason they demanded capital punishment was because Jesus claimed to be the Son of God.

When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid.  It seemed to align with Jesus’ own words spoken to him a short time before.  Once more he retreated into the hall to question Jesus … asking him where he came from.  When Jesus refused to answer, Pilate said, “Do you refuse to speak to me?  Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?”

Then I heard another one of those mind-blowing statements.  Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above.  Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.”

Upon hearing this, Pilate was doubly determined to free Jesus.  However, the uproar from the nationals increased, and finally the governor had to acquiesce; he couldn’t afford to have a riot break out.  And especially with so many visitors in the city.  With halting voice, he sentenced Jesus to crucifixion.  The mob roared.

Pulling Valerius and myself close, the trembling Pilate ordered us to accompany Jesus to the crucifixion and oversee it.  “You have seen and heard.  Try to show him some compassion.  And may the gods have mercy on me.”

The crucifixion process for Jesus was unremarkable, other than that he didn’t fight or protest and beg as the nails were about to be driven through his body.  He passively endured them.  (Or at least, as passively as the excruciating pain they caused would allow.)  To not make any resistance, either verbally or physically, was definitely unusual. 

The events that occurred shortly thereafter were even more unusual.

After we had nailed him to the cross and raised him up, I heard something I have never heard from any crucified person before or since.  Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”  He was staring at me as he spoke.  I admit it; this rattled me.  Why did he keep looking at me like that?

Then another unprecedented event occurred.  At noon, the sun quite shining.  It didn’t just dim a bit, but darkened completely!  This lack of light didn’t occur only over Jerusalem, but over the entire land!  It was like midnight under a heavy cloud cover with no moonlight.  It was beyond eerie; it was downright terrifying! 

There was widespread panic in the city.  Many were certain the world was ending.  Wailing arose along with shouted prayers to Jahweh to have mercy and restore the light.  Clearly this was no eclipse; the utter blackness lasted three hours!

Regardless of the unprecedented events, Valerius and I had to hold our posts and continue to be diligent in monitoring our soldiers and the condemned.  Amazingly, even during that dark and unsettling time, the mocking and ridicule of Jesus continued … from his enemies, from some of my soldiers, and even from one of the men crucified with Jesus.  But the other condemned man rebuked him, and then made a remarkable request.  “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

Jesus’ reply was stunning.  “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

What?  How could Jesus say this?  How could he know the time of their death, and especially their destination afterward?  It could take days to die by crucifixion.  And no one really knew anything about the afterlife.  Yet Jesus seemed certain on both.  Who was this man?

But shortly afterward Jesus shouted out and died. That’s when things became really interesting!

In the darkness, a heavy rumble arose from the earth, and the ground began rolling and shaking.  Increasingly panicked cries rose from all around as people became more convinced that all was ending.  The cross holding Jesus’ mocker tilted askew, and the man cried out in pain as his body pulled against the nails. Jesus’ jeering opponents beneath him were toppled painfully to the ground.  Explosive cracks sounded in the vicinity as rock formations split.

A terrified Valerius grabbed my arm.  Gesturing toward Jesus, he exclaimed, “Surely this was a righteous man.”  To which I replied, “More than that.  Surely he was the Son of God!”

And just that quickly, the sun began to share its joyful rays again.  Shouts of praise rose from the relieved Jews nearby, and they began to assess the damage from the earthquake.

A spear point thrust into Jesus’ chest proved he was dead.  Our soldiers breaking the legs of the other two men brought hasty demises to them as well.  Our job was done.  But I couldn’t easily dismiss the fact that it seemed I had been instrumental in killing the Son of God.  As exhausted as I was from the events of the day, I struggled to sleep that night.

The next morning I was amazed to hear the Jewish leaders requested a Roman seal over Jesus’ tomb.  They were convinced some of Jesus’ followers would steal the body and claim he had risen back to life as he contended he would do during his life. 

I was even more amazed when orders came down from Pontius Pilate to do so.  I would have thought the governor would have been thoroughly fed up with these pushy people by that point.  But apparently he wanted to go the extra distance to appease them … undoubtedly hoping finally and fully.  Peace is a precious thing in volatile Palestine.

