An Invisible Reality – A Story

It was a typical spring day – somewhat hazy with a threat of rain. Bobby was making a quick run to the grocery store to pick up some dinner supplies. He was 43 years old and married, with three children he adored … a son and two young daughters. He was also active in his Christian church, both in attendance and service.
But Bobby’s “luck” that day was bad and his timing “poor.” At an intersection a half-mile from his destination, a garbage truck’s brakes suddenly failed. The frantic driver had little opportunity to react; he tried to activate the emergency brake while desperately honking his horn as the 20-ton truck blew through the stop sign and into the intersection.
Bobby saw it coming … but too late. In that dreadful instant, he knew he was about to be broadsided by a massive amount of steel. “Why, Lord?!” flashed through his mind before the brilliant explosion of lights that led to darkness.
How long he drifted in that state, he didn’t know. But eventually his mind’s eyes came into focus upon a being of exquisite splendor.
Man-like in appearance, he was tall, muscled, and … commanding, would perhaps be the appropriate adjective. His hair was brown, wavy and hung loosely over his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing brown and his clean face presented a handsome but rugged cast. Two beige wings were folded tightly behind him … their tops framing his head. He was dressed in comfortable, loose-fitting, white linens. A golden glow emanated from his entire being.
“I am Jonrus,” he stated. “I’ve been sent by the Exalted One to make visible to you what is usually invisible in the physical world.” His piercing eyes stared at Bobby. “Most who ask ‘why’ don’t get an immediate answer. However, the Lord wants you to understand and to share.”
The angel continued to stare. Bobby gulped. What could he say? And dare he even speak at all? Finally, he stammered, “I’ll be honored to see whatever you reveal to me.”
“I will show you the simple view. When you include all the other Christians, this becomes extremely complex and would be too difficult for you to glean anything from it. So we’ll limit your observation to one person. Her name is Sally. She’s a real person in the real world.”
The angel stepped to Bobby’s side and swung around to face the same direction. There before them was a middle-aged woman walking briskly. Her surroundings were undefined, though they altered as she moved along. Sally always remained in focus, but what was around her appeared blurry.
Bobby was intrigued to see silver, cross-shaped lights gleaming from her chest and her head.
“This is the first view,” the angel said. “You are about to witness a series of spiritual attacks on this godly woman. They’ll be pictured as animals to better enable you to grasp their size and seriousness.”
Suddenly, a circle of light appeared near Sally. There, illuminated for Bobby to clearly see, was a large gray rat. It was skittering its way to the poor woman; the two were clearly on a collision course. The views converged and Sally screamed in her shock at the sight of the rodent. Shifty and quick, the rat dashed around her several times, and then dodged back and forth in front of her. Sally recoiled in horror. And suddenly the rat was gone.
The woman took a moment to recuperate, breathed deeply, and resumed her journey. Little did she know that her path was about to intersect with a skunk. It waddled into her view where it settled on its haunches before her and eyed her suspiciously for the longest time. She didn’t move, other than to cover her mouth and nose with her hands. The noxious creature stood on all fours, and haughtily spun around. “No!” the woman cried out. And suddenly the skunk disappeared.
No sooner was the skunk gone when a coyote skulked into her presence … his fur bristling and snarls pouring out of his toothy mouth. As Sally backed away, the coyote took threatening steps toward her. This dance continued for some time, the besieged woman backing away and the nasty creature boldly advancing, drawing closer and closer to her. Then the inevitable happened; the coyote lunged forward … and he was gone.
Poor Sally was shaking. Eventually she gathered herself and began walking (somewhat unsteadily) again. Bobby gasped; he saw the hyena coming. “Jonrus, no!”
“Watch,” the angel replied.
The hyena trotted toward Sally in the strange gait produced by its longer front legs. Clearly, it had bad intentions for the Christian woman before him. When the ugly brute burst into her bubble, Sally shrieked. “Oh, Lord! Please not this!” Aggressively, the animal lunged at her again and again. Sally was terrified … her eyes wide and her mouth screaming at every new approach. Even so, she was astounded that she wasn’t feeling the hyena’s teeth. And then the hyena was no more.
Sally collapsed to the ground, sobbing. “Lord, no more! Please! I don’t think I can take any more!”
That’s when the grizzly stepped into view. Huge and ferocious, it towered over the cowering woman. Not content with that, the massive bear stood up on its back legs, rolling its head back and forth as it roared its defiance and challenge. Sally curled into a fetal ball, anticipating the devastation about to ruin her life. “Help me, dear Jesus! Please help me!” The bear dropped to all fours and brazenly approached the huddled woman. This would be easy pickings. He nudged her roughly with his snout, then opened his mouth to tear into her, saliva dribbling down. And he vanished.
