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When Things Settle Down (WTSD)

When Things Settle Down (WTSD)

Here’s a post I shared several years ago in the heart of COVID when everything was topsy-turvy.  COVID issues have settled down somewhat, but life in this world is still catawumpus. (It always is!)  So it’s an excellent topic to revisit. 

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I’m not old yet, but I’m older than I used to be.  (Yes, I recognize that we can all make that claim.)  What I’m trying to say is that there’s some wear on the tires.  My body isn’t as spry and sleek as it used to be, but along the many miles I’ve traveled in life my noggin has accumulated a bit of wisdom.  Not a lot, mind you, but a little.

For example, I’ve learned that you absolutely should not leave the large tarp you purchased to cover the camping tents at home because there is no rain in the forecast.  In addition, I strongly advise that you do NOT attempt to slip your fishhook past the tree limb … even if you are an expert caster.  I definitely recommend that you clip your toenails before heading out on a long hike, especially if there are elevation changes.  (You may think this to be strange advice, but the day may come when you realize the profound wisdom in those words!)  And you never say never.  Never ever!  That’s just a small sampling of the hard truths I’ve learned through the years.

I’ve learned something else as well.  I’ve learned there is no such thing as “When things settle down.”  The context for the phrase usually sounds like this: “I’ll work on my marriage issues when things settle down (WTSD).”  Or, “I’ll spend more time with my children WTSD.”  Or, “I’ll get back in shape WTSD.”  Or, “Yes, something is definitely not right; I’ll go to the doctor WTSD.”  Or, “I’ll do something fun and relax WTSD.”

Where this nasty phrase really impacts negatively is when it’s used in a spiritual context.  Such as, “I’ll start reading my Bible WTSD.”  “I’ll get back to church WTSD.”  “I’ll work on my prayer life WTSD.”  “I’ll get more involved in ministry for God and more generous in my giving to God WTSD.”

You get the idea.  Only when we arrive in heaven will things finally (and forever!) settle down.  But here on this world, “when things settle down” is a lousy approach to life.

First of all, if one doesn’t set proper priorities, our sinful natures in conjunction with Satan and influenced by the world, will set them for us.  And we can be certain they won’t be in line with what the Lord encourages.

Secondly, there will never be a time when things settle down in our lives. 

Think about it.  From birth … to toddler … to child … to teen … to adult … to middle-aged … to elderly … to death, we are always changing.  As are the realities of our lives.  From nursing … to eating … to walking … to school … to puberty … to higher education … to moving … to occupations … to marriage … to home-ownership … to children … to health issues … to grandchildren … to retirement.  We all meander different paths and experience varied challenges in our lives, but we all share one common trait: our lives are always unsettled.

“When Things Settle Down” is an extinct beast; it died off when sin entered the world.

I spent far too many years and waited way too long for WTSD in my life.  I let improper priorities dominate.  I expected to reach the point “one of these days” when life would finally calm down.  I expected circumstances to stop changing sooner or later.  But, of course, life never really calms down and circumstances are constantly changing.  As a result, I missed wonderful opportunities and forfeited peace and joy because I was dealing with unsettledness.

Obviously I’m not advocating we turn a blind eye to significant issues that must be addressed or abdicate our responsibilities.  There are simply times when we must bear down in life.  But my observation is that these times aren’t as prevalent as we tend to think, and our priorities are frequently skewed.  We are typically slaves to the urgent instead of masters of the important.

“When things settle down” is one of Satan’s most common and most effective lies.  He’s used it to coax plenty of souls to their doom.  And he will utilize all his impressive power to ensure that things stay as unsettled as possible in our lives, because he knows how spiritually distracting this can be for Christians.

Our Savior has a different message. His counsel was this:  “Seek first [God’s] kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things [that have you so unsettled] will be [taken care of for] you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:33-34). 

Yes, that’s a bit of a paraphrase.  But I believe it still fits the context of Jesus’ advice and promise.  So here’s the key: when we settle our hearts and minds on God and the promises of God above all else, then the unsettled won’t unsettle us quite as much. 

And we will make wiser decisions on what to do and when to do it!

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An Unfathomable Existence

An Unfathomable Existence

My dear cousin, Paul, recently took a trip.  It’s a trip he had been anticipating his entire life.  His destination was exquisite; his preparation complete.  Nevertheless, he wasn’t expecting to depart quite so soon.

But when his angel escort arrived, he was on his way.  His Lord in his perfect and loving wisdom had determined it was time, and was waiting to welcome him home to heaven.

I’ve spent a fair bit of time reflecting on his departure … and his arrival … since Paul embarked on life’s most significant journey.  I miss him tremendously, but I truly rejoice for him. 

It’s the ultimate bitter-sweet.  My great loss; his great gain.   How can I not be happy for him?  How can I not be devastated myself?

