The huge hall was packed with missionaries, evangelists, and pastors from around the world. They were gathering for the keynote address of the week-long ecumenical Christian conference.
As the conference was wrapping up, the attendees were reflecting on the insights they had gained on more effectively and economically growing their ministries. Some were chatting quietly with new acquaintances, comparing notes and sharing ideas. Others were reviewing their travel plans and checking their flight status on their phones.
The conference folders were strangely lacking on information for this final presentation. The time and place were provided, of course, but little else. The topic was listed as “The All-Encompassing Cure,” and the captivating summary was simply this: “The most important presentation of the conference.”
The presenter was to be E. Manuel. No other information was given; no credentials, no biography, no place of service.
No one – not even the conference organizers, if the truth be told – quite understood who the presenter was or how he got the coveted gig of addressing the gathered hundreds. To say there was a bit of unease in the group, and especially among the coordinators, would be accurate. But there was also a fair amount of curiosity … even fascination. What were they about to hear?
The hall lights flickered the message that the presentation was about to start. The assembled church workers turned their attention to the stage. The lighting was dim, causing many to suspect there were some technical difficulties.
A man of medium-height and darker complexion strode to the center of the stage. He wore a beige dress shirt with a striking picture of a wooden cross offset on the upper right side. His slacks were brown khakis; his shoes simple loafers. A neatly trimmed beard adorned his chin; his hair was gathered into a “man-bun.”
He slowly scanned the audience, his gaze sweeping to one side of the auditorium, then sweeping gradually back to the other side. The speaker said not a word for the longest time. A stunned silence gripped the hall, and people began to shift uncomfortably in their seats.
When words finally came, they were brimming with power … not just with volume, but with authority.
“My message will be brief, but it is critical. I will not cast any judgements today; I will only speak the truth. Each of you can make your own assessments of yourselves and your approach to ministry from what I share. Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!”1 A involuntary shudder rolled through the crowd. Their eyes were riveted on the man before them.
The speaker continued: “You have spent hours-upon-hours this week learning sophisticated ministry strategies. You are excited about utilizing new technologies. You can’t wait to implement new programs in your churches. Most of it has a place in ministry. Most can indeed be useful.”
“But these are not the ultimate goal. Rather, they are only a means to the true goal.” The speaker raised his right hand, his pointer finger extended. “And they are not the key components of ministry. They are only tools to the true key component.”
The eyes of many listeners widened.
“The single most important tool in your ministries is … God’s Word!” The speaker paused and once again scanned the audience. Those there felt as if he were looking deep inside them.
Finally he continued. “Let me repeat: the single most important tool in your ministries is God’s Word! ALL of God’s Word. NOT a Bible gutted of truth by picking and choosing what one wants to believe. And NOT a Bible polluted by adding things God did not say. But the Bible God has given you.”
“The Bible God has given you is truth … absolute truth.2 It is God’s own Word, and God doesn’t lie or change his mind.3 It is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens!”4
“Furthermore, the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates soul and spirit!5 The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes!”6
“God’s Word is the key to a truly successful ministry … that is, a spiritually successful ministry. Utilize the many ministry approaches you explored this week to do true ministry – which is sharing God’s full Word with as many people as possible. And let God’s Holy Spirit work through the living, powerful, life-changing truths God has given!”
Another pause. More shifting in the listeners. Some were profoundly uncomfortable and desired to leave, but somehow none could. None dared.
“This is the first part of the all-encompassing cure. The Lord has given you everything you need in his words to address any earthly situation you or your people may run into in your ministries.”
“Which leads us to the second part of the cure. Please turn your attention to the screens.”
Two large screens, one at each end of the platform, lit up. “Let me show you some real people and their very real struggles.”
A sobbing woman appeared on the screens. There were no captions; no comments made from the presenter. Yet intuitively every person looking on recognized that she was a lonely wife longing to feel loved and treasured by her distracted husband.
