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Having Everything

Having Everything

Charles Dickens’ classic story, “A Christmas Carol,” was an ingenious concept that has touched millions of people through the years.  It can’t be improved upon.  However, I thought I would provide a bit of a different twist to the concept, and be a bit more direct in the three different “insights” provided.  Dickens was a devout Christian and hinted at these truths.  I trust he would approve of the content of the messages in this version. 

May this story be thought-provoking and ultimately bless all who read it!

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Randy Thomas swung his leather-covered swivel chair slowly around, indulging himself in the sight of his luxuriously appointed office and his above-the-city view.  Nice.  All very nice.  And everything around him was the fruit of his own ingenuity and grit.  He had accomplished it all himself. 

It had been a grueling ascent, but it was behind him now.  He was fabulously wealthy and “on top of the world.”  And the best thing about wealth – he could now afford to hire the very best employees to keep his company prospering. 

Perhaps this would be a good time to check in with Simpson on that multi-million-dollar contract.  He stood, stretched, and sauntered out of his sanctuary. 

Drat!  Lousy timing!  That irritating Johnny Johnson was restocking the snack dispensing machine in the break area of the office.  Maybe Johnson wouldn’t notice him?

“Morning, Mr. Thomas!”  (Clearly he had noticed.)

“Hello, Jansen.”

“It’s Johnson.  But you know that, Mr. Thomas.”  Randy grunted, and Johnny smiled. 

They didn’t come any more gawky than Johnny Johnson.  Long and lean, he seemed all arms and legs; elbows and knees.  His ears stuck out perpendicular from his head, and a sharp, thin nose like a shark’s fin dominated his face.  He sported a small patch of hair centered on the front of his bald head … barely more follicles than protruded in obvious abundance from his nose and ears.

Randy didn’t even pretend to be kind; the man irritated him to no end.  “Why do I seem to run into you every time you are here, Jansen?”

“Just lucky, I guess,” the other man replied, with a grin.  (How could he be so frustratingly nice!)

“I can’t believe they haven’t replaced you yet.”

Johnny showed no response to the insult; he simply continued stocking the machine.  “Good workers are hard to find these days, Mr. Thomas.  You should know that.”  (Hard to rattle this guy!)

Johnny closed the vending machine door, locking it tight.  He stood and looked directly into Randy’s eyes.  “Mr. Thomas, I’d like to give you something.”

Again!  He offered the same thing again!  Every time they talked, Johnny made the same overture!  An exasperated Randy replied, “Why do you keep offering that?

“Because I have something you need.”

“What could you possibly have that I need?  What can you give to someone who has everything?”

“But you don’t have everything, Mr. Thomas.”

“Go away, Johnny.  Just go away!”  Randy wheeled around and stormed back to his office.  Only after he sat back down did he remember he had intended to chat with Simpson.  That stupid Johnson!

Later that evening, Randy nursed a drink while gazing out over the skyline from his penthouse.  Strangely, it wasn’t the business transactions of the day that engaged his mind, but the irritating repeated offer of that goofball Johnson.  To his great annoyance, Randy was intrigued.  What could Johnny’s gift be?  Undoubtedly something meaningless.  Certainly something he already owned, and probably three times over!  Yet Johnny claimed it was something he needed – something he didn’t have.

The man was beyond exasperating!  He was infuriating!

Randy’s thoughts tracked further down the rabbit-hole Johnny had dropped him in.  He was one of the wealthiest men in the world.  There was nothing he wanted that he lacked.  And if he happened to actually find something else he wanted, he wouldn’t lack it for long … no matter the price!  Few people in the world could claim that. 

He allowed himself a moment of honest reflection: “So why do I feel so empty when I have so much?”  There was no easy answer to that.

Randy shrugged and made his way to bed.  Unsettled, he tossed and turned for a while before the alcohol pulled him into a deep sleep.

Gradually it registered on his consciousness that he seemed to be falling face-first from his high-rise apartment.  While plummeting to the street below … faster and faster … the air rushing past him increased in intensity.  His pajamas were pinned to his body; his hair flopped and pulled against his scalp.  Randy was terrified! 

Suddenly, a man with golden hair, piercing blue eyes and a glowing white robe stood suspended in the air below him … his hand held upwards in a halt gesture.  Randy slammed to a stop above him.  Slowly his body rotated until his feet were below him and he was suspended beside the startling gleaming man.  And just that quickly, they were both standing on the ground in a fog-filled field.

“Greetings, Randy.  My name is Soniel.”  His voice was rich, deep and strong … like a ship’s horn melodiously forming words.  “I have been sent to show you things that most never get to see … at least not before their lives end.  You will see … and then you will see or not see.”

Randy swallowed hard.  “Who are you?” he sputtered.  “I mean, what are you?”

“I am a messenger of God bearing a three-fold message to you.  I urge you to watch and listen carefully.  Eternity rides in the balance.”  The angel stared intently at Randy.  Randy wanted to look away, but somehow couldn’t. 

The angel continued.  “Message one: you believe you have everything.  Here is what you really have.”

Soniel swept his arm to the right and pointed.  A casket materialized in the mist.  It was overflowing with his possessions.  Gold and silver bullion, his Rolexes and favorite jewelry from his jewelry chest, fancy clothes from his closets, precious paintings from his homes, titles of his properties and registrations of his vehicles.  Even his personalized and personally-fitted golf clubs. 

The angel spoke.  “Meaningless!  Meaningless.  Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless.” (Ecc. 1:1)

As he looked on, Randy suddenly realized with horror that there was a body … his body! … in the casket.  He could see his pale face peeking out amidst his piles of possessions!

The shock hadn’t even settled in when riches began to cascade off the mounded up treasure and his naked corpse rose upward, levitating above the casket.  There was a huge void in his chest; a dark emptiness where his heart should be. 