This is also the ultimate conundrum.  So often, we sinful mortals cling desperately to a sin-impacted world with all its struggles instead of longing for the perfect place Jesus has prepared for us. 

I believe the reason is simple: we understand this earthly existence with all its issues.  Consequently, we are relatively comfortable here, even with the hardships we endure here (and know we will have to endure).  Conversely, we understand precious little about our eternity of salvation and are much less comfortable with the unknown … even though God promises us it is wonderful.

It’s interesting that much of what the Lord shares with us about heaven is what it is not.  No hunger, thirst, or discomfort of any kind.  No sorrow, pain or death.  No night.  I suspect the reason the Lord describes heaven this way is simply because we can better grasp what heaven isn’t than what it is.  This flawed world is our standard.

Which means eternal salvation is unfathomable.  Not only is it impossible for us to comprehend eternity; we can’t even begin to grasp the wonders there.  Or the God who in love sacrificed so very much, and intervened to such a great degree in our lives, to bring us into heaven’s holy halls!

As I’ve thought about my departed cousin this week, I’ve wondered what he is experiencing.  How wonderfully overwhelming is that place?  What is it like to be continually and fully in the very presence of God?

The Lord tells us in his Word that at death the soul (spirit) of believers transitions immediately to God’s eternal care while the body remains behind (Ecclesiastes 12:7).  When the Lord Jesus returns in the skies at the heavenly trumpet blast on the Last Day, the body will be resurrected and rejoined to the soul (1 Corinthians 15:42-44, 51-57).

So already there is a profound difference for a Christian at death!  An existence without a body.  A newly perfect spirit in a perfect place in the immediate presence of the Triune God in perfect peace and joy!  For ever and ever and ever!

The concept is unfathomable for us who are still entrenched on earth!

In this world we rely on our 5 senses to evaluate information.  How does a holy soul free from the limitations of a sinful body process input?  And what kind of “input” does salvation put out?

Does the soul “see” the brilliant colors of the Lord’s infinite glory?  Does it “hear” the songs of praise to the Savior sung in hundred-part harmony?  Does it join its “voice” in the songs and shouts of acclamation to the Lord?  Does it “feel” the embrace of Jesus?  Does it “taste” the bounties of the victory feast in the throne room of the Lamb?

Certainly yes – somehow! But undoubtedly the soul experiences and participates in salvation’s activities in some incredible and incomprehensible way to us who are still stuck in the entry line.

Again, it’s ALL unfathomable for us now.  Yet it’s wonderful nevertheless!

“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— [these are] the things God has prepared for those who love him!” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

I am so happy for you, Paul.  And I look forward to the day when you, along with Jesus, welcome me to that unfathomable but glorious place.

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Philippians 1:21-23
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far …

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Something Good Today

Something Good Today

“I hope something good happens to you today.” 

I was out-and-about and I happened to see this message on two different window clings on two different vehicles within a matter of ten minutes.  I don’t remember seeing that message before, and I don’t think I’ve seen it since, but it certainly set my mind pondering that day.

“I hope something good happens to you today” sounds like a wonderful sentiment.  And I’m sure it is well-intentioned.  For one driver to share with the driver behind them that it is their wish that something happens today that brings the second driver joy sounds very magnanimous.

It’s not my intention to question another’s intentions, what they choose to share or how they choose to share it.  Let’s simply consider the words as ones springing from a kind heart. 

Rather, I would like to narrow our focus to the word “good.”  “I hope something good happens to you today.”  At this time of year, we could easily change the statement to “I hope something good happens to you this next year.”

What set my mind ruminating that day was this question: how does one define “good?”

Presumably, “good” is understood as something that personally benefits a person, and probably as something that most people would consider “good.”

Such as quality time with a loved one or dear friend, an unexpected gesture of kindness from someone, or a bit of joy-filled laughter.  Simple things such as these are clearly “good.”  Ideally, I suppose, the “good” could also be more extravagant: an occupational promotion, the purchase of a new car, or what most would consider the ultimate “good” thing – winning the Powerball Lottery.

But perhaps the promotion means less family time?  Possibly the new car is a poor investment? Maybe the major lottery score will bring more troubles than blessings?

And what about the not-so-good things that come along in a day?  The things that don’t seem to personally benefit a person and which most people would consider bad?  The car breaks down, sickness sidetracks the day, or someone demonstrates profound selfishness instead of kindness? 

When frustrations and setbacks occur instead of apparent progress, are they necessarily something “bad?”  Most in the world would say, “Yes.”  Our God says, “No!”

Are even difficulties “good?”  Most in the world would say, “No.”  Our God says, “Yes!”

