An Obnoxious Noise

It seems I experience it at least once a day as I’m out and about around Tacoma. Someone parked at a gas station or quick-stop has their music from their car stereo cranked up to 120 decibels and their windows down.
Generally, it seems to be the same type of music that is bomb-blasting from vehicles. And generally that type of music includes lyrics of disgusting morals and despicable language. (I don’t appreciate being compelled to hear words like that.) However, other genres of music occasionally make an audible appearance as well.
Call me old-fashioned and out-of-touch, but it doesn’t matter to me what type of songs are being broadcast for all to hear for several blocks around, (not to mention the unfortunate individual purchasing gas on the other side of the pump!), to insist on sharing one’s music with everyone in the vicinity is blatantly rude. To assume that others are fine with your music preference and the volume of said preference strikes me the height of selfishness and incivility.
But there is an even worse offense, in my opinion. (I apologize in advance to everyone whom I am about to offend.) To my mind, an even more despicable transgression is blaring one’s music in God’s great and generally soothingly-quiet natural settings.
Like in a campground. Loud enough for several loops to hear. At 7:30 in the morning while most are still in their sleeping bags or at 10:30 at night during campfire time. Or any time!
Or at or on the lake, with a volume sufficient for the lyrics to be discerned on every shore. While some are resting in lawn chairs longing to hear the waves while watching their fishing tackle, or simply trying to relax in their cottage or on their dock.
Or the most contemptible offense of all – jamming one’s music in what should be the peacefully serene backdrop of a backcountry trail! (I have personally experienced this a number of times, and every time it has been a challenge to maintain my Christian demeanor. I’m not proud of this; simply stating the truth.)
A good friend is a caretaker of a Christian retreat center in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, and she has shared with me that it is not uncommon for folks from the city to be out in the extreme stillness of the center … and be “freaked out” by the quiet. Maybe that is why some insist on projecting their tunes even … perhaps especially … in the calmness of God’s creation.
How sad to insist on listening to the squawking of people when the loveliness of God’s creation hums a soothing natural melody.
I suspect that a least some of you can relate to what I’m sharing, and you find unsolicited music from strangers obnoxious as well.
However, it occurred to me the other day while being inundated by yet another blaring stereo, that we as Christians hold the God-given and challenging task of broadcasting a message that is also often ill-received. Our God instructs us, “Give praise to the LORD, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done” (Psalm 105:1). That would be not only giving us life, but giving us a Savior!
Sadly, that’s an “obnoxious noise” to many who hear it.
Here’s how the Lord described it through his prophet Jeremiah: “To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it” (Jeremiah 6:10).
The Holy Spirit provided a similar message through Paul: “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. … For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe” (1 Corinthians 1:18&21).
Most don’t want to hear the gospel. They find it “offensive” and “foolish.” Yet the Lord instructs us to share his truth with them anyway. (However, I recommend doing so in a kinder and more thoughtful manner than the boom-blasters.)
The Lord concurs. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect …” (1 Peter 3:15).
Just a verse earlier, the Lord also acknowledges that we might catch some flak for sharing an “obnoxious noise” with unbelievers. Still he encourages us, “But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened’” (1 Peter 3:14).
So I urge you and me and all Christians everywhere … be lovingly obnoxious! Share the soul-saving, life-changing, self-esteem-altering, hope-giving message of Jesus. It’s infinitely better than the message most stereo speakers are broadcasting! And though some will find your “music” obnoxious, there will be others who will thank you forever in heaven.
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Romans 10:12-15
For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone [talking] to them? … As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 18-21
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
‘All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
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