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Author: dbirsch

He Knows

He Knows

It was a year-and-a-half in the making, and I still don’t have all the information I need.

I’ve been serving these mid-Michigan congregations as pastor all that time, and it took all that time to sorta-kinda figure out who is who, as well as who is connected to who … and how.  And I am well aware that I still don’t have a lot of it figured out.

Furthermore, it was clear when I first arrived that one of the top priorities for my ministry initially would be to try to figure out who was still connected to the congregations, and who was not.  There are plenty of reasons for disconnection.  Among other things, they include simply drifting into un-involvement for whatever reason, or getting involved in another congregation; moving to another part of the country, or being moved by God to heaven.

The goal has been to compile an accurate membership directory for the two congregations.  Sounds simple, right?  Ah, but it’s not as easy as it might seem.

In addition to the situations mentioned previously, there is also the factor of the local “snow-birds.”  In our area, a good number of our people abandon their summer homes – and the snow and frost that impacts the region – for warmer climes down south.  They joyfully return to this lovely area in the springtime, of course, but they are missing for a good portion of the calendar.  Just another situation that needs to be understood.

Furthermore, do you recognize how often people move these days?  Or how many are leaving behind their landlines for cell phones?

Couple all these issues with the woefully outdated membership directories I was given when I arrived here, and perhaps you begin to understand the dilemma.  It has taken all this time (18 months!) of information gathering to arrive at a reasonable facsimile of an accurate list!

And I am well aware that it’s still not wholly accurate!

This morning, after several days of crunching information and compiling the new directories to share with the congregations, it struck me.  It has taken me all this energy, effort and time to pull together directories of less than 200 people – and the Lord knew all the information all along!

And not only does the Lord know all the information for our congregations, but also for our cities, our county, our region, our state, our nation, our world!  He knows the numbers in our church body.  The numbers of total Christians – both in our country and across the continents – and the number of those who aren’t. 

He knows every address and every phone number.  He knows every single name of every single person, and he knows every single thing about every single one of them too!  As well as of all who lived in the past, and of all those who will live in the future.

God knows!

Most comforting of all, not only does the Lord know each of us and everything about us … (and still love us despite our significant flaws!) … BUT he also knows everything we are going through.  The pain we are enduring.  The hurts we bear.  The challenges we struggle with.  The fears we face.  The needs we have.  The dreams we hold.

He knows about them and he knows what to do about them.  He knows, he cares, and he provides. 

What a great God is our God!

“ Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!  ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?’ …  For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.”  (Romans 11:33-34, 36).

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Isaiah 55:8-9
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.  “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Psalm 139:1-6
You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain.

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Guarded and Guided by the One Who Never Sleeps

Guarded and Guided by the One Who Never Sleeps

I am not an early-morning person.  I have some family members who are, but that would never describe me.

I can wake up early, if need be.  Say for a fishing or hunting trip, a hike, a metal-detecting excursion, or some other outdoor adventure.  But normally I would not choose to crawl out of bed before a seven is registered on the clock.

Consequently, it is always eye-opening when I am awake early and out-and-about to see how many others are up before the crack of dawn, and clearly are routinely early risers … often by necessity.

I recall when my wife and I still lived in Washington state and needed to be up in Seattle for a follow-up surgery on her eye.  (It was her sixth – and thankfully so far, her final one!)  Check in at the hospital was at 6 a.m., so we were up and going at “0-dark-thirty” in Tacoma.

It’s remarkable how many people in a larger city are circulating in the wee hours of the morning!  On my caffeine run to a 24-hour convenience store before our commute, there was the clerk … AND a delivery truck driver … AND others getting their fixes before heading to work.  A police cruiser rolled by as I returned to my vehicle. 

Furthermore, the freeway was filled with folks flying north or south to their jobs. (Not as filled as it would be later at a more decent hour, but filled sufficiently nevertheless.)  The hospital was buzzing with activity as personnel carried out their various responsibilities. 

There’s a lot of people up early doing what they need to do!  Those of us who prefer to sleep a bit later into the morning sometimes fail to recognize the many folks who start their days … or end their nights as the case may be, while we are embracing our ZZZs.

But they all have to sleep sometime!

Sleep isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity.  The human body must sleep.  It doesn’t take long for lack of rest to severely impact a person’s well-being.  Just 24 hours without it can result in irritability, altered perception, memory deficits, impaired judgement, vision and hearing setbacks, decreased hand-eye coordination, an increased risk of accidents, greater muscle tension, and even tremors.

Add just another 12 hours to that, (36 hours without sleep), and one’s body is significantly affected.  Appetite, metabolism, temperature, mood, and stress level all take hits, creating issues with hormonal imbalances, decreased motivation, inflexible reasoning, decreased attention and risky decision-making. Sleep deprivation can make routine tasks like driving exponentially more dangerous. (

Which is why we all sleep.  Why we all HAVE TO sleep.  In fact, we humans actually spend a third of our lives sleeping!

Consequently, the concept of our God never sleeping is challenging for us to grasp. 

But he doesn’t!  The Lord never crawls under the heavenly covers and “crashes.”  He never sneaks in a “cat nap.”  He never accidentally nods off for a moment.  He never intentionally “shuts it down.”  He never even closes his “eyes!”  Never, ever!  We’re told in Job that God “views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens” (Job 28:24).

