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Our Exceedingly Faithful God

Our Exceedingly Faithful God

It’s been a tumultuous few weeks, to say the least. 

My wife and I went through an extensive purging process with our possessions, then packed them up at one house, wrapped up multiple projects on that house, drove 2000 miles in 3 ½ days to meet the moving crew for unloading the truck, unpacked our possessions (at least as many as we could so far!), tried to get settled (though there is much yet to do!), coordinated significant home-improvement projects from thousands of miles away, undertook new projects at our new place, got installed (at least I have; my wife’s will happen shortly), and have begun working in our new positions.  (I’m thoroughly exhausted just from typing that last paragraph; even more so realizing we have lived it!)

And through it ALL, the Lord has been exceedingly faithful!

If we weren’t devout believers, the incredible things God has done for us would seem to be beyond belief.  Repeatedly!  Remarkably!  Resoundingly!  And ultimately, refreshingly!

Over and over again I lifted up prayers of thanks as yet another situation was resolved.  Sometimes miraculously.  Always sufficiently.  And typically abundantly. 

Repeatedly I thought, “I need to remember this!”  My intention was to compile a lengthy list – both to reflect upon later personally, and to share with you.  But in the press of moving on to the “next critical thing” and sheer exhaustion, the list was never written and the specifics have faded from memory. 

Though the many examples have disappeared through the caffeinated but confused and compromised colander of my mind, I do remember this, and clearly – the Lord did great things for us!  Exceedingly great things and exceedingly often!  He was … and continues to be … exceedingly faithful.

We often refer to our Lord as “faithful.”  We tend to toss out the concept fairly frivolously.  (At least I have at times.)  But when you experience it in resounding fashion, no frivolity remains.  Only awe and wonder.  And thankfulness and praise.

I’m confident you have experienced God’s faithfulness in resounding fashion as well a time or two in your life.  So you well know the response God’s faithfulness elicits in our hearts and minds.

It’s not surprising that the faithfulness of God receives such emphasis in the Scriptures.  The concept is noted in both the Old and New Testament, and especially in the Psalms.  (Not surprising since they are the hymns of the Jewish believers.)

Perhaps David summarizes it best in several of his hymns when he writes, “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies” (Psalm 36:5).

Typically, as David did, God’s “faithfulness” in the Bible is used in conjunction with God’s “love.”  Which makes perfect sense since God’s faithfulness to us is driven by his love for us.  Since the Lord loves us perfectly, he is perfectly faithful to us.

The Scriptures multi-faceted references to the Lord’s faithfulness are striking.

We are shown that he is abounding in faithfulness, and maintains it (Ex. 34:6-7) through all generations (Ps. 100:5).  He is faithfully perfect and just (Dt. 32:4); faithful with his word (Ps. 33:4) and faithful to his word (Ps. 145:15). 

God is faithfully compassionate (Lam. 3:22-23).  In fact, his faithfulness drove him to make atonement for our wrongs (Prov. 16:6) and still drives him to forgive us in our repentance (1 Jn. 1:8).

Furthermore, he is faithful even in our temptation!  “God … will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it” (1 Cor. 10:13).

He is faithful in strengthening us and protecting us from Satan’s attacks (2 Th. 3:3), and in keeping us “blameless” until Jesus returns (1 Th. 5:23).

The Lord is faithful even in the face of faithlessness (2 Tim. 2:13).

The Bible is abundantly clear; our God is faithful! 

There is nothing like a cyclone of personal upheavals to demonstrate how exceptional God’s faithfulness is.  To which I say, “I thank you, dear Lord.  I praise your name!”

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Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

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Waiting and Watching

Waiting and Watching

As I write this, movers are packing up the fragile items in our house.  This is only Round 1.  They are returning in a few days for Round 2.  Then they load the moving truck – also a 2-day process.  (After 33 years in Tacoma, we have a LOT of stuff … even after extensive purging!)

I could share another previously posted message today, as I have been doing frequently lately while we transition to this point.  Instead, I thought I would use this post for a few brief informational comments.

First, I am honored that you follow this blog.  I am grateful that you took the time to specially subscribe to Heading to Heaven, and that you take the time to read what I write.  You didn’t have to and you don’t, but you did and do.  Thank you! 

I don’t claim any special insights and the purpose of this blog was never about me.  I only hope to encourage God’s people in their walk with Him.  I pray that in some little way now and then that occurs.

Secondly, I can’t imagine I will be able to share a post … even a “rerun” next Saturday.  And possibly not even the Saturday after that!  I’ll be quite tied up with a multitude of different things over the next few weeks.

