Catch-Your-Attention Power!

I had flown to Michigan to coordinate some projects at our new house. Amazingly the small airport most convenient to where I was going was also the cheapest one to fly into! (Thank you, Lord!) I had reserved a “mid-size” car to drive for the five days I was there.
When I arrived at the rental car counter, the nice young gentleman working there said I was his last customer of the day. He proceeded to process my reservation. When it came time to offer my options for rental cars, he listed a few of the usual “mid-size” choices. “Or,” he continued with a smile, “we could send you out of here with a Ford Mustang GT.”
I’m sure my eyes got wide. “Is that really an option?” I asked. “For the same price?”
“Yes, it is. Would you like it?”
“Hmmm. Let me think about it. … SURE!” He handed me the keys.
Afterwards, I had to take a moment to rearrange some of my travel accessories in my suitcase. As I rolled my bag across the parking lot toward my “mid-size” muscle-car, the young man from the counter happened to be driving away. He hung his head out the window. “Enjoy your ride!” he called with a smile and a wave. “I’m sure I will!” I called back.
And then there she was. Sleek and silver, slung low, with black racing stripes running down the hood – the perfect picture of power. (It’s the actual car at the top of this post.) I couldn’t resist; I immediately snapped a picture and sent it off in a group text to my family. “Check out my rockin’ ride for the next 5 days!”
I stowed my suitcase in the trunk, and settled into the drivers seat. I took a deep breath and pushed the ignition button. The vehicle shuddered as the engine roared to life, growling like a giant, angry beast. (At least, it seemed like it shuddered. It most definitely was growling!) The power instantly available to me was tangible. I could hear it and feel it! I was enveloped in it!
It was catch-your-attention power.
When I was young and fuel was cheap, cars were built differently. Consequently, my father had some powerful vehicles. Don’t tell my parents, but I raced some of those cars on the backroads of the little town where we lived. Drove them fast. But I never experienced anything like that Mustang GT.
Just to provide context, here’s some information on the typical Mustang GT: It offers the driver 460 horsepower, can jump from 0-60 in less than 4 seconds, and can reach the speed of 145 miles-per-hour! Here’s how someone described the vehicle online: “Voted as the manliest car for several years, the Ford Mustang … was built for one thing and one thing only – power. The Mustang is a monster through and through!”
The ticket price for one of those babies? Probably about $40,000.
Just for the record, I didn’t personally research the acceleration or velocity capabilities of the Mustang while tooling around Michigan. But I did drive it into the church parking lot for the meet-and-greet with the members of my new congregations … arriving there with the rumbling, high-performance, “manliest car” possible. (They weren’t quite sure what to make of that.)
Interestingly, it snowed much of the time I was driving that car, and the white stuff continued to accumulate the entire week. I learned that though the vehicle is most certainly built for power, it is most certainly NOT built for slippery streets! By the goodness of God, I managed to avoid any incidents and returned it to the airport undamaged. Which was good for the rental company, good for my insurance company, and certainly good for me.
Sitting in the driver’s seat of that car, it was impossible to not recognize you were wrapped in sheer power. It occurred to me while perched over 460 “horses” that as God’s children we are always wrapped in power. And it’s a far greater power than any car … or any other man-made invention … can provide.
“Who among the gods is like you, LORD? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? (Exodus 15:11) “Who is like you, LORD God Almighty? You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you” (Psalm 89:8).
The Creator of the cosmos has our back, and is at our beck-and-call. He knows all, sees all, controls all, can do all, and hears every single one of our prayers. He certainly isn’t affected by snow or any nasty weather; in fact, he orchestrates it. (Along with every other thing!) And always in love for our good.
Now that’s the ultimate “catch-your-attention” power!
“Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, you his servants; praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?” (Psalm 113:1-6).
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One thought on “Catch-Your-Attention Power!”
Thank you, pastor!!
Yeah, you were a little geeked with the Mustang, sorta like a kid in a candystore!!
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