Not only does our God never rest.  He never loses his concentration; his mood is never altered; his perceptions remain unphased; his perfect abilities continue unhindered. 

Furthermore, the Lord never ceases to be vigilantly watching over us and acting on our behalf!  God’s unwavering attention is riveted on his people; his loving heart, guiding hand, and providing and protecting arm are always engaged in the goings-on of our lives.  “The eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them …” (Psalm 33:18-19).

So while our Lord never sleeping is a challenging concept to grasp, it is at the same time tremendously comforting.  We are continuously guarded and guided by the Loving One who never sleeps.

The psalmist summarizes this truth beautifully!

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The LORD watches over you — the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm — he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” (Psalm 121).

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Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us

Have you ever seen an angel?  I actually may have during several remarkable occurrences in my life, though I can’t say definitively. 

Have you ever seen an angel’s work?  I’m much more confident in saying “absolutely!” to that scenario.  The last time actually happened just a few days ago on our dock.

My wife and I knew that living on a lake would provide a wealth of entertainment opportunities in the spring through the fall.  Little did we realize that it pays out fun times even in the winter!

Especially for our grandchildren. 

On their post-Christmas visit, the grandsons found great pleasure in breaking the ice around the dock.  Recent warmer temps had weakened the surface ice and made it soft enough to smash through, but still thick enough to force one to work hard to do so.

This, of course, presented a delightful challenge!  With great delight, the boys did whatever damage they could do with lighter tools (plastic handles and wooden sticks).  However, they were ecstatic when adults took my sledge-hammer to it!

All this ice-breaking left at least 2 feet of unfrozen water all around the dock.  Rather thick ice remained outside the reach of the sledge.

The last morning the grandchildren were here, my oldest grandson – the cautious, careful one! – was trying to chip away at the ice perimeter.  And he slipped and pitched forward off the dock!

Here’s where things got strange.

He was leaning forward to reach the ice when he fell.  The laws of nature would dictate that he toppled headfirst off the dock … either unintentionally diving directly into the water, or worse, headfirst onto the edge of the ice.  If he was able to maintain a semblance of balance, perhaps he could go feet first into the water, or perhaps crash somewhat upright onto the edge of the ice, or … best case scenario … flop on his belly on the surface of the ice with perhaps just his feet going into the frigid water.

But he landed on the ice surface … on his bottom! … 3-4 feet from the dock! 

He immediately stood up and called out to his uncle, who reached over and lifted him to the dock.  A successful rescue and no harm done.  It seemed my 7 ½ year old grandson largely dismissed the incident; he went back to breaking ice completely unperturbed.

But the adults realized something rather incredible had just occurred.

The young man’s uncle who was on the dock with him … AND his mother and grandmother who just happened to be watching from the bay windows in the house … thought he had jumped!  (This boy would never have deliberately leaped!  It is not in his nature.)  But that’s how he appeared as he flew through the air onto the surface of the ice – like he had jumped.

This grandson is also honest to a fault.  When asked what happened, he said he slipped.  And he wouldn’t lie about something like that.  Or if he tried, it would be obvious to all that he was bending the truth.

How then did he go from leaning over the water, his weight distributed forward, and his feet slipping out from under him … to looking like he leaped and subsequently landing on his bottom 3 feet away? 

When asked if he felt anything as it was happening, he replied that he felt like he was pushed!

It was a fortuitous “push.”  It’s chilling to consider what might have happened had he not been “pushed” after he slipped.  Head injury from hitting the ice?  Broken bones?  Landing in the freezing water, the bitter cold making him gasp and swallow water?  His forward momentum possibly taking him under the ice?  Maybe even several of the above!

His uncle would have gotten to him quickly, wherever he might have ended up or what he might have suffered.  But things could have been much more traumatic. 

Yet they weren’t.

I’m sure some would argue that my grandson’s reflexes kicked in, adrenalin causing him to somehow leap at the last second, or that he simply took a fortunate fall.  But anyone who was present that day can find no other explanation than that there was some angelic intervention that morning. 

What an amazing experience – to be lovingly, gently pushed by an angel to a safe landing!  Perhaps at an older age, my grandson will better appreciate how the Lord miraculously protected him that day.

The rest of us are already in awe.  We never doubted it, but now we know that there are angels among us.

What marvelous creatures the angels are!  And how comforting it is to know they are near!  But as marvelous as they are, they are just another one of God’s incredible creations, created to serve God and God’s people.  They are yet another way our Lord demonstrates his providence and protection to you and me.  And if the angels are so awesome, how awesome must our God be?

For another personal example of God’s incredible intervention on this blog, check out this post: “Dead Man Walking”

For more posts on the angels, you might find these stories interesting: “An Invisible Reality”  and  “Before They Call”.

Best of all, read the Bible passages below that give us insight into those magnificent beings and how the Lord uses them to protect you and me.

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Hebrews 1:14
Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Psalm 103:20
Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.

Psalm 91:9-12, 14-15
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.  For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. …

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

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What If …?

What If …?

The start of a new year has always been a logical time for people to reassess their lives, and recommit to beneficial personal goals.  According to online articles, almost 40% of people make New Year’s resolutions.  The most common ones are health related, followed by finances. 