So a detachment of Roman guards was dispatched to the tomb.  The first group made the tomb secure by putting a Roman seal on the large stone covering the entrance.  For someone to break it meant death.  Then they assumed the first round of guard duty. 

The way we Romans handle this is through three-hour shifts of four soldiers each.  It’s actually a rather impressive and imposing sight.  Each soldier is responsible for six square feet of space. The fully armed guards don’t leave that space.  Nor are they even allowed to sit down or lean against anything while on duty.  

Normally centurions don’t pull guard duty.  However, to the surprise and delight of my soldiers, I assigned myself to the Sunday morning shift (the fourth watch of the night, often referred to the “cock-crowing vigil.”).  I have always been an early riser, and I was still struggling with all that had transpired in regard to Jesus.  I had been so involved in his final hours that I harbored an affinity to him.  I couldn’t explain it, but I felt drawn to be outside his tomb that morning.

The first hours of the watch were quiet; the Jews still observing their Sabbath day and night of rest.  A flurry of activity was expected at first light as another week in Jerusalem began, especially on the heels of the festival.

I was still contemplating Jesus … what I had heard him say, who he had been, and what I had done to him … when I noticed two brilliantly bright lights in the night sky.  They were moving – arcing down from the heavens and rapidly drawing closer.  The other guards spotted them too, gasping and brandishing their spears in defensive postures.  “What is that?” someone blurted out.

The lights continued to approach; they seemed fixed on our location.  The closer they came, the more blinding was their aura.  Before having to look away, I was able to distinguish two human-like figures dressed in white robes, bright as lightening.  But unlike a lightening flash, their brilliance never disappeared; it only increased in intensity.  They glided on the air in a standing posture, their arms by their sides.

Even with our eyes pressed shut and our arms crossed in front of our faces, we could still sense the area around us brightening … the inky black of early morning being driven away as with the brilliant light of a sunny summer day.  Only this light was purer and whiter than sunshine.  It was painful; piercing through closed eyelids and into our very flesh, seeming to expose all our inner ugliness.

We fell to the ground in abject terror, assuming fetal positions in the dirt with hands over our heads and shaking uncontrollably as the beings swooped over us.  Expecting to be struck dead, I heard stone grating against stone as the large carved door was rolled away from the tomb’s entrance.  Then for the second time in just days, a deep rumbling arose and the ground began pitching violently beneath us.  Another earthquake!

It was too much for us; the terror took us out of awareness. 

When I came to, my eyes happened to be focused on the open entrance to the tomb.  To my astonishment, I saw a living Jesus stepping out into the feeble light of dawn.  He lifted his face and raised his arms toward the sky; a joyous smile appearing.

I raised my head in wonder.  Jesus turned his gaze to me once again.  He stepped over to me, placed his warm hand tenderly on my forehead, (my helmet had rolled off in my collapse), and said, “Do not be afraid.  I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!” 

Tears of joy flowed down my cheeks.  Jesus smiled at me.  “Justice has been done, Justus.  Learn what this means.”  With that, he walked away into the early morning shadows, whistling happily.

As for me, I was determined to learn more about this Jesus.  What I already knew was that he was so much more than just a man.

One final note.  Some of the other guards fearfully reported what had happened to the chief priests.  (They were afraid to tell Pilate; he could execute them for failure to carry out their assigned duty.)  I didn’t go with them.  If I had, I would have told those power-hungry men that their efforts to take Jesus out had failed miserably.  He was alive again. 

Yes, I may have killed him.  But not for long!

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I did not intend for this story to become quite so long.  However, as I began to reflect on all that Justus might have seen and heard, and which the Holy Spirit could have used to change him, I kept finding more that seemed necessary to include!  Despite the story’s length, I pray that it was an enjoyable and ultimately encouraging read.

I did take some liberties with the storyline regarding Justus, and embellished some of the events Scripture mentions in passing.  However, to the best of my ability, I accurately portrayed the Biblical account of Jesus’ trial, death and resurrection, as well as the Roman way of doing things.