Soniel’s voice resonated yet again.  “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” (Mt. 16:26)

No sooner had the words been spoken when the casket burst into flames – the stockpiled riches incinerating in the conflagration.  The heat was all-consuming.  In short order, there was nothing left but smoldering ashes where just moments before had been a fortune. 

Randy’s dead body remained suspended in the air … seemingly untouched by the heat. 

“You brought nothing into the world, and you can take nothing out of it,” (1 Tim. 6:7) the angel said.  “Therefore do not love the world or anything in the world.  If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.  For everything in the world passes away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” (1 Jn. 2:15-18)

The angel turned back toward Randy.  “Your everything is absolutely nothing.  Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions, (Lk. 12:15) so fix your eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Cor. 4:18)

Randy felt himself shuddering.  He wrapped his arms around himself to try to stop the shaking.  It didn’t help.

“That is message number one.  Here is message number two.”  Soniel swept his other hand in the opposite direction from before, his top two fingers pointing at the vision manifesting there.  “This is where you are headed.”

Randy reluctantly turned his attention where the angel directed.  A small, gray shimmering oval appeared, expanded rapidly and then burst open.  The fabric of the physical was pierced and a view into another world was suddenly revealed.

Initially all he saw was the deepest blackness.  But his nose was immediately filled with the gagging smell of decay and vomit, and his ears were overwhelmed with agonized shrieking.  Women screamed shrilly and men bellowed; sobbing and wailing prevailed.  Meanwhile, the voices of clearly spiritual entities filled the darkness with cursing and manic demonic cackling.  “You’re all doomed!  Doomed! Doomed!” More disturbing and unsettling laughter.  “You’re all doomed to this place and this pain and this darkness with us!  Forever!  Forever!  For-ev-er!

Randy shuddered involuntarily.  He was profoundly moved.

Gradually his eyes assimilated and he began to discern that the place was filled with black fire – the edges of each flame tinged with the faintest orange.  The flames were broken up by the outlines of writhing bodies, trying but failing to escape the licking reach of the fire.  And though the flames burned furiously, the bodies never burned up.

Randy was horrified!  “Hell is real!” he shouted.


But then something even more horrifying became evident.  Above the blackness was a “sky-light” revealing a bright view of Jesus on a throne surrounded by countless people singing and laughing and rejoicing.  The light from that place didn’t stream downwards into the blackness below, but everyone below could clearly look through that “window” and see that bright and beautiful world.

“Heaven’s real too!  And they can see it!”


“That’s cruel!”

“That’s just.  They made their decisions in life, and now they can see life, but have only death.”

Soniel flicked his fingers and the view disappeared.  “It is too much to bear for those still in the physical world.”  He paused.  “It is too much to bear for those in that world as well, but bear it they must and bear it they do.”

Randy didn’t even realize that he had begun sobbing uncontrollably until once again in the silence with Soniel.  “No!  No!  No!” he cried out.  “I have nothing!  Nothing now, and nothing after!”  Tears streamed down his cheeks.  “N O T H I N G!” he repeated in the shock of the revelations.

Randy tried to compose himself … to no avail.  He asked in a shuddering voice, “Can I bear your final message, Soniel?  I am terrified to hear it!  Is it that you are taking me to that horrible place now?  Please, not that!  Please!”

The angel actually smiled.  Not unkindly, but lovingly.  “You are now ready for my final message.  It is quite different from the first two.  It is to reveal what God has done.”  He spread both arms wide.  “Behold!”

The view of Jesus on his throne reappeared.  Beside his throne was another one, where a brilliantly gleaming essence resided.  Jesus stood and bowed to the other throne.  Then a golden whirlwind swirled around Jesus and he disappeared.  The glowing stream grew brighter, arced upwards and then swooped downwards.  Randy watched it rocket past stars and planets on its way to earth. 

Soniel began speaking again – but more quietly now.  Randy could actually hear the wonder in his voice.  “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  He paused, then continued.  “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  Whoever believes in him is not condemned …”  (Jn. 3:16-18a)

A young dark-haired woman came into Randy’s view.  Her pregnant belly glowed with golden light.  Randy somehow realized that the aura wasn’t evident to anyone but him. 

The previous view faded and was replaced with the same woman resting on a blanket on a bed of straw.  Beside her a newborn baby boy, glowing golden, wiggled in a feeding trough, while a concerned man knelt between Baby and mother. 

Soniel again.  “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that they might receive adoption to sonship.” (Gal. 4:4-5)

Another scene took shape.  It was a bloodied and battered man hanging from a cross … again faintly glowing golden.  He lifted his head and in a hoarse voice cried out, “It is finished!”

Soniel explained.  “God shows his love for humans in this: while they were still sinners, Christ died for them (Rom. 5:8) … the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.” (1 Peter 3:18).

Yet another view was revealed.  Angels like Soniel effortlessly rolled a huge stone away from a tomb.  The living Jesus stood just inside the cavity, waiting and smiling.  Then he stepped into the early morning light. 

The angel before Randy laughed joyfully.  “Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he has given believers new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you …” (1 Peter 1:3-4)

Then it was only the two of them again.  Randy was sobbing again, but no longer in terror.  He choked out, “I loved the last message!”

“Without the first two messages, it would have meant nothing to you.  I will leave you now.  Do not dismiss my messages.  Do not forget them.  They are truth.”

“Never!  I never will!”  The angel nodded.  “One more thing, if I could,” Randy asked timidly.  Again the angel nodded.  “Why did you come to me?”

“This is certainly not the usual approach, but someone has been praying for you relentlessly, so the Lord sent me.”

“Who has been praying for me?”

“Let’s just say it’s someone who has wanted to give you a gift.”  Randy was stunned. 

The angel disappeared.  And there again was Randy’s body.  But the gaping cavity in his chest was filled with a glowing Baby in a manger.  He began crying again.  He finally truly had Everything, and everything else he had would be used for Him.

Wait until he saw Johnson again!