Unfortunately, most commitments fall to the wayside – often quite quickly.  Almost 25% don’t even make it a week; the majority of the rest fall off in just a month or two.  Less than 10% actually keep their resolutions for the entire year.

Nevertheless, I thought I would toss out some possibilities for spiritual resolutions.  Though most people wouldn’t consider these at all important, as Christians we realize spiritual matters are actually the most significant … even if perhaps we don’t always properly prioritize them.

A few disclaimers, suggestions and significant points ahead of the list:

  1. It’s a long list! Some suggestions are more church related; others more people related.  All, however, are personal.  They relate to each of us as individual believers.

  2. No one can or will be able to fulfill all of these perfectly. Unfortunately, we’re all perfect sinners and therefore imperfect people. (Rom. 3:23).

  3. I certainly don’t have all these down, (not even close!), so I am in no position to claim superiority over anyone.

  4. This is NOT an exercise in guilt! Rather, it’s an opportunity to reflect and consider.

  5. All that being said, please don’t simply disregard the list offhand. Our Lord does want us to grow in our thankful living for him.  (Rom. 12:1).

  6. Perhaps a beneficial way to approach this list is for each of us to note the points where we are lacking and might want to improve. Choose a few (maybe even only one!), and strive to make the necessary changes to grow in these areas.

  7. Finally … thanks be to God! Through his grace, we are adopted into his family and made his children.  We are dearly loved and abundantly blessed by God himself!.  We are fully forgiven, people filled with peace and hope, and heirs of salvation. (Gal. 4:4-7).  This affects where we will live forever, and also how we live already now.  God’s profound love for us is our motivation to live for God.

So on to the list.  What if …

  • Every Christian read a portion of the Bible every day? (Acts 17:11)

  • Every parent faithfully taught their children God’s truths from little on? (Deut. 11:18-19)

  • Every believer was active in their prayer life? (1 Thes. 5:17)

  • Every church member actively prayed for their church and their fellow members? (Jms. 5:16)

  • Every member attended one of their church’s worship services every week? (Heb. 10:23-25)

  • Everyone sang all the hymns and worship songs with all their heart? (Ps. 9:2)

  • Every talent (musical and otherwise) was utilized to enhance worship?

  • Everyone regularly attended at least one Bible study offered at their congregation? (2 Pet. 3:18)

  • Every child regularly attended Sunday School?

  • Each believer’s spiritual light shone brightly all the time so all could clearly see? (Mt. 5:14-16)

  • Every person invited at least one person to church per week? (2 Cor. 5:18-20)

  • Every congregational member brought at least one new person a year into the church family?

  • Everyone made a point to talk with at least one new/different person a week at church?

  • Everyone greeted any new faces at worship, Bible study or church activities? (Php. 4:21)

  • Every adult member was making regular visits of some kind to other members?

  • Every person begged to have their gifts utilized in the Lord’s work? (1 Pet. 4:10)

  • Each of us tithed (gave 10%) of our income to the Lord? (Mal. 3:10)

  • Every member designated a gift to their congregation in their will?

  • Every member did at least five special activities of ministry (service) a year? (Eph. 6:7)

  • Every believer eagerly filled Jesus’ “new command” to love one another? (Jn. 13:34)

  • Each of us “clothed ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” as we deal with one another? (Col. 3:12)

  • We forgive one another as the Lord forgave us? (Col. 3:13)

  • Everyone made it their goal to encourage others in their walk with God? (1 Thes. 5:10-11)

  • Everyone perfectly understood and applied Christian freedom? (Gal. 5:13)

  • Everyone put the best construction on everything others said and did?

  • Every member was willing to lovingly rebuke a believing brother or sister where necessary? (2 Tim. 2:2)

  • Everyone was able to rejoice in and listen to a loving rebuke from another?

  • Everyone was comfortable enough to talk to others and seek godly advice about their life decisions?

  • We totally trusted the Lord regarding everything? (Prov. 3:5-6)

  • Each of us gave thanks in all circumstances, as God wills? (1 Thes. 5:18)

  • Everyone strived to glorify God in every thought and action they did? (1 Cor. 10:31)

  • We didn’t make excuses; we just did what we know is right?

Are there any items that should be added to this list?  Any that especially spoke to you?  I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts in the comments section. 

Thanks be to God for Jesus our Savior – for the atonement he made for us, the forgiveness he won for us, and the salvation he earned for us!  And thanks be to God that we are able to live for Jesus our Savior!

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2 Corinthians 5:14-15
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

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The Incomprehensible Transition

The Incomprehensible Transition

The golden goal … the certain hope … the lift in life when circumstances seem to keep dragging us down and our spirits are flagging … the profound promise that we hold before our spiritual eyes and the eyes of fellow Christians … is our heavenly home. 

The concept entails so very much.

Finally finding ourselves before our loving Lord.  Leaving behind our sinfulness, imperfections and frustrations once and for all.  Glorified bodies and souls.  Perfect happiness forever and ever.  Salvation. 

These wonders comfort, uplift, and motivate us as broken people in a broken world.  The hardships here are all temporary; the blessings of heaven are eternal.

Heaven is almost taken for granted.  And it should be!  It’s a fundamental biblical truth given to us from God to comfort, uplift and motivate us.  To provide hope when circumstances can seem rather hopeless.

But here’s perhaps the thing we lose sight of.  Before his birth on earth, Jesus was already there! 