So please wait and watch for the next post.  I don’t expect you’ll do this anxiously, but perhaps just a little eagerly?  Even a wee-bit?  Maybe?

I can tell you that the events of the past few months have provided me with a multitude of ideas to share, so stay tuned.  Or rather, wait and watch!

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Goodbye Garbage!

Goodbye Garbage!

We’re quickly approaching the all-consuming deadline of “moving company arrival.”  Consequently, our days are spent on projects, purging and packing.  A LOT of purging!  So this previously shared post seemed appropriate.  I pray it is an encouragement to you!

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There are times when the garbage just has to go.  Spoiled casseroles that got buried behind other leftovers in the refrigerator until it was too late.  Fat or grease that festered in the wastebasket over the course of a several hot Summer days.  The smelly remains of our fish dinner from last evening’s meal.  Overflowing baby diapers left to ripen.  Kitty-litter.

We’ve all been there.  Rank odors waft from our disposal containers signaling it’s time to transfer the putrid mess to a more removed location.  So, holding our breath, we whisk the offending material away. 

What a relief it is to drop that bag in the trash barrel in the alley!  Even better when on “trash day” the trash truck arrives, tips up the barrel, flips it over and shakes the smelly contents out, swings the empty barrel back in its place and then rumbles away.  And just like magic our garbage is gone!

Each of us generates trash every day.  The EPA estimates that the average American produces almost 6 pounds of trash per day.  If recycling is factored in, the amount drops to about 4 ½ pounds of pure waste.  Even so, the typical person racks up over a total of 29 pounds per week and 1,600 pounds of garbage in just one year!

The estimate for the annual weight of the garbage that all humans worldwide generate is 2.6 trillion pounds.  (This doesn’t include industrial waste or commercial trash.)  The United States is the top producer of “municipal solid waste” in the entire world, generating about 268 million tons yearly.

Where does this heaping mound of garbage go?  Over half (52%) ends up in landfills.  26% makes its way to recycling centers, and another 13% to waste-to-energy plants.  9% is composted.  While we probably don’t reflect on its destination much, we certainly are delighted when our rotting and reeking refuse is gone.

Hard as it is to fathom, we all produce garbage even more noxious than the bags we transport to the alley at arms-length.  Our lying and cursing tongues; our coveting, lusting and hating minds; our detestable pride or lingering despair; our countless sins of action and inaction; our incessant idolatry; and our neglect of God and the good, raise a sickening stench to the holy Lord.

The logical conclusion was for God to discard our smelly selves far from him. 

But the Lord had a different plan.  Instead of disposing of us in entirety, he determined to simply dispose of our stench, (our sin), and keep the rest of us. 

So the Lord Jesus came to dwell among us, to love us and in love to let us crucify him.  He took our place, wearing our sin-stench and bearing our sin-punishment. When he exited his tomb on Easter morning, he cast death behind him and our sins far from him (and us!).

How far has our unholy reek been removed?  The Bible provides some impressive pictures to illustrate the distance.

“Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives transgression?  You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy.  You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea”  (Micah 7:18-19).

Just for reference, the deepest depression in the earth is in the Pacific Ocean.  It’s known as Challenger Deep, a portion of the Mariana Trench.  It dives to a depth of more than 36,000 feet.  That’s almost 7 miles deep; a significant burial indeed for our sin! 

Or how about this concept?  The Holy Spirit inspired David to write these lovely words:

“The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.  For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us”  (Psalm 103:8-12).

Saying goodbye to our sin garbage is the best goodbye of all, which makes our gracious God the best Trashman of all!  Thank you, Lord!

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Another Doorway

Another Doorway

June 11th marks my final day as the pastor at the congregation I have been serving for over 30 years.  The day will essentially be a passage through a doorway from one “place” into an entirely different one.  It’s a significant transition … and by no means an easy one.  But it is also a necessary and good one.

This story is dedicated to my family, to the wonderful people at St. Paul’s I’ve had the privilege of serving for over three decades, and to the wonderful people I will be serving at St. John’s and Faith … all of whom are currently transitioning through large doorways.

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Jordan paused and slid his hands in his front pockets.  He’d been focusing on the massive doorway before him for some time now.  Now it was close … too close for comfort.  Yet his pathway led to that door, and he knew he had to walk through it.  But that didn’t necessarily mean he was comfortable with the idea.

He stood at a distance, contemplating the significance of it.  On this side of the door was the life he knew and had grown comfortable with; on the other side waited an entirely different scenario.  New surroundings.  New people.  New situations.  New blessings certainly, but also new challenges. 

