A Mountain of a God!

In my humble point of view, there is nothing quite as visually impressive as a mountain. Rising up from the land, jutting high into the sky and dominating the horizon, mountains can take your breath away with their majesty.
And is there anything else in the world that seems as immovable as a mountain? Is there anything as unchangeable as that monstrous piece of solid stone? Anything as eternal as that rock-hard, in-your-face, unable-to-be ignored piece of granite? Anything as invincible as that unbending, unyielding, undeniably solid wall of rock?
In reality the mountains can and do change. The rock on the mountains is slowly eroding. Glaciers, ice and snow impact the heights. Landslides happen. Volcanic mountains can blow their tops, as we know only too well here in Washington. Humans can scar and change the mountain face.
Yet, I submit that there is nothing else on earth that seems as reliable as a mountain. There is nothing else in the world that seems as immovable, unchangeable, eternal, or invincible as a mountain
Consequently, the mountains are a magnificent picture of God’s power and protection. The Lord truly IS immovable, unchangeable, eternal, and invincible … just like a mountain seems to be.
That’s exactly how David describes the Lord. “Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” (Psalm 62:5-8).
Fitting words as we close down a tumultuous year and embark upon another potentially challenging one!
I am confident that every one of us will acknowledge that it is God alone who is “my rock, my fortress, my refuge, my salvation, my rest,” and “my hope.” We agree with those statements verbally and mentally, and yet all too often that’s not how we live our lives. We are constantly tempted to look elsewhere for our joy and security.
Whenever we are leaning on the things of this world to support us, we have moved our life’s foundation from the mountain that is God to shifting sand that is most definitely not.
As David states so clearly in Psalm 62, it is God alone who can fill all our needs. He is our “go-to God” for everything! And indeed, he carries quite a resume’. Rock! Fortress! Refuge! Plus, he’s our salvation, rest, and hope as well! Sounds like exactly what we need (Who we need!) as we roll into another year.
The Bible actually contains about 50 references to God as the Rock. In other words, it’s a picture that the Lord wants his people to remember and embrace. Clearly, it’s a picture that is intended to bring God’s people comfort. And indeed it does!
It’s important to note that many of the Bible’s 50 references to God as the Rock imply that believers are grounded in that Rock. Half a dozen other times the Bible stresses specifically the importance of being on the Rock. In other words, not only is there no alternate for the Rock that is the Lord, but there is also no substitute for being on that Rock.
In fact, it’s crucial that we are not only ON the Rock, but IN the Rock! A person can build a house on top of the largest rock on earth, but if that house has no connection to the rock, it is destined to collapse. Rather, a house built on a rock has to be anchored in that rock. And when it is, there is nothing that can shake it.
So it is with us. The Lord makes it clear that he is our Rock upon which we find our stability, strength, safety, help and hope. But the only way we will reap the benefits of the Rock is if our spiritual roots are sunk down deep into him. And when our foundation is the Lord and his Word then, as David writes, we “will not be shaken.”
As we embark on 2021, after enduring 2020, there certainly is no shortage of uncertainty and instability in our world and our lives. All the more reason to be centered on the unchangeable, eternal, invincible, immovable Rock that is our God!
Is there anything quite like a mountain? I don’t think so. It’s a picture of stability and power. And that is exactly what our God is. He is the mighty rock, the mountain that cannot be shaken. What an excellent place to be anchored at the beginning of a new year, and always!
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