Appearance Versus Reality

I am blessed! Every day I look out at a lake in my new backyard.
The pictures above are just a few views I have enjoyed. As you can imagine, the lake’s appearance is constantly varying and therefore always different!
The weather conditions, the makeup of the sky, the time of day, and even the time of year all affect the appearance of the lake. Sometimes the water looks blue, sometimes green, sometimes gray, sometimes orange, sometimes white (when frozen). Sometimes it is a mirror. Other times it is ruffled with thousands of ripples. Still others, pocked with millions of raindrops during a downpour.
One day it is clear you are viewing water; another day it seems like you are looking into the sky, with large lustrous clouds buried deep in the depths.
I’ve seen the waters perfectly still as in a deep sleep, lightly covered over with a white blanket of mist. I’ve also witnessed the waters whipped into a frenzy by winds raging across the surface. One moment it might be murky; yet another, a gorgeous prism of gleaming diamonds cascading across the surface as sunshine reflects off the waves. At night it usually holds a lustrous silver glow; during early-morning storms the frightening flash of lightning bolts erupt across the dark waters.
Perhaps most remarkable, there are moments when one part of the lake is still while other parts are alive with small waves.
The waters are dynamic – always changing. And sometimes within just moments! Yet the essence of the lake never changes.
How it appears to be is not how it actually is. The depth of the lake, the parameters, the volume, its substance, even its name doesn’t alter despite its altered appearance on the surface.
It occurred to me that the lake behind our house is a bit like our Lord. The circumstances in our lives, the “weather” we are experiencing, the “season of life” we are in, and perhaps especially the mistakes we have made, can alter our view of God.
Sometimes perhaps the Lord seems oblivious, detached or distracted; other times extremely attentive. Sometimes unmoving; other times aggressively active. Sometimes beautiful; other times unattractive. Sometimes peace-filling; other times upsetting. Sometimes loving; other times almost ferociously unkind.
Yet the essence of the Lord never changes.
How God may appear to be is not how he necessarily is. The depth of his love, the parameters of his goodness, the volume of his mercy, the substance of his divinity, even his names and all they reveal about him don’t change despite his seemingly altered appearance in the circumstances.
He makes this perfectly clear in his perfect Word: “I the Lord do not change” (Malachi 3:6). “… The Father … does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17). Nor does the Son! “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
To state this very simply: who and how God actually IS … happens to be totally unrelated to how we are feeling about God or what we are perceiving from God. God is whom God always was and whom God always will be.
Yes, part of God’s essence is his righteousness which demands he punishes justly where necessary. But for his children who lean entirely on Jesus, his essence displays itself quite differently.
I love the Lord’s description of himself to Moses. ‘“The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin”’ (Exodus 34:6-7).
That’s who our God is. Always!
The lake is always the lake, no matter how it looks. The Lord is always the Lord, no matter our perspective.
Thanks be to God that in regard to him, appearance is not always the reality! I could handle a changing lake, but a fickle God is another matter altogether.
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2 thoughts on “Appearance Versus Reality”
Brilliantly put, Pastor Dave! This is a wonderful way for us to remember that God’s essence is always Love and that his ultimate “for-us-ness” may appear differently to us but this doesn’t alter his utter trustworthiness. Praise be the Blessed Trinity, now and forever!
As always, thanks for reading and replying, Rick! You are a blessing!
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