How could one not experience a bit of trepidation at so great a transition?  Who doesn’t hesitate when facing such a significant adjustment to their life?  Jordan stood and stared at the yawning portal of change.  An involuntary shudder passed through him.

“Yes, it’s a bit daunting, isn’t it?” said an unexpected voice from the shadows to his side.  Jordan started, and spun toward the sound.  There, seated on a bench beneath the mighty bows of a cedar tree, sat an elderly man. 

His legs were crossed and his hands rested comfortably on the top leg.  He was dressed in casual slacks and a buttoned flannel shirt … the muted colors of his clothes blending into the shadows cast by the tree.  His gray hair hung down to his shoulders; a shaggy beard obscured the lower part of his face.  Still, Jordan could see his warm smile.

“I’m sorry.  You startled me,” Jordan stated.  

“Yes, I generally do,” the old man replied.  “Most don’t notice me.  They are focusing on the large doorway before them.”  He smiled again.  “Just like you.”

“Who are you?” Jordan asked.

“Think of me as just an old man who has traveled through his share of doors over time.  You can call me Vance.  I’m here to help folks like you facing huge doorways like that one in front of you.”

Jordan raised his eyebrows and tilted his head.  “Really?  Did someone place you here or do you do this willingly?”

“Both,” the old man replied enigmatically.  He raised his hands and beckoned Jordan toward him.  “Why don’t you join me for just a little bit?”

Jordan hesitated, but Vance’s smile seemed warm and genuine, so he stepped over and took a seat beside the old man.  The scent of cedar surrounded them.

Vance let Jordan settle and relax.  The old man continued to face forward, looking across the path and humming a quiet tune.  Finally, Jordan spoke.  “How exactly do you help people here?  It seems to me that people simply have to forge forward through these different doorways … as substantial and as unsettling as that may be.”

“You’re right, of course.  Finally, that is what has to happen.”  Vance turned toward Jordan.  His warm smile returned, then he continued.  “I’m simply here to provide some perspective and to reassure.”

“I could see how that might be helpful,” Jordan responded softly.  “And I could probably use both.”

Vance nodded.  He waited a beat and then asked gently, “So tell me what you understand about the doorways of life.”

Jordan collected his thoughts before replying.  “Well, there are many, many doorways, and they are all different sizes.  Most are smaller and somewhat insignificant.  But some are larger.  Even very large, like the one before me now.  They are the life-altering ones.”

“Well said,” the bearded man responded.  His eyes narrowed as he continued.  “Why are the large doors so difficult?”

“Because you are moving from what you know to what you don’t really know.”

“Yes, that’s very true; that’s a significant factor.  We’ll come back to this in a moment.”  The grizzled gentleman lifted his arm and gently squeezed Jordan’s shoulder.  “But there’s another reason though, isn’t there?  A harder reason.  A reason so painful it’s difficult to state.”

The unanticipated words pulled a sudden wave of emotion to the shore of Jordan’s awareness, and he tried to swallow the sob that flowed from his heart.  Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.  Vance’s hand squeezed his shoulder yet again.  Jordan forced himself to say it, his voice breaking.  “It’s the people on this side of the door.  I care about them so much.”

“Yes, I know.”  Vance paused, his own brown eyes glistening.  “And the sad truth is that you won’t physically see some of those dear people on the other side of that door.  But they are in your heart.  They will always be in your heart, and your heart goes with you through that door.  So they go with you too.”

“The good news is that you will see many of those good people again on the other side of that door.  With the Lord’s blessing and just a little bit of effort, it will happen.  Furthermore, there are scores of other wonderful people eager to meet you on the path ahead.”

Vance grinned and even chuckled.  “And here’s the best news of all.  At the end of your pathway of multiple doors lies the last and greatest doorway of all.  It’s the one that leads you into the Lord’s Land … the heavenly home that you live for and long for.  And every Christian you know will arrive there one day, no matter how many doorways back you knew them on your life path.”

Jordan’s tears flowed freely now.  But they sprang from hope and not sadness.  Finally he managed to utter, “Thank you.”

Eventually, Jordan managed to collect himself.  Vance pushed off the bench with his hands and slowly raised himself to his feet.  “Come.  It’s time to pass through this door.  I’ll keep you company until you get there.”

Jordan stood and made his way back to the path.  The old man shuffled along beside him, softly humming a light-hearted song.  Their steps drew them inexorably to the looming gateway.  Jordan stopped and turned to the man.  “Thank you for encouraging me.  You really were very helpful.”  The aged man nodded solemnly. 