Bobby was crying along with Sally. “That poor woman!”
Jonrus answered, “She is just experiencing the spiritual attacks that every believer endures sooner or later. Including you.”
He paused. “Now I will show you the second view. Look.”
The initial view of the walking Sally reappeared. However, this time the view was expanded to include a wider area and to reveal what had previously been unseen. Angels surrounded Sally! And not just immediately around her, but ranks upon ranks as far as Bobby could see!
In astonishment, Bobby watched as the spiritual attacks approached Sally. The lines of angels separated seamlessly around the animals … opening before them and closing immediately behind them! The aggressors were constantly surrounded by countless sword and spear-bearing warriors. Not only did the angels keep them in place, but they effectively pushed the attackers toward Sally.
“Why?” Bobby demanded.
“The why question again? You should close your mouth and open your eyes and you will see and understand,” Jonrus stated, not unkindly. “All will be made clear soon.”
As the attackers entered Sally’s presence, the angels continued to maintain their close presence to both the aggressors and the woman. The attack continued unabated until the angels’ weapons flashed a brilliant gold. Immediately the warriors acted.
The rat was dispatched with a lightening quick foot stomp. The skunk was flipped into the air by a sword and swatted away by other swords down the line with amazing coordination until it was finally skewered. The coyote was clubbed simultaneously by every spear handle within reach. The hyena was pinned to the ground by multiple spear points.
Bobby observed it all in awestruck wonder.
Finally, it was time for the bear attack. He watched as the grizzly was herded toward Sally. It tried repeatedly to break away from the angels, lashing out repeatedly. The angels deftly deflected his blows and remain unmoved from their positions. The bear advanced until it was face-to-face with the distraught woman.
Suddenly, with a brilliant explosion of light, Jesus appeared at Sally’s side. Bobby gasped. “He’s always present for the fiercest attacks,” Jonrus stated, with clear adulation in his voice.
Jesus stood over Sally, smiling lovingly. As the bear opened his mouth over the huddled woman, Jesus’ unsheathed a gleaming sword and decapitated it in a blindingly fast manner. Jesus knelt down and kissed Sally gently on the forehead. With another flash, he was gone.
The immensity of what he had seen settled over Bobby. Both he and Jonrus were quiet for a moment. Finally, Bobby said, “I’m sorry. I know I’m not supposed to ask …“
“But why?” Jonrus finished for him.
“It is time for the third view.” Again, everything was repeated. Sally, the angels, the attackers … it was all visible. But now Bobby noticed something that hadn’t been revealed before.
During each attack, varied-colored spheres drifted down from heaven … the size comparable to the size of the attacker. Bobby recognized intuitively that these were God’s blessings. Some settled in Sally’s head; some in her heart; some rested on her shoulders for future blessing.
And each one produced a greater, brighter cross-light wherever it landed.
Jonrus spoke. “These attacks rise from the very pit of hell. Sometimes the Lord allows them to reach his children. But only the ones that the Lord knows that person needs … and only because the Lord in his love is bringing spiritual blessings through them. Sometimes believers come to recognize the blessings on earth; sometimes they don’t recognize them until they arrive at their heavenly home.”
The angel turned to face Bobby. “This is why spiritual attacks occur – so the Lord can bring blessings that wouldn’t be realized otherwise. And the Lord does not allow his people to ever face these attacks alone.”
Bobby was speechless; tears of wonder and joy poured down his cheeks.
“One more thing,” the angel stated. “You will be spared from great harm because of your accident. Just some of the blessings the Lord is bringing through it is that the doctor who worked on you is astounded you weren’t more seriously injured, and is reconsidering his view of God.”
“Also, precautionary tests taken following the crash revealed a medical issue you need to know about. It’s not serious now, but it would be later if not discovered. And it wouldn’t have been discovered if not for the accident.”
“There are many other blessings being brought to you through this attack as well … not the least of which is that you were given a view of the invisible reality. Treasure it. Share it. Celebrate it!”
Jonrus was gone, as was Bobby’s view of the unseen spiritual world. His eyes opened to once again see the seen, but his view of it was never the same.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2 Kings 6:10-17
So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places. This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”
“None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”
“Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.
When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.
“Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
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Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies)
You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light
Whom shall I fear
You crush the enemy
Underneath my feet
You are my sword and shield
Though troubles linger still
Whom shall I fear
I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
My strength is in Your name
For You alone can save
You will deliver me
Yours is the victory
Whom shall I fear (whom shall I fear)
Whom shall I fear
I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
And nothing formed against me shall stand
You hold the whole world in Your hands
I’m holding on to Your promises
You are faithful, You are faithful
I know who goes before me
I know who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
The one who reigns forever
He is a friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
Songwriters: Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Scott Mctyeire Cash.
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