An Unfathomable Existence

My dear cousin, Paul, recently took a trip. It’s a trip he had been anticipating his entire life. His destination was exquisite; his preparation complete. Nevertheless, he wasn’t expecting to depart quite so soon.
But when his angel escort arrived, he was on his way. His Lord in his perfect and loving wisdom had determined it was time, and was waiting to welcome him home to heaven.
I’ve spent a fair bit of time reflecting on his departure … and his arrival … since Paul embarked on life’s most significant journey. I miss him tremendously, but I truly rejoice for him.
It’s the ultimate bitter-sweet. My great loss; his great gain. How can I not be happy for him? How can I not be devastated myself?
This is also the ultimate conundrum. So often, we sinful mortals cling desperately to a sin-impacted world with all its struggles instead of longing for the perfect place Jesus has prepared for us.
I believe the reason is simple: we understand this earthly existence with all its issues. Consequently, we are relatively comfortable here, even with the hardships we endure here (and know we will have to endure). Conversely, we understand precious little about our eternity of salvation and are much less comfortable with the unknown … even though God promises us it is wonderful.
It’s interesting that much of what the Lord shares with us about heaven is what it is not. No hunger, thirst, or discomfort of any kind. No sorrow, pain or death. No night. I suspect the reason the Lord describes heaven this way is simply because we can better grasp what heaven isn’t than what it is. This flawed world is our standard.
Which means eternal salvation is unfathomable. Not only is it impossible for us to comprehend eternity; we can’t even begin to grasp the wonders there. Or the God who in love sacrificed so very much, and intervened to such a great degree in our lives, to bring us into heaven’s holy halls!
As I’ve thought about my departed cousin this week, I’ve wondered what he is experiencing. How wonderfully overwhelming is that place? What is it like to be continually and fully in the very presence of God?
The Lord tells us in his Word that at death the soul (spirit) of believers transitions immediately to God’s eternal care while the body remains behind (Ecclesiastes 12:7). When the Lord Jesus returns in the skies at the heavenly trumpet blast on the Last Day, the body will be resurrected and rejoined to the soul (1 Corinthians 15:42-44, 51-57).
So already there is a profound difference for a Christian at death! An existence without a body. A newly perfect spirit in a perfect place in the immediate presence of the Triune God in perfect peace and joy! For ever and ever and ever!
The concept is unfathomable for us who are still entrenched on earth!
In this world we rely on our 5 senses to evaluate information. How does a holy soul free from the limitations of a sinful body process input? And what kind of “input” does salvation put out?
Does the soul “see” the brilliant colors of the Lord’s infinite glory? Does it “hear” the songs of praise to the Savior sung in hundred-part harmony? Does it join its “voice” in the songs and shouts of acclamation to the Lord? Does it “feel” the embrace of Jesus? Does it “taste” the bounties of the victory feast in the throne room of the Lamb?
Certainly yes – somehow! But undoubtedly the soul experiences and participates in salvation’s activities in some incredible and incomprehensible way to us who are still stuck in the entry line.
Again, it’s ALL unfathomable for us now. Yet it’s wonderful nevertheless!
“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— [these are] the things God has prepared for those who love him!” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
I am so happy for you, Paul. And I look forward to the day when you, along with Jesus, welcome me to that unfathomable but glorious place.
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Philippians 1:21-23
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far …
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3 thoughts on “An Unfathomable Existence”
Dear Pastor, I am sorry for your loss. But once again you have so richly shared with us your guiding thoughts on life and Jesus. My sister’s husband of 31 years went to his Heavenly home on December 18. We miss him so very much but know that one day (soon?) we will have such an amazing reunion. My love to you and your family.
Thanks very much, Linda! I’m sorry also for your loss.
Thank you, pastor!
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