Jordan faced the opening, steeled himself, and began to take the first step that would usher him to the other side when he stopped and rotated back to Vance.  “Wait!  You said we’d come back to the part about entering a place that is largely unknown, but we never did.”

The bearded man broke into a grin.  “I was sure you’d bring it back up.”  He wrapped his arm around Jordan and gently turned him around.  There, immediately behind him, stood Jesus … barely visible, but clearly seen.  Jesus’ hands were clasped behind his back and he gazed at Jordan with boundless love.

Jordan gasped, and new tears streamed down.  “He has always been there with you,” Vance informed him.  “More importantly at this point,” the old-timer stated, firmly rotating Jordan so he looked through the opening to the other side, “look ahead of you.”  There stood Jesus yet again, with the same loving expression. “Just as he has been with you, so he always will be with you.” 

“Though you are transitioning to a new place in your life, God goes with you!”  Vance clapped him softly on the back.  “And that’s what makes the journey not only bearable, but blessed.  Go with God, Jordan.  All will be well.”

It was only after he had passed through the opening that Jordan realized with a jolt that he had never told the old man his name.

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Deuteronomy 31:6-8 (selected)  Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified …, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. … Be strong and courageous, for you must go … into the land that the Lord … [gives you] …. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

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How Is Your “Yard” Looking?

How Is Your “Yard” Looking?

With my daughter’s wedding and my youngest son’s graduation both occurring this week, I’m sharing another blog “rerun.”  As always, I pray this post encourages you in some little way.

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In the summertime, my wife and I try to take a daily walk.  Sometimes we drive to a local park for a change of scenery, but usually we simply stroll around our neighborhood.  We vary our paths so the “scenery” varies as well.

Inevitably we spot something interesting.  A decked-out vehicle.  Various projects or intriguing decorations on the homes.  Curious choices for house colors.  Fascinating plants in the yards.  There always seems to be something to see.  For example, once we noticed that the automatic street lights were lit on one block but not the adjacent block.  Not sure why, but it certainly sparked some conversation among us.

As we walk by the many homes, one immediately evident thing is the state of the yards.  The majority of lawns receive a modicum of care; they are mowed somewhat regularly and look fairly presentable.  The yards may or may not have flower beds.  And if there are beds, they may or may not be weeded.  This is the usual.

But there are always some yards that stand out, either because of the great amount of care given to them or because of the complete lack of attention they receive. 

A few of the yards are impeccably groomed.  The lawns are weedless and the grass looks like a golf-course green.  The flower beds are delightfully arranged and immaculate.  Invariably there are some fairly exotic trees, bushes or flowers present.  Clearly someone who lives in those homes loves yard care, (or struggles mightily with perfectionism!).

Then there are other yards that haven’t seen a lick of care in quite some time.  The beds are overrun with weeds, and the grass looks like a prairie, standing tall as a person.  It’s usually impossible to see anything in those yards.  One might hesitate to wander into them for fear of the wild critters that might be encountered, or of getting lost and never finding your way back out again!  I remember the time my wife and I spotted a push mower barely visible in the midst of a jungle of grass.  We speculated that sometime in the distant past either the mower or the owner simply surrendered to the towering turf.  

Of course, there are a multitude of reasons why a yard could be neglected.  Finally, the way a yard looks just isn’t that important.  I know there are some who will disagree with that statement, but that’s the truth of the matter.  There are many matters much more important than the appearance of one’s yard.  

However, it did set my mind to pondering.  It’s very evident how much care a yard receives … or doesn’t.  What if the wellbeing of our souls was as evident as the health of our yards?  What if the amount of care we give to our souls was as obvious as the amount of time spent on our lawns?  How would our soul look?

If our soul was on display, would it be evident that we take good care of it?  Is it well-watered by God’s Word; well-trimmed by God’s Law and well-fertilized by God’s Gospel?  Are the weeds of sin largely removed, or are they sprouting everywhere?  Is the grass mowed and edged, or are worldly blades growing wild and unchecked?  Are the beds clean, or littered with trash and undesirable plants?  Are portions of our souls even dead?

I admit that this concept gives me pause.  I tend to take pretty good care of our yard; our place generally looks fairly-well kept.  But if my soul were visible for all to see, what would it look like?  How would it compare with my yard?

Jesus himself underscores the value of a healthy soul.  “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”  (Matthew 16:26).  In other words, the state of our soul is far more important than the state of our yard … or anything else on earth, for that matter!