She remained in view just long enough for everyone to intensely feel her pain, and then another person … a meth addict … came into view. Again, everyone somehow understood the situation and the man’s feeling of bondage and hopelessness. And so it was for each example that followed.
A wealthy businessman chasing even more wealth and power.
A twenty-something male confused on what to believe and searching for meaning in life.
A homeless beggar longing to get out of the cold and to eat a hot meal.
A man in a foreign country unfairly imprisoned by an oppressive government.
An attention-seeking socialite consumed with her appearance and popularity.
A young child wondering why her parents were always fighting.
A man struggling to get out of the gloom of severe depression.
A teenaged boy crying himself to sleep and dreading to face the bullies at school again tomorrow.
A middle-aged couple at a significant juncture of their lives agonizing over the difficult decisions they had to make and the direction to go.
A hungry family in a third world country gathered around a fire, dirt-covered and dressed in rags.
A cancer victim in hospice with only limited time left.
A guilt-wracked sinner with his head in his hands, weeping over his sin.
A weary and despairing person, wondering if there is anything better than this world.
The screens went black. The presenter stood before them with his hands in his pockets and his eyes closed. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. And he was not alone. In fact, there wasn’t a dry eye in the entire auditorium. How could there be after what they had just witnessed? So much hurt!
Eventually, the speaker gathered himself. In a quieter voice, he asked, “What do all these people have in common?” Only muffled crying was heard in response.
Finally, a meek voice in front row said, “They need help.”
“Yes, they do. But their hurts and needs are so different. How will you help all of them?”
“Love them,” someone else ventured.
“Well, that’s a nice gesture. But it won’t fundamentally bring them the cure they need.”
“Refer them to agencies that might assist them,” another voiced.
“There may be some help there. But the fundamental issues remain.”
“Pray for them?”
“A wonderful idea! But you will undoubtedly be praying that they find the help they need. Where will that come from?”
“The Word! Read them appropriate passages from God’s Word, as you talked about earlier.”
“Excellent! Now we’re getting somewhere!” The speaker raised both hands questioningly. “And what does all of God’s Word revolve around?” Another pause. “All of God’s Word revolves around God’s love demonstrated to sinners in Jesus-Made-Man.”
“In short, show them Jesus! All these people need Jesus! Everyone needs Jesus! Not some watered-down, rationalized, sterilized Jesus, but the living, loving, caring Jesus of the Bible!”
“The Jesus who loves them so much he died for them. The Jesus who rose back to life and walked out of the tomb. The Jesus who ascended to heaven to resume his rightful throne and to prepare a place there for all who believe in him.”7
“The Jesus who is both in heaven and still always with them. The Jesus who answers their prayers, who provides for them and protects them; the Jesus who guides them and accompanies them through all their difficulties. The Jesus who loves them with all his heart!”
“Jesus is the All-Encompassing Cure. No, he doesn’t always take all the hardships away, but he always carries his people through them. He always eases the hurt and he always brings help and blessing. Show Jesus to your people.”
The speaker’s head tilted upward, and his arms raised heavenward. “The Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve. To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”7
He lowered his gaze back to the people before him. “Everyone needs Jesus.” He pulled back his sleeves and held up his nail-marked wrists. “Everyone needs these, and the one who loves them enough to suffer these.”
With that, E. Manuel – “God With Us”10 – turned and walked briskly into the shadows.
- Mark 4:9
- John 17:17
- Numbers 23:19
- Psalm 119:89
- Hebrews 4:12
- Romans 1:16
- John 14:3
- Matthew 28:20
- Isaiah 61:1-3
- Matthew 1:23
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I don’t really presume to know what Jesus would say to such a group; I can only guess. However, in light of how the Bible is being attacked, undermined and disregarded, and recognizing how Jesus, the Savior, is being pushed into almost irrelevance … even sometimes in the church … the Lord might very well say something like this.
As always, I pray that these words are thought-provoking, and ultimately a blessing to you. Cherish God’s Word, and God’s Son which God’s Word shows us. They really are the cure for all that ails us.