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A few important comments:

I fully recognize that the concept of an angel sharing these in-depth messages with an unbeliever is NOT how the Lord typically works.  (At least there are no examples of anything similar in the Scriptures.)  God has entrusted the crucial task of sharing Him and His truths to you and me.  (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).  However, I approached it this way simply to attempt to share crucial messages and provide insights in a hopefully impactful way.  That is the benefit of stories.

Hell is often described in the Bible as fiery, but often as darkness as well.  How does one reconcile the two?  I did my best to include both aspects.

Jesus’ account of the rich man in hell (Luke 16:19-31) is absolutely fascinating (and heart-breaking!).  Was Jesus simply sharing a powerful story to pass along powerful truths, or was he giving a glimpse of how things really are?  Or some of both?  I don’t pretend to know.  However, it is a story unlike any others he told.  Therefore I borrowed concepts from it, feeling that if Jesus used these pictures, then I can safely do so as well. 

One of the striking lessons Jesus was teaching in his story was summarized by Abraham to the rich man when he begged that Lazarus be sent back to warn his brothers.  Abraham stated, “If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets [i.e. God’s Word!], they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.”  Taking this to heart, it is clear that even an angel and the remarkable things he could reveal wouldn’t be sufficient to turn a heart either.  Consequently, I had God’s angel share God’s living, heart-altering words with the rich man.  Finally, it is the Holy Spirit working through Scripture that brings faith and changes perspectives.

Despite the licenses I took, I pray that this story glorifies God and brings blessing to God’s people.  Perhaps especially to some who are losing sight of the most important things – their Savior and their soul.

Merry Christmas, everyone!  We have Everything in Jesus!

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So You Have Things Figured Out?

So You Have Things Figured Out?

It’s been an interesting few days.

God-willing, our youngest son will be returning to our Michigan home shortly on his Christmas break.  He is currently competing on a team in an intramural bowling league at the college he attends.  He was excited to know that there was a bowling alley less than a mile from our house.  He intended to visit it frequently to improve his skills.

This week that 6-decade-old facility burned to the ground, making news across the state.  He’ll now have to travel a bit further to work on his delivery and spin, and he’ll get there less often.  A shocking and disappointing turn of events.

Friday morning my wife climbed in her van to drive to the school where she teaches.  The van wouldn’t start.  Her wonderful husband (me!) tried to come to her rescue.  But a quick inspection under the hood revealed a battery leak and damaged battery cables.  No immediate rescue possible.

This set off a chain reaction of unexpected results.  My wife had to call in and excuse herself from teaching.  I had to drive our other vehicle around town to prep for the repair.  Arrangements were made to tow the van to a shop.  And I had to postpone my multiple visits scheduled for the morning to deal with the unanticipated dilemma.

In short, the day went very differently than either my wife or I expected.

It’s not the first time unforeseen circumstances have happened in our personal “world,” and it certainly won’t be the last.  Nevertheless, these interesting few days led me to some introspection.

As humans, our usual approach to life is to orchestrate our activities day-by-day, fully expecting to see our plans come to fruition.  Often they do (by the grace of God).  But every now and then the Lord has to remind us that we are not in control of events as much as we like to think we are.

And sometimes the Lord really shakes things up to show us our complete incompetence at running our lives and reining in circumstances.  (Or reigning over them, for that matter!)

This is good for us!  We need reminders of who the true God is, for we are far too prone to crown ourselves as gods.  We are God’s creation and not the Creator.  We are subject to circumstances instead of ruling over them.  We are carried by the currents instead of directing them; blown by the breezes instead of funneling them.

This is a hard truth to hear, but a critical one to recognize.

Thomas a’ Kempis, a 15th-century German theologian, summarized this fact when he wrote (in Latin) the well-known maxim, “Man proposes, but God disposes.”

The Lord states this truth several ways through Solomon: “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Proverbs 16:9).  Then, a few chapters later, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:21).

And the principle doesn’t only hold true for individuals, but entire countries! “The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples” (Psalm 33:10).

It’s a concept the Scriptures emphasize repeatedly.

For example, James writes, “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that’ (James 4:13-15).

There is also Jesus’ striking story of the foolish rich man who made extensive plans to enjoy his wealth, only to have the Lord demand his life that night (Luke 12:16-21).  And multiple real-life Bible events as well, such as the tower of Babel, Pharaoh in Egypt, Haman in Esther’s day, and many more.

Even Jesus’ enemies had their own plans, conniving to arrest him, kill him, and “get rid of him.”  Little did they know that they were fulfilling God’s plans and promises, and their selfish and evil intentions only served to accomplish God’s loving purposes to secure salvation, and ultimately to exalt Jesus.

It really is true: “man proposes, but God disposes.”  Stated differently, “man suggests; God corrects.”  Or perhaps my favorite summary of all: “man plans, and God laughs.”

The point is … we make recommendations on our lives, but the Lord is the one who makes the ultimate decisions.  We must recognize this truth and acquiesce to our God.  Our plans are little lines in the seashore sand, and no matter how ambitious or ingenious they may be, it is the waves of our God which refashion them as he sees fit.

So you think you have things figured out?  Not a chance!  But thankfully our God does!

And thankfully, our God is a God we can trust implicitly.  He loves us beyond comprehension, working “all things for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28).

Furthermore, he makes this promise to us: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

To which we might reply, “OK, Lord, with your help, my plan going forward is to trust you, and to fall into and follow your plans!”

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Miracle Deer

Miracle Deer

When I was a teenager living in Michigan, I couldn’t wait for the fall.  When the leaves started turning and the crops were being harvested, it meant that hunting season had arrived.  I could join my brother and father on the boat in the Bay to wait for ducks to approach our decoys, walk the farm fields hoping to flush a rooster pheasant, and sneak into my dad’s woods before first light to hunt squirrels, rabbits, and the ultimate quarry … whitetail deer. 