Thankfully, we have a gracious, loving, and forgiving God … which prompts our hearts to join with David in words of praise! 

“Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.  Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalm 103:1-5).

How is your yard looking?  Finally, it really doesn’t matter!  How is your soul looking?  Now that’s a much more important issue!

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Searching for Treasure

Searching for Treasure

Unfortunately, my days are currently very, very full, leaving no time for writing.  Fortunately, I have years of previous blog posts to pull from!  Here’s a re-share.  I pray it is a blessing!

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I am a treasure hunter.  I search for treasure.  I even find some!

From the time I was young, I always loved to embark on treasure expeditions.  No, I didn’t travel to exotic locations in my quests, but I did set out on a fair amount of searches nevertheless. 

I explored the old brewery in the town where I grew up looking for old Sebewaing Beer artifacts.  (Found some too.  Still have them!)  I wandered carefully (so as not to fall through the floors!) inside a few abandoned houses as well, seeing what might have been left behind.  (Rather slim pickings.  Other treasure seekers had been there before me.)   Native Americans used to inhabit the area where I lived as a boy, so the farm fields all around us held ancient artifacts.  (Found some of those also!) 

But there were treasure hunts and discoveries even closer than that!  Before the days of dumps, my ancestors were in the habit of burying their trash on the property.  Much of what was trash to them, old bottles and such, are now treasures.  When my father dug up the yard to begin building a new house in my teen years, the dirt piles he created were literally littered with his grandparents’ discards.  It was a veritable treasure trove for a treasure seeker like me!

I’ve always kept my eyes peeled for dropped money.  I’m regularly finding coins, and even occasionally a bill.  Even more occasionally a larger bill!  And I never pass a Coinstar without inspecting the coin return.  People regularly forget to grab the coins that didn’t get processed, some of which are silver coins – rejected because they are heavier than the usual “clad” coins.

I’ve even panned for gold and sluiced out a bit of “color” from the gravel.  Washington State isn’t as prime for gold as some other states, but there is some to be found in the right spots.

These days my preferred approach in my treasure hunting exploits is with a metal detector.  What amazing machines they are!  Not only do they easily detect metal objects underground or under water, but the better-quality ones can give the handler a very good idea of what might be below the coil by virtue of a number readout.

Through the years I’ve found all kinds of treasure with my handy-dandy metal detector.  Lots of coins (some silver and some quite old), rings of all kinds (even toe rings!), military buttons and Boy Scout badges, old toys and antique tools, and plenty of unique items have found their way into my treasure pouch.  I never know what I will find, but I always know I’ll find something interesting!  In fact, there has never been a time when I didn’t uncover something worthwhile on my metal detecting hunts.

There’s another form of treasure hunt I regularly embark on as well.  It’s a treasure hunt in the extravagantly rich pages of the Bible.  I never know exactly what the Holy Spirit will reveal to me on each journey inside the cover, but I always know I’ll find something awesome!  Sometimes the discovery is a precious gold or silver truth; sometimes a gleaming new spiritual insight; sometimes a practical discovery; sometimes a lovely reminder of earlier times; sometimes a treasure to share.  In fact, there has never been a time when I didn’t uncover something worthwhile on my treasure hunts in God’s Word.

I’ve never gotten rich from my regular treasure hunting efforts, and I probably never will.  But I have become a wealthy man indeed from my treasure searches in the Scriptures.

Regular treasure hunts?  I discourage them.  (That leaves more for me to find!)  But treasure hunts in the Scriptures?  These are treasure hunts that all should embark upon, and frequently, because there is an unlimited amount of priceless riches to be found there.  And all who seek will find!

“But where can wisdom be found?  Where does understanding dwell?  No mortal comprehends its worth. … It cannot be bought with the finest gold, nor can its price be weighed out in silver.  It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir, with precious onyx or lapis lazuli.  Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can it be had for jewels of gold.  Coral and jasper are not worthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.  The topaz of Cush cannot compare with it; it cannot be bought with pure gold.  Where then does wisdom come from?  Where does understanding dwell? … God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells” (Job 28:selected

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Flying Blind?

Flying Blind?

This is a time that demands trust – in the congregation I’ve been serving for over 30 years, in the congregations I am going to be serving soon, and certainly in my personal life.  So this post from several years ago (modified and updated) seemed appropriate to reshare.

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Most of us probably don’t fret much about jumping on an airline flight.  Note that I wrote “most of us;” I know some fret a great deal if they have to fly somewhere.