And not just as a guest to heaven, but as the Lord of lords and King of kings!  The holy, almighty, all-knowing, eternal God … the very Creator of heaven itself … the incomprehensible One worshipped and adored by the angels … the Supreme Deity who answers to no one and rules over everyone and everything … makes heaven his throne room.

God’s essence is heaven’s centerpiece; his “everything” is everything in heaven.  His holiness fills its halls and lights its farthest reaches.

And frankly, it would be ludicrous for you and me to expect to enter that place. 

But then Christmas happened.  The inconceivable God did an inconceivable thing; he exited that glorious place and entered this inglorious place called earth.  And he did it for an even more inconceivable reason – to be ridiculed, rejected, tortured and killed as our Substitute.

Who in his right mind would do such a thing? 

Only Jesus, the Son of God.  And he did it for the rightest of reasons – to make it possible for us to transition one day from here to there.  So you and I could be forgiven and finally be right with God.  So you and I could enter that incredible place when we leave this impossibly difficult one.  So we could be with Him!

The Scriptures describe this truth – this incomprehensible transition – beautifully:

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).  “For the wages of sin is death, [both physical and eternal], but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

This transition is doubly incomprehensible. 

First, Jesus’ journey to earth and the purpose for it is incomprehensible.  It only makes sense in light of God’s boundless and unfathomable love – a love he holds for us.

Secondly, our journey to heaven one day is equally incomprehensible.  It also only makes sense in light of God’s boundless love for us, coupled with Jesus’ astounding sacrifice for us. 

The God of heaven left heaven to come to earth.  And he did it specifically so that all who know him and love him could leave earth and enter heaven. 

Incomprehensible transitions indeed! 

How awesome is our God!  And how incredible is Christmas!  It’s where God makes the incomprehensible visible and plain.  Just look at the Baby in the manger.

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Philippians 2:6-11
Christ Jesus … being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death — even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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Bah, Humbug ???

Bah, Humbug ???

We knew it was coming.  We just didn’t know when.  Nor did we know if it would be good news or bad.

Short story long, I was told I needed a special medical test.  When I asked if it was really necessary, I was told it was.  (The situation is nothing truly horrible; but it is serious.  Severe sleep apnea.)

What I should have asked, apparently, is if my medical insurance would cover it.  I assumed the medical staff had checked on this important detail; evidently they hadn’t.  Maybe like me, they assumed our insurance would pay for it; they’re normally very reliable about coverage.  (Had I been aware that insurance would not, I would have refused the test.)

All of which led to the shocking notification that we owed the hospital thousands of dollars for the prescribed “in-hospital sleep study.”  That’s thousands of dollars that aren’t actually within our means to pay at the moment.

Fortunately, there was an avenue to appeal the insurance company decision.  So I prayed about it, wrote the best appeal letter I could write, and submitted it to the insurance company.  They acknowledged the appeal and informed me they would send their decision via standard mail.

That was several months ago.  A few days ago – exactly two weeks from Christmas – the response arrived via the U.S. Postal Service.  The return address was our insurance company’s “grievances and appeals division.” I knew immediately what it was.  I said another prayer, held my breath, and opened the envelope. 


Of course, they elaborated much more than that, and did so in polite fashion.  But the answer was still the same: “denied.”

Bah, humbug!  What a lousy way to enter the final few weeks before Christmas!

Of course, literally the day before the decision arrived in our mailbox, I had “splurged” on probably the largest Christmas present for my wife I have ever purchased. (It wasn’t even a thousand dollars, but it was hundreds.) She had endured a challenging year and I wanted to surprise her with a special gift.  (Thankfully, she was surprised, and she loved it!)  

Nevertheless, we were both aware of the “denied” notification which had just been delivered. 

Double bah, humbug!

Perhaps you have your own challenges in these days approaching Christmas?  None of us floats  through life unencumbered with difficulties.  “Bah humbugs” can arrive in a multitude of fashions.  Satan loves to bring them, and delights in attempting to undermine our Christian and Christmas joy.

Unfortunately, too often he is successful in his endeavors.

The message the angel brought to Joseph, Jesus’ stepfather, is a message for you and me as well.  Joseph realized that Mary, his fiancée, was pregnant.  He also knew with complete confidence that he was NOT the father.  Consequently, he decided to quietly break off the engagement.

“But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’” (Matthew 1:20-21)

To which, Matthew adds this commentary: “All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel,’ (which means “God with us”).” (Matthew 1:22-23)

No matter the seriousness of our other problems, our most serious problem has always been our sin, and the need for atonement for that sin.  The Spirit-conceived Baby inside Mary was God-sent – and God himself! – sent to make the atonement that only the holy God could make!  As promised by the angel, “He will save his people from their sins.”  And Jesus has!

That takes the “bah humbug” out of all our other bah humbugs.  Because of Jesus, we are freely and fully forgiven by the Lord.

A Savior from our sins is astounding and exhilarating enough.  But Jesus is even more than “just” God come to earth to be our Savior.  He is also God here on earth even now; He is Immanuel, “God with us.” 

Which means we are not facing our problems and hardships alone.  Immanuel himself is with us!  Even if he doesn’t solve them for us, (which he often does!), he will help us through them.