Though I tried hard and came close a number of times, I never harvested a deer in Michigan.  And then I was off to Wisconsin for college and the Seminary, and didn’t really have the opportunity to resume my hunting endeavors in the “mitten state.”  Though I was still able to get out in the timber in the state “across the pond,” I dearly missed those Michigan fields and woods in the fall.  I especially missed my dad’s woods, where I had spent so many enjoyable hours.

Upon graduation from the Seminary, the Lord sent me to Washington state and its bounty of outdoor activities.  I loved the fall opportunities dearly there, (pun intended), and filled a few tags … both deer and elk.  I was even able to share a number of fall outdoor activities with my sons and be with the three oldest ones as they shot their first deer.  Precious moments.

But I never really had much opportunity to hunt my old haunts.  Not for over 40 years.  And then the Lord brought us back to Michigan – a mere hour-and-a-quarter from my old stomping grounds.  This meant I could spend regular time with my Dad and Mom, whom I hadn’t seen much over the past three decades.  It also meant that I could use my days off (Mondays) to revisit Dad’s woods.

I got reacquainted with its layout.  (A lot changes over 40 years!)  I located the deer trails, strapped up a few game cameras, and eventually installed a 16-foot ladder stand.  I didn’t have time to hunt the bow season this year, but I counted the days to gun season.

When it arrived, I was in my stand before first light.  And I actually lost count of all the deer I saw that morning!  Michigan regulations now allow the taking of a doe with a buck license.  Plus, I actually had purchased an antlerless tag.  I could have filled it multiple times that morning, and the next morning as well.

But I had talked with God extensively.  I had seen multiple bucks on my game cameras … some quite impressive … and I had asked the Lord to please let my first Michigan deer be one taken in my father’s woods, and please let it be a buck.  I didn’t expect Him to grant my prayers, but I wasn’t going to be surprised if he did.  I certainly wanted to give him the opportunity to do so!

However, by the third morning with only one little buck spotted, and him not offering me a shot, I was ready to take a doe.  I did see one that morning immediately under my stand, but it was a small yearling.  I passed.

Opening days were gone, and I had three unfilled deer tags in my hunting jacket pocket.  My lovely wife wondered why I hadn’t taken one of the fine deer the Lord had presented me.  I explained my requests to the Lord.  My better half was largely unconvinced and fairly unsympathetic.

The next opportunity for me was the following Monday.  I bunked at my parents’ house for an early start the next morning.  But every indication from my weather apps on my phone was that the wind would be blowing from the worst possible direction to hunt from my raised stand.  None of my other natural ground blinds would work either.  Which meant I had to transition to plan C. 

I had no plan C.

Finally, I decided I needed to enter the woods with the wind in my face and work my way to the thicket where I had seen a lot of activity recently.  The problem was I had cut no trails into it, and it would be a noisy and prickly approach, with multiple downed trees to climb over.

So I prayed repeatedly that night and the next morning.  This was my redundant prayer: “Lord, please lead me to where I need to be … and please lead the deer to me.”

Not much of a hunting plan, I know, but it was my best shot under the circumstances.  (Really, it’s the best shot under any circumstances!)  I was absolutely confident the Lord could do it.  Whether he did or not was up to him, and I would find out in the morning.

An hour before daylight, I was fighting my way through the tangles.  I knew roughly where I wanted to end up, but had no idea if I could even find a suitable spot to take a stand.  I continued to pray my prayer.  Eventually I stumbled onto an area that was fairly open.  I said, “Alright, Lord, I guess this is it.  The rest is up to you. And Lord, obviously you are going to have to bring them close.” 

I was tempted to try to find a better spot.  And although I shifted just ten feet over to a more comfortable spot, I determined I had asked the Lord to lead me, so I would trust that he had led.  Now I had to also trust that he would lead the deer to me.

A few hours later, I still sat there.  I was chilled, but I was determined to wait.  I ate a few mini-Snickers bars for energy and to pass the time.  I heard some leaves rustling over my shoulder.  “Probably squirrels,” I thought, but still turned slowly to investigate. 

I couldn’t see anything, so I turned back.  And a doe was walking briskly broadside 30 feet in front of me!  She took a hard right behind some brush, walked closer to me, and plopped down 15 feet away beside a large fallen tree!  All I could see where her ears above the log, swiveling this way and that to listen.

Well, where there’s one deer, there are often more.  I looked where the doe had crossed and sure enough – there was another deer crossing in the same spot.  This one also took a hard right and came to a stop over the doe … 20 feet away.  The sun was behind it, but when I tilted my head and shifted my view, I spotted antlers.  I whispered a “Thank you, Lord!” and filled one of my buck tags. 

It was immediately evident to me that the Lord had just brought about a remarkable miracle in answer to my prayers.  He allowed me to harvest my first Michigan deer in my dad’s woods, and it was indeed a buck (a 6 point).  Even more remarkable, the Lord led me to exactly where I needed to be that morning, and THEN brought two deer directly to me.  Any closer, and they would have trampled me!

I know many would dismiss it all as blind chance or astounding luck.  What I know is that this deer was a miracle brought about by a God who loves me, blesses me despite myself, and answers prayers in dramatic fashion.

Oh, there’s one more rather amazing event I need to share.  When I turned on my truck to retrieve the deer after dragging it out, my all-time favorite Christian praise song filled my ears: “Holy Forever” by Chris Tomlin.  It’s a song about worshipping our God and Savior forever.  “Your name is the highest.  Your name is the greatest.  Your name stands above them all!”

The Lord didn’t need to remind me what had just happened.  I already knew.  But he emphasized it nonetheless.  I couldn’t help myself; I began to cry and worship.

Our Lord loves us dearly.  He hears our every prayer.  He has unending power.  He still does miracles, even in our lives.  He won’t always, but he always can.

Thank you, Lord.  You are amazing!

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Matthew 7:7-8
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Isaiah 65:24
Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Psalm 77:14
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.