As for the guards at the tomb, there is a difference of opinion on whether they were Roman guards or Jewish temple guards.  I concluded that they were probably Roman ones – not just for the purpose of this story, but for logical reasons.  The biggest ones being that Roman soldiers would probably be the ones to guard a Roman seal, and Jewish guards would probably have little reason to fear Governor Pilate’s retribution for falling asleep on duty.

Happy Easter!

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A Shocking but Enlightening View

A Shocking but Enlightening View

WARNING: Portions of this story will be shocking and unpleasant.  While just a story, I believe it to be an accurate representation of God’s truths and the immensity of God’s love for us, and therefore, I pray, also enlightening.  Finally, (and as always), I pray that these words are spiritually encouraging … as unsettling as some of pictures they portray may be.

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Being a Christian shouldn’t be this difficult!  Yet Benjamin was struggling.  He knew God was real, and he believed Jesus was his Savior.  But “the devil was in the details.”

When was he converted?  Was he fully converted?  How did it happen?  Had he personally done enough to cross over the sacred line of faith?  Was there more he needed to do? 

How could he know with conviction the answers to any of these questions?

Ben was an avid reader of theological books and an eager listener to Bible preachers, teachers and pod-cast speakers.  And the input he was getting supplied different answers.  They all sounded knowledgeable and convincing, yet they drew different conclusions!  Who was right?  Whose “take” should he take to heart?

Being a conscientious guy, Ben struggled to find peace.  He knew the Lord desired … even promised … peace to him.  Yet it was elusive.  Repeatedly he begged, “Lord, give me the peace you promised.  I long for it!   I need it!”

After yet another prelude of agonized prayer, tossing and turning on his bed, Ben’s exhausted body finally fell into a troubled sleep.  In the deepest recesses of the darkness, as his mind settled slowly into the heavy mists of slumber, a gentle, soothing voice called out to him. “Benjamin.  Benjamin.”

Ben’s befuddled brain slowly cleared, and his awareness heightened.  He recognized he was still wrapped in sleep, yet he was fully conscious.  “Benjamin,” the voice called again.  “Dear Benjamin.”

“Who is calling me?”

“It’s me – Jesus.  I am here to give you peace.”

Ben was incredulous.  Overwhelmed.  Was the Lord really speaking to him?

“Yes, Ben, I Am.  And I’m really speaking to you.”  There was a brief pause.  “Do you recognize what I just did there?” Jesus asked with a smile in his voice. 

“I do,” Ben answered merrily.  The Lord had put him at ease so easily.

“Good for you!” Jesus continued.  “Well, Ben, I’m here to bring you the peace you have prayed so earnestly for.”

A flurry of emotions swarmed Ben.  Astonishment.  Awe.  Joy!  A bit of trepidation.  A surge of hope.  But remarkably, no fear.

“I have something to show you, Ben,” Jesus stated.  “It will be one of the most disturbing experiences you will ever endure.  But you must take it in.  All of it … for this is the way to peace.”

Ben hesitated.  “Can I handle it, Lord?”

“I will never give you anything you can’t handle, Ben.  And we will be with you.”


“My Father, my Spirit, and me.”

“Of course!  I’m sorry.”  Ben was embarrassed he didn’t make the obvious connection.  “I will trust you, Lord.  Show me what I need to see.”

A slight breeze began to nudge the shadows past him.  They carried an odor on their currents – the unmistakable stench of death.  It began as just a whiff, but rapidly increased in intensity until it became almost unbearable.  At the same time the view became clearer; the murk dissipating and Ben’s focus becoming more fully defined.

He wasn’t prepared for the scene before him.

A rotting carcass lay face down on the grassless soil – the decomposing body leaving a slimy film of liquid leaching into the dirt around it.  The body was unclothed, and seemed to be subtly writhing, appearing almost as a hologram.  But then Ben realized with horror that the movement came from thousands of maggots consuming the flesh.  The stench was overpowering, and Ben gagged and retched. 