God’s Word underscores this truth in a number of different places and a number of different ways.  Here are five applications regarding “something good” happening… regardless of its packaging:

Nothing can interfere with God’s love for his children

“Who [or what] shall separate us from the love of Christ?  Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? … No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:35&37).

Consequently, every situation brings good gifts from God to his people

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights … ” (James 1:17).

And God is always working for the benefit (primarily spiritual!) of his own

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

God uses the “bad” to bring about good – drawing his children closer to Him

“It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees” (Psalm 119:71).

Which means God’s people can rejoice, no matter what … because it’s all good!

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

All of which is extremely comforting to you and me … whether something “good” or “bad” is happening.  Understanding that it’s all good and always good when our loving Lord is in control makes for happy days and happy years!

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Two additional comments:

First, it’s bitterly ironic that on the morning of the day I am posting this I got a call from the wife of my dear cousin to tell me he had died.  It wasn’t unexpected; he had been battling cancer and taken a turn for the worse.  But it was still a blow.  Most would consider the news “bad.”  And it was bad news for me; it hit me hard.  But it was also wonderful news.  My cousin, a devout believer, is now with Jesus … beyond the suffering and enjoying the first day of an unending salvation.  Not a bad day for him, but a good day!  The very best day of his life actually.

Secondly, I don’t mean to infer in this post that people can do whatever they want, (embrace immorality, disobey God, cast aside love, ignore goodness, etc.) and still be automatically blessed by God.  Rather, my point is that as faith-filled Christians, we can have absolute confidence that our loving Lord is always working on our behalf … providing, protecting, guiding and blessing … even when it seems that not many “good” things, and perhaps even some particularly “bad” things, are occurring on a given day.

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A Time for Peaceful Joy?

A Time for Peaceful Joy?

It seems like everyone urges taking time for reflection at Christmas … but hardly anyone takes it.  Even those who encourage it!

The Christmas “obligations” are many and seem daunting.

Putting up the Christmas tree and decking the halls and the house, inside and out, with decorations and brightly-colored lights.  Writing the “Christmas letter” and sending out the Christmas cards.  Assembling the shopping list, purchasing all the presents and then wrapping them.  Attending the special Christmas work and school parties, and arranging the family get-togethers.  (How many gatherings are there, and how many are gathering?  Who goes where?  And when?  And who brings what?)  Christmas baking and Christmas cooking.  Not to mention, the inevitable and formidable Christmas cleanups!  (Usually plural.)

It’s a wonderful time of the year … and a stressful one as well.  Typically busy and not necessarily peaceful.

Which leads me to this outrageous statement: while most of the traditional Christmas activities are certainly wholesome, they are not necessarily beneficial.  At least not spiritually beneficial.  And therefore one might wonder how God-pleasing those activities even are.

Despite what many in the world proclaim and believe, Christmas is a Christian holiday.  Christmas literally means “Christ-worship.”  It’s the time of year we worship Christ our Savior – born to die for us. 

At least, that’s what it is supposed to be.  But that is not what it often turns out to be … even for Christians.

Here’s another hard statement: the Lord takes no pleasure in our frantic Christmas busyness.  But the devil certainly does!  The more we focus on the externals of the season and the less we focus on worshiping Christ, the better our spiritual enemies like it and the more concerning it becomes to our God.

Undoubtedly there is joy to be found in the usual “obligations” of the season.  In the preparing and the decorating and the gathering and the opening.  But it is a superficial and temporary joy.  Anticipation is exciting and memories are precious, but in the end – the literal end when our life concludes – they are meaningless.

All that will matter at that time is whether we know our Savior Jesus … born to die for us, and risen victoriously back to life.  Is He the King of our heart?  Do we recognize he saved our soul?

Am I advocating for the tossing away of the Christmas usuals?  Not at all!  I’m simply urging that we don’t lose sight of the real reason for the season, and that we take time (make time!) for the most important aspect of Christmas – worshiping Christ. 

Decorating home and hearth?  Of course!  But even more importantly, being sure to adorn our hearts and minds with God’s Word!

Time with family and friends?  Definitely!  But a quantity of quality time with the Lord as well, our Father, our Brother and our Comforter!

Holiday parties?  Undoubtedly!  But also gathering together with God’s people in God’s House to celebrate the newborn Savior!

Feeding the body?  Sure!  But designating time for feeding the soul too!

Watching classic Christmas shows?  By all means!  But making sure there are also moments of rapt focus on the Baby in the manger.

You get the idea.  And realize that I am writing as much to myself as to anyone.  For a pastor, this is one of the busiest times of the year, so I of all people need to take this to heart. 

Christmas should be a time of peaceful joy.  Our Savior was born for us, and this is profound.  Something that demands reflection and appreciation.  And when we embrace the essence of Christmas, it actually becomes a time of peaceful joy.