Jeremiah 32:27
“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”

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All Good Things (from A – Z) Come from Above

All Good Things (from A – Z) Come from Above

In last week’s post, we discussed counting our blessings.  This week we’ll approach the same concept, only alphabetically.

For our Thanksgiving worship service way back in 200l, I enlisted the help of my three oldest sons, Christian, Craig and Caleb, to compile an alphabetical list of things we enjoy because of our generous God.  (They would have been ages 12, 10 and 8 at the time.)  I then pulled the list together into a prayer.  Here is that prayer:

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For apples, animals, and airplanes;  for the alphabet, athletics and all our abilities;  for America and for angels …. we thank you, Lord.

For buttons, blankets, bathtubs, boats and books;  for our bodies, babies, boys and brothers;  for the Bible, believers and the birth of Jesus …. we thank you, Lord.

For colors, computers, clothes and cars;  for courage and care;  for our cities and country and the clouds that float over them;  for church, Christmas and Christ …. we thank you, Lord.

For doctors and dentists;  for daylight and each new day;  for all Jesus’ disciples and true doctrine …. we thank you, Lord.

For exercise and the earth;  for our eyes, ears and everything you give us;  for Easter morning and the joys of Easter …. we thank you, Lord.

For flowers and forests;  for our flag and our freedom;  for food, friends and family;  for our forefathers, fathers and our Heavenly Father;  and for faith in our Heavenly Father …. we thank you, Lord.

For green grass and ripe grain;  for goodness and gentleness;  for grandparents, grandchildren and girls;  for God and God’s great grace …. we thank you, Lord.

For health and happiness;  for our houses and our homes;  for the Holy Spirit,  his work in our hearts, and our heavenly home …. we thank you, Lord.

For ice cream and islands;  for instruments and intelligence;  for injuries and insults that never occurred …. we thank you, Lord.

For judges and justice;  for joy and for jumping;  for Jesus and the justification he earned for us …. we thank you, Lord.

For kites, kittens and keys;  for kindness and knowledge;  and for the King of Kings …. we thank you, Lord.

For lakes and light;  for life and love;  for lips to praise our Lord …. we thank you, Lord.

For mountains, mouths, months and money;  for music, milk and memories;  for men, marriage and mothers;  for missionaries and for me …. we thank you, Lord.

For numbers and names;  for night and for neighbors …. we thank you, Lord.

For oceans and oxygen;  for obstacles through which you bring blessings;  for the open door into heaven because of our Savior …. we thank you, Lord.

For presents and pets;  for people and pastors;  for peace, praise and proper priorities;  for the Pilgrims who opened up a new land and celebrated the first thanksgiving;  for your fulfilled promises and your promises yet to be fulfilled, and for prayer …. we thank you, Lord.

For quickness, questions, and quiet …. we thank you, Lord.

For radios, responsibility and reflexes;  for rain and the roofs that keep it out;  for the resurrection of Christ and our own resurrections one day …. we thank you, Lord.

For the sun, streams and sky;  for seasons and sisters;  for sight, sound and smell;  for the Sabbath Day, Sunday School, our Savior and our salvation …. we thank you, Lord.

For television, toys, trees and trains;  for turkey on the table;  for tongues to talk and to taste and teeth to chew;  for teachers and truth …. we thank you, Lord.

For umbrellas and universities;  for the United States of America and for Us …. we thank you, Lord.

For voyages and victory;  for our voices and our vision …. we thank you, Lord.

For wheels and wagons, windows and walls;  for water, waterfalls, and women;  for the world and for Washington; [editor’s note: we lived there then!] and for your watchful care …. we thank you, Lord.

For Xrays, eXcitement, and all the eXtra gifts not mentioned in this Prayer …. we thank you, Lord.

For yesterday, youth and years;  for yummy things to eat;  and for You …. we thank you, Lord

For zippers, zebras and zest for the Gospel …. we thank you, Lord.

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James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights …

Romans 8:32
He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Psalm 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.  2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.

3 Know that the Lord is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his[a]; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.

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Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

There is ONE source for our countless blessings: our gracious God!  And if we just take a moment to consider how very blessed we are by Him, there can be but one response: heartfelt and profound thanksgiving!  If we actually take the time to reflect, there are simply TWO many gifts from God to not be overwhelmed with wonder.

For example, consider the THREE persons of Trinity, and how incomprehensible, powerful, wise, wonderful and magnificent our God is in every way.  And this all-surpassing God is always present, protecting us and providing for us in every way!  Our response?  Absolute awe!

Then to consider that he loves us so much that he would actually suffer and die FOUR us … for you and me who don’t deserve it but are given it through Jesus our Savior nevertheless … there’s not nearly enough time to praise God sufficiently for his countless blessings.

Our FIVE senses provide abundant reasons alone to praise the Lord; our “SIXth sense” (our souls and the God-given faith in them) which recognize God’s love, mercy, grace and goodness show us even more and better reasons for praise!  We are forgiven and saved – made children of God and heirs of salvation through faith in Jesus!

Then there’s the Biblical number SEVEN, which represents God’s active involvement in our lives, working everything to perfection.  This was the case in the Bible, and it’s still true in our own lives!

EIGHTy years on earth isn’t sufficient time to properly praise God who is the giver of all good gifts … including the incredible NINE-fold fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control).  Thankfully, God is bringing us to the perfect joy and fulfillment of heaven, where we can worship him for his countless gifts forever.

Which calls to mind another Biblical number – TEN – which represents totality or completion.  When living forever in the presence of our glorious Lord and scar-marked Savior, we will finally recognize the totality of God’s goodness to us, and that his work for us and in us has been brought to perfect completion.  We are in heaven – forever saved.  Which will be the greatest blessing of all, and the culmination of all of God’s blessings.

ELEVEN trillion-trillion years will pass by there with us “bright shining as the sun,” and “we’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we’d first begun.”  (John Newton – “Amazing Grace”).