Intuitively he knew that the body was his.  “O no!  I’m dead!  I’m dead!”  Ben was nauseated not only from the sight and smell, but from the ramifications.

“Yes, Ben, that was you.  And you were dead in unbelief and sin.”  Jesus paused, then continued.  “But now observe.”

For a moment nothing changed.  Ben found himself riveted to the macabre scene, unable to look away; his horror escalating.  Then movement caught his eye as a figure slowly approached the grisly corpse, walking forward from a position previously behind Ben.  “Watch out!” he shouted, concerned the man would inadvertently stumble over the rotten mess, though it would be nearly impossible for it to go unnoticed. 

But the person continued easing closer to the body, undaunted and unwavering.  He knelt in the liquidy slop near the head.  “No! No! No!” Ben moaned.  He wanted to turn away, but couldn’t. The kneeling man turned toward Ben with a loving smile.  It was Jesus!  Then he turned back toward the reeking carcass and leaned close.  The maggots wriggled frantically away as Jesus’ face drew near. 

Then he kissed the dead Ben’s cheek as the observing Ben gasped.  “I love you, Ben,” Jesus stated softly, as he lifted his hand over the decaying Ben’s head.  A vibrant red drop of blood formed under the wound in that hand, gradually growing larger until it separated and cascaded downward, landing with a splash on the deceased’s forehead. 

Meanwhile, a gleaming white dove circled closer and closer to the body, trailing a fluorescent wake.

Then another voice, rich and full and resonant, announced, “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.  I will put my Spirit in you and you will live.  Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it.”  

Simultaneously, the dove plunged into the corpse, which immediately began to twitch and spasm and glow.  Then the transformation began in earnest.  The white, writhing maggots grew still, turned brown and then shriveled black, finally disintegrating altogether.  The liquid pool around the body was drawn back into the frame and the sallow, sagging flesh firmed up, taking on a healthy tone.

Jesus flipped his extended hand over, his fingers splayed wide.  There was a flash, and a brilliant robe of white enveloped the body – a purple sash encircling its waist.  The ribcage rose and fell as breath filled the lungs.  Previously opaque eyes began to glimmer; eyelids blinked; a grin formed, followed by a gleeful laugh.

Formerly dead Ben lifted his head, pulled his arms and legs underneath him, and pushed himself up to a kneeling position.  Jesus gripped his arm and helped him to his feet.  At that moment, the observing Ben’s viewpoint changed; suddenly he was seeing through the eyes of the newly quickened Ben.  And he was looking at the joyous face of Jesus.

“Do you understand now, Benjamin?  You were spiritually dead; there was nothing … absolutely nothing … you could do to change your condition.  But we brought you to life.  Your spiritual life and your salvation are not dependent upon you, but upon us.  Totally upon us!  It is our gracious gift to you.  So do not get too caught up in the words and views of people; immerse yourself in our words.  The truth is magnificent, yes – but it is also simple.  We have done it, so it is done!  Be at peace, Ben, and live in joy for us.”

The Lord embraced Ben, then held him at arm’s length.  “You now live, Ben.  And you are always loved.”  Jesus released him, smiled once more and then disappeared. 

Ben woke with a start, his eyes rocketing open.  He sat up and reflected on what he had just experienced.   “That was wonderful,” he thought.  “But was it real?”  (It sure seemed real.)

He became aware of something in his right ear.  He reached up and plucked it out.  It was a blackened, dried maggot.  As he stared at it, it dissolved. 

Tears flooded down his cheeks as he poured out his thanks to the Lord who loved him and had given him life.  A glorious peace filled his heart; the gracious Lord had done great things in him … and for him!

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Ephesians 2:1-10
As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ezekiel 37:1-14
The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry.

He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’ ”

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’ ”

So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet — a vast army.

Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.  I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it, declares the LORD.’ ”

Ephesians 5:14
This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

Isaiah 26:19
But your dead will live, LORD; their bodies will rise — let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy — your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead.

John 1:12-13
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God — children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes …

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

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