Still, the majority of us don’t stress overly much in regard to climbing onto an airplane.  We might not look forward to all the extra hassles that accompany flying, like packing, transportation to the airport and airport parking, checking our bags and being checked personally in security, or the long hours that are typically wrapped into a day of air travel.  The flight itself, however, is generally relaxing – an opportunity to catch one’s breath, read a book, watch a movie, listen to music, or take a nap.

However, have you ever stopped to consider what’s involved in a typical flight?  (Those who are generally squeamish about flying might want to skip the next few paragraphs!)

An average sized commercial plane (a Boeing 737) weighs approximately 45 tons.  When you add in the fuel (20 tons) and passengers, cargo and crew (22.5 tons), the weight climbs to almost 88 tons.  That’s a LOT of poundage to keep aloft!

Now consider that the average cruising height is between 31 and 38 thousand feet (6-7 miles high!), and the planes generally climb to that position in the first 10 minutes of the flight.  Once there, the airline settles into the modest cruising speed of approximately 540 miles per hour. 

And who is handling this monstrously heavy contraption 7 miles above the earth at an astoundingly high rate of speed?  Whose capabilities and actions are you, the passenger, dependent upon? 

The captain!  Though he or she has a copilot who shares some flight duties, the captain is typically the most experienced pilot in the cockpit and the one in command and control. 

And you rarely even see him or her, at least before the flight!  Maybe you hear their voice while in flight; maybe you don’t.  You know nothing about them or their experience or how they are feeling the day of your flight.  Yet you entrust your life to the pilot.

There are many details to attend to on a commercial flight.  The pilot has to constantly monitor other air traffic so there are no collisions.  Weather conditions, both on the ground and in the air, have to be considered.  He or she may have to climb higher to pass over a storm or detour to skirt around it, but everyone expects the captain to keep them safe.  

Furthermore, you expect your pilot to deliver you to the proper destination.  If you booked your flight to Chicago, you don’t even consider the possibility of arriving in Houston instead.  More trust on your part!  And again, you know nothing about the pilot.  (He or she might greatly prefer to set down in Houston rather than Chicago!)

Landing at your destination presents additional challenges.  For example, Seatac Airport in Washington State is the 11th busiest airport in America, and the 21st busiest in the world.  In 2022, there was an average of 1,100 flights departing per day, and about the same number arriving.  That’s approximately 46 flights departing per hour, and 46 more arriving, which makes for a congested sky around the airport.  The pilot has to navigate those busy skies.  But you and the other passengers expect that he or she will do so safely.

Some passengers might be a bit tense about the flight.  Most become at least a bit anxious if flying through a storm or experiencing turbulence.  But no one is pacing the aisle or crying out with emotion-packed exclamations.  (At least not usually.)  None are urgently demanding to speak to the pilot and inform them what needs to be done.  They trust the pilot will perform.  (Finally, they have no choice but to trust him!)

Of course, pilots are just people, skilled as they may be.  They simply can’t fly non-stop; they need time off to rest.  The safety of the passengers, and their own, demands it.  Recognizing this, the FAA regulates the number of hours commercial pilots can fly.  Pilots cannot exceed 100 hours of flight time in a month, or 1,000 hours in a year.  During normal circumstances, they average 75 hours per month in the air.

Our Lord is like an airplane captain, except the Lord doesn’t need to rest, he doesn’t need a copilot, and he doesn’t make mistakes.  Ever!  Furthermore, our God isn’t just the pilot of a jetliner with a few hundred people on board, but the captain in control of everything. 

The Lord is the Pilot of the cosmos, the universe, the world, our nation, our state, our city, our neighborhood and our home.  He is also the Pilot of our church, our work, our school, our friends, our family, and ourselves.  He is the unerring, almighty, all-knowing, ever-present, always faithful, constantly loving Pilot of all circumstances and every situation, always.  (Yes, even through our personal struggles and dilemmas!)

The Captain over all things lifts us off the earth at our spiritual births, carries us aloft across the miles and years with his Word, provides us with some glorious views along the way, guides us over or around (and sometimes through) the storms in his love, and sets us safely down at our destination (heaven!) at the end of our “flight.”  The Lord is a Pilot we can rely upon with absolute confidence, no matter what unsettling events may be currently affecting our “flight” though life.

The Lord is our Pilot.  Or to use another similar picture, he is our Shepherd.

“The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever”  (Psalm 23).

We may feel like we are flying blind through life, but we never are.  Our Lord, our Pilot, and our Shepherd is carrying us and caring for us the entire way.  Though we may not see him on our “flight,” we can still trust him.  And be assured, we will most certainly meet him after we “land.”