The TWELVE apostles will be there, with Paul the “THIRTEENth,” as well.  Not to mention all the godly men and women of the Bible, and those faith-heroes of history and our lives as well.  How incredible to be joined together in one holy, heavenly place, united in victory through the Savior.  How astounding to share the stories of our struggle along the way, and to marvel at how God has faithfully led us there and used us along the way for his good purposes.

FOUR-TEENs, children, and adults … for young and old; male and female; rich or poor; beautiful, handsome, or “not-so-much” … for all the throng before the throne of Jesus, it will be a sight never before seen … and a sight that never grows old.

FIFTEEN-thousand boundless tiers of the colossal heavenly amphitheater filled with angels encircled around the Lord, worshiping him enthusiastically and unendingly – the countless believers from the centuries joining their song.  And everyone present will be counting their blessings from God, and praising him for them for all of eternity.

But let’s not wait until then.  Now’s a great time to thank God for his innumerable gifts.

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A newer song on Christian radio inspired this post.  It’s called “Counting My Blessings” and is written and sung by Seph Schlueter.  Here is the refrain and some of the words:

One, two, three – 
Up to infinity;
I’d run out of numbers
Before I could thank You for everything!

God, I’m still counting my blessings;
All that You’ve done in my life!
The more that I look in the details,
The more of Your goodness I find!
Father, on this side of Heaven
I know that I’ll run out of time.
But I will keep counting my blessings;
Knowing I can’t count that high.

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Psalm 31:19
How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Psalm 23:1,5b-6
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. … My cup overflows.  Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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Output Versus Input

Output Versus Input

The concept we’re exploring today is not original with me.  I actually heard it on a local Christian radio station, and I thought it was a concept worth sharing.  It’s simply stated and explained, yet it is profound in its simplicity and powerful when understood and implemented.

From little on we are trained to find self-value in what we are able to put out.  It’s a lesson readily learned since it comes so naturally to the human psyche and seems so logical.  The greater the quantity and quality of our output, the more inherent value we feel and find.

The realms of our personal output validators are varied and unique to each individual.  Our personal output indicators may be in the physical, mental, emotional, verbal, relational, occupational, educational, societal or familial worlds.  Yet the cause and effect are the same: when we are able to output effectively, we tend to feel good about ourselves. 

Unfortunately, the inevitable is that there will come times when our output is substandard.  Even more so as we age and our ability and energy flags and fades.  And then what happens to our self-esteem?  If it is based on our output (as it is for most!), we’re in trouble!

Many is the time I’ve counseled individuals who were struggling mentally and emotionally because they just couldn’t do what they used to be able to do.  Their self-worth was based on their output … and their output was leaving them devastated.  Eventually, one’s output will leave every output-based person devastated. 

Which brings us to the importance of input – both recognizing and pursuing positive input.

Kind and encouraging words from loved ones certainly qualifies as positive input; warm support from people is important and is certainly helpful.  But sometimes that is hard to come by or is not enough. 

The most crucial input is the input our God gives us in his Word!

Yes, the condemnation of the law which shows us our sinfulness isn’t pleasant.  It’s important we all take this to heart; we are all sinful and the Lord hates sin.  But don’t stop at the law.  Let it drive you desperately and eagerly to God’s gospel, which tells us about God’s love … and mercy … and grace … and atonement … and forgiveness … and salvation. 

Furthermore, embrace those truths God shares with us about who we now are in the crucified and risen Jesus Christ.  This is the input we desperately need!

Words like these:

“… You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Or these:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Or this long, wonderful, self-esteem-boosting list:

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2:9-10).

These are just some of the thousands of messages God gives us in his Scriptures.  Search the Scriptures and you’ll find plenty of incredible input.  God tells us he has loved us with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3), a love so lavish that he considers us his very children (1 Jn. 3:1) and rejoices over us with singing! (Zeph. 3:17). 

These are truths God wants us to take to heart; crucial, positive, self-esteem-lifting input God wants us to embrace. 

The Lord knows this input … given by the One whose output is always perfect and always perfectly blesses … will completely transform our self-perspective. 

As Paul prayed: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

The vast majority of the world looks to one’s output as the basis for value.  But that’s a disappointing path.  Be different.  Be better!  Or rather, learn a better way to evaluate yourself!  “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). 

Far better for us to find our value in the input God gives.  And he values us immensely!  Of all astounding things, he informs us that we are precious in his sight! (Is. 43:4).

When our self-esteem is based on our output, it will eventually and undoubtedly collapse.  When based on God’s input, however, it will soar!  

Which underscores the importance of being in our Bibles and mining these golden truths!  There’s an abundance of wealth just waiting to be uncovered there and make us spiritually rich.  It’s exactly the input we need to prosper in this output-based world.

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Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts … And be thankful.  Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you [encourage one another] and [praise] … God with gratitude in your hearts.  (Colossians 3:15-16)

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The Enforcer

The Enforcer

You’ve been there.  You’re traveling on an interstate when the road construction signs come into view.  We all know what that means.  Slowdowns.  Lane revisions.  And probably merging traffic. 

Then, sure enough, the merge signs begin appearing.

Most drivers are pretty decent about it.  When the merge notices pop up, they begin making their way into the appropriate lane. 

But there are always a few who fly by everyone else to get to the front of the line and then cut over!  I don’t know how you feel about that approach, but I find it rude, unfair, and extremely irritating.  Not only that, but their selfishness actually slows the entire merge process down with the backup they cause at the bottleneck.

This past weekend, my wife and I were driving over to Wisconsin for a family wedding, and we had any number of slowdowns, lane revisions, and yes … lane mergers.  And, as always, some folks were determined to storm to the front of the merge line.

But multiple times they couldn’t!  The reason?  The “Enforcers.”