All of which replaces our “bah humbugs” with the “good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10).  In fact, it allows us – moves us! – to join wholeheartedly with the angels’ refrain, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests” (Luke 2:10).

Problems?  Difficulties?  Bah humbug to them!  Jesus was born for you and me!  Both to save us … and to be with us. 

This glorious truth changes everything – our perspective, our attitude, our heart, our life!  It makes Christmas wonderful, despite the sometimes less than wonderful frustrations we endure in our lives.

Thank you, Lord, for hope, help, and happiness!  Thank you for Christmas.

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The Christian Church is now in the Advent season – the 4-week prelude to Christmas.  The word “Advent” is derived from Latin and means “coming” … as in Jesus “coming” to this world – initially, on the first Christmas as Savior, but also on the Last Day as Lord over all.

Which makes Advent a season of anticipation.  Christians anticipate celebrating Jesus’ birth on earth.  They also anticipate celebrating Jesus’ return to earth on the Last Day.

The anticipation for Jesus began in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve had disobeyed God and brought the devastation of sin into the world, and into their lives.  Astoundingly, instead of sweeping them aside and starting over, the Lord promised to send One who would make things right again (Gen. 3:15).

From that moment on and through the rest of the first couple’s many hundreds of years of life, (Adam lived to be 930!), they must have eagerly anticipated the Lord fulfilling his promise.  With every new male born, they must have hoped this was the One.  But the Savior didn’t come in their lifetimes.

The anticipation continued with all the believers through the Old Testament.  The time passed and the waiting continued …  not just for decades, generations or centuries, but for millennia! 

A continual refrain of the Old Testament, and especially their worship songs (the psalms), was to “wait” on the Lord who is “faithful.”  The beating heart of this encouragement was the ongoing anticipation of God keeping his promise to send the Savior.

The long anticipation was heightened dramatically with Zechariah and Elizabeth … and Joseph and Mary … whose encounters with angels made it clear that the time had finally come!  The epiphanies shared with them led to miracle baby boys – John the Baptist born to a childless couple well past childbearing years, and Jesus born to a virgin. 

Even amidst the swirling questions and amongst the wonder … how their hearts must have yearned for the boys to be born!  What anticipation must have filled them for 10 months!  What joy they felt at being the Lord’s servants and at what the Lord was doing!  The Holy Spirit actually moved both Mary and Zechariah in their anticipatory joy to speak profound words of prophesy (Mary’s Song and Zechariah’s Song – Lk. 1).

Clearly the unnamed shepherds in Luke 2 were also believers who were among those longing for God’s promised Messiah to arrive.  So while the angels staggered them with their unexpected appearance while out in the fields, they were even more stunned by the angels’ message – the Promised One was born that very day! 

The shepherds’ lifetimes of anticipation were now compressed into a frantic search to find the Baby lying in a manger.  Imagine their excitement!  Their eagerness!  Their anticipation at personally meeting the One whom God’s people had been waiting for since the Garden Promise thousands of years before.

And imagine their wonder when they finally laid eyes on Baby Jesus.

It was similar with the Magi.  The promise had been passed down to them from Daniel, but they surely never expected to actually observe the announcing star in the sky.  But they did!  And when they did, they simply had to go see the newborn King.  Never mind the length and inconvenience of the journey; they set out for Judea.  It was an arduous journey.  Yet every day closer to their destination, their anticipation of meeting Jesus fueled them on. 

What did they feel … think … say … when finally fixing their gaze on the Baby fulfilling centuries old prophesies? 

Then there was Simeon and Anna in the temple in Jerusalem.  Simeon was “waiting for the consolation of Israel,” (Lk. 2:25), and the Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he would meet the Messiah before he died.  How he must have anticipated this incredible privilege! 

When Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple to present him, a firstborn son, to the Lord as the Lord had commanded in the Law, the Spirit moved Simeon to the temple courts.  There he met the new parents and the Newborn.  He swept Jesus into his arms and praised God in the words now known as the “Song of Simeon.”  Anticipation answered!

At that moment, Anna, an elderly prophetess who essentially lived at the temple worshiping and praying, arrived and began praising the Lord as well!  Her anticipation was also realized.  And from that moment on, she began telling all the other anticipating believers that the Lord had finally fulfilled his promise.

So many people; so much anticipation!  All fulfilled in a little Baby born in a barn in Bethlehem.

I can’t help but wonder how the Lord himself viewed Jesus’ transition to earth.  Of course, the Triune God is not a human, doesn’t think like a human (Is. 55:8), and doesn’t approach time as humans do (2 Pet. 3:8).  Consequently, he is utterly incomprehensible to humans, and to attempt to discern his perspective is impossible.

But still, as earth’s history unfolded was there an eagerness burning in the Lord’s heart to finally fulfill his many promises to send the Savior?  Did he experience his own holy anticipation to give the first and greatest Christmas Gift; to unveil the Promised One who would at last make the wrong right?

It almost seems that he must have!  I offer the incredible words from Hebrews 12:2 as a possible insight into the Lord’s mind and heart.  Referring to Jesus, the writer states, “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

If Jesus viewed the horrors of the cross with joy, surely the Lord must have viewed his long-awaited arrival on earth with eagerness as well.  Astounding!  Wonderful!

