Beware the Hook!

I am blessed that I can now walk out our back door, stroll onto our dock and be fishing in a matter of 5 minutes. And I take advantage of this blessing as often as I can. (Which isn’t as often as I’d like.)
Fishing is generally regarded as one of those pastimes which can provide wondrous relaxation. But if things are going well, the relaxation will be punctuated frequently by sudden excitement.
All of which makes fishing so enjoyable … at least for the fishers. For the fish, however, it’s literally a matter of life and death. The wrong decision leads to some significant consequences.
Many factors weigh into whether a fishing expedition is successful. Weather conditions, water temperature, time of day, the phase of the moon, and the particular place one is fishing (both the body of water and where one is fishing that water) can impact whether fish are caught or not.
But the most crucial element of all in a typical fishing excursion is the hook. If one wants to catch fish in the traditional manner of fishing, they must use at least one hook. And extra hooks are extra good, if legally allowed!
It goes without saying, however, that just a bare hook will generally catch nothing besides seaweed. Even the dumbest fish knows better than to impale itself on a bare hook. Rather, the fisher-person adorns the hook with something that will (hopefully!) entice a finned fellow to bite.
Those hook adornments can take many different forms. The most common are almost certainly worms of some kind. However, the most effective bait for panfish on our lake seems to be “wax worms” or “waxies,” which are the larvae of wax moths. Powerbait can be extremely effective for trout; smelly baits for catfish. Gadgets made to look like fish or other critters (with treble hooks attached) can be retrieved or trolled to entice a strike from a predatory fish. Finally, there are endless variations to the presentation of the catching apparatus called a “hook.”
Consider the names that refer to these fishing standards: attractants, lures, bait, and hooks. And no wonder! Their very purpose is to attract a fish, lure it to take the bait and get hooked! When that happens, it’s great for the fisherman, but not so great for the fish.
As humans, we are familiar with the concept of predation. Even if we don’t actively hunt or fish, we are aware that we are at the top of the food chain. In the physical world, we are predators … if not actively, then passively. However, it is crucial we recognize that in the spiritual realm we are the prey!
The Apostle Peter paints this illustration for us: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). That “someone” is you and me!
And just like the fisher does when pursuing fish, so Satan dangles baited hooks before us. He will present the hook in different ways for different people and at different times. (We are all pulled by our own unique temptations, and he will bring out what he knows works best on us.) But be assured that under that enticing attractant or attached to that seductive lure is a sharp and potentially deadly barbed point.
Sometimes the fish don’t even recognize the hooks under the bait until it’s too late. But there are other times that they DO know about the hook, but STILL come after the bait.
Have you ever dipped your worm-covered rig in the water right next to a frequently used fishing dock? If so, then you know that seasoned little fishees will quickly, adeptly and repeatedly strip the crawler off your hook while you watch, and as you futilely attempt to catch them.
That’s how we are too sometimes! We know that Satan is trying to hook us on an attractively arrayed temptation, but we still bite. Often eagerly! Like the little fish, we think we can get away with it. But sometimes those overconfident biters miscalculate and find themselves hooked. The same can happen to us. Bite on a temptation too often, and we could suffer far more than we anticipated. The spiritual ramifications could be profound.
This is what Paul was writing about to the Corinthian Christians: “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:3).
Attractive? Alluring? Absolutely! But beware the hook!
We are so easily persuaded to nibble on “goodies” that aren’t good for us. Thankfully our God is forever faithful. Take to heart this sobering reminder and these encouraging insights from the Bible:
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:12-13).
That’s certainly comforting to know. But even more comforting is the knowledge that the Lord has also provided forgiveness through Jesus for those times when we bit on an alluringly decorated hook!
How good is our God! How blessed are we! All the more reason to swim on past Satan’s temptingly tantalizing hooks.
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