Abounding in Thanksgiving

My wife and I are getting away for a few days, (something for which I’m very thankful!), so here’s this week’s post … a little early!
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I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I definitely don’t thank God enough for the blessings he has showered into my life. Perhaps you can relate, and can sidle next to me on my bench of shame?
I am so very, very blessed by God! And you are too!
It would be completely appropriate for me (and you) to be engrossed in an ongoing prayer of thanksgiving. But … that hasn’t been my custom.
The problems, the challenges, the obligations and responsibilities I hold, and the hassles, frustrations and busyness of life keep me distracted – and keep the words of thanks silenced in both my mind and mouth. Satan and my sinful, selfish flesh strive (effectively!) to keep me more focused on the negatives than the positives – which, of course, doesn’t encourage thanksgiving.
But thankfully, there are moments when thankfulness bursts from my heart; occasions when profound gratefulness overwhelms all the other distractions.
Like when I reflect yet again on the Lord’s love for me … a love that moved Jesus to step down to earth, not to be acclaimed by earth’s residents, but to be rejected by them. To be crucified by them for them – for you, for me!
And when I remember that though Jesus died, he didn’t stay dead. He rose off the cold, hard burial shelf, exited his tomb and ascended back to his heavenly home to prepare a place there for you and me.
Yet, his blessings aren’t only future blessings to be experienced someday when we transition from this world to the next. His love impacts us every day with his abiding presence, guidance, provision, protection and peace.
These spiritual truths move me to abounding thanksgiving!
As does a difficult, even impossible, situation resolved solely through God’s intervention. Or a close call where it was clearly God’s strong hand that kept me from being hurt (or worse!). Likewise, when someone dear to me was miraculously spared. These definitely elicit thanksgiving to a gracious God!
But day-to-day activities can sometimes prompt the same response. Nature especially has this effect on me. A hike in God’s creation, a spectacular view spread out before me, a glorious sunset, experiencing the woods waking up on a deer stand, or the lake easing into night on our dock – these elicit thanksgiving too.
Sometimes it’s just “normal” events. My latest experience of this was when our entire family was together at our new “house on the lake,” as we have come to call it. As I looked around me, seeing precious family members … as I listened to loved ones’ voices all around me … as we interacted in conversation and activities … I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving over and over and over again. How good is our God!
There are definitely circumstances that naturally pull thankfulness from our souls. But I want thankfulness to be a natural part of my everyday existence!
Even when something goes wrong. Even when the car breaks down, or the funds are falling low, or the stresses are mounting, or the body is struggling or failing. Because even then our God is good! Our God is always good! And his love and faithfulness to us never ever ends.
As I consider this, it seems to me that focusing on the word “always” might be helpful. The Lord is always faithful, so we can be always thankful.
In fact, sometimes God’s greatest blessings come through our greatest hardships. It’s difficult for us to see it that way. Especially in the midst of those challenging moments. But it’s true nonetheless.
When we recognize this wonderful truth even in the valleys … when we trust our good and gracious God even in the storms … then we are “not anxious about anything,” but have “the peace of God that transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:6-7).
It’s a peace centered on our all-sufficient Lord; it’s a peace that fosters abounding thankfulness … no matter the circumstances.
“… Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:18-20).
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One thought on “Abounding in Thanksgiving”
Well said as usual, Pastor Dave! I am again moved by your true words that have arrived in my life at just the right time. Thank you for taking the time to offer these reflections even in the midst of your own busy life serving God’s people. I’m convicted again that I need to offer gratitude at all times–easy or hard–with His Holy Spirit. We’re in WI M this weekend for my 50th high school reunion and to visit family. “Give thanks to Lord for he is good! His love is everlasting.” Hope you have a nice break!
Ps…thanks for reposting your reflection on Heaven being the place of endless Hellos and no Goidbyes. I’ve used this several times with others to their delight.
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