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Philippians 4:4-7, 9
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. … And the God of peace will be with you.

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God with Us?

God with Us?

This is a post I wrote several Christmases ago.  It seemed to be enjoyed by many at that time, so I share it again as another Christmas approaches.  As always, I pray these words are a blessing to all who read them.

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How constantly aware were Joseph and Mary that when they were with Jesus, they were in the very presence of God himself?  Not just spiritually, but physically? 

Angels from God informed both Mary and Joseph separately that this baby she would be bearing was no ordinary child.  Some elements of the two messages were similar.  Both were told that Mary’s conception would be a miraculous one brought about by the Holy Spirit.  Both heard it would be a boy and that he should be named Jesus, which means “The Lord Saves.” 

Mary was given the additional information that, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.  The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:32-33).

Immediately after recording the angel’s message to Joseph, Matthew adds the parenthetical statement, All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’)” (Matthew 1:22-23).

Joseph and Mary were God-fearing Jews, well trained in the Scriptures.  They were very familiar with the prophecies about the Christ, the Messiah.  So, of course, they also knew of the Savior being born of a virgin, and that this baby would be “God With Us.”  It just never occurred to them that Mary would be that woman, or that they would have to raise the “Son of the Most High!” 

Nor did they anticipate becoming husband and wife quite so immediately, (albeit without consummating the marriage until after Jesus was born.)  Just that quickly their entire lives were turned inside out.  It was an incredible privilege; it was also a daunting responsibility!  How does one properly raise the Son of God?

One doesn’t forget the appearance of an angel or the message that angel brings.  Nor does a Jewish believer in their day forget the critical prophecies of the Christ.  But how constantly aware were Joseph and Mary that they were raising “God With Us?”

From our perspective, Baby Jesus is always acknowledged as the Son of God – the Savior of the world.  That truth is in our Christmas hymns.  It’s the centerpiece of Christmas sermons.  It’s addressed in every Christian Christmas card and alluded to in all the Christian Christmas traditions.  Consequently, it’s nearly impossible for us to separate Jesus’ divinity from the human baby he was.

But was Jesus’ God-hood always in Mary and Joseph’s consciousness as they cared for the little boy?

The famous Christmas lullaby, “Away in the Manger,” describes Baby Jesus with these words: “The baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes.”  Since crying is one of the only ways a baby can communicate discomfort, that’s a pretty significant leap of logic.  Was that really how it was?   Maybe.  But maybe not.  (We know Jesus cried as an adult.)

If Jesus had to share an important need to his parents, and if he did that by crying, did it register with Mary and Joseph as they stumbled to his side in the wee hours of the night that these tears were being shed by God himself?

As they washed the afterbirth off him and cut his umbilical cord, did they view this newborn infant as the eternal God?  As they changed his fouled “diapers” and wiped his bottom clean, were they always aware of his holy identity?  As they looked on the helpless baby and as they lifted his uncoordinated body out of the manger, did they marvel that this was somehow also the almighty God?  As they struggled to understand and address his infant needs, did it astound them that he was also the all-knowing Lord?  As they filled the basic physical demands for this infant boy, did it strike them that they were caring for the One who had created them … and all things?  As he nursed from Mary’s breast, did the stunning incongruity of it all ever strike her? 

When they snuggled with little Jesus, smelling his unique scent, did they realize this was the aroma of heaven?  When they kissed his cute little cheeks, did it register that they were kissing Jahweh himself … the one so sacred the Jews dare not even mention his actual name?  When they tussled his dark locks, did they consider that they were handling holy hair?  When they held his tiny hands, did they recognize him as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?  When they hugged him, did they understand that they were embracing the one who referred to himself as “I Am Who I Am?” to Moses at the burning bush? 

Was it always on their minds that Jesus was so much more than just a baby boy?  Did they daily reflect that this little one wrapped in flesh and blood was quite literally “God With Us?”

How does one wrap their mind around these things?  How does one retain their cognizance of such heavenly truths while they handle the many mundane matters an infant demands?

And did they fully understand precisely what Jesus would have to endure to accomplish his mission of saving sinners?  It’s doubtful.  But they certainly understood his purpose in a general way; the angels had made it clear to both of them.

Yet almost certainly those future events didn’t dominate their thoughts.  Mary and Joseph were too preoccupied with caring for the infant.  Undoubtedly they often forgot that he was “God With Us” because Baby Jesus looked like a typical baby; he smelled and sounded like a typical baby; he acted like a typical baby.  Yet he was so much more!

It likely slipped Joseph and Mary’s minds, at least temporarily, that Jesus was “God With Us” because he was “with them” constantly.  We, on the other hand, forget that Jesus is still “God With Us” … because He isn’t always so visible in our lives.  At least not to our physical eyes.  But this doesn’t change the wonderful truth that he is indeed “With Us.”  He is still “God With Us.”