Which brings us finally to you and me.  We are once again in the season of anticipation.  Soon we will celebrate anew the arrival of Immanuel – “God With Us.”  May we eagerly anticipate that celebration!  It is surely worth anticipating and celebrating!

And in the same way, may we also eagerly anticipate celebrating on the day that Jesus returns and ushers in eternity.  “[Jesus] … says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon’” (Rev. 22:20).

To which we echo John’s response, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20).

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Lamentations 3:22-26
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Psalm 130:5-8
I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.  I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.  Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.

He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.

Galatians 4:4-5
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.

Luke 21:25-28
“There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 

When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

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Everything, Always! A Story of Thanksgiving

Everything, Always! A Story of Thanksgiving

Evan looked around with pride.  He was reclining in his personally decorated lounge inside his lovely two-story house.  Everything was wonderful – truly wonderful.  And everything had his own “fingerprints” on them; this was what he had accomplished with his own hard work, determination, perseverance, and skillful maneuvering!

 (Alright.  And a bit of good luck here and there.)

“I’ve done pretty well for myself, haven’t I?” he murmured quietly.  “Look at what I have achieved.”

Evan sighed contentedly and picked up the headset for his Virtual Reality (VR) device.  It was the newest and most sophisticated model, allowing for the most immersive experience currently possible. This time he was going to explore the wonders of the Andes Mountains.

But instead of soaring in the heights above the South American mountains with the sound of the wind whistling past him, Evan found himself looking down on a ragamuffin man sitting cross-legged on the ground.  Though his garment seemed to be made of the highest quality material, it was tattered, torn and stained.  The man didn’t look much better; he was filthy, with his hair long, tangled and filled with twigs and grass stems.  A light rain fell, gradually soaking the shabby individual.

The VR swept Evan lower and closer to the ragged man.  As it did, Evan could clearly see the madness in the man’s eyes.  Also noticeable were his long and curling fingernails; clearly they hadn’t been trimmed in some time. 

But the most disturbing part of the experience was now revealed.  In his bloody hands, the man clutched a partially eaten rat.  Blood and entrails dripped from his beard.  The sound of rabid chewing, crunching bones and eager slurping filled Evan’s earphones.  The uttered noises that accompanied the eating made it clear the poor man was thoroughly enjoying his meal.

Evan recoiled in horror.  “What is this?” he exclaimed.

He didn’t expect an answer, and gasped when he received one.  “This is a man even more blessed than you who failed to acknowledge the source of his blessings.  I had to teach him an important lesson.  It’s a lesson that has been passed down for the ages.”

Evan was astounded … and confused.  The VR had never verbally responded to him before!  He was at a loss on what to say or do.  Oddly, the thought of removing the headset never occurred to him; he was captivated by what he was experiencing.  Fully immersed, indeed!

Finally, he found his voice.  “Who are you?”

“I am the Lord, your God.”  Evan’s heart hammered and he struggled to breath.  The Lord continued, “You know me and you acknowledge me.  But you don’t acknowledge all that I have done for you.”

“But I do!”  He paused, then reconsidered.  “I mean, I thought I did!  You saved me, Lord.  You sent your Son, Jesus, to suffer and die and rise back to life so I could be forgiven and go to heaven one day.  I know I couldn’t have ever saved myself!”

“This is true, Evan.  And it is good that you recognize this.  It’s the most important truth.  But you don’t understand the immensity of my goodness to you.  It’s a lesson I am going to teach you, but in a gentler fashion than I did with Nebuchadnezzar, since you are my child.”

Evan was dumbfounded.  Finally he managed to reply, “Teach me, Lord!”

“That I will, Evan.”

Nebuchadnezzar receded from view until he was no longer visible, like Google Earth moving back and repositioning to a new location.  The world seemed to spin; the new location was on the other side of the globe from where the VR had initially taken him.  The Americas came into view.  The VR zoomed down on North America, then to Evan’s region of the country, to his state, city, and finally his home.  Evan came to a stop, hovering over his house and yard.

The Lord’s voice returned.  “Let’s look around.  The items that come directly from me will be checked.”

Evan watched in stunned amazement as golden checkmarks began appearing.  First, his house was checked.  That was followed by one on the front yard and another on the back.  Then others on the trees Evan had planted.  Then the storage sheds.  Even the recently delivered package resting on their front doorstep was marked.

Then another check popped up on the garage.  The garage door opened, and checkmarks materialized on the vehicles inside.  In blindingly fast fashion, gold checkmarks blossomed on every single tool, toy, and miscellaneous item stored in the garage – Evan’s eyes ever widening. 

“Let’s look inside, shall we?” the Lord suggested.  Evan was plunged toward the roof, passing through the shingles and boards seamlessly.  The Lord floated him from room to room, every single one bursting with golden checkmarks.  There wasn’t a single item in the entire house that wasn’t marked – the brilliance and bounty of the golden checks blinding to Evan’s eyes.

Finally, the flustered man was guided into the living room.  Again, every single item bore a golden designation.  And again, Evan found himself shielding his eyes.  But then the brilliance faded … except for the marks on his wife and his three children, who were gathered around a board game.  Those checkmarks grew in intensity, even as the others lessened. 

Evan found himself sobbing.  What a fool he had been!

But the Lord wasn’t finished with the lesson.  “There’s more, my child.”