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A Few Lessons Learned from Life

A Few Lessons Learned from Life

Recently I was privileged to lead my final chapel service at Evergreen Lutheran High School where all my children have attended, and where my youngest son, now a senior, is wrapping up his high school adventure. 

Since it was my final message to the school body, and because graduation and summer break are so close, I decided to share what I consider ten incredibly important life lessons. 

I’m not super intelligent.  I’m not even smarter than the average person.   However, I have learned a few things over nearly 60 years of life, through 35 years of marriage and 33 years of ministry, and after raising 6 children.

Perhaps the “lessons” I shared with those high school students might be beneficial for all of us to consider.  In the chapel I shared additional thoughts on each point with the school body, but here I’ll simply list the points and a supporting Bible passage.  I’m confident, if you give some consideration to each item, that you can make your own applications.

1)  God loves you with all his heart!  Don’t ever doubt that!

(1 John 3:1)  See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

2)  You are never alone; your God and his love are always with you!

(Romans 8:38-39)  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

3)  Let God steer (guide you) through life! Trust him completely; he knows what he’s doing!

(Proverbs 3:5-6)  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

4)  Guard your soul ferociously! (And someday your children’s and family members’ souls as well!)

(Matthew 16:26)  What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

5)  You will always be under attack in this world! Satan will never stop trying to undermine your relationship with God.

(1 Peter 5:8)  Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

6)  Beware the distractions of life! They are everywhere and can easily divert our attention from the most important things.

(1 John 2:15-17)  Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.  For everything in the world …  comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

7)  Prioritize God and God’s Word! Nothing else in this world is nearly as important.

(Romans 1:16)  For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes …

8)  Choose your friends (and your spouse) wisely! They profoundly impact your life.

(1 Corinthians 15:33)  Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

9)  Treasure the precious moments (and family and friends) that God gives you!  Embrace them!

(James 1:17)  Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights …

10)  You need God, your Rock and Fortress!  You need Jesus, your Savior!

(John 14:6)  Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So there’s my list.  What would you add or change?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Please share them in the comments section.

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The One Constant

The One Constant

Change presently abounds in my little world (family, church, work and home!).  Chances are you have some changes occurring too.  Here’s a post I shared several years ago that is apropos. 

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Most people don’t care for change.  At least, not significant change.  A fair number of folks will even fight against change, perceiving significant change as significantly negative.

And while some adventurous souls actually enjoy mixing things up a bit now and then, everyone has their limits.  Radical change might be defined differently by different people, but everyone has adjustment boundaries they absolutely do not want to cross.

Ironically, despite our penchant for clinging to the familiar … everything is always changing!

In fact, the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that all systems, if left to themselves, move from a state of order to disorder.  This natural decline is called entropy.  (Also known as change!)  In other words, natural change isn’t just a happenstance; it’s a scientific necessity. 

Which is lousy news for all the hangers-on-to-how-it’s-always-been folks!  Because, let’s face it, change is everywhere, and it’s never ending.

Every four years in this nation we elect a president, whether the incumbent or someone new.  We’re now on the 46th person to hold that distinguished office in our nation.  That’s an ongoing stream of leadership change over our nation’s 247-year history!  But the rulers of this land, and the inhabitants of this land, were in flux long before the United States was formed.

Meanwhile the countries and borders on distant continents have been repeatedly altered as migrations and invasions and political upheavals have changed the face of nations.  And it’s not just boundaries that were changed, but style of government, laws of the land, local customs and language.  Over time even climates were transformed, and everything that climate impacts with them.

As the earth orbits the sun, the view of the night sky shifts and seasons are rotated.  The length of daylight and the average temperature changes.  The flora and fauna adjust.  People adjust too in regard to what they wear and what they do.  The seasonal hobbies and the sports seasons also change. 

Landscapes are altered.  Highways are adjusted.  Buildings are torn down and new ones built.  Companies begin and others end.  Restaurants and stores open while other close.  People change occupations and residences, and sometimes even states or countries.

Of course, just a few years ago COVID brought an unending cascade of changes … and related adjustments continue to occur.

Our bodies are in a state of unending transformation from conception to birth and all through life.  And the situations in our lives change too!  Even our relationships are being continually refashioned. 

Most significant of all, we experienced a drastic spiritual change when the Holy Spirit brought us to faith, which in turn drastically altered our spiritual destination as well!

