A Simple Smile

This world needs more smiles. For that matter, the people in your world need more smiles! In fact, I would be glad to be on the receiving end of a few more smiles myself.
It seems that smiles are becoming a bit rarer these days. Of course, our masks cover our mouths, so that certainly contributes to the issue. Perhaps that plays a larger role even than we think? Not that people can’t see our smiles, but that we aren’t smiling more.
We’ve been struggling through this pandemic. We have even more personal frustrations and challenges than usual. We’re tired of wearing masks. We’re weary of reclusing in our houses for so many activities we would normally go out for. We’re so ready for this all to be over. And on top of these virus-related issues, there’s all the other troubling “situations” in our society and our world.
Consequently, we probably don’t feel like smiling as often as before. But as someone once said, “You haven’t lost your smile at all. It’s right under your nose. You just forgot it was there!”
Putting on a smile is perhaps the most important thing we don in the morning, and the most important thing we wear. Yet, it’s often the accoutrement that doesn’t make our attire for the day. Or at least not as often as it could or should. To which Jim Beggs states, “Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.”
A simple and sincere smile costs a person nothing to give, but pours a wealth of treasure into another person’s day. The person who provides it is none-the-poorer, while the person who receives that gift is certainly richer.
Even if you have to smile under your mask … smile! The rest of your face will pass the gesture along. And think of all the family members around whom you don’t wear a mask. (You know, those most important people in your world!) That smile you grace them with in the moment will almost certainly contribute to a brighter, better day for them. A smile is the key that fits the lock on everyone’s heart.
To this end, here are some key concepts for us to bear in mind as we work our way through our days, even in a pandemic; things that will help us smile more readily.
The first key is that we focus on our blessings and not our hardships. We may have many difficulties, but we have even more blessings from our God. No matter what struggles we are enduring, Jesus is still risen, we are still forgiven, we are still loved by God, and we are still saved by God’s grace.
Key number two is that we realize we have a gift we can give. A simple loving smile is simply precious to whomever it is aimed at.
The third key is to recognize that maybe, just maybe, our smile and our kindness might be a silent testimony to other Christians who are down and don’t really feel like smiling. They realize we are still rejoicing in our Lord, no matter the circumstances. Smiling is contagious; maybe our smile will spark a smile on their face.
In addition, our smile might possibly be something that moves an unbeliever to find out what makes us tick. Why can we smile when so much of life seems to stink? Perhaps it opens the door to an opportunity to testify about the Savior?
Finally, smiles show love. Jesus said, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).
The Lord underscores this concept in the book of Ephesians: “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger … Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31-22).
Simply showing and sharing a smile is generally a simple thing to do, but it’s not simple to the one who sees it; that smile is significant! So smile, and brighten someone’s day. And probably, in the process, your day too!
3 thoughts on “A Simple Smile”
I love that my smile looks great with every outfit I own! It is the least expensive assessory I have that I
can pick out to wear.
I actually had an a very old lady stop me in a grocery store years ago and tell me that my whole face lit up when I smiled & she said I should never stop. I do try to smile for her (regardless of the wrinkles I have because of it…lol!)
I’m looking forward to seeing your blog now that I have found it!
Awesome, Bart! I’m looking forward to you reading it!
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