Once again Evan was being drawn further away.  He passed through a light, then the ceiling, then the second floor, then the attic, and finally the roof … seeing the layers of paint, boards, wiring, carpeting, insulation, and shingles on the way out … all similarly checked.

Evan was lifted to an elevation where he had a clear view of the city.  He wondered at the purpose, when more markers began emerging.  His parents’ home, his wife’s parents’ home, their siblings’ places … followed by checks on houses throughout the city where friends and fellow church members lived. 

Golden checkmarks erupted everywhere below him.  The sidewalks he and his wife liked to traverse on their walks.  The park where his children loved to play.  The dear church where they gathered for worship.  The stores, restaurants, and gas stations his family frequented.  Even the barbershop where he went!  Two checks over their bank; Evan assumed one for the institution and the other for their personal finances.  There were golden checkmarks everywhere!

Then Evan noticed something striking.  His place of employment wasn’t marked!  He pointed at it.  “Does that mean that at least I can take some credit for my job?”

The Lord actually chuckled.  “Nope.”  A blazing golden checkmark exploded over the business. 

“Nor can you boast about your body, your health, your personality, or your abilities.  They all come from me too!”  Evan looked down.  His body was plastered with gold.  He continued to stare down at himself in astonishment, squinting against the golden gleam. 

Evan was silent for a moment.  He cleared his throat.  “Lord, what about the problems in my life?  Those are my doing, aren’t they?”

“Yes, your sinfulness … like everyone else’s in this sinful world … bring problems.”  A stream of personal difficulties appeared in Evan’s virtual reality view.  “But I turn even these into blessings.”  Checkmarks became visible on the long list of hardships passing before Evan. 

Once again, Evan was crying.  “Lord, I’m so sorry!  Please forgive me for my foolish pride!”

“Of course, Evan.”  The heartsick man could hear the love in the Lord’s voice.

The tears flowed more profusely.  Through sobs, Evan managed to choke out, “Now I see that everything wonderful always comes from you!”

Suddenly, the distraught man was back in his recliner in his lounge … his cheeks still wet from his tears.  He exhaled deeply and slowly, still rocked from the shock of the past few moments.  Another question came to him.  He wanted to know.  “But what about Nebuchadnezzar?” he called out.

In a fading voice, the Lord replied, “Read Daniel 4.”  Evan ripped off his headset and dashed to find his Bible.  When he pulled it from his nightstand, he was floored.  There on the cover … was a golden checkmark.

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James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

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Every Christian acknowledges that they are blessed by God – certainly verbally, but also mentally.  Yet I’m convinced that none of us … even and especially me … realize just how very blessed we are by our gracious and giving God.  To say that everything we have comes from God is typical and fine; to truly understand the extensivity of “everything” is quite another.

My prayer is that this story impresses that truth upon all of us.  Our God is so good to us!

One important comment:  The Bible states Nebuchadnezzar ate grass like cattle.  And he surely did!  I am always extremely hesitant to go beyond God’s Word.  However, I took the liberty to suggest he also added meat to his diet whenever he was able.  This would seem a logical assumption, but I acknowledge that the Scriptures do not mention this.  Perhaps grass and vegetation was indeed all he ate.  Still, I wrote this story the way I did to try to demonstrate how very far the king had fallen.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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How Life Is Like a Deer Hunt

How Life Is Like a Deer Hunt

Here in central lower Michigan, deer hunting isn’t just a nonchalant fall hobby; it’s a die-hard year-long passion! 

The numerous whitetail deer in this area are pursued by people of both genders and of all ages.  From the very elderly to those barely strong enough to carry a gun, hordes of hunters head into the woods to try to harvest some of the hordes of deer.  Bucks are preferred, but does are also acceptable.  Venison is equally delicious regardless of whether antlers were originally attached or not.

To illustrate how “big” it is in this area, the local schools are closed on opening morning of the gun deer season.  (The Michigan opener is always on November 15, no matter what day of the week that may be.)  Too many students … and teachers as well! … would be missing that day to hold beneficial classes.  Bus drivers and crossing guards too!

It would be inaccurate to state that everyone around here deer hunts.  But almost everyone does, did, or is directly connected to some who do.

So in honor of the local folks who don hunters’ orange, I thought I’d share a few thoughts on the similarities between day-to-day life and deer hunting.  Hopefully this post is enjoyable and beneficial for both hunters and non.

How Life Is Like a Deer Hunt

  • Both carry some inherent risk.

  • Both demand trust in the Lord. The best plans, approach and effort are no guarantee of anything; finally only God brings success.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

  • Both are wonderful times to pray to and praise God. (Psalm 89:52)

  • Both begin in the “morning” and both conclude in the “evening” … in God’s good time. (Psalm 139:16)

  • Every new sunrise and sunset experienced are profound gifts from God. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

  • The experience can be done alone, but is most enjoyable when shared with loved ones. (Genesis 2:24, Psalm 127:3)

  • One never knows what the weather will be on a given day! But regardless the “show goes on.”  And regardless, there is beauty and blessing present.  (Romans 8:28)

  • Sometimes we’re cold; sometimes too warm. But feeling either means we’re alive.  It’s also a reminder to thank God when we are “just-right”–comfortable.  (2 Corinthians 9:8)

  • We all “stink” to some degree. Therefore, awareness of wind direction is always wise.  (Romans 3:23)

