Another Doorway

June 11th marks my final day as the pastor at the congregation I have been serving for over 30 years. The day will essentially be a passage through a doorway from one “place” into an entirely different one. It’s a significant transition … and by no means an easy one. But it is also a necessary and good one.
This story is dedicated to my family, to the wonderful people at St. Paul’s I’ve had the privilege of serving for over three decades, and to the wonderful people I will be serving at St. John’s and Faith … all of whom are currently transitioning through large doorways.
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Jordan paused and slid his hands in his front pockets. He’d been focusing on the massive doorway before him for some time now. Now it was close … too close for comfort. Yet his pathway led to that door, and he knew he had to walk through it. But that didn’t necessarily mean he was comfortable with the idea.
He stood at a distance, contemplating the significance of it. On this side of the door was the life he knew and had grown comfortable with; on the other side waited an entirely different scenario. New surroundings. New people. New situations. New blessings certainly, but also new challenges.
How could one not experience a bit of trepidation at so great a transition? Who doesn’t hesitate when facing such a significant adjustment to their life? Jordan stood and stared at the yawning portal of change. An involuntary shudder passed through him.
“Yes, it’s a bit daunting, isn’t it?” said an unexpected voice from the shadows to his side. Jordan started, and spun toward the sound. There, seated on a bench beneath the mighty bows of a cedar tree, sat an elderly man.
His legs were crossed and his hands rested comfortably on the top leg. He was dressed in casual slacks and a buttoned flannel shirt … the muted colors of his clothes blending into the shadows cast by the tree. His gray hair hung down to his shoulders; a shaggy beard obscured the lower part of his face. Still, Jordan could see his warm smile.
“I’m sorry. You startled me,” Jordan stated.
“Yes, I generally do,” the old man replied. “Most don’t notice me. They are focusing on the large doorway before them.” He smiled again. “Just like you.”
“Who are you?” Jordan asked.
“Think of me as just an old man who has traveled through his share of doors over time. You can call me Vance. I’m here to help folks like you facing huge doorways like that one in front of you.”
Jordan raised his eyebrows and tilted his head. “Really? Did someone place you here or do you do this willingly?”
“Both,” the old man replied enigmatically. He raised his hands and beckoned Jordan toward him. “Why don’t you join me for just a little bit?”
Jordan hesitated, but Vance’s smile seemed warm and genuine, so he stepped over and took a seat beside the old man. The scent of cedar surrounded them.
Vance let Jordan settle and relax. The old man continued to face forward, looking across the path and humming a quiet tune. Finally, Jordan spoke. “How exactly do you help people here? It seems to me that people simply have to forge forward through these different doorways … as substantial and as unsettling as that may be.”
“You’re right, of course. Finally, that is what has to happen.” Vance turned toward Jordan. His warm smile returned, then he continued. “I’m simply here to provide some perspective and to reassure.”
“I could see how that might be helpful,” Jordan responded softly. “And I could probably use both.”
Vance nodded. He waited a beat and then asked gently, “So tell me what you understand about the doorways of life.”
Jordan collected his thoughts before replying. “Well, there are many, many doorways, and they are all different sizes. Most are smaller and somewhat insignificant. But some are larger. Even very large, like the one before me now. They are the life-altering ones.”
“Well said,” the bearded man responded. His eyes narrowed as he continued. “Why are the large doors so difficult?”
“Because you are moving from what you know to what you don’t really know.”
“Yes, that’s very true; that’s a significant factor. We’ll come back to this in a moment.” The grizzled gentleman lifted his arm and gently squeezed Jordan’s shoulder. “But there’s another reason though, isn’t there? A harder reason. A reason so painful it’s difficult to state.”
The unanticipated words pulled a sudden wave of emotion to the shore of Jordan’s awareness, and he tried to swallow the sob that flowed from his heart. Tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. Vance’s hand squeezed his shoulder yet again. Jordan forced himself to say it, his voice breaking. “It’s the people on this side of the door. I care about them so much.”
“Yes, I know.” Vance paused, his own brown eyes glistening. “And the sad truth is that you won’t physically see some of those dear people on the other side of that door. But they are in your heart. They will always be in your heart, and your heart goes with you through that door. So they go with you too.”
“The good news is that you will see many of those good people again on the other side of that door. With the Lord’s blessing and just a little bit of effort, it will happen. Furthermore, there are scores of other wonderful people eager to meet you on the path ahead.”
Vance grinned and even chuckled. “And here’s the best news of all. At the end of your pathway of multiple doors lies the last and greatest doorway of all. It’s the one that leads you into the Lord’s Land … the heavenly home that you live for and long for. And every Christian you know will arrive there one day, no matter how many doorways back you knew them on your life path.”
Jordan’s tears flowed freely now. But they sprang from hope and not sadness. Finally he managed to utter, “Thank you.”
Eventually, Jordan managed to collect himself. Vance pushed off the bench with his hands and slowly raised himself to his feet. “Come. It’s time to pass through this door. I’ll keep you company until you get there.”
Jordan stood and made his way back to the path. The old man shuffled along beside him, softly humming a light-hearted song. Their steps drew them inexorably to the looming gateway. Jordan stopped and turned to the man. “Thank you for encouraging me. You really were very helpful.” The aged man nodded solemnly.
Jordan faced the opening, steeled himself, and began to take the first step that would usher him to the other side when he stopped and rotated back to Vance. “Wait! You said we’d come back to the part about entering a place that is largely unknown, but we never did.”
The bearded man broke into a grin. “I was sure you’d bring it back up.” He wrapped his arm around Jordan and gently turned him around. There, immediately behind him, stood Jesus … barely visible, but clearly seen. Jesus’ hands were clasped behind his back and he gazed at Jordan with boundless love.
Jordan gasped, and new tears streamed down. “He has always been there with you,” Vance informed him. “More importantly at this point,” the old-timer stated, firmly rotating Jordan so he looked through the opening to the other side, “look ahead of you.” There stood Jesus yet again, with the same loving expression. “Just as he has been with you, so he always will be with you.”
“Though you are transitioning to a new place in your life, God goes with you!” Vance clapped him softly on the back. “And that’s what makes the journey not only bearable, but blessed. Go with God, Jordan. All will be well.”
It was only after he had passed through the opening that Jordan realized with a jolt that he had never told the old man his name.
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Deuteronomy 31:6-8 (selected) “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified …, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. … Be strong and courageous, for you must go … into the land that the Lord … [gives you] …. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
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2 thoughts on “Another Doorway”
Excellent final story…or is it the final story? One only knows 😉
God go with you, my brother!
Pastor B, thanks for again bringing the lesson home to us that Christians are never alone! “I Walk with Jesus All The Way”. What great blessings the Lord gives us sinners everyday! His love. His grace. His mercy. Justification through His Son.
Thank you, dear Lord, the Triune God for everything.
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