Since our conversion, our faith in our Savior is always varying too!  It is never static but always dynamic.  Either our faith is growing, or it is shrinking.  (The results are directly linked to our exposure to God’s Word.)

There is no tiny fringe of our existence that is not impacted by change. 

Except one.  Our God doesn’t change.  Our God never changes.

God’s attributes (characteristics) haven’t changed.  The Lord is still eternal, almighty, and present everywhere.  He is still all-knowing.  He is still good and faithful.  He is still holy and righteous, but also merciful, gracious, loving and forgiving.

God’s promises haven’t changed either.  The unchanging God is still with us, and always will be.  The fact that God works everything for the good of his people won’t change either.  Nor will Jesus redemption of us, or his resurrection; those are unchanging facts.  Furthermore, God still has a special home prepared for us in heaven.  

God’s Word hasn’t changed, and God’s loving plans for us haven’t changed either.

The fact that our God doesn’t change … and isn’t changing … and won’t change is incredibly comforting at a time of incredible change and in a world overflowing with change.

The Bible reminds us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.  (James 1:17-18)

How extraordinary to have a God who doesn’t change – who is untouched by the Second Law of Thermodynamics (because he created it!).   The way God was … is the way God is … and the way God always will be.

So it turns out there are actually two constants, two changeless truths: change is everywhere … except, that is, in our unchanging God.

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Our “Item Description”

Our “Item Description”

Here’s a post I shared several years ago.  I believe it is equally applicable still today.  I pray it gives you food for thought and nutrition for your soul.

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Were you aware that the term “item description” is a thing?  Not a general, generic thing, but an actual, important, frequently-used thing?  As a matter of fact, there is plenty of online attention devoted specifically to compiling effective item or product descriptions.   

What is an “item description?”  It’s the marketing summary that explains what a product is and why it’s worth purchasing.  The product description’s goal is to supply readers with information on the features and benefits of something so the customer is compelled to buy it (i.e. a sales pitch!).

Marsha Collier describes it this way, “After you hook potential bidders with your title, reel’em in with a fabulous description for your items. … Think infomercial (the classier the better).”  She then proceeds to provide a list of suggestions for writing a magnificent item description.  Here are some of her key points:

  • Write a factual description.
  • Accentuate the positive.
  • Include the negative.
  • Include short, friendly banter.
  • Be concise and to the point – don’t ramble!

As I considered the concept of item descriptions, I was intrigued by the thought of compiling our own descriptions.  How would we describe ourselves within the above parameters to “sell” others on how to view us?

Here’s my attempt at my own item (person) description:

Do you like hanging around with older, shorter guys?  Then this is your type of guy!  David is 5 feet 6 inches short (and getting shorter with age!) with gray hair (and getting grayer!).  But as they say, great things come in small, white-crowned packages!  And all the better if they have a few years of wear and tear.  Stocky but generally durable; usually quiet but able to carry on an animated discussion; fairly well-read and even knowledgeable of Scripture; a man of faith with an avid love of the outdoors, David would be an excellent companion, whether you have some chores that need doing, a craving to chat, a spiritual question, or a hankering for an outdoor adventure.  Your life will be better with David around!

I’m not sure if that is a solid item description of me or not.  What I can tell you is that the description was far more difficult to write than I anticipated it would be.  If you doubt this, try writing an item description of yourself yourself.  (Yes, there is supposed to be two “yourselfs” in that last sentence.)  I suspect you might struggle with the words as well.

That difficulty is compounded a hundred-fold were we to attempt to describe ourselves to God.   How do we “sell” ourselves to the holy, all-knowing Lord?  Thinking about it, here is what I came up with:

I have nothing to offer you, Lord.  Even my good qualities and various talents flow entirely from your creating hand.  I have disobeyed your every command in every aspect of my life.  I am a despicable sinner who deserves nothing but the worst from you.  But I cling in faith to Jesus, who lived and died in my place, atoning for my every atrocity, and then rose back to life.  That’s all I have, but in Jesus I trust I have it all.

That’s a drastically different person description than the first one, isn’t it?  But what else can I say about myself to the Lord almighty – to the perfect and perfectly righteous God?

And what might be the Lord’s description of me (and all who rely upon Jesus’ atonement)?  I’m only speculating, of course.  But in light of Scripture, I suspect He might describe me/us something like this:

Loved!  Forgiven!  Saved!  Blessed!

Or perhaps the Lord would revert to the words he inserted in the Bible?  This is more elaborate but top-notch item description:

“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.  (1 Peter 2:9-10)

Now that’s a description I will gladly accept!

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