I find it interesting that when Jesus was born into this world, he was referred to as “God With Us.”  Then, just before he physically ascended back out of this world, he emphasized: “And surely I am with you always!”  (Matthew 28:20).

How incredibly comforting to know that Jesus was the “God With Us” at his birth, that he is still “God With Us” today, and that he will always be “God With Us” for all of eternity!

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The Earliest Christmas Songs

The Earliest Christmas Songs

I don’t doubt that you will listen to plenty of Christmas music in the next few weeks.  Good for you.  And especially if they are Christmas songs celebrating the Savior’s birth!

I hope you sing some of those songs too.

It’s interesting that in the first two chapters of Luke, Luke records no less than 4 accounts of people being moved to spontaneous praise of the Lord.  These are the earliest Christmas “songs” … even though they all were almost certainly spoken.

There is “Mary’s Song” – the words the pregnant Mary said after her relative, Elizabeth, greeted her (Luke 1:46-55).  Then we have “Zechariah’s Song” – the first words John the Baptist’s nine-month-mute father spoke after his son was born (Luke 1:67-79).  Of course, there is also the famous “song” of the angel host before the shepherds (Luke 2:13-14).  And the Gospel writer closes out the list with the “Song of Simeon,” when Joseph and Mary presented Jesus to the Lord in the temple (Luke 2:29-32).

What was the motivation, message and purpose behind these songs?  It’s actually quite clear; there’s a common refrain.  Let’s listen.

Mary proclaims:

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior … His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.  He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; … He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.”

What did Zechariah have to say?

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them.  He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago) …”

As for “the great company of the heavenly host,” the angels were praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

It was a similar story with Simeon.  Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God, saying:

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace.  For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.”

What was the motivation, message and purpose behind these songs?

The motivation of both the sinful humans and the sinless angels was the same – profound joy in the goodness of God.  The message was “God has kept his promises and sent a Savior.”  The purpose was simply to praise God.

When God revealed that he had kept his promises and the Messiah, the Savior, had finally come … and they recognized the extent of his love and his absolute faithfulness … they simply couldn’t contain themselves.  They burst into inspired, highly emotional, incredibly moving, words of praise.

That is the same motivation for the Christmas songs we sing to our Lord: profound joy in the goodness of God.  That is the same message in our singing: God has kept his promises and sent a Savior.  We share the same purpose for our songs as well: to praise our gracious God.

We desperately needed a Savior, and in Baby Jesus God the Father gave us one!

So sing your praises to your God, this Christmas and always!

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A Telling Touch

A Telling Touch

Eli was back with the flock.  He was exhausted, but he wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon.  Not just because his eyes needed to be on the sheep this morning as usual, but because the extremely unusual night he had experienced.

He wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t personally lived it.  Fresh tears welled up in his eyes as he reflected on the events of the previous hours.

Once again at nightfall, despair had been overwhelming him.  In the quiet of the evening when the flock was bedded down, it often hit him hard.  Those were the moments he missed his tender wife and young children.  The shepherds had a rotation of sorts where one of them could occasionally enjoy some family time.  Those were precious, but the reality was that Eli still spent more time with the sheep than his loved ones.  He missed them so much!

And while in the fields, he was exposed to the elements and whatever they might bring.  He was well “weathered” after all these years.  But being able to handle the conditions and enjoying them were two completely different things.  Being drenched by the rain and then spending the night shivering from the chill never became easier or even a little bit enjoyable. 

Then there were the potential predators on the flock, both animal and human.  Shepherding had inherent dangers.  One never knew what the next day would bring.

Couple those challenges with the reality that as a shepherd he wallowed at the very bottom rung of Jewish society like the cursed swine made his situation even harder to endure.  Despite the fact that he was overseeing the sheep and lambs destined for the temple sacrifices, he was still a lowly shepherd –  despised, ridiculed and ignored.  He wasn’t sure which was worse: being pointedly ignored or being openly sneered at by the “higher citizens.”  The tax collectors and dung sweepers had nothing over him; they were all equally ostracized!

Eli was constantly battling discouragement.  It wasn’t the sheep; he loved the sheep and their quirky ways!  Nor was it the other shepherds.  Thankfully, they were devout men who loved to discuss the Scriptures and the promises of God, which certainly made the days more enjoyable.  Rather, it was the ramifications of the occupation. 

Granted, he had it better than the typical shepherds who were banned by Jewish law to the wilderness with their flocks.  All the drawbacks of the job were doubled for them.  Overseeing the temple flock had its perks.  But still, he struggled. 