The Enforcers (my name for them) were the semitruck drivers who would have none of it.  Once the merge messages were posted, those semi jockeys shimmied their 18-wheelers over to take up both lanes.  No cheaters got by them.  The would be “pass-everyone-else-on-their-way-to-the-front-of-the-line-drivers” behind those big-rigs were forced to merge with everyone else who was being obedient and courteous. 

I have seen this done before, and I witnessed it several times this past weekend.  Those Enforcer dudes are my heroes!  I applaud them every time I see them take that approach, and I still grin and salute them as I think of it. 

And who doubts that those huge trucks could impose their will on all the smaller vehicles around them.  They are the unmitigated kings of the road.

You and I have the unmitigated King of the Cosmos in our corner as we drive through life.  How incredibly comforting to know that the Lord has our back!  Nothing gets past him that he doesn’t allow.  And if he allows it, he has a loving reason for it.  (Romans 8:28).

Our God has absolute power, complete knowledge, and unending love.  He is always with us, and is unaffected by circumstances or the boundaries of scientific principles.  Nothing escapes his notice; no threats sneak past his view.  Meanwhile, he funnels tremendous blessings our way.

Undoubtedly we can all reflect upon times where our gracious God clearly intervened in our lives.  His involvement was so obvious even the most obtuse believer could recognize it.

I suspect, however, that we would be astounded if we really, truly knew how many times … and how drastically … the Lord has acted to provide for us or protect us in our day-by-day history.  In fact, he does it to some degree … every single day of our lives.

In his final encouragements to the Israelites, as he was about to die and the people were about to invade Canaan, Moses assured them, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8).

It’s a similar concept to what Moses stated to their parents 40 years early as the newly freed Israelites spotted Pharaoh’s army chasing after them.  “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:14).

And who or what can stand against the Lord? 

These truths are truths for you and me to take to heart as well.  Our God goes before us, is with us and always will be, and he fights for us!

I have always cherished the words David wrote upon his deliverance from Saul and his enemies.  They speak of devotion to the One upon whom the believer can totally rely.  “I love you, Lord, my strength.  The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:1-2).

The ultimate Enforcer?  That would be the Lord.  He’s bigger, badder, and better than any semi, and he’s on our side!

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Your Suggestion Is … ?

Your Suggestion Is … ?

The question has been asked of me a number of times: “How do you decide what to write for your weekly blog?”  My answer has always been the same: “God provides me with the topics.” 

And I’m not being flippant with that reply.  I am convinced that the ideas really do come from the Lord.  Sometimes in simple ways; sometimes remarkable ones.

Furthermore, I’m convinced that the Lord gives me the ideas he does when he does because he knows that someone who needs to read the words will read them … and be encouraged. 

And I’m not being prideful or wishful with that statement.  Too many comments – publicly shared for all to see or privately shared with just me – indicate to me that the Lord is working among his people through these posts.

This is humbling, but also gratifying and uplifting to me.  Because this blog has never been about me.  It’s always been about encouraging God’s people in their walk with him to heaven.

As I have often written, it is my weekly prayer that something I write will encourage someone somewhere in some little way in their spiritual journey.  This is truly my motivation, and to whatever degree the Lord accomplishes this, I rejoice.  And I give all glory to Him.

But back to my initial point regarding choosing a blog topic.  For some time now I have been thinking about casting out a request to the Heading to Heaven readers for suggestions on topics to address.  I’ve never done this before and thought, “Let’s see what happens.”

It’s not because I don’t have any ideas this week.  Actually, I just added two more thoughts to my multiple-page “Blog Article Possibilities List” this morning.  (Yes, I keep a list, and it keeps growing!  It is just another way the Lord provides themes each week.)  Rather, I’m asking because it seems like the right time to solicit ideas.  I’ve come up with 186 topics through the years; now it’s your turn!

Below are some approaches I have taken in the past.  Perhaps this list will spark some thoughts?

  • Exploring Bible concepts
  • Original stories on various spiritual situations
  • Description of different animals
  • Discussion of various aspects of nature
  • A look into the whimseys of humans
  • Some general observations
  • Holiday focuses
  • Anything, really, that will hopefully encourage God’s people

I’m truly curious and eager to see what suggestions come in.  (I pray some do!)  Please take just a moment to include a few.  I’m sure every reader can come up with one or two.  I really do want to receive them.  I will do my best to honor each request that comes in … perhaps not immediately, but over time. 

You can provide your suggestions in the comments feature of the blog, or in the comments section under the Facebook post.  Submitting them to me via Facebook Messenger will also work.  For those who have my contact information, a text or email would be fine too.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you, and excited to read what rolls in.  Thanks for reading the blog, and thanks for your topic ideas!

So, your suggestion is … ?

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Romans 15:4

For everything that was written [in the Scriptures] in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

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Better than Amazon!

Better than Amazon!

It began in a garage, as so many companies seem to begin.  Now it is “often referred to as ‘one of the most influential economic and cultural forces in the world,’ and is often regarded as one of the world’s most valuable brands.  It is considered to be one of the Big Five American technology companies, alongside Alphabet (parent company of Google), Apple, Meta and Microsoft” (Wikipedia).

In 1994, Jeff Bezos, a Princeton University summa cum laude graduate, and his wife MacKenzie, left their corporate jobs in New York City and drove cross-country to Bellevue, Washington to chase a wild dream of creating an online bookstore.  Bezos actually and amazingly wrote his business plan along the way.  He chose the Seattle area because of the many high-tech companies in the vicinity.

In that Bellevue garage an online colossus was born.  “As of 2023, [Amazon] is the world’s largest online retailer and marketplace, …  and internet company as measured by revenue and market share.  In 2021, it surpassed Walmart as the world’s largest retailer outside of China, driven in large part by its paid subscription plan, Amazon Prime, which has over 200 million subscribers worldwide.  It is the second-largest private employer in the United States” (Wikipedia).