  • Being above “ground level” is always best. Typically, the higher the better.  Better views are found in the heights … and far less distractions and obstacles.  (Romans 12:2)

  • Sometimes the hunt – and life – is interrupted by turkeys. Sometimes a skunk makes an appearance.  I even had a bear show up once and shake things up!  One never knows what will invade one’s space.  (Romans 12:18)

  • Maybe most alarming, there’s cougars in the deep woods. I’ve heard of several occasions when hunters became the hunted, and were stalked by lions.  That’s more than unsettling, and certainly true of real life too!  (1 Peter 5:8)

  • Goals achieved are usually reached through much hard work, and goals achieved usually foster more hard work.  (1 Corinthians 10:31)

  • Whether “successful” in our endeavors or not, we are always winners with God! (1 John 3:1)

  • The commotion we hear might indeed be a deer, but it’s probably a squirrel. The desperately sought after moments are usually far less frequent.  Thankfully, squirrels are cute and entertaining too.  Enjoy whatever God sends your way.  (Philippians 4:11-12)

  • A related point: intense excitement and joy will undoubtedly occur, but humdrum monotony is much more common.

  • Realize, however, that things can change dramatically in seconds!

  • Typically, big moments seem to come when least expected, (and therefore when least prepared!) (1 Peter 3:15)

  • We always strive to take our best shot at our goal. With God’s blessing, it hits its mark.  But sometimes we still miss.  Misses are lessons learned.  (Romans 15:4, 1 Timothy 1:15-16)

  • Every blessing comes directly from God. (James 1:17)

  • The Lord is always with us! (Psalm 139:7-8)

I’d love to hear your thoughts on additional comparisons!  Please share them in the comments section.

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Ecclesiastes 3
    There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:

    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

… 11 [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. 13 That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God. 14 I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.  God does it so that people will fear him.

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A Mountain of a God!

A Mountain of a God!

Is there anything quite as visually impressive as a mountain? Rising up from the land, jutting high into the sky and dominating the horizon, mountains can take your breath away with their majesty.

And is there anything else in the world that seems as immovable as a mountain?  Is there anything as unchangeable as that monstrous piece of solid stone?  Anything as eternal as that rock-hard, in-your-face, unable-to-be ignored piece of granite?  Anything as invincible as that unbending, unyielding, undeniably solid wall of rock?

In reality the mountains can and do change.  The rock on the mountains is slowly eroding.  Glaciers, ice and snow impact the heights.  Landslides happen.  Volcanic mountains can blow their tops.  Humans can scar and change the mountain face.

Yet, I submit that there is nothing else on earth that seems as reliable as a mountain. There is nothing else in the world that seems as immovable, unchangeable, eternal, or invincible as a mountain

Consequently, the mountains are a magnificent picture of God’s power and protection.  The Lord truly IS immovable, unchangeable, eternal, and invincible … just like a mountain seems to be.

That’s exactly how David describes the Lord.  “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.  Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (Psalm 62:5-8).

Fitting words as we wrap up a contentious election and embark upon a different administration.  Not to mention, as we anxiously observe world events!

I am confident that every one of us will acknowledge that it is God alone who is “my rock, my fortress, my refuge, my salvation, my rest,” and “my hope.”  We agree with those statements verbally and mentally, and yet all too often that’s not how we live our lives.  We are constantly tempted to look elsewhere for our joy and security.

Whenever we are leaning on the things of this world to support us, we have moved our life’s foundation from the Mountain that is God to shifting sand that is most definitely not.

As David states so clearly in Psalm 62, it is God alone who can fill all our needs.  He is our “go-to God” for everything!  And indeed, he carries quite a resume’.  Rock!  Fortress!  Refuge!  Plus, he’s our salvation, rest, and hope as well!  Sounds like exactly what we need (Who we need!) as we roll forward in history.

The Bible actually contains about 50 references to God as the Rock.  In other words, it’s a picture that the Lord wants his people to remember and embrace.  Clearly, it’s a picture that is intended to bring God’s people comfort.  And indeed it does!

It’s important to note that many of the Bible’s 50 references to God as the Rock imply that believers are grounded in that Rock.  Half a dozen other times the Bible stresses specifically the importance of being on the Rock.  In other words, not only is there no alternate for the Rock that is the Lord, but there is also no substitute for being on that Rock. 

In fact, it’s crucial that we are not only ON the Rock, but IN the Rock!  A person can build a house on top of the largest rock on earth, but if that house has no connection to the rock, it is destined to collapse.  Rather, a house built on a rock has to be anchored in that rock.  And when it is, there is nothing that can shake it.

So it is with us.  The Lord makes it clear that he is our Rock upon which we find our stability, strength, safety, help and hope.  But the only way we will reap the benefits of the Rock is if our spiritual roots are sunk down deep into him.  And when our foundation is the Lord and his Word then, as David writes, we “will not be shaken.”

As world events, (and our lives!), roll on, there certainly is no shortage of uncertainty and instability.  All the more reason to be centered on the unchangeable, eternal, invincible, immovable Rock that is our God!

Is there anything quite like a mountain?  I don’t think so.  It’s a picture of stability and power.  And that is exactly what our God is.  He is the mighty rock, the mountain that cannot be shaken.  What an excellent place to be anchored now, and always!

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