Last night he had been spiraling downhill mentally and emotionally – sliding inexorably deeper into despair.  He didn’t know how to halt the descent, and he wasn’t even sure he wanted to.  Hope was a dying thing, flitting and fluttering like a moth flying toward the flames.

And then the angels had appeared!  And then they had shared the message that the Messiah was born in Bethlehem!  And then they had told the shepherds where to find him!  “Wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Even though the shepherds never abandoned the flock, there was no hesitation.  They had to find the Baby, the Messiah, the Christ – the Promised One the whole nation had been awaiting so very long.

The search began immediately.  Fortunately, Bethlehem was a little town, so it was only a matter of time until they located the Newborn.  And it was just as the angels said it would be!  The Baby was swaddled and settled into a feeding trough for livestock, resting amidst dried slobber and circled by flies.  What an unlikely cradle for the King!

His exhausted mother was covered with a blanket and resting on the straw; her emotionally spent husband alternating between tending to her and the Child.  Both were startled when the shepherds materialized out of the darkness; stunned when they explained why. 

The little Boy looked like just another newborn, but clearly he was so much more.  Cherubim don’t herald the birth of normal babies. 

The shepherds were enthralled by the Babe, joy overflowing from their hearts.  God had indeed kept his promise!  However, they were conscious that we were intruding on a very private moment.  Finally, Eli was compelled to speak.  “We’re sorry that we burst in on you.”

Joseph smiled and replied, “It seems clear you were meant to come.”  The herdsmen all nodded in agreement.  Joseph continued, “We are supposed to share this occasion.”

Mary spoke quietly, “You will always be remembered for your devotion.  You will always be honored.”  Tears poured from the sheep-keepers’ eyes.  They were the kindest words ever spoken to them by strangers.

Eli wondered if it were true.  And if it was true, would it be enough to pull him from the depths of his despair?

It was then that he noticed one of Jesus’ arms had broken free from the bundled clothes … his tiny fingers seemingly reaching for him.  Without considering the propriety of his request, Eli asked if he could touch the Babe.  “Of course,” replied Mary.

Baby Jesus was staring at him with unblinking eyes.  Eli stretched his calloused hand toward the tiny tender one.  The little fingers gripped his forefinger with surprising strength, and a gentle jolt rolled through his body.  Jesus kept eye contact with him and a youthful voice sounded in his mind, clear as could be.  “I love you.  I will save you and all who trust in me.  Have hope.  This life is temporary.  Heaven is forever.”  The fingers squeezed, and then released.

Eli’s eyes grew wide and he gasped.  Joseph and Mary asked together, “What just happened?”  He couldn’t answer for a moment as tears rolled freely down his cheeks.  He swallowed.  Swallowed again.  Finally, he managed a quiet but emotional reply, “He is a very special Boy.”

The shepherds left shortly afterwards; they didn’t want to intrude too long.  But they went through the town announcing the angels’ message excitedly to anyone they met in those early hours.  Didn’t matter to the shepherds that they were considered outcasts; they had news that must be shared.

Eventually they made it back to the flocks.  Of course, the Lord had watched over the sheep while they embarked on their mission.  As they restocked the fire and ate their breakfasts, the men couldn’t stop chattering about the events of the previous hours.  How blessed they were! 

One by one the others drifted off to sleep.  But not Eli.  Eli wouldn’t be sleeping for a while.

Eli had told everyone he possibly could about the angels’ message.  But he kept the Baby’s message to himself.  If no one believed what the glorious angels had proclaimed, they certainly wouldn’t believe what a lowly shepherd said.  But Eli knew what Jesus had told him was true, and he treasured his words.  O, how he treasured his words. 

He had been given hope by a little Baby.  No, by a great Lord … by his very Savior!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I do not ever desire to present our Savior in a mystical manner.  I certainly had no intention of doing so with this story.  

Do I believe that something like this actually happened?  No.  Probably not.  Do I believe that something like this could happen?  Yes!  After all, he was the Son of God, and I am extremely uncomfortable with limiting Him in any way.

While we know that Jesus willingly restricted himself in regard to the full use of his divine attributes while on earth, (Philippians 2:7), we don’t understand exactly how Jesus approached this.  We aren’t even able to comprehend the concept when he was an adult.  What did he understand as an infant in the manger?  What might he have chosen to do in special circumstances?  The truth is no one is able to truly know.

The point I am trying to make with this story is simply that it was love that brought our Savior to earth, love that drove him throughout his earthly life and ultimately to the cross, and love that still moves him.  Love for you and me.  Love that positively impacts our day-to-day lives.  Love that provides hope when there would seem to be no cause for it.  Love that has provided forgiveness and an incredible and eternal destiny for us.

How blessed were the shepherds.  How blessed are we!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Luke 2:1-20
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to their own town to register.

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Philippians 2:6-11
Christ Jesus … being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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Catch-Your-Attention Power!