And Bezos … well, he’s doing alright.  He is “the first centibillionaire on the Forbes Real Time Billionaires Index and the second ever to have eclipsed the feat since Bill Gates in 1999.  Bezos was named the ‘richest man in modern history’” (Wikipedia).  Worth over $160 billion dollars as of September, 2023, he is currently the third-wealthiest person in the world.

Originally he called his fledgling company “Cadabra, Inc.”  But after recognizing the name could be easily misheard as “cadaver,” he rebranded the company “Amazon.”  He arrived at the name while searching the dictionary.  A name that began with A was ideal as it would be one of the first pulled up on searches.  Furthermore, “Amazon” was recognized as an “exotic and different” locale, while the Amazon River was the largest river in the world … just as he hoped his bookstore would be.

And now the company is known as “the everything store.”  Even some of its commercials have keyed in on how the name AmaZon refers to the store offering all things from A to Z.  In truth, the company is the literal “go-to” online resource for whatever a person might need.  Looking for something, and at a reasonable price?  The advice is typically, “Go to Amazon.”

I can’t help but see some similarities between Amazon and our God.  Of course, our God is much better!  But consider these common aspects:

Amazon may seem to have it all; the Lord really does have everything.  “Everything under heaven belongs to me” (Job 41:11).  And the Lord really offers everything (James 1:17) – especially in regard to our most crucial spiritual needs!  “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). 

Better than a website, when we are wanting, a simple request to the Almighty is all that’s necessary to have it provided.  But at no cost!  The Lord says, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” (Isaiah 65:24).

Amazon trucks seem to be everywhere and delivering 7-days-a-week.  God really is everywhere and always delivering blessings.  (Psalm 23).

Unlike Amazon’s claim, the Lord truly is the one-and-only A to Z.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8).  “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.  To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.  Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children” (Revelation 21:6-7)

Unfortunately, Amazon has a reputation for being cut-throat toward other companies and uncaring toward their employees … the rigorous work demands sometimes promoting a toxic work environment.  (It’s not just jealous hearsay; I have been personally told this by some employees and former employees.)

Yet, our Savior Jesus is exactly the opposite.  He lovingly urges us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. … I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).

Better than Amazon?  Far better!  Our God is Amaz – ing! 

Remember that the next time you access their website or see one of their trucks.

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Under the Surface

Under the Surface

I’m fortunate to live on a lake.  I’m even more fortunate to be able to fish on that lake every now and then.  Since the underwater vegetation is rather thick along our shore, the best way to fish from our dock, (that is, the least frustrating way), is with a bobber.  Which means the best time to fish off our backyard is when the surface of the water is calm.  The calmer the better.

Sometimes the water is so still that the surface becomes an exceptional mirror.  (Currently providing a very lovely “double” view of the changing leaves on the far shore!)  When in this ultra-calm state, the surface isn’t only a reflection of God’s beauty above the waters, but also a revealer of some of God’s creation below.

When we look at a lake, we tend to see the surface and not really reflect much on what is happening below it.  Yes, we are aware that there is a whole other world in its depths, but we can’t see it, can’t really understand it, so we don’t really think about it too much.  (At least I don’t.)

Of course, if we’re trying to hook a fish or two, we give it a bit of thought.  What kinds of fish might be there?  Where might they be hanging about?  What might induce them to ingest my hook?

Other than that: unseen and unconsidered.  It’s a dimension unfamiliar to us, so what’s occurring there doesn’t register.

But when the water is exceptionally still, it provides a glimpse into the activity below the surface.  And there’s a lot more happening than we realize!

Certainly, if you pay attention while near water, you will notice the rings made by rising fish … even when the water is somewhat turbulent.  On a smooth surface, especially in the morning and evening, those rings are everywhere.  If near or on the water, perhaps one will even hear the slurp of a hungry fish sucking in a dead or dying insect, or hear (and maybe even see) the splash of a leaping fish – whether due to feeding, fleeing, or purely for “fun.”

Most fascinating to me is to see the funnels on the flat surface formed by fish swimming just below.  Sometimes the funnel is large; sometimes small.  Sometimes brief; sometimes prolonged.  Sometimes straight; sometimes not.  Sometimes incredibly swift; other times slower. 

Even though the fish are unseen, their presence is revealed by the displaced water forming wave paths above.  One can’t always discern the size or depth of the fish, but there’s no doubt that they’re there.  

Fascinating.  Also frustrating when one notices some paths leading right past or under one’s bobber, with no pause for a nibble!

I marvel to see those moving paths sometimes crisscross.  Is one fish higher and one lower?  (They must be.)  Even so, they have to be close to each other and still close enough to the surface for their movements to register.  

And the sheer number of funnels!  It’s frenetic.  There is a LOT going on under the surface!  Far more than we imagine.

So it is with our God.

We tend to be one-dimensional creatures, taking note only of those things in our sphere; the physical and observable world forms our “reality.”  We notice what registers with our five senses.

But there is another dimension; the spiritual one.  It’s largely unseen but no less real.  And that’s the sphere where the Lord loves to work!  He certainly is active in the physical realm.  He created all things, “and in him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16-17). 

But he does his best and biggest work in the spiritual realm.  It’s work often unnoticed, but critically important and eternally significant.

Yet if we turn our eyes of faith to the seemingly still surface of the spiritual waters, we will notice the hints of a frenzy of activity in the spiritual depths below.  God is working.  Always working.  When criticized by his enemies for healing on the Sabbath, Jesus said, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working” (John 5:17).

So too is the Holy Spirit who enlivens and empowers the Word of God.  He assures us this Word ”will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).  More wonderful work by our wonderful God!  In souls and minds and lives!

We often can’t discern the nature of God’s activity, and usually not its substance.  At least not in the present.  But it’s clear that God has a LOT going on, and it’s all good for those who love him. (Romans 8:28).

Confused?  Discouraged?  Anxious?  Wondering where God is and what He is doing?  Be assured that under the surface your God is doing incredible things!

There is great peace and joy in that truth.

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