Catch-Your-Attention Power!

I had flown to Michigan to coordinate some projects at our new house.  Amazingly the small airport most convenient to where I was going was also the cheapest one to fly into!  (Thank you, Lord!)  I had reserved a “mid-size” car to drive for the five days I was there.

When I arrived at the rental car counter, the nice young gentleman working there said I was his last customer of the day.  He proceeded to process my reservation.  When it came time to offer my options for rental cars, he listed a few of the usual “mid-size” choices.  “Or,” he continued with a smile, “we could send you out of here with a Ford Mustang GT.”

I’m sure my eyes got wide.  “Is that really an option?” I asked.  “For the same price?”

“Yes, it is.  Would you like it?”

“Hmmm.  Let me think about it. … SURE!”  He handed me the keys.

Afterwards, I had to take a moment to rearrange some of my travel accessories in my suitcase.  As I rolled my bag across the parking lot toward my “mid-size” muscle-car, the young man from the counter happened to be driving away.  He hung his head out the window.  “Enjoy your ride!” he called with a smile and a wave.  “I’m sure I will!” I called back.

And then there she was.  Sleek and silver, slung low, with black racing stripes running down the hood – the perfect picture of power.  (It’s the actual car at the top of this post.)  I couldn’t resist; I immediately snapped a picture and sent it off in a group text to my family.  “Check out my rockin’ ride for the next 5 days!”

I stowed my suitcase in the trunk, and settled into the drivers seat.  I took a deep breath and pushed the ignition button.  The vehicle shuddered as the engine roared to life, growling like a giant, angry beast.  (At least, it seemed like it shuddered.  It most definitely was growling!)  The power instantly available to me was tangible.  I could hear it and feel it!  I was enveloped in it! 

It was catch-your-attention power.

When I was young and fuel was cheap, cars were built differently.  Consequently, my father had some powerful vehicles.  Don’t tell my parents, but I raced some of those cars on the backroads of the little town where we lived.  Drove them fast.  But I never experienced anything like that Mustang GT.

Just to provide context, here’s some information on the typical Mustang GT: It offers the driver 460 horsepower, can jump from 0-60 in less than 4 seconds, and can reach the speed of 145 miles-per-hour!  Here’s how someone described the vehicle online: “Voted as the manliest car for several years, the Ford Mustang … was built for one thing and one thing only – power. The Mustang is a monster through and through!” 

The ticket price for one of those babies?  Probably about $40,000.

Just for the record, I didn’t personally research the acceleration or velocity capabilities of the Mustang while tooling around Michigan. But I did drive it into the church parking lot for the meet-and-greet with the members of my new congregations … arriving there with the rumbling, high-performance, “manliest car” possible.  (They weren’t quite sure what to make of that.)

Interestingly, it snowed much of the time I was driving that car, and the white stuff continued to accumulate the entire week.  I learned that though the vehicle is most certainly built for power, it is most certainly NOT built for slippery streets!  By the goodness of God, I managed to avoid any incidents and returned it to the airport undamaged.  Which was good for the rental company, good for my insurance company, and certainly good for me.

Sitting in the driver’s seat of that car, it was impossible to not recognize you were wrapped in sheer power.  It occurred to me while perched over 460 “horses” that as God’s children we are always wrapped in power.  And it’s a far greater power than any car … or any other man-made invention … can provide.

“Who among the gods is like you, LORD?  Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?  (Exodus 15:11)  “Who is like you, LORD God Almighty?  You, LORD, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you”  (Psalm 89:8).

The Creator of the cosmos has our back, and is at our beck-and-call.  He knows all, sees all, controls all, can do all, and hears every single one of our prayers.  He certainly isn’t affected by snow or any nasty weather; in fact, he orchestrates it.  (Along with every other thing!)  And always in love for our good.

Now that’s the ultimate “catch-your-attention” power!

“Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, you his servants; praise the name of the LORD. Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. The LORD is exalted over all the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?” (Psalm 113:1-6).

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On the last Thursday of November, our nation celebrates Thanksgiving.  People travel to be with loved ones.  Hugs are given; memories are shared; laughter is heard.  Families and friends gather around huge meals. 

Afterwards, some will settle in for a comfy nap on the coach or to watch football games, or both.  Others will go for a stroll, weather-permitting, to “walk off the extra calories.”  Groups will gather for cards or boardgames, or simply for pleasant conversation.  Some will check the store fliers to plan their Black Friday expeditions.  Still others will do something altogether different.  Every family and every person has their own Thanksgiving traditions, which is wonderful.

After all, it’s Thanksgiving!  It’s a national holiday … a day to relax and refresh.

But consider for a moment the name of the holiday.  The day isn’t called “Thanks-thinking.”  It was never intended to be a day where folks take the time for some self-ruminating on how good they have it.

Nor is it named “Thanks-gathering.”  That is, a day to get together with family and friends as a polite and pleasant acknowledgement of great blessings and a general nod toward gratefulness.

Rather, the day is named “Thanks-giving.”  That’s more than just reflecting about and rejoicing in one’s blessings, isn’t it?  The very name implies giving thanks to Someone, doesn’t it?  And there’s only One who has supplied us with all of our blessings.  It’s the Lord, of course. 

I wonder how many folks actually remember to thank the Lord on Thanksgiving Day.  It is the Lord who gave us life … and family … and a home … and food to eat … and clothes to wear … and vehicles to drive … and a place to live … and every single other blessing we enjoy.  And he’s even given us a Savior—the very best gift of all! 

The Bible informs us that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights. … He [even!] chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created” (James 1:17-18)

But in order to thank the One who gave all, a person has to know who that God is.  And they have to recognize how incredibly that God has blessed them.  Thankfully, you and I recognize both!

Which can only lead to one thing: giving thanks to our gracious God!

Happy Thanks-Giving, everyone!

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So Very Different, Yet All the Same

So Very Different, Yet All the Same

There is perhaps no better place for “people watching” than an international airport.  Folks from all around the country (and the world!) are cycling through these hubs.  I happened to be in four different airports in the past week, and I saw thousands of people in the process.

People are fascinating.  Everything about people is fascinating!  We are all unique with our own talents, experiences and perspectives.  In an airport, a person only interacts with a few others and learns perhaps a little about their stories.  But the outward differences are obvious!

Of course, there are the clear ones: male or female; taller or shorter; thinner or heavier; older or younger; traveling together or alone; business or casual; skin color, hair color, and such.  There is a vast array of all the aforementioned.

But the really interesting things, at least to me, are the personal choices.  How does a person choose to be seen?

Some opt for style while others opt for comfort.  Still others will strive for a blend of the two.  Those traveling for business will dress the part, wearing tailored suits or professional skirts or slacks.  Others gravitate toward trendy, sporting the latest accoutrements. 

Often the choice made is to represent a favorite sports team with hats, coats, jerseys, tee-shirts, sweatshirts, or even entire sweatsuits.  In Chicago, I must have been in a concourse where a plane from Dallas disembarked the day after the Packer game in Texas.  Every other person seemed to be wearing Packer’s gear, (much to my dismay!). 

Sometimes people rep a company … whether the company worked for or a “brand name” designer one.  The pilots and stewards and stewardesses are bedecked in their airline’s uniforms with their varied colors and styles.  Airport workers – whether security, cleaning personnel, or restaurant or store employees – are dressed for their positions.

The colors seen in an airport are catching as well.  Every hue on the spectrum makes an appearance in the suits, slacks, shirts, shoes, blouses, dresses, coats, hats … and even hair.  A carousel of color rotates through the concourses.

And, oh my, the accessories!  From heavy chains to huge crosses dangling from necklaces to oversized, gaudy eyeglasses to valuable rings and earrings – all are sighted.

Not to mention the variety of shoes.  I am astounded at what some people choose to put on their feet when knowing they will be trekking long distances in airports and going airborne in airplanes!  High heels.  Clogs.  Crocs.  Sandals.  “Five-fingered” shoes.  Cowboy boots.  You name it, it’s on somebody’s feet.

And we haven’t even discussed the luggage differences, or how some decide to wear fifteen layers and carry a stuffed animal (like the woman next to me on one of my connecting flights) and others opt to go minimalistic, wearing just a single layer.

Such a visual smorgasbord!  So many varied choices made!  So many differences! 

Yet every single person … regardless of their age or gender, or how they look, or what they are wearing, or the colors they are displaying, or their multitudinous differences … every single person has one thing in common. 

They have a soul that will spend eternity in one place or another – heaven or hell.  (Daniel 12:2-3, Matthew 25:46, John 3:36)

Thanks be to God, Jesus died for all!  But tragically not everyone knows it or believes it.  A striking contrast between the two perspectives (belief and unbelief) and the two destinations (heaven and hell) is shared by Jesus in his description of a beggar named Lazarus and an unnamed rich man. (Luke 16:19-31). 

So many people!  So few believers!  So much work for you and me to do!  And no, it’s not only the preachers’ job to do.  Not just other Christians’ responsibility.  It’s ours.  Yours and mine!

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all … God reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us” (2 Cor. 5:14, 18-20).

The next time you are in an airport (or the mall, a concert, or anywhere there happens to be lots of people), consider how very different we all are … and yet how fundamentally the same.  One soul in every person; two potential destinations.  And consider how important it is that we somehow reach as many as we can with the message of a Savior who loves them.  Because he does